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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I think Insanity isn't that bad once you work out a way to deal with Cerberus turrets. The other enemy types haven't been as bad, outside of the Reaper

My engineer switched from drones to flame turrets because the combat drone is useless on Insanity, for me at least. They get popped in one shot and boosting their shielding means you lose out on their ability to stun, or your own power damage bonuses. Flame turrets can't tank, but they're effective on organic enemies.

I still spam Overload more than any other ability in the game. The chain + neural shock is still ridiculous.

- J - D -

People are saying the dialogue in the first third of the game is shit, but there are so many small, amazing exchanges between Shepphard and his crew.my favorite so far, for example is when you first all to Garrus after he joins you on the Normandy (not a spoiler),and you ask him about his family. Shepard will say "I'm sure they're alright."

Garrus responds by expressing his distaste for that trite formality, but when Shepard's mother is brought up, Garrus says, awkwardly but sincerely, "I'm sure she's alright."

Small moment, but it made me smile.
I just played an entire day. From around 10 AM to midnight, with a few hours' break in between. This game... It's good.

Nitpick: so few squadmates! I think I'm about halfway through the game and I have only five. I assume
at least Ashley's coming back
, but it's really getting delayed.I'm not taking
the sexbot
with me, so that just leaves four, and that's with the DLC installed. Speaking of which, the DLC character's way cooler than I would've imagined. I love the lore he's providing, and the way
the Protheans
are being portrayed.

My main crew is Liara and Garrus. Garrus' Overload and Concussive Shot and Liara's Singularity and Warp are great complements to my Vanguard. And with the new weight system, I'm juggling my own powers like it's nothing. Since I can't use Reave because Kaidan's a smoldering pile of ash, I've mapped Slam on my right bumper instead. Pulling enemies out of cover and then either charging into them or slamming them back into the ground's fantastic, especially if you can do it a gazillion times in rapid succession. I barely even touch Nova or Shockwave anymore, unless I find myself completely surrounded.

Basically, the combat in this game is soo good. I'm having a blast, and then some. I've also come across some fantastic missions by now, especially the ones on
. The one with
the bomb
has a great opening segment, and the Shroud mission (I think that's vague enough) is just plain awesome from start to finish. That segment from the 'Against All Odds'-trailer may have looked cheesy and lame in video form, but when you're playing it's a non-stop explosion in your pants. Oh, and
fuck the salarians
. Except
Mordin, may he rest in peace

Oh, and Shepard gets to use a flashlight now. I dunno why I'm so excited about that, but I am. It's awesome. Those 'stumble around in the dark'-parts are really cool. I only wish we could activate it ourselves to troll the enemy or something.

And I'm starting to realize why this game is so big: they had to calculate in a lot of shit. I can't even imagine what the aforementioned Shroud mission would look like if my ME1 and 2 playthroughs had gone very differently.

Another nitpick: the galaxy map... It kinda sucks now. Your fuel runs out faster than in ME2, and the new scanning mechanic is awful. I often only can scan once or twice before the Reapers try to turn me into swiss cheese. Returning after every mission to the systems I got chased out of before I could find everything has become a routine, and there's some systems where I just can't seem to find it all. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the planet scanning from ME2.

I also miss ME2's heavy weapons. They're pickups now, which is lame. I miss my Blackstorm and Arc Projector. I picked up that
Reaper Darkstar weapon
, but I only found it after I cleared the area, so there was nothing left for me to obliterate it with. :(

Last thing I can think of: I think I ran into a bugged sidequest. I have to look for an item to give to a salarian on the Citadel, but can't find it anywhere. I've checked a guide, and it told me to check the Spectre Requisitions terminal, but the only things there are those ridiculously overpriced weapons I'm too poor to buy. Anyone have an idea?


People are saying the dialogue in the first third of the game is shit, but there are so many small, amazing exchanges between Shepphard and his crew.my favorite so far, for example is when you first all to Garrus after he joins you on the Normandy (not a spoiler),and you ask him about his family. Shepard will say "I'm sure they're alright."

