NoSorry, I didn't spoil that for you did I? :-/
NoSorry, I didn't spoil that for you did I? :-/
Oh, OK. I guess I got another artifact that seemed like it was the one I needed.
I just don't get one thing.
Why did they feel the need to sex up the females in this game so goddamn much. There are more double-D cup sets of breasts onboard my Normandy than there are goddamn assault rifles.
I'm not one to complain about things like this, but it's starting to get a bit weird. The tits of my personal assistant are constantly clipping into her hands and arms, as if they just set the boob slider to 10, and called it a day.
Even goddamn EDI is a hot, big-breasted robotic vixen now, Miranda's ass has gotten even more gigantic, and Ashley's and Liara's women-parts have ballooned up just like the rest.
I haven't even found the rest of the old squad yet, but I fully expect them to be the same. Is there something in the water in the ME universe?
But do you prefer no AA over FXAA?I haven't seen FXAA that doesn't look noticeably more blurry than MSAA. I'd much prefer to go with the latter.
So much awesome shit happened in the past 3 hours. The reviewers weren't lying when they said the game picks up around the 15 hour mark. The game was already hella good once I got past the intro, but it keeps getting better with every mission.
I want to talk about it all, but I'll just put the highlights. Mid-game spoilers by the way.
ME3 is going to be almost a completely different game with my Renegade Shepard. I can't even begin to think what it will be like when I do my Genocide run in ME2. I'm seeing that the ambition of a branching story across three games is finally paying off. I'm seeing that War Assets is the representation of all the past and present decisions I've made. It's a great system, and I can't wait to see how the final battle will end up for me.
I think I was able to pick up like 2 sidequests the first time I landed there. You start picking up a LOT of sidequests after the first Citadel visit and after completing the first mission.
Are you sure?I walked around and talked to everyone, listened to some people talking but it wouldn't let me engage in anything, and only had access to a few places. Not a single sidequest popped up for me.
Are you sure?I walked around and talked to everyone, listened to some people talking but it wouldn't let me engage in anything, and only had access to a few places. Not a single sidequest popped up for me.
Guess that's not really a spoiler.
LMAO, spoilers about EDI (early in the game)anybody just burst out laughing at Shepard's face when EDI said "I only forget to recycle the Normandy's oxygen if I find some reaaally intriguing Shepard"..."that was a joke" or something like that. Perfect cringing WTF face there by Shep XD.
Anyone can do that.
am I alone or does the camera seem to freaking close in? I want to pull it out a bit more...
dirty mind![]()
Maybe it's been asked but shouldn't all spoiler discussions go in the spoiler thread.
There was a spoiler meltdown in the reviews thread and it's scary entering here
Maybe it's been asked but shouldn't all spoiler discussions go in the spoiler thread.
There was a spoiler meltdown in the reviews thread and it's scary entering here
Okay I've decided I want to buy the PC version of ME3 instead of the PS3 one.
But I remember playing ME2 on PC and the graphics looked much better. Why do the graphics look shit on this game?
What is the word regarding a high-resolution texture pack?
Are the graphics actually better looking than ME2 and the console ME3 verisons, or are they the same?
Okay I've decided I want to buy the PC version of ME3 instead of the PS3 one.
But I remember playing ME2 on PC and the graphics looked much better. Why do the graphics look shit on this game?
What is the word regarding a high-resolution texture pack?
Are the graphics actually better looking than ME2 and the console ME3 verisons, or are they the same?
Has anyone confirmed whether or not that save editor works on the PC version/does anyone happen to have the link to it? I want to start a Fem shepard but dont really want to redo me 2 at this point :/
Okay I've decided I want to buy the PC version of ME3 instead of the PS3 one.
But I remember playing ME2 on PC and the graphics looked much better. Why do the graphics look shit on this game?
What is the word regarding a high-resolution texture pack?
Are the graphics actually better looking than ME2 and the console ME3 verisons, or are they the same?
Yeah I got lazy and just tried forcing regular 4x MSAA in RadeonPro like I did before but I got that too (though not as noticeably bad as yours). The default FXAA is okay I suppose, I don't really notice the blurring that badly (though they do kinda just abuse DOF in general during cutscenes)Anybody else getting weird neon flickering on the edges of some polyongs? It flickers very rapidly as I move around.
Yeah I met her again on the Citadel (if that's a spoiler)Please tell me we see Jack more than that first time. And before the ending.
But I remember playing ME2 on PC and the graphics looked much better. Why do the graphics look shit on this game?
I felt the same initially but I think it may be nostalgia talking.
Just do what I'm going to do: finish game with your canon male Shep and replay game with a downloaded save that involves almost everyone dying in ME2 and renegade choices everywhere.
Finally got into this last night.
Is it me, or were there more lines in the intro than in the same portion covered in the demo? There were 2 or 3 comments of Anderson's that I felt made the conversation feel more informative and less idiotic. It didn't really help the intro feel less like a giant plothole, but it bothered me a lot less.
So, after switching from shitty PS3 version to PC version I'm actually starting to like this game. Still, it's probably the last BioWare game I buy, I feel like a cheated idiot for buying it on PS3. Seriously, my 4-years-old laptop handles this game better than my PS3. Talk about some poor optimalisation.
Yeah, I don't know what's up with that. The PS3 port is simply unacceptable in 2012. Most other UE3 games have managed to stack up very well against the 360 versions in the last year so it's kind of surprising to find ME3 in such poor condition.So, after switching from shitty PS3 version to PC version I'm actually starting to like this game. Still, it's probably the last BioWare game I buy, I feel like a cheated idiot for buying it on PS3. Seriously, my 4-years-old laptop handles this game better than my PS3. Talk about some poor optimalisation.
Been up to 2:00 AM playing this game two nights in a row. It's fucking awesome.
About 6-7 hours in, just saw Jokerout in the Citadel Presidium and had a convo with EDI about romance. I really hope Bioware listened to the shippers out there and Joker gets his robo loving on just for the lols.
Haven't gotten that much farther than you, but I can already tell that will probably happen lol.