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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

For those trying to change their EMS so they can get the best ending out the bullshit of having to play MP (fuck you bioware)

I found this with my google-fu

Thank you friend
We bow down to your google-fu

In case someone doesn't read that whole thing, here's an important line in the last paragraph:
You must modify the values of the war assets BEFORE you acquire them ingame.


First time seeing that thing was scary as hell :(

I always run away from them when I see them in MP because they have a one-hit kill where you can't even be revived by your squad mates.

I'm surprised that the MP turns out to be interesting. I'm already on 95% galactic readiness after only 1 day playing. Despite that, I'm still a bit pissed that Bioware basically still force you to play MP to get the 'best' ending. LOL 'best'. :/
I am at times amazed by how many fully-rendered npcs are littered around certain wards of the Citadel, namely the Holding Docks after the 2nd Priority Citadel mission.

I'm also amused by some of the tricks Bioware used to create the illusion of large masses of npcs, like in the Purgatory Bar. Most of them are just flat sprites with a blurry wave effect applied to them to simulate movement.

I like the purgatory music but I wonder why they only ever play one song in the mass effect night clubs, i can't imagine it's that hard to find a few songs at the same BPM


So yeah, I just beat the game. Holy fucking shit you guys were not kidding about the ending. Even though I knew (at least part) of what was coming with the script leak and was ready for it, it was a million times worse than I thought. Literally speechless, my wife was on the floor laughing watching it. This is one of the few times I think I've seen something been practically universally hated on every single place I go to on the internet. I just. Wow.

Also for the EMS required ending talk, you can get the "best" ending with only 4000; it only requires 5000 if you failed to do something. This is mentioned in the guide, I don't know how the 5000 number keeps getting thrown around as fact.

4000+ Total Assets: Assuming you destroyed the collector base in ME2, if at the end of ME3 you convince the Illusive Man to kill himself you "save" Anderson (he still bleeds out anyway later, there is no way to completely save him, which is why "save" is always in quotation marks in the guides and such). You can convince the Illusive Man to off himself through using Paragon (and maybe Renegade?) options; I had them available and did so, but some people said they didn't have the options even choosing Paragon options in all their previous talks with IM and having a maxed out rep meter, etc. Anyway in this scenario Anderson lives a little longer, and the difference here is if you choose the option to destroy the Reapers, Shepard lives at the end.

5000+ Total Assets: Identical scenario to the above, but the only difference here is that if you don't "save" Anderson (IM kills him outright) you have to have 5000+ total assets in order for Shepard to survive at the end; otherwise they die. Everything else is identical apparently, you just need the extra assets to save Shepard.

Also how the hell are you people getting to 59 with an imported character on one playthrough?? Do you get more XP on higher difficulties or something? I imported at 30 and verified with the guide that I did every single possible thing in ME3 excluding missing one of the three little optional things in the DLC mission, only used maybe 10 medi-gels the whole game, and finished at 56 about halfway to 57. The fuck.


Also how the hell are you people getting to 59 with an imported character on one playthrough?? Do you get more XP on higher difficulties or something? I imported at 30 and verified with the guide that I did every single possible thing in ME3 excluding missing one of the three little optional things in the DLC mission, only used maybe 10 medi-gels the whole game, and finished at 56 about halfway to 57. The fuck.

You may get more XP at higher difficulties, I dunno.

I'm playing on Insanity and started at level one and was already close to level 33 recently after meeting Tali for the first time. I know 0-30 is almost certainly faster than 30-60, but I've been leveling up damn quickly. And I think I've still got a decent ways to go (last mission I wrapped up was the
Geth Dreadnought


I got to the mission with
and a little bit after the intro of the mission and the chit chat is over I'm walking around and the audio explodes in pops and then goes silent after a bit. I checked to see if it was my tv and its fine, and then I put in a few other games and restarted the level itself but it happens only during that level. Anyone else getting this?


