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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


So, uh.

My readiness rating seems to have reset. It's at 0%

My EMS is now at 0%.


But seriously, you're not the first. Looks like some kind of bug with connecting to EA's servers maybe?
Having had some time to process the ending, i'm still going to say that this is one of the best games i'v ever played, and the stupid ending will not ruin the rest of the game for me. On subsequent playthroughs i'll just quit a few minutes before the ending and make up my own ending, problem solved.
I just walked in on Liara having a conversation with Garrus after she and I just got back together (I had romanced Garrus in ME2).

It was rad. I was expecting a simple "I see you fucked Garrus while I was off running the universe", but having something so reliant on variables was great fun.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
So, if you romance Jack in ME2 and meet up with her later on

You take her to dance at AfterLife and she says, 'Shepard, everyone knows you can't dance.' and starts doing his dance from Omega
Shepard didn't dance in my save. The scene just cuts off. :|


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
That's weird. I hadn't even romanced Jack in ME2 and I got the dance scene. If you missed it there, he also does the dance if you choose to dance against the woman on dance-floor.
It's not that outlandish dance though. Maybe I didn't select the right option? I didn't flirt.

Actually, there have been random places where the game just cuts off abruptly.


Here's my 50.

- Production value up there in stratosphere.
- Level design is way better than previous ME1 or ME2. But still is corridor shooter.
- Skills are way better than ME1 or ME2 and more balanced. Taking cloack mode adding diffrent types of bullets and one shoot from sniper is all awasome.
ending is one big plothole. Why citadel go to earth of all places ? Teh end of cycle, syntetics will raise yadda yadda yadda. ending.. die or die. Why all mass efect relays were destroyed other than little boys whim. Why the fuck you need to go on earth to go to citadel Because no one is claiming there is any teleport or even a way! Whole ending is : well we don't know what is this or where we need go but we will go there and hopefully something will work. Why the fuck Joker was tunning from Earth in ending ? COD style.
- A lot of clishe one liners in dialogs. But other than that dialogs are good.
- Paragon/renegade stat is even more stupid than was in earlier with completly out of touch qte with it.
- Wholle continuation of your work is really annoying if your choices doesn't matter in the end or your ally life depends on which side of bed did you wake up this morning.
- Game is completly linear. Even most of JRPG (which already are most linear) give you more choice. In this game it isn't really a problem because ME3 is continuation and ending to saga.
- Rather short 22H on normal died a 15-30 times (infiltrator) with almost all sidequess done. (no multi). But still those 22h are action/story packed so there is no fillers other than walking around normandy or citadel.
- Dialog tree is just big fat lie. Even mass efect 2 gave your more choices or things to talk about. In ME3 if you would take out dialog tree and change it to yes/no/paragon/renegade option (two at time) it would work. IT isn't really a problem since whole game is shooter in esence with some moral choices here and there.
- Some obvious traps. Seriously in this game when you see bigger place with perfectly tailored walls to your cover you know there will be trap there.
- Art direction is seriously awasome.
- Music is awasome (ending music is most awasome)
- Sound desing also takes the cake. One can complain there was already film using big horn sounds for big mechanical aliens (War of Worlds) but listening reapers never sounded so good :)
- Graphic as sometimes look just awasome but mostly you will have this feeling that game looks like something from 2008. Normandy and other closed places looks awasome but open places looks dated. UE engine never really did work for hair or open spaces.
- A lot of variety for every gun. with some noticable upgrades. Armor not so much.
- Citadel this time is only 5 places which all of them could fit in one Omega bar from ME2.
- Exploration minigame is still useless as in ME2 but is way better gameplay wise than ME2 minigame.
- No minigames for locks. Because there is no locks or locked safes or anything other than laying weapons and amunition. Those never really did work in ME series so it's good they scrapped it all together.
- Fights are way better since game is just shooter as Gears of War.
- Outcome of ending depending on a multiplayer is horrible idea. But still props to them that they tried to do something diffrent.
- Pacing is good since only of you depends when your story progress because all story missions are shooting ones. Side missions are : Gathering something (from minigame) which is bad and missions where you talk with someone which is better but still rather mediacore for game that consider itself a RPG.There are missions where you must find something on citadel but those are laughtable since places are marked on your map. You now know why 23h with all missions is doable without any skill.
- Lack of replayability. Doing whole game for on1e small change in quest is rather not in my book and since there are only few sidemissions. You are playing the same game after all. Fucking fishes and space models aren't thing that counts in replayability :) in my book.

