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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Game finally unlocked for me today. Yay.

...and just finished plaything through Arrival last night, and my actions in it were mentioned in the first 5 mins of playing ME3. Awesome.


I think I'm about 8 hours in.

Question about a mission you get before Sur'Kesh:
I was really happy with David's appearance on Grissom, how does the situation play out if you never played overlord/you let archer keep his brother? I also like this version of Jack a lot better than her ME2 personality, glad that mac walters wasn't completely talking out of his ass with regards to Jack's changes in this game.


I think I'm about 8 hours in.

Question about a mission you get before Sur'Kesh:
I was really happy with David's appearance on Grissom, how does the situation play out if you never played overlord/you let archer keep his brother? I also like this version of Jack a lot better than her ME2 personality, glad that mac walters wasn't completely talking out of his ass with regards to Jack's changes in this game.

I suppose you just don't get the weapons.

Jedeye Sniv

One more sleep! Can't wait to get stuck into this tomorrow with my Paragon femshep. Been a long time coming :D I haven't even been reading this thread, so I don't know if you lot think the game is a piece of shit or not (this is NeoGAF dude...). I hope it's good though. I miss these characters.


Kind of a shame that they apparently just replaced previous dead characters with body doubles with similar lines, but fewer since they have no history with you. Though I guess it would have taken too long to create new situations for each potential dead character.


I'd be in the dick
Nothing awkward about it or surprising, though I do wonder about the scale of this backlash. Where is it coming from? BSN? Fox News?

There are gay people in ME3, and it's not even in your face about it, but there will always be homophobic reactions to this kind of inclusion. Not much to talk about, IMO.

I really have enjoyed the way they've handled gay characters so far. They don't bring any extra attention to it like I feel some games would. They just move on with their story as they're telling it. I like that. It's obviously not done as any kind of statement, it's just there to represent demographics better.


So BioWare where the fuck is my grain option? It was in the first two games (turned on by default one must note) and now it is completely gone? Umm yeah.

That is all.

- J - D -

Question: are there any Turian, Salarian, or Batarian females in ME3? I'm only about 4 hours in and haven't seen one. Garrus says he has a sister. Hmm.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Mid game spoils:
Fucking Udina, piece of shit. So satisfying to have his character resolved, and obliterated. Made sense too, and is oddly something I never thought about.


I'd be in the dick
Question: are there any Turian, Salarian, or Batarian females in ME3? I'm only about 4 hours in and haven't seen one.

I've seen a decent number of female salarians around the Presidium Embassy.
One of them is on the council.
They look the same except they're wearing hoods.


Having Shep pick up sidequests just by overhearing conversations is ocd hell. It's like they're punishing me for my usual standing in on every dialogue.


Mid game spoils:
Fucking Udina, piece of shit. So satisfying to have his character resolved, and obliterated. Made sense too, and is oddly something I never thought about.

By far my favorite part of the game so far. I haven't gotten too much further in the main story than that though.


I think I imported the wrong character... 2,5 hours down the drain. I downloaded all the old dlc and loaded up me2 and even though I do not remember ever playing as an infiltrator, that save file have every mission done and Kelly alive and the most play time of all. This is weird :S Restarting now! The file is from 2005 it says so it must be an me1 imported file so it must be the correct one as my others are from 2010.


So the saves transfer just fine now after the patch?

No idea, just guessing.


What class are you playing?

Adept at the moment but will change to Vanguard or Sentinel. I noticed i don't particularly like Adept, despite the awesome biotics, lack of anti-shield power and lack of quick buttons (on 360) makes the class pretty much unplayable with more than 3 powers and a controller that may eject me from cover ("sticky" sticks) if using the power wheel.
My Adept's playstyle depends on Pull, not Singularity. I make draw enemies at me when i want and limit their advancing. I don't use Singularity aggressively (have had enough of that in ME/ME2) and then there's overlap with Liara's Singularity so i might as well replace it with something else.
Using Slam on Pulled targets is really fun, if it still works like in ME2 so it might be a fun choice.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
By far my favorite part of the game so far. I haven't gotten too much further in the main story than that though.
That whole chapter was awesome.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
So BioWare where the fuck is my grain option? It was in the first two games (turned on by default one must note) and now it is completely gone? Umm yeah.

That is all.

Agreed, I really liked the grain.

That said, while different, Bioware really knocked it out of the park with their "clean" look. The color, art direction, and straight lines lend themselves very well to the atmosphere. It reminds me a lot of 2009 Star Trek or what (little) we've seen from Prometheus.

Anyway, I'm about eight hours in, I think - about twenty minutes into the first
mission. This game just has so much freaking variety in the locations. I'm really loving the "feel" of the worlds. Furthermore, anybody else really like how a lot of the missions see you going through the "back alley" or "back rooms" of environments, rather than the typical locations most games have you run through? Stuff like actually working through the
loading dock or being ontop of the moving elevator.
I really like that.

Don't really like the "waves" of enemies, though. Not a deal breaker, and it hasn't been *too* bad, yet. But I am afraid it's going to get worse.