Before I start a New Game+, is there anyway to romance Liara without having done so in the previous games? If not, I might have to use a Save Editor...
For those trying to change their EMS so they can get the best ending out the bullshit of having to play MP (fuck you bioware)

I found this with my google-fu

Wait, is there no way to just put 2x multiplication in one line and have it double for every future asset? I have to go through each and every line to double it? not a problem except for spoiler issues


Mass Effect 1 needs to be cheap again. Now I wish I hadn't traded it in..

Question to anyone that may have tried: What happens in 3 if I import stuff from 2 (X360) that used the level-up glitch that let you max all abilities?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The only issue I had with that scene was that he was still waring his clothing. Don't they have robes?

It's actually sadder if you romanced him.

Tells him that she'll be with him soon. The whole siha thing is also touching.
</3 It's utterly heartbreaking.

Also, just a little minor thing . . . later in the game you cannot afford to skip the renegade option when it's presented to you.
Revengeance is awesome.


Part of me is glad about that. I'd prefer it to just be a skill you have to raise if there was hacking because in RPGs this long there's just too much.

See my avatar? That game ruined hacking minigames for me.

As much as I didn't enjoy D:HR agree 100%, the hacking in that game was somehow actually fun to me and in every game after/my replay of ME2 recently I just wish I could hit a button and skip it.


I'd be in the dick
For those trying to change their EMS so they can get the best ending out the bullshit of having to play MP (fuck you bioware)

I found this with my google-fu

What's the total EMS that you need to get the best ending and the
post-credits scene
? My military strength bar is full and I think I still have a bit of the game to go.
Just finished Rannoch.
I want to see the full thing so I want to figure out how much MP to do before attempting it.
Alright, so I think I'm right at the point of no return. When can my Shepard get some >.<
I'm about to dock on the Cerberus Base and have not gotten into anyone's pants :/

edit: nvm, just got my fade to black...so lame...
Honestly, even though not being able to get the "best" ending without playing multiplayer is shitty, the most amount of effort I'm willing to put in to circumvent that is YouTube.

They're all essentially the same and shitty anyway, so you're best off imagining your own ending and finishing happy


What does it say instead of "she" for male? That was my second thought after the initial moment of wow.

I think it was something similar to that but with a male pronoun instead.

The only issue I had with that scene was that he was still waring his clothing. Don't they have robes?

It's actually sadder if you romanced him.

Tells him that she'll be with him soon. The whole siha thing is also touching.
</3 It's utterly heartbreaking.

Also, just a little minor thing . . . later in the game you cannot afford to skip the renegade option when it's presented to you.
Revengeance is awesome.


And yeah I usually go with Renegade, though my Shep isn't without his moments of great kindness. :p

Outside of certain fucked up things, I like Renegade Shep a lot more this time than in previous games. Due to the nature of the story, perhaps, he's more of a hardass commander who just wants to get shit done and has no patience for buffoonery, as opposed to simply being an asshole (again, outside of certain notable examples).

Renegade Shep has the mentality that the Reapers are the only thing that matters, and that every other petty squabble between races is just that - petty, and trivial relative to what they're faced with as a whole. He's more pragmatic than anything else.
Alright, so I think I'm right at the point of no return. When can my Shepard get some >.<
I'm about to dock on the Cerberus Base and have not gotten into anyone's pants :/

edit: nvm, just got my fade to black...so lame...

So glad I chose the shower scene. Fuck Liara and her creepy face and boring personality.
when you meet James in the cargo area and he's lifting himself for 48 times, he reminded me of Brucie from GTAIV

plus, not sure if it's been noticed, but I think they borrowed Tank from the first Matrix movie when making him
The only issue I had with that scene was that he was still waring his clothing. Don't they have robes?

It's actually sadder if you romanced him.

Tells him that she'll be with him soon. The whole siha thing is also touching.
</3 It's utterly heartbreaking.

Also, just a little minor thing . . . later in the game you cannot afford to skip the renegade option when it's presented to you.
Revengeance is awesome.