Garrus responds by expressing his distaste for that trite formality, but when Shepard's mother is brought up, he says, awkwardly, "I'm sure she's alright."

Small moment, but it made me smile.

Yeah, I love the banter between the NPCs. Garrus in particular just going all around the ship shooting the shit with the guys on Normandy.

The actual saving-the-galaxy quest isn't pulling me along--it's to see old faces and to find out just what happens to them that's making me keep going. In that regard, I guess it's the ultimate fanservice game, which I'm fine with. Hope the ending isn't omgwtf stupid so I can keep this warm fuzzy feeling about the game going.


The dialogue is solid, and the humor works far better than it ever did in the previous games, especially since they don't basically limit the decent lines to Joker (and Wrex in ME1). Wrex had a fun dry sense of humor in ME1 and they've transferred that to Garrus with great effectiveness.

Garrus is awesome in this.
My short and sweet take:

Mass Effect 3 starts out INCREDIBLY strong, but it never goes far enough or hard enough to provide a satisfying payoff for dozens of hours worth of playtime in the prequel.

Still a great game, no doubt, but a little disappointing.


Yeah, I love the banter between the NPCs. Garrus in particular just going all around the ship shooting the shit with the guys on Normandy.

The actual saving-the-galaxy quest isn't pulling me along--it's to see old faces and to find out just what happens to them that's making me keep going. In that regard, I guess it's the ultimate fanservice game, which I'm fine with. Hope the ending isn't omgwtf stupid so I can keep this warm fuzzy feeling about the game going.

My favorite moment thus far is a Liara moment:
When she tells you about how she's making her own version of Vigil, and that she's making an entry on you. There's a lot of great friend stuff going there, then the whole idea that they're preparing for the idea that they might lose but going to at least try to help the next group beat the cycle is so moving...

I think it's possibly my favorite moment in the series.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

Man, this Insanity playthrough is going to be a BITCH.

I actually completely agree. 3 has better combat than 1, and in every other way, is better than 2. I thought 2 was a serious low point for the series.

I still think 1 takes the cake in terms of story, but the gunplay was so bad that 3 comes out on top.


People are saying the dialogue in the first third of the game is shit, but there are so many small, amazing exchanges between Shepphard and his crew.my favorite so far, for example is when you first all to Garrus after he joins you on the Normandy (not a spoiler),and you ask him about his family. Shepard will say "I'm sure they're alright."

Garrus responds by expressing his distaste for that trite formality, but when Shepard's mother is brought up, Garrus says, awkwardly but sincerely, "I'm sure she's alright."

Small moment, but it made me smile.

Ah, damn. I actually avoided giving the formality figuring that he wouldn't care for it, but it seems as if I missed a great little snippet. I forget that this game has no real punishment for pissing people off. Relationships are static aside from the romancin.


God damn, dat Javelin sniper rifle. The first rank of the gun is already better than the rank 5 sniper rifle I've used pretty much the entire game...even without mods on it.

The only problem I have is you have to hold the fire button down as there's like a 0.5 second charge up on each shot. It makes it harder to hit a moving target, but that's why they invented Stasis :p


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Last thing I can think of: I think I ran into a bugged sidequest. I have to look for an item to give to a salarian on the Citadel, but can't find it anywhere. I've checked a guide, and it told me to check the Spectre Requisitions terminal, but the only things there are those ridiculously overpriced weapons I'm too poor to buy. Anyone have an idea?

Which Salarian? if he's in Huerta, you have to get it in a mission.


My favorite moment thus far is a Liara moment:
When she tells you about how she's making her own version of Vigil, and that she's making an entry on you. There's a lot of great friend stuff going there, then the whole idea that they're preparing for the idea that they might lose but going to at least try to help the next group beat the cycle is so moving...

I think it's possibly my favorite moment in the series.