Anyway, I'm actually going to go buy the strategy guide tonight. There are so many side quests, that I know I'm going to end up playing this game at least one more time - if not more. And I'd like to have something I can flip through on my second playthrough.

That said, Best Buy has the standard edition guide for $15 this week. Should I just get that? Or is there a reason to splurge on the CE outside of typical art work and the hard cover?


Diff person, and she's definitely female. I think you had to let the
Council in the original die

Okay, I'm confused. I saved those chumps.
I thought the salarian councilor was referred to as Valern, and was the salarian Kai Leng tried to do in. I thought the dalatrass was the female.

I could be wrong though.


I will say that ME3 is making me feel like my decisions mattered in a way that ME2 never accomplished.

There's at least one mission that I can see being crazy different if I had made different choices in the previous games.


I'm still relatively early, I think (just finished the mission on
), but I've been surprised at the lack of meaty side quests so far. Or really quests in general where you're boots-on-the-ground. Plenty of those scanning fetch quests but not many of the other sort where you're tasked with landing/docking on a certain planet or ship or whatever and checking stuff out.
Over 22 hours in and I still have a fair bit of main story stuff to do. So much great side stuff. I've probably spent 4 hours just on the Citadel. Loving the game to death.

Also, I've only had 2 disc swaps in that time. Not too bad.


I will say that ME3 is making me feel like my decisions mattered in a way that ME2 never accomplished.

There's at least one mission that I can see being crazy different if I had made different choices in the previous games.

Maelon's data:
Eve. :(


I think I imported the wrong character... 2,5 hours down the drain. I downloaded all the old dlc and loaded up me2 and even though I do not remember ever playing as an infiltrator, that save file have every mission done and Kelly alive and the most play time of all. This is weird :S Restarting now! The file is from 2005 it says so it must be an me1 imported file so it must be the correct one as my others are from 2010.

I'd really like a full on editor, I can't find a good mission oriented save with all dlc for the life of me. Tired of having Shepard not know all this shit.


semen stains the mountaintops
not sure how to pin point this question without spoilers, so only read if you've beat the game.

am I missing out on something for killing udina?


I also have to say that, graphically, the game is a nice step up. The animation could still use some work but the textures and especially the lightning are spectacular. I assume the game is running on UDK and not UE3?
I also have to say that, graphically, the game is a nice step up. The animation could still use some work but the textures and especially the lightning are spectacular. I assume the game is running on UDK and not UE3?

Agreed. The lighting is really impressive, as are a lot of the environments.

And it's running on a heavily modified UE3.


brazen editing lynx
I will say that ME3 is making me feel like my decisions mattered in a way that ME2 never accomplished.

There's at least one mission that I can see being crazy different if I had made different choices in the previous games.

I definitely agree. It's one of the main reasons why I'm loving ME3 so much. I can already think of at least three main missions that are going to be vastly different for my Renegade Shepard all because of a few character deaths.

Mordin and Wrex are dead, so that affects the Krogan arc. Thane died and I didn't save the Council in ME1, so the Citadel invasion may have a different outcome. Tali is dead and Legion was never activated, so that affects the Quarian/Geth war.

ME3 is going to be damn replayable with multiple files and different choices. I can only imagine how a ME2 genocide run will turn out.


I think my biggest regret so far is not romancing Liara in ME3. Seems like the best space waifu after about 12 or so hours of play. She and Garrus really shine, I think.

Spoilers for that Garrus bromance moment in the Citadel:
I didn't like how that was handled at all - the 'nice' option is to miss on purpose? Why not have Garrus actually beat him in the shooting contest? Oh well.


I have to say, everybody seems a whole lot more interesting this time around. Ashley, Liara, James, all of them. I'm not sure if that's because of the raw amount 'shit going down is drawing out character, or what. Really cool.


Is anyone else taking their sweet time with ME3 as opposed to ME2?

I am about 24 hours in and I am talking to everyone and doing every quest I can. I really want to go all out. I am at
the part where you just destroyed the Geth Dreadnaught. Very cool. <3 Legion.
Just played through it and I have to say there was very little I liked about it.

I'm going to wait until the full game until I judge completely obviously, but there are many aspects of the demo which, if continued throughout the game, could make this a very disappointing game. I'm more worried than I was before.

I don't think we'll ever get a worthy sequel to the first game :'(

A lot of these reviews, to me, read as quite hyperbolic and/or don't seem to look for the same things that I do in the ME games. 2 reviewed better than 1, so I know not to get excited just yet.

When Mass Effect 3 turns out to be total shit Bioware will be finished. FINISHED I SAY.

So I'm eating that crow hard. Mostly.

I'll just get it out of the way: This is the best Mass Effect game. Yup, I said it. Anyone who knows me will know how much I love the first game and how disappointed I was with the second. This feels like a true sequel to Mass Effect in pretty much every way and Bioware not only redeemed themselves for 2 but made a game that had everything I loved about the first game and then some. I stand by my skepticism because 2 was a shocking drop in quality and all signs pointed towards 3 being just as bad, but this is one case where I am very, very happy to be wrong.

