Then what class is best suited if you want a little challenge without spamming powers over and over?
Well, I liked the DA2 ending, but I know why most didn't.
It's primarily worse because it tries to both be the end of Shepard's trilogy, while at the same time providing an absolute, definitive lead-in to Mass Effect 4. The ending is also blatantly re-written and derailed from the original idea (this has been confirmed as well).
Do you got a link to this? would love to see Bioware confirming the derail of their own concept.
gotta love when people here suddenly are story experts on everything.
Still totally worth it.Drunk Tali = Best Tali
how can I take screens ?
I just want to take screens
Play a vanguard on Insanity, always bring Liara, charge everything while blowing up everything with biotic explosions. Feel like a guddamn Krogan.The more I am playing, the more I am hating my infiltrator class. I have enjoyed that class in the first and second game but something just seems to be off in this latest installment. I do not know if this is because of the somewhat restricted environments, or that I am missing a power or two, but it does not have this 'oomph' feeling I always previously had. I am seriously considering starting over as an Adept. What is the general consensus on that class? Are the powers still nerfed like they were in Mass Effect 2 or can you actually kill people fast enough without having to wait until their barrier/armor and/or shield depletes?
Hmmm, quests keep bugging on me. Didn't get the chance to complete the Kasumi quest because of it. Bummed.
The giant monitors in the Presidium hallways look awesome.
I really like Kai Leng. He should have been a potential squad member and Cerberus should have been potential allies.
(spoiler pic)
Thatmotherfucker killed Thane. THANE. I mean Thane was already dying but still. Fuck Kai Leng's bitch ass.
Are you playing on PC? If so, how do you take screenshots? I couldnt find it.Snagged Vega's Carnage recently and I've been enjoying Pulling enemies and obliterating them in midair with a homing missile.
When their health is low enough it rains giblets. Or if they're frozen, ice cubes.
The way I see it,it gave him one last moment of glory. Proved himself to be the best assassin in the galaxy.
Are you playing on PC? If so, how do you take screenshots? I couldnt find it.![]()
It sucks, but I think you can edit a new save (picking which options you chose) on the PC, and import it onto the 360. It takes a couple of programs, none of which I can remember off the top of my head.
This. I'd rather make friends with Cerberus again and use their Lazarus Project tech to resurrect Kaiden than ever have Jaime Vega in my squad.Words cannot describe how bad Vega is. I would take an entire squad consisting of Carth, Alistar and Kaiden before I would take his super dudebro with extra bro sauce ass into battle. I'm glad that fucker is way out of the way so that I never, ever have to go visit him for any reason. I pray that there is an option to have him sacrifice himself.
An ammo skill. You dont need anything else, because if you can fire a bonus power you can also charge.What's a good bonus power for Vanguard?
What's a good bonus power for Vanguard?
An ammo skill. You dont need anything else, because if you can fire a bonus power you can also charge.
This just reminded me that Kaidan(mid-game spoilers)is the only asshole with Reave and I told him to fuck off when he asked to join the Normandy. Damn.
I'm using Carnage right now as Vanguard, for kicks. Slam is also good fun - especially combined with Cryo Ammo and Pull - if you're not going around with Javik who already has it and recharges pretty quickly. When I was with Javik, it was all about Pulls and Slams on Cerberus fools. It's such a hilariously violent combo, especially if you get some height on those Pulls.
I'd just pick which ever is most enjoyable, an offensive power. Vanguard is already pretty beastly as-is, and the defensive powers tend to sap your recharge rate, which isn't always ideal.
I already have cryo ammo maxed out. I love using it, so I don't think I'm going to go with anything else.
I was thinking carnage, slam, or warp. I'd like a good offensive power that can hit enemies from far away.
I was thinking carnage, slam, or warp. I'd like a good offensive power that can hit enemies from far away.
If you have the DLC character Dark something is good because the effect spreads after the target dies allowing for lots of detonations.
Aaaaand roll credits! At 5:45 in the morning. I've been playing non-stop since 8pm. Absolutely ridiculous; the first game to do that to me since Halo 2. Actually, one of only about five games, period, that I've wanted to play for more than about three hours straight.
Abso-fucking-lutely phenomenal. I have to eat crow; because while I'm a mild fan of the series, it's never been one of my favorites. And when the reviews hit for this one, I made fun of the hyperbolic BS and expected this to be another really good game that was far from worthy of the hype it got. Nope. I was wrong. This game is incredible.
Anyway... off to the spoiler thread!
Man, EDI is totally hilarious. Not only she can be sarcastic and snide, she also pulls some of the darkest joke with straight face.
No way I'm playing this on Insanity like I did with ME2. That game had really good combat scenario design. A lot of the fights stick in my mind clearly to this day and I particularly remember doing the fight on the moving hexagons against the collectors about 50 times on Insanity. I started this on hardcore but dropped down to normal. There are too many situations where you start with your back to the way with too many enemies coming in from too many directions and relentlessly flushing you out with grenades. I'm sure these spots are "doable" but even on hardcore I wasn't having the fun with the challenge I did with the second game. It straight up feels like bad design. Pity because I was really looking forward to challenging myself, something I'm not normally prone to do.
The ending truly is awful.
Overall not at all a bad game, but the many long and overly scripted sequences will probably hold me back from playing this again for a while.
Also the easiest game in the series. Good thing too, because I don't care much for the combat, and similar encounters in ME2 would have had me pull my hair out.
I finished the game on Insanity and the game was hard, but never really unfairly hard. Well, except perhaps Grissom Academy, that was probably the hardest part. Its no Dark Souls. :lol.
I've found it surprisingly hard and grueling even on normal. Especially those Cerberus turret duders.
Just download a savegame if you play on the PC or 360.So far it's not been bad. But not great, either. I'm surprised at the lack of new music. I've heard a lot of tracks from the previous games, though. I really have no complaint about that because I love that music, but considering Bioware went to the effort of hiring Cliff Mansell to do the soundtrack I thought there would be a lot of new material.
Somehow I lost my flawless ME2 save, which was an import of my ME1 save with all of those decisions. I'm pretty irked about that. I kind of want to stop playing ME3 for now and go back and run through ME1 and ME2 again in order to recreate that save, but that's going to take forever. I can't just speed run through them because I spent a lot of time on side quests and would want to follow the same path.
I eventually settled on the defense drone. Fire it up and forget about it. Also used inferno grenades for a while, those complimented my Vanguard's arsenal pretty well.What's a good bonus power for Vanguard?