There are still more negative thoughts about game but don't consider it as fail. It's awasome game but nowhere near 10/10 as most of reviews are.

It's solid 9/10 in journalist scale. And 8/10 in my book (since it's proper 10 scale ssystem not 7/10 like in industry. IT would be 10/10 for me if they would do some proper thoughtfull ending, tried some variety with missions like proper investigation and tried to have a choices that would change something big in the game not in background (wither 2 act 2 comes to mind).

As of whole series i think Bioware really did crazy good. Yes there are problems (dialog wheel, paragon/renegade, big choices that doeasn't matter in the end) but those are in my opinion things that the must do to create RPG in that therms of scale with those production values. Changin from ME1 to ME2 to ME3 fells that they started from RPG bones and they realized that it won't be doable within reach of their budget or time so they moved with each game more and more to shooters with ME3 being more of a shooter than RPG.

As of story they did good but it feels that they had mediacore writers for first part and that only had worse outcome in ME2 and even worse in ME3 with that idiotic ending.

But that's a main Story behind whole series. Breed and butter is internal stories of world, squadmates and NPC's and that is what mostly for me count in a RPG. And Bioware did exelent job in that aspect. I was involved deeply in personal live of other people and there were worthwhile stories. Wrex was all aroud the most awasome squadmate in whole game with Garrus close second. Udinal. Illusive man story (
awasome beggining with cerberus lore but horrible ended with him being just another evil hero with complex of superiority
). Miranda vs father story, Geths vs quarians story (
also horrible ended
). Game stories would be way more awasome if there was better writting especially in ending of those stories. Whole Spectre thing is superbad to cringe worthy aspect of a game imo. It really didn't felt like any power at all beside (spectre terminal in MS3). Also in my opinion on sex and romace matter. I think they did horrible horrible horrible job. And once more horrible horrible horrible job. It felt like kid story with adult endings. What i mean is that there wasn't much character progression and it felt mechanical. There was only one romance story that felt good to me. Samara from MS2 felt really really good storywise.

Whole ME1.2.3 ? 9/10 in my book definetly worth to play again whole series in one sitting as other gender shep. (I will do it i near future since i played worse shepard - male)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Why does Bioware have to screw you over so badly for not importing a save? Turns out Thane, Jack, Samara, Legion and Grunt are all dead in my game. And FUCKING JABOB IS ALIVE. Just finished watching all their scenes on Youtube, and they're all far better than the crap that replaced them in my playthrough.

So annoying.

Well, it'd be pretty cheap to put the effort of having everyone survive in 2 to just have it be an option for everyone to pick in 3.


So the ending is that bad eh? Starting this soon. How is the plot throughout? Can you guys rank 1,2, and 3 based on just story?

Up to the ending(which I haven't played yet), I think it has the best story in the trilogy. The dialogue, set pieces, and characters are much better. You get more emotionally invested as well.
So the ending is that bad eh? Starting this soon. How is the plot throughout? Can you guys rank 1,2, and 3 based on just story?
The game is awesome from beginning to 5 minutes before the end. It improves so much, both storywise as well as in how it presents the story. You have to make choices which can actually fuck things over for people/groups, it has some really touching moments and characters are well designed and show growth throughout the game and series.

Bioware did so much good that its such a shame the ending is so hilariously terrible, because the ending is all people will remember. But the ride really is worth it, especially if you cared for ME1 and 2.