I'm not sure I want to see what happens if you didn't do his loyalty mission in 2.
Will his son still show up :(


Junior Member
I'm about to start the main Rannoch mission and I think I'm coming up on something like 35 hours (I've been doing just about EVERYTHING). How much of the game is left?
Heh, a 3D render takes time. A bad photo shop doesn't.

I'm actually more upset that they showed anything. Show some backbone and leave some god damn mystery to the universe.

I think it still says she. I don't think he was actually praying to shep, but for shep to some kind of goddess.

I think you're mistaken, because the use of "she" was the only reason you question who the prayer is for.


Damn, I couldn't take it any more. I crossed paths with Barla Von in my ME3 playthrough and he was all like "I don't believe we've met before." I can't take that. Barla Von is my homey and I refuse to play a generic game in which I never met him. It's just not right. So I'm going to have to go all the way back and play through ME1, ME2, and the DLC to retrace all of the steps and choices made in my lost save. Wish me luck, this is going to be a long journey.
Damn, I couldn't take it any more. I crossed paths with Barla Von in my ME3 playthrough and he was all like "I don't believe met before." I can't take that. Barla Von is my homey and I refuse to play a generic game in which I never met him. It's just not right. So I'm going to have to go all the way back and play through ME1, ME2, and the DLC to make things right. Wish me luck, this is going to be a long journey.


I did this upon learning that a romanced Leliana sang a song about you if you sacrificed yourself.

My new characters name?



I'm actually more upset that they showed anything. Show some backbone and leave some god damn mystery to the universe.

The amount of bitching if they hadn't shown it would have been astronomical :p

I agree it would have been ballsy and neat if they simply hadn't, and left people to their own imagination, but it would have been very surprising.

Personally, while I haven't gotten to that scene yet, I did get spoiled a while back on
the whole stock photo thing so I have a sense of what she looks like, and my beef is that it's just super-predictable.

They went with the safe choice.

MegaKungFuRadio said:
I think you're mistaken, because the use of "she" was the only reason you question who the prayer is for.

Yeah it's basically the same with Male but he just says "him," as I recall. He's definitely talking about Shepard directly.


No One Remembers
Anyone on PC having crashing issues?

I'm at...
The part where you find the Prothean pod. Shepard watches the video, understands it...
when I regain control of my character it crashes.
Been hooked on this all day since I got it, so great so far.
was a great mission, the outside visuals were sublime. So were the skyboxes
with Reapers wreaking havoc
on Palaven.


Yes. I did it with Ashley as my ME1 romance and Miranda in ME2.


I'm about to start the main Rannoch mission and I think I'm coming up on something like 35 hours (I've been doing just about EVERYTHING). How much of the game is left?

You have a mission in orbit around Rannoch, two side missions on Rannoch (DO THEM!), one main mission on Rannoch, then two more main missions on
Thessia and Horizon
. After that is the end game, which consists of two different missions.


Motherfucker, the game is flip flopping on my Rachni decision from 1. First we talk about me killing the Queen, then just now they talk about me saving her. WTF, this better not affect me later and is just some dialogue bug.


I'm... getting pretty worried about the ending now, mostly because the game has been doing a lot of stuff right so far. (Mid-game spoilers for the Citadel)
They finally gave me the option to kill Udina. I personally thought he would be a red-herring and one of the other Council members would have been in cahoots with Cerberus for contrived reasons, but hey. I even let Ashley get the headshot.

After Final Fantasy XIII-2's "ending", I don't think my heart can take another catastrophically bad ending.


Motherfucker, the game is flip flopping on my Rachni decision from 1. First we talk about me killing the Queen, then just now they talk about me saving her. WTF, this better not affect me later and is just some dialogue bug.

Are you sure they're not talking about you saving
the Reapified Queen
Just beat it a little bit ago. Honestly not as angry about the endings as I thought I would be, I just wanted more closure. An Epilogue or something. Other than that...super great. I honestly didn't realize how emotionally attached I was to these characters, Garrus in particular. The last talk you have with him