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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

I must say that seeing
Tali kill herself is one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a long while. I'm just not used to seeing characters I love and know in sci-fi do that to themselves. Did G'Kar kill himself when his homeworld was bombed back to the stone age? Did Spock kill himself when Vulcan got destroyed? It's not like every quarian in the universe was killed, and Tali's father was long dead, so what made her crack so easy?
It's weird. It was brave of BioWare to pull it off, but I dunno, the whole game is really becoming a downer.


Read up on some of the Readiness and Military Strength stuff.

That is... quite ridiculous of Bioware to do something like that (especially since later on down the road, the MP might be dead to the point where it makes getting your readiness quite difficulty).

It's even harder for me that I don't have access to XBLA Gold, and would have essentially two days of a free trial to get the Readiness up. Seems like an unnecessary and inconvenient hoop to go through just to get the best ending.
Just finished the main Tuchanka mission.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I went through it as the Paragon choice and even then, I was quite sad about what happened to Mordin. And then I watched the Renegade option online... Renegade Shepard is a fucking monster. This is one of the few decisions in any video game that I would actually be personally uncomfortable in making even when playing a Renegade Shepard.
*cries* You'd have to be a cold-hearted bastard to go full Renegade. I wouldn't be able to do it even in like a second play-through.

what? that sounds like ass garbage. anyone else unable to get sufficiently juiced up just doing a normal amount of side content?

Yeah, this sucks. I'm wondering if I should restart because there was a few side quests that must have expired and of course that bugged Hanar quest. I wanted my first play-through to get the best Paragon ending.

- J - D -

I love that there's so much incidental talk among the principle characters on the Normandy, but I wish there were more idle chatter from the crew. And where's the cook in the mess hall? WHO COOKS THE FOOD?!


Read up on some of the Readiness and Military Strength stuff.

That is... quite ridiculous of Bioware to do something like that (especially since later on down the road, the MP might be dead to the point where it makes getting your readiness quite difficulty).

It's even harder for me that I don't have access to XBLA Gold, and would have essentially two days of a free trial to get the Readiness up. Seems like an unnecessary and inconvenient hoop to go through just to get the best ending.

Typical bullshit bioware practice of changing what doesnt need to be changed from gbame to game *sigh*

Also, my internet skills failed to point out how i can edit my game files to get more readiness %. Anyone mind giving a few pointers?


I checked every NPC after every mission (even something small, like an Alliance op in a MP map) for this reason. So many good moments.

Oh yeah you should check them pretty much after every boots-on-ground mission, including those N7 ones. Even on the Citadel there is some new stuff, even after N7 missions.

One thing I'm not sure of is if it's possible to miss those talks entirely by doing like two or three missions in a row. It would suck for those people if that were the case. I go around my ship after every mission so I'm not sure how they've worked that stuff exactly.

Remember to also use your maps. Both on the Citadel and on the Normandy, it'll tell you the location of every important character. It's best to walk around the ship anyway but if you're truly in some rush, for whatever reason, you can use the Normandy map to check if there are two characters chilling together who weren't previously, and you know there'll be some dialogue scenes between them.
Ok, I just found out that the stupid War Readiness percentage thing is required to get a "good" ending, which is one of the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a game. I mean, to properly finish a SINGLE PLAYER campaign, you need to play multiplayer, even though it has nothing to do with said campaign.

I really don't want to play multiplayer. Is there an .ini file I could edit to boost the percentage? I did every possible sidequest in the game, I'm paragon to the max, and my save file is the same file I had for ME1 and ME2.


I'm just disappointed the war map and war readiness are so underutilized. I expected the Reapers would be moving their forces around and I would have to make decisions regarding where the allied fleets would be located to improve our odds of success. I thought I would have to make decisions and complete mission that would result in better military readiness for certain sectors. I assumed the war map would involve some sort of strategic and tactical gameplay. How wrong I was.

The multiplayer isn't too bad, though. You get 4 - 6% increase in galaxy-wide war readiness from one bronze victory and it only degrades 1% per day. Play multiplayer for a couple of hours and you'll have a good war readiness percentage. You might even enjoy it!

e: wow, you guys weren't kidding about how fucked up the renegade decisions on tuchanka is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-1FAxiUAoo

the game of screwed up when I played. I revealed the secret to Mordin just before he was about to go do his thing and he ended up giving me a lecture how it was the right thing to do and how "some" people may not make the right choice.
I got to 59 on an imported character, but I also missed at least one mission, and played on Insanity, which made me use enough medi-gel to cost me around another 1000 XP. That said, I'm not sure how you can "easily" get 60 in one playthrough, it would have probalby still taken me the entire game plus all side content and scouring every level for medi-gel containers.