God damn it, is this game seriously this easy or is engineer the new class to be? All I do is release a drone, throw a turret and start spamming maxed out Overload. Everything just dies.


It's Shepard's turn to shine, and the gang's back in town. At least, that's how I felt.

I'm only a little disappointed that there were no new characters besides James. The game feels like it's missing something, like a fresh prespective. James is simply not giving that to me. I like the reunions, since none of the main cast died except for Ashley and the crew from ME2, but the nostalgia is what's driving this game. It's nice, yet discontenting at the same time.

Javic's being DLC makes him an in-limbo new character.
I appreciate that, but feel it's a cop-out because of the exclusion.
Yeah, I agree. Some more new faces would have been cool.

I actually don't mind Vega so far, though. He's not super interesting, but I haven't found him to be annoying yet.


tagged by Blackace

Jack to Shepherd at Purgatory: Everybody knows you can't dance. *screen blacks out for 5 seconds*
(mid-game spoilers)
Better or worse than DA2 ending?

Well, I liked the DA2 ending, but I know why most didn't.

It's primarily worse because it tries to both be the end of Shepard's trilogy, while at the same time providing an absolute, definitive lead-in to Mass Effect 4. The ending is also blatantly re-written and derailed from the original idea (this has been confirmed as well).


God damn it, is this game seriously this easy or is engineer the new class to be? All I do is release a drone, throw a turret and start spamming maxed out Overload. Everything just dies.

Powers seem very strong this go round. I'm trying to kill dudes as infiltrator and I'm always running out of bullets but power spam is forever.
Before you import in 3, it lists most of the major outcomes you've had from that save file.

It doesn't say that anyone died during the suicide mission though just that
wrex is dead, I let the Rachni live etc...

I guess I'll find out who died later on when I finish ME3 and don't meet certain people lol


Oh man oh man oh man at the Citadel
rescue mission where Cerberus and Udina were cunts
. The fucking cheek of them! Incredible mission and scenes.
RIP Thane :(

I also want to kill
as soon as possible. What a fucking prick he is, especially during the last scenes there.


Late game spoiler:

So I'm fighting Kai Leng at the cerberus base--I get his shield down, and his hp down to zero looks like, but he just disappears. I can save, all the enemies are dead, but I can't progress and the objective is still 'defeat Kai Leng'.

And then the game freezes. Goddamn it.

e: so I have to reload and redo the whole fight, but now, he's stuck in the 'recharge' position and has been for about a minute. Jesus Christ.


So what is with the two
Galactic readiness scales, I have one around 4,500, and then GR at 50% and then under that is says military something at 2000 something.
What means what for end game?
Say hi to all the italian Shepard like me, we can't land on Grissom Academy for a bug, loading screen lock up the system. Bioware know the problem but if nobody found a workaround soon we have to wait almost 2 weeks for an official patch/solution :(
This game is so disappointing on so many fronts, and now I've gone and broken the combat as a Vanguard. Did Bioware not realize you can charge/nova everything to death without ever firing a gun?
This game is so disappointing on so many fronts, and now I've gone and broken the combat as a Vanguard. Did Bioware not realize you can charge/nova everything to death without ever firing a gun?

They did. If you want to play that way, you can.

Personally, I love lifting and slamming everything into the ground and then charging in to deal with the stragglers.


Can anyone tell me how much I have left? I'm on
Rannoch, about to do the reaper base

Wanna try and get this finished up today


Second play through underway... cheesing it up with the Black Widow. Whoever was saying that sniper dilation is toned down in this game, I don't think it is. You just need to level up. I'm level 60 and the time dilation is insane. I can kill 3 of those shielded Cerberus guys through their "mail slots" by cheesing during the 2.5 sec stealth bonus.

BTW this is on Insanity.