That was an incredible moment. Especially coming off what had happened before.


brazen editing lynx
(near endgame spoilers)

LOLOLOLOL. Just walked in on
Garrus and Tali making out. I don't see how they were doing it with her helmet on, but it was hilarious nonetheless.


Unconfirmed Member
I think Insanity isn't that bad once you work out a way to deal with Cerberus turrets. The other enemy types haven't been as bad, outside of the Reaper

Definitely my most hated enemy so far. I've only managed to play a few missions so far, but those damn turrets have killed me more than anything else. I'm playing a soldier on insanity and if a turret locks on to you when you are out of cover you are dead. I'm seriously thinking about bringing out a mantis with me just so that I can headshot combat engineers before they get a chance to drop those turrets all over the damn map!
Which Salarian? if he's in Huerta, you have to get it in a mission.

No, the citadel commons, I think. The item's called Heating Unit Stabilizer. Though now the guide says the item's only unlocked after I do a certain mission, so I'll have to try that tomorrow.


- Choosing between the Turians or the Geth. I thought the Turians were more valuable for the fight, so I killed the Geth and had Legion attack me/get killed by Tali. I felt like a cunt for that.

3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

Man, this Insanity playthrough is going to be a BITCH.

About that spoiler :

It AMAZES me how many people apparantly have to choose, when there's a BLUE MAGIC or RED MAGIC dialogue option available to save both species. Probably because it's the only MAGIC option where it's not straight-up related to Reputation Points, but rather on past actions from ME2 and some sidequests in ME3.

But even so, amazes me how many people apparantly did not have enough of these actions to save both.
So I'm eating that crow hard. Mostly.

I'll just get it out of the way: This is the best Mass Effect game. Yup, I said it. Anyone who knows me will know how much I love the first game and how disappointed I was with the second. This feels like a true sequel to Mass Effect in pretty much every way and Bioware not only redeemed themselves for 2 but made a game that had everything I loved about the first game and then some. I stand by my skepticism because 2 was a shocking drop in quality and all signs pointed towards 3 being just as bad, but this is one case where I am very, very happy to be wrong.

This is so me... Amazing game so far and I am only 5 hours in. Love everything about it. I have 0..ZERO complaints.


Just finished my playthrough for the day, 7 and a half hours in. That
Grissom Academy mission was so good, it got so intense towards the end and it was really nice to see Jack like that.

Got to the Citadel for the second time and it's started to open up. I shed a man-tear when
I met Thane. I love him.

I love it so far besides a few things.

Too tired to elaborate further... I hope I have time to play more tomorrow.


Definitely my most hated enemy so far. I've only managed to play a few missions so far, but those damn turrets have killed me more than anything else. I'm playing a soldier on insanity and if a turret locks on to you when you are out of cover you are dead. I'm seriously thinking about bringing out a mantis with me just so that I can headshot combat engineers before they get a chance to drop those turrets all over the damn map!

I can't wait till I get Tali. Not only was I going to use her plenty on my team since I didn't really in the previous games, but she can hack those damn turrets.


I said I'd wait for a huge price drop after I didn't like the demo.

I caved, and now I'm eating crow. I'm really liking this game, it's so much better than ME2. I've only put about 6 hours in due to a brutal work schedule, can't wait to play a load at the weekend.

I know this has probably been asked a lot, but can you get 100% readiness without too much trouble in SP only? I have no interest in the MP.


Urgh..... I don't know what the hell happened but my Shepard just got reset to level 1 from 38 out of nowhere. Tried reloading a previous save but to no avail. The strange thing is, all of my squadmates are still 36/37. Has anybody else experienced this bug? All of my abilities and skill points have completely vanished.


I said I'd wait for a huge price drop after I didn't like the demo.

I caved, and now I'm eating crow. I'm really liking this game, it's so much better than ME2. I've only put about 6 hours in due to a brutal work schedule, can't wait to play a load at the weekend.