I clocked in at 15 hours so I'm sure I missed a lot of content but I'm glad that the entire game felt so urgent. I was worried that with the Reapers attacking at the start of the game that the story would get distracted with other things, like recruiting BS team mates or something, and the focus would be lost, but thankfully the entire game felt like you were always doing more and more to get together an army to fight the Reapers. Even the smaller, non-critical missions were important for political reasons and never felt like something Shepard wouldn't do in the time of war. It didn't even feel wrong when I ignored side missions that I didn't deem important enough because I believe that Shepard would have ignored them for more pressing matters too.

They also did a great job of linking everything back to events and characters from the first two games. Yeah yeah, your choices ultimately don't really matter in the end, but it still felt like everything you'd possibly want to be concluded was. They even made some of the worst characters of 2 pretty damn interesting in this game, which is almost unthinkable! Finally, they handled the relationship aspect really well and I feel like Liara really connected with my character by this point in time. It was great having her by my side in every mission, other than
at the end when I had to walk by her limp corpse :(
, and although the romance stuff has never been perfect it was a nice pay-off.

With all that said, my fucking God was that ending absolutely awful. So so so so bad.
I was loving the half dead Shepard stumbling into the Citadel and I was even okay with the Illusive Man controlling you and giving a big speech. Okay, I thought, this is the big choice (spare or kill him) before I activate the Crucible. That's fine. But no, you get beamed up and speak to an annoying little brat who outlines the choices that define the universe like I'm in Deus Ex or Matrix: Reloaded. Absolutely painful to experience. Such lazy writing. I hate it when games that focus on choices feel like they need to stop you and have one big choice at the end by basically going "K here is button 1, 2 or 3, which button will you choose? anddd CREDITS." Urgh. The cutscene when I made my choice (I decided to kill the Reapers) was pretty awesome, but it was tainted by the scene that preceded it and the horribly written (and terribly acted) scene in the snow. That wasn't the satisfying conclusion the series deserved.
Now if the rest of the game had been as poor as 2 I would be sending bombs to the Bioware offices, probably, but since the rest of the game got it so right I'm willing to give it a pass. I really wish the game didn't end that way, but it's fine, on replays I'll turn it off after
I kill the Illusive Man.
Problem solved.

Favourite moments:
- Grunt's charge through the Rachni (though I think he should've died)
- The big worm thing attacking the Reaper.
- Mordin's death.
- The siege of the Citadel by Cerberus. Convincing Ashley she could trust me and seeing Udina killed was so great.
- Choosing between the Turians or the Geth. I thought the Turians were more valuable for the fight, so I killed the Geth and had Legion attack me/get killed by Tali. I felt like a cunt for that.
- The trip around the Citadel with Garrus and doing some shooting at the top of the building.
- The Thessia fight. It felt like the Asari planet was being absolutely destroyed.
- The cutscene before Earth. HOLY SHITTTT. What a battle.
- Being on Earth. From the fights with the huge cannon flashing in the background, to rallying your troops and getting ready for that one big final push... it was an epic end section to be sure. The missile section went on too long, but other than that it was perfect.

+ WREX. Fuck me is every second you spend with him in this game brilliant. Great to have him back.
+ Combat feels so fluid and is really satisfying. I spent a lot of time not rolling etc, but at a point it clicked and I realised I'll be using it a lot for Insanity.
+ No hacking minigames. Praise the Goddess! I spent way too much time staring at those stupid mini-games.
+ No mission complete screens - the game feels less segmented because of this.
+ So many weapons/upgrades/kits etc.
+ Scanning still sucks, but it sucks SOOO much less than in 2 it's a positive this time.
+ Great enemy variety - old and new.
+ A big Citadel again!

- Kai Leng sucked.
- Some combat encounters go on way too long. It got a bit tedious in places and I can't imagine how hard it's going to be on my Insanity run.
- Likewise, they used the "something needs to be fixed, defend this position" too many times.
- The cutscenes were so well directed, so it's a shame the quality sucked so much. Remember when cutscenes used to look better than the gameplay? I'd kill for properly rendered versions of these.
- Those dream sequences. Oh dear.
- The graphics still suck. Good art direction makes it a nice game to look at most of the time, but man, the engine is showing its age. Don't get me started on the animations!
- Horrible FOV.
- Why no ability to holster?

3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

Man, this Insanity playthrough is going to be a BITCH.


tomorrow, after I'm done with my stupid exam, i'll finally be able to start this game and sink in a few hours. can't wait!

two questions: how prevalent are the time-dependent missions? is there really no way to know which ones those are?


Neo Member
I have the prissiest dilemma ever:

To my knowledge (endgame spoilers):

You either die, become space Jesus, or live, but you're buried under rubble and your squadmates leave you, thinking you're dead.
Okay, I can handle that. I'm QQing over this:

The Normandy gets marooned no matter what, and they create a colony full of inbreds and you can never see your LI, crew, etc. ever again.

It just kind of feels like a big "fuck you this is art" message. I'm half-tempted to not even finish the game over it. Can someone calm me the hell down over this? I feel so stupid and I know that this "is just a game," but I've been playing since 2007 and it's a little disappointing. No, very disappointing.
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