Also the dialog in this game is B-movie tier. The kind of thing South Park does when they make a parody of action movies. Didn't notice this the first time around because I was so absorbed in the HYYYYPEEE

Some moments are amazing - ME3 has both the best and the worst of the series' writing.
The more I am playing, the more I am hating my infiltrator class. I have enjoyed that class in the first and second game but something just seems to be off in this latest installment. I do not know if this is because of the somewhat restricted environments, or that I am missing a power or two, but it does not have this 'oomph' feeling I always previously had. I am seriously considering starting over as an Adept. What is the general consensus on that class? Are the powers still nerfed like they were in Mass Effect 2 or can you actually kill people fast enough without having to wait until their barrier/armor and/or shield depletes?


The more I am playing, the more I am hating my infiltrator class. I have enjoyed that class in the first and second game but something just seems to be off in this latest installment. I do not know if this is because of the somewhat restricted environments, or that I am missing a power or two, but it does not have this 'oomph' feeling I always previously had. I am seriously considering starting over as an Adept. What is the general consensus on that class? Are the powers still nerfed like they were in Mass Effect 2 or can you actually kill people fast enough without having to wait until their barrier/armor and/or shield depletes?


collect victory

Adepts destroy grunts and armored units, but you're going to have a bit more difficult time dealing with shielded enemies.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Aaaaand roll credits! At 5:45 in the morning. I've been playing non-stop since 8pm. Absolutely ridiculous; the first game to do that to me since Halo 2. Actually, one of only about five games, period, that I've wanted to play for more than about three hours straight.

Abso-fucking-lutely phenomenal. I have to eat crow; because while I'm a mild fan of the series, it's never been one of my favorites. And when the reviews hit for this one, I made fun of the hyperbolic BS and expected this to be another really good game that was far from worthy of the hype it got. Nope. I was wrong. This game is incredible.

Anyway... off to the spoiler thread!


Say hi to all the italian Shepard like me, we can't land on Grissom Academy for a bug, loading screen lock up the system. Bioware know the problem but if nobody found a workaround soon we have to wait almost 2 weeks for an official patch/solution :(

Is it the bug where the screen cuts to black during a loading screen and then does nothing? I got that twice on the Citadel; I had to hard reset the console and try again. Luckily it's not consistent and just seemed to be an unlucky period. Unless it's happening every single time for you?


The more I am playing, the more I am hating my infiltrator class. I have enjoyed that class in the first and second game but something just seems to be off in this latest installment. I do not know if this is because of the somewhat restricted environments, or that I am missing a power or two, but it does not have this 'oomph' feeling I always previously had. I am seriously considering starting over as an Adept. What is the general consensus on that class? Are the powers still nerfed like they were in Mass Effect 2 or can you actually kill people fast enough without having to wait until their barrier/armor and/or shield depletes?

I love the infiltrator. Maybe try a different weapon type? My first playthrough I used shotguns and it was amazing. Get behind enemy lines, throw a sabotage at a turret or an enemy to overheat their weapon, sticky bomb a cluster, then start blasting the shit out of them. It's great fun.

I'm using the sniper rifle this time to make the insanity play-through go as fast as possible, though. My suicidal commando antics got me killed a few times the first go.


Anyone had this happen? Playing X360 version, had credits money and somehow after finishing Asari homeworld mission, I only had 16K credits left. I only notice it missing when trying to buy 275K Spectre Sniper Rifle. Lucky, I still had a previous saved file with the credits
Is it the bug where the screen cuts to black during a loading screen and then does nothing? I got that twice on the Citadel; I had to hard reset the console and try again. Luckily it's not consistent and just seemed to be an unlucky period. Unless it's happening every single time for you?

Had it happen a few time, but bringing up the Xbox guide and exiting fix it.



Then what class is best suited if you want a little challenge without spamming powers over and over?

Why dont you just "roleplay" a certain type of class. You can give yourself a challenge just by carrying heavy weapons to increase your recharge time, etc.
Why dont you just "roleplay" a certain type of class. You can give yourself a challenge just by carrying heavy weapons to increase your recharge time, etc.

I know. I did the same thing with the infiltrator class but it feels seriously nerfed in comparison with the infiltrator in both ME1 and ME2. I do want a challenge, but I also want to have fun.
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