What percentage war readiness do I need to be at to see the good ending?
I think I'm about 8 hours in.
Question about a mission you get before Sur'Kesh:I was really happy with David's appearance on Grissom, how does the situation play out if you never played overlord/you let archer keep his brother? I also like this version of Jack a lot better than her ME2 personality, glad that mac walters wasn't completely talking out of his ass with regards to Jack's changes in this game.
Nothing awkward about it or surprising, though I do wonder about the scale of this backlash. Where is it coming from? BSN? Fox News?
There are gay people in ME3, and it's not even in your face about it, but there will always be homophobic reactions to this kind of inclusion. Not much to talk about, IMO.
Question: are there any Turian, Salarian, or Batarian females in ME3? I'm only about 4 hours in and haven't seen one.
Question: are there any Turian, Salarian, or Batarian females in ME3? I'm only about 4 hours in and haven't seen one.
Question: are there any Turian, Salarian, or Batarian females in ME3? I'm only about 4 hours in and haven't seen one.
I've seen a decent number of female salarians around the Presidium Embassy.They look the same except they're wearing hoods.One of them is on the council.
How did you guys miss the Krogan female?![]()
I'm pretty sure Valern is a dude.
Mid game spoils:Fucking Udina, piece of shit. So satisfying to have his character resolved, and obliterated. Made sense too, and is oddly something I never thought about.
So the saves transfer just fine now after the patch?
What class are you playing?
That whole chapter was awesome.By far my favorite part of the game so far. I haven't gotten too much further in the main story than that though.
So BioWare where the fuck is my grain option? It was in the first two games (turned on by default one must note) and now it is completely gone? Umm yeah.
That is all.
Diff person, and she's definitely female. I think you had to let the.Council in the original die
I will say that ME3 is making me feel like my decisions mattered in a way that ME2 never accomplished.
There's at least one mission that I can see being crazy different if I had made different choices in the previous games.
Import info says I saved Kaidan, I did not save Kaidan? Fuck him...what to do.....((((
Import info says I saved Kaidan, I did not save Kaidan? Fuck him...what to do.....((((
Just edit your save?
I think I imported the wrong character... 2,5 hours down the drain. I downloaded all the old dlc and loaded up me2 and even though I do not remember ever playing as an infiltrator, that save file have every mission done and Kelly alive and the most play time of all. This is weird :S Restarting now! The file is from 2005 it says so it must be an me1 imported file so it must be the correct one as my others are from 2010.
I can't say for sure butnot sure how to pin point this question without so
e spoilers, so only read if you've beat the game.
am I missing out on something for killing udina?
Maelon's data:Eve.
I also have to say that, graphically, the game is a nice step up. The animation could still use some work but the textures and especially the lightning are spectacular. I assume the game is running on UDK and not UE3?
I will say that ME3 is making me feel like my decisions mattered in a way that ME2 never accomplished.
There's at least one mission that I can see being crazy different if I had made different choices in the previous games.
so have we discussed the incredible homophobic backlash to this game yet?
Just played through it and I have to say there was very little I liked about it.
I'm going to wait until the full game until I judge completely obviously, but there are many aspects of the demo which, if continued throughout the game, could make this a very disappointing game. I'm more worried than I was before.
I don't think we'll ever get a worthy sequel to the first game :'(
A lot of these reviews, to me, read as quite hyperbolic and/or don't seem to look for the same things that I do in the ME games. 2 reviewed better than 1, so I know not to get excited just yet.
When Mass Effect 3 turns out to be total shit Bioware will be finished. FINISHED I SAY.