Speaking of Insanity, I couldn't finish the game on Insanity for the absolute stupidest reason. After a relatively easy time through the entire game (considering the difficulty of the previous two on Insanity and my sucking at games), I gave up at the very end. I couldn't for the life of me
kill the last fucking marauder with a stupid pistol. Not even close. Best I could do was take down its shields. Since I was playing on 360, which means shitty load times, everything about that seciont is slow, and I had stayed up to 10 in the morning to finish, I just flipped it to Narrative and finished the game
. I probably wouldn't have gotten the achievement anyway, since I don't remember if I changed the difficulty before leaving Earth or not, but I'm still not happy about it.

I was pleasantly surprised about how good the middle of the game is, taking us places and resolving situations presented by the fiction of the previous games that I assumed were never going to be addressed in the games, creating a sense of galactic war (beginning and end obviously suck), but Mass Effect 2 is still easily my favorite game in the series, not only because of the leap in playability it made from the first game, but because every time except one
Jacob is boring
that a previous squad member enters you story is a great moment
even Morinth appearing as a random banshee in London
, sadly, because it shows how boring your crew members are in this game, again, except for one
who happens to be a DLC character. Vega, while more entertaining and deep than I expected, still sucks, I always hated Liara and Ashley, Tali and Garrus I still like, especially when they interact, and I felt EDI had muchmore character and charm as a blinking ball of light.

Also, did anyone else find it basically impossible to get Paragon below Renegade? Closest I got was at 100% Paragon and about 90% Renegade, at which point I started varying my responses more and Renegade actually dropped down below 80%. It may have to do with my import, who came in with Paragon above Renegade, but that in and of itself is strange, since I imported a save where I jammed the left stick down and to the right while spamming X through every conversation.

I'm just disappointed the war map and war readiness are so underutilized.

Yeah, seemed completely and utterly pointless in single player, unless you're so into the fiction that you want to read about every asset and every update.
How much would the ME Infiltrator IOS game boost the Readiness and EMS? I want to avoid playing multiplayer as much as possible.

Not enough it seems, I uploaded 26 intel and got 56% and there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to get intel quickly. The game is great, but Iv'e played through the first boss and the reward was pretty minor.


tagged by Blackace
I wonder how many people missed all those fun talks between the crew by either rushing to missions and not exploring their ship post-mission, or by coming in with certain dead characters.

Like if you don't have Garrus you miss out on so much humor in the game, such as the amusing back-and-forths with Vega in the kitchen (Garrus' voice actor is amazing with his delivery of sarcastic lines). Up to the point I'm at it's been Vega's best character moment, and Garrus continues to be one funny motherfucker. He also shared some fairly amusing dialogue with Tali on the
Geth Dreadnought
mission, teasing her about her relationship with Shep, if you romanced Tali in ME2.

Garrus and Javik also had a fun talk regarding how shitty most races are in how they start wars, and the nature of Reapers, with Garrus professing their "admiration" for how efficient they are. Javik is then basically like "wait, what the hell" and Garrus is like "buh, I mean I admire them like I would a virus - they've adapted perfectly to their situation." The dialogue is a lot of fun.

I feel the same. I watch my brother power through convos and this game is just blowing my mind how good some of the writing is.

Every single casual or interactive EDI conversation = incredible.


Fucking Hanar Diplomat mission is bugged to hell. And the mission summaries do jack shit to point you where to go, like the
Aria: Blue Suns
mission. I have half the mind to just go full Reg and the kill the guy and save the trouble.
I feel the same. I watch my brother power through convos and this game is just blowing my mind how good some of the writing is.

Every single casual or interactive EDI conversation = incredible.

I just wish they would lock you into conversation for them because I have a really hard time standing still for all the ones where they don't, which is most of them.

Fucking Hanar Diplomat mission is bugged to hell. And the mission summaries do jack shit to point you where to go, like the
Aria: Blue Suns
mission. I have half the mind to just go full Reg and the kill the guy and save the trouble.

I didn't really have a hard time with either, since I scanned everything I could to 100% at first opportunity, so it was obvious when something new popped up related to a side mission.


5000 EMS should definitely be possible without multiplayer. I finished with about 4800 by doing everything. I didn't optimize in certain situations though so maybe that's where you squeeze in the extra 200


I feel the same. I watch my brother power through convos and this game is just blowing my mind how good some of the writing is.