I know this has probably been asked a lot, but can you get 100% readiness without too much trouble in SP only? I have no interest in the MP.

They said you can get the perfect ending without playing the MP at all, so I wouldn't worry about it.


About to hit 13 hours and haven't hit the 3rd main mission yet. Crazy.

Still loving the game although not as much as 2 yet. I've actually really grown to hate the fact that you can't holster your weapon. It seems to cut the view down.


About to hit 13 hours and haven't hit the 3rd main mission yet. Crazy.

Still loving the game although not as much as 2 yet. I've actually really grown to hate the fact that you can't holster your weapon. It seems to cut the view down.

Yeah it did. Holstering also had the benefit of backing the camera up further behind Shep.


Urgh..... I don't know what the hell happened but my Shepard just got reset to level 1 from 38 out of nowhere. Tried reloading a previous save but to no avail. The strange thing is, all of my squadmates are still 36/37. Has anybody else experienced this bug? All of my abilities and skill points have completely vanished.
The same thing is happening in multiplayer except people lose all their unlocked weapons and characters. Worse yet, if they spent real money on those packs EA won't refund them :(


I think we need to start a turret support group. I'm sure the things irk everyone.

I think my favorite Turret moment was in the big battle at the
, when an engineer flanked me and set one up on a ledge above the entrance. That was a fast game over.


Early game:
Edi having a body
has been nowhere near as awkward as I thought it'd be. Funny though. So funny.
Is anyone else taking their sweet time with ME3 as opposed to ME2?

I am about 24 hours in and I am talking to everyone and doing every quest I can. I really want to go all out. I am at
the part where you just destroyed the Geth Dreadnaught. Very cool. <3 Legion.

I am doing the exact same thing and am at the exact same part. I've been talking to everyone, doing every side quest, and scanning every cluster. My ME2 playthrough was about 25 hours in total, my ME3 playthrough thus far is closing in at 23 hours and I still have a fair bit of main story to do and probably more side quests.

Loving every minute.


Hahaha I'm loving this new sniper rifle so much. Some asshole thought he'd get cute and launch a missile at me but I sniped it. The bullet went through the missile and hit him in the head, exploding his whole body since this thing is so damn powerful. My old one would have just popped his head off and probably wouldn't have even made it past the missle.
People are saying the dialogue in the first third of the game is shit, but there are so many small, amazing exchanges between Shepphard and his crew.my favorite so far, for example is when you first all to Garrus after he joins you on the Normandy (not a spoiler),and you ask him about his family. Shepard will say "I'm sure they're alright."

Garrus responds by expressing his distaste for that trite formality, but when Shepard's mother is brought up, Garrus says, awkwardly but sincerely, "I'm sure she's alright."

Small moment, but it made me smile.

My Shepard is an orphan :(


I'd be in the dick
I think I may have gotten locked out of a side quest but it seems like a glitch, not something that's supposed to happen. It's one of the ones available after Palaven.
When I talked to the Sederis in prison I chose the paragon option to try to find another way. The thing is I can't talk to her again and when I go to Bailey to talk to him he just tells me to come back when I talk to Sederis, even though you automatically call him then. Aria doesn't say anything about it either.
Am I screwed? I may just try again after another ground mission to see if it gets reset or something.


I think my favorite Turret moment was in the big battle at the
, when an engineer flanked me and set one up on a ledge above the entrance. That was a fast game over.

That battle was fucking ridiculous.

I accidentally rolled off a ledge into a mosh pit with 2 engineers, 2 turrets and about 7 or 8 other soldiers. Horrible.


I think I may have gotten locked out of a side quest but it seems like a glitch, not something that's supposed to happen. It's one of the ones available after Palaven.
When I talked to the Sederis in prison I chose the paragon option to try to find another way. The thing is I can't talk to her again and when I go to Bailey to talk to him he just tells me to come back when I talk to Sederis, even though you automatically call him then. Aria doesn't say anything about it either.
Am I screwed? I may just try again after another ground mission to see if it gets reset or something.