Every single casual or interactive EDI conversation = incredible.

Her back-and-forths with Joker are quite amusing as well. Both of their deliveries are excellent. Joker with the typical Seth Green funniness (he's quite excellent in the role) and EDI with the hilarious deadpan, and sometimes dark humor.

I'm also curious if people heard all the Garrus-Vega convos, because there are three of them. I heard them all because I went up to the kitchen, got the first convo, then checked on Liara, came back out and got the 2nd convo, then checked on Dr. Michel, came back out and got yet another Garrus-Vega convo.

If you got the one where Garrus makes a crack about Jimmy Vega's name sounding like
a stripper from Omega
, then I think you saw them all :p

"Did you ever hear about Archangel?" lol


I thought a party member glitched out at some point 'cos I couldn't find them on the Normandy.
Turns out Ash was just passed out in a corner
. I lol'd.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I can definitly see how the amount of lines spoken in ME3 is, IIRC, near the amount of 1 and 2 combined. They went above and beyond for the squad banter, it's always excellent on top of being so frequent.


Just got done beating the DLC, that really should not have been DLC. Some really good back story there and it actually helped me remember some of the important story parts from the first game.

Other than that 12 hours in and the game is amazing. I love the world that they have made it feels really fresh from all the other games being released.


Subete no aware
I got to 59 on an imported character, but I also missed at least one mission, and played on Insanity, which made me use enough medi-gel to cost me around another 1000 XP. That said, I'm not sure how you can "easily" get 60 in one playthrough, it would have probalby still taken me the entire game plus all side content and scouring every level for medi-gel containers.

Speaking of Insanity, I couldn't finish the game on Insanity for the absolute stupidest reason. After a relatively easy time through the entire game (considering the difficulty of the previous two on Insanity and my sucking at games), I gave up at the very end. I couldn't for the life of me
kill the last fucking marauder with a stupid pistol. Not even close. Best I could do was take down its shields. Since I was playing on 360, which means shitty load times, everything about that seciont is slow, and I had stayed up to 10 in the morning to finish, I just flipped it to Narrative and finished the game
. I probably wouldn't have gotten the achievement anyway, since I don't remember if I changed the difficulty before leaving Earth or not, but I'm still not happy about it.

I got to level 60 right at the end of my playthrough when it put me back in the game after the credits, and even that was pretty close. On anything below insane, you should have no problem based on not needing to use medigel.

And yeah, I had problems with that section too. Thankfully, the pistol has enough knockback, so as long as you don't miss, you'll be fine. I don't think I could have given up on the achievement at that point. lol

- J - D -

I am at times amazed by how many fully-rendered npcs are littered around certain wards of the Citadel, namely the Holding Docks after the 2nd Priority Citadel mission.

I'm also amused by some of the tricks Bioware used to create the illusion of large masses of npcs, like in the Purgatory Bar. Most of them are just flat sprites with a blurry wave effect applied to them to simulate movement.


I'm also amused by some of the tricks Bioware used to create the illusion of large masses of npcs, like in the Purgatory Bar. Most of them are just flat sprites with a blurry wave effect applied to them to simulate movement.

Hahaha yeah. Kinda looks goofy but it's an obvious technical limitation they had to work with.


Just finished the main Tuchanka mission.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I went through it as the Paragon choice and even then, I was quite sad about what happened to Mordin. And then I watched the Renegade option online... Renegade Shepard is a fucking monster. This is one of the few decisions in any video game that I would actually be personally uncomfortable in making even when playing a Renegade Shepard.

Hm. I just came in here to see if that event was avoidable. Is it? What happens in the Renegade option?


Fucking Hanar Diplomat mission is bugged to hell. And the mission summaries do jack shit to point you where to go, like the
Aria: Blue Suns
mission. I have half the mind to just go full Reg and the kill the guy and save the trouble.

The mission summaries really are useless. Most of them are so vague that I have no idea what to do if they popped up from ambient conversations or are from a while back, and I'm having to leave them unattended, even if I'm already partially through them.


Hm. I just came in here to see if that event was avoidable. Is it? What happens in the Renegade option?

I think it's something truly fucked up like
Shepard shooting Mordin

My Shep is mostly
Renegade and I would never even consider doing that
. :p


Hm. I just came in here to see if that event was avoidable. Is it? What happens in the Renegade option?

Shepard tells Mordin to stop, Mordin is like screw you, and turns around to get to the elevator. Shepard shoots him in the back and leaves him to die.


Shepard tells Mordin to stop, Mordin is like screw you, and turns around to get to the elevator. Shepard shoots him in the back and leaves him to die.

That Shep clearly takes from
Ashley Williams

Another reason I'm glad
she hasn't existed in my ME universe since the first game.


Shepard tells Mordin to stop, Mordin is like screw you, and turns around to get to the elevator. Shepard shoots him in the back and leaves him to die.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Yea I tried a Renegade run in the first game just to see what was different but it was actually TOO douchey, Lol. I may try it one day though. I mostly play it real at this point. Respinding how Im most likely to respond.

I'm a little more Renegade at this point since I'm kind of fed up with not being listened to. I feel like Jack Bauer on 24:

"This is gonna happen"
"No I have proof"


"We should've listened to Bauer."


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I felt like there was a huge potential douche option right after the Tuchunka stuff as well.
When the Citadel attack is over and you visit Thane, Kolyat asks if you want to read the prayer with him. How could you not? ;_;
I felt like there was a huge potential douche option right after the Tuchunka stuff as well.
When the Citadel attack is over and you visit Thane, Kolyat asks if you want to read the prayer with him. How could you not? ;_;

The end of that prayer was a real "Whoa" moment for me.
At least for female renegade, you ask, "Why did the prayer say 'she' at the end?". The prayer was for you.


Fucking Hanar Diplomat mission is bugged to hell. And the mission summaries do jack shit to point you where to go, like the
Aria: Blue Suns
mission. I have half the mind to just go full Reg and the kill the guy and save the trouble.
Yeah, I can't complete the diplomat mission thanks to how buggy it is. Game won't let me interact with the final terminal you have to go to. Apparently it happens if you don't do that quest as soon as you get it. -.-


Best thing about Vega? Talking to him when he has nothing to say over and over again






The end of that prayer was a real "Whoa" moment for me.
At least for female renegade, you ask, "Why did the prayer say 'she' at the end?". The prayer was for you.

Yeah, that got me. Although I don't think it's tied to a renegade action; my paragon shep got it all the same.


Best thing about Vega? Talking to him when he has nothing to say over and over again





Yeah Loco!

I went back to play Mass Effect 2 because I couldn't stand missing out on so much additional content by not importing my save. Is there ANY hacking in Mass Effect 3? I hadn't come across any in the ten hours I played of it, and it was one of my favorite parts of ME2.
I think he looks like Liev Schreiber

is such a badass. He ain't scared by those hulking Krogans

"What race are you?"


"Oh, and how many are your people left?"

"Enough to kill you"

man, im never ever leaving him out of my team
For those trying to change their EMS so they can get the best ending out the bullshit of having to play MP (fuck you bioware)

I found this with my google-fu

After much search i have found a way to "maximize" the effective military strength you can get from acquired war assets. This is considering you did not play MP, play with the iPhone app or don't use facebook. Hence the Galactic Readiness rating will stay at 50%.
We'll be working with the following file using ME3 Coalesced Utility:

This is where all data pertaining to all military assets is stored. for instance:


this handles the data for the "Krogan Clans" war asset. The line in the code we are looking for is "StartingStrength=300". This means Krogan Clans add a total of 300 points to the Total Military Strength and, at 50% Galactic Readiness, 150 points to the total Effective Military Strength. Change the value from StartingStrength=300 to StartingStrength=3000, and instead of 150 EMS you will get a 1500 EMS just from the Krogan Clans alone. Ofcourse you don't have to buff the value so dramatically. With patience you can buff up the values of all assets if you want to make the game a bit easier yet balanced (not necesarily by 10x cuz that's what what i did for testing) but just by multiplying the values of all assets by saying 2x or 4x. I say all assets beacause of the following reason:

These "StartingStrengths" are written from coalesced.bin directly in your save-game. Meaning if you already have Krogan Clans, it will still have a starting strength of 300 even if you modified the value to 3000. You must modify the values of the war assets BEFORE you acquire them ingame. Also, there are 3 types of War Assets. Military, Modifier and Artifact (GAWAssetType_Military, GAWAssetType_Modifier and GAWAssetType_Artifact) Only modify the ones wich are of Military type. Modifiers all have starting strength 0 wich makes no sence and i didn't want to mod them not to really break the game. Artifact types... their starting strength means the actual money you get for retrieving the artifacts themselves and not military strength, since the retrieval of artifacts "unlocks" and adds to your war assets new troops, fleets etc. You need to modify the strengths of such troops and fleets wich are of GAWAssetType_Military type.


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