No, you're just not done with it. The inmate gives you a very precise (almost in your face) clue about who you could strike a deal with instead.
I think I may have gotten locked out of a side quest but it seems like a glitch, not something that's supposed to happen. It's one of the ones available after Palaven.
When I talked to the Sederis in prison I chose the paragon option to try to find another way. The thing is I can't talk to her again and when I go to Bailey to talk to him he just tells me to come back when I talk to Sederis, even though you automatically call him then. Aria doesn't say anything about it either.
Am I screwed? I may just try again after another ground mission to see if it gets reset or something.

She mentioned someone in her rantings. Go talk to them.


What kind of backlash? The bigots at Bioware Social Network is not surprising though.

A few days ago a video leaked with Male Shepard and the Shuttle Pilot guy romance scenes. It was taken down from Youtube because of how many negative votes it got. Somebody even claimed they mailed it to Fox News.

We all know Kaiden is the way better option anyways. =P


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
No, the citadel commons, I think. The item's called Heating Unit Stabilizer. Though now the guide says the item's only unlocked after I do a certain mission, so I'll have to try that tomorrow.

Ah yes, that one. Yeah, I have the mission, too, but I'm starting to realize the game gives you side quests before you're actually able to complete them, which in my book, is pretty stupid.

A few days ago a video leaked with Male Shepard and the Shuttle Pilot guy romance scenes. It was taken down from Youtube because of how many negative votes it got. Somebody even claimed they mailed it to Fox News.

We all know Kaiden is the way better option anyways. =P

Well, I'm glad they have gay romance options in the game this time. My character in DA1 had a gay romance with the elf assassin, and while I appreciated that the option was there, the whole thing felt silly, because it wasn't taken seriously. The whole thing was silly gay sexual innuendo.


Hahaha I'm loving this new sniper rifle so much. Some asshole thought he'd get cute and launch a missile at me but I sniped it. The bullet went through the missile and hit him in the head, exploding his whole body since this thing is so damn powerful. My old one would have just popped his head off and probably wouldn't have even made it past the missle.
I noticed this when piloting the atlas but there's a gun that can do that? Jesus

That battle was fucking ridiculous.

I accidentally rolled off a ledge into a mosh pit with 2 engineers, 2 turrets and about 7 or 8 other soldiers. Horrible.
should've rolled vanguard,overload+warp+nova+charge=everybody dead


I think my favorite Turret moment was in the big battle at the
, when an engineer flanked me and set one up on a ledge above the entrance. That was a fast game over.

I was climbing up a ladder on Tuchanka and halfway up I thought to myself "there's probably a turret waiting for me at the top." So I tried stop going up the ladder but it's automatic, and sure enough when I got to the top there was a turret barrel staring me in the face. I tried to backflip off the ledge but it still wet me up and my Shepard fell unceremoniously to earth, riddled with bullets. I destroyed the engineer upon reloading.


My favorite moment thus far is a Liara moment:
When she tells you about how she's making her own version of Vigil, and that she's making an entry on you. There's a lot of great friend stuff going there, then the whole idea that they're preparing for the idea that they might lose but going to at least try to help the next group beat the cycle is so moving...

I think it's possibly my favorite moment in the series.

That moment is my favorite in the series. Wonderfully sweet few minutes.


I noticed this when piloting the atlas but there's a gun that can do that? Jesus

Yeah this one I found is like some super plasma sniper. That's what that 0.5 second charge on each shot is, charging it up I guess. At least the sound it makes is like it's charging up briefly.

It weighs more and carries less ammo than mine but like I said it's only a rank 1. Once I beef this monster up to 5 or 6 I can't even imagine how beastly it'll be.


This game can get pretty sad ='(

I just finished the Priority:
The Citadel
mission (mid game spoilers?). That
was pretty badass but fuck him for what he did =(

First Tuchanka and now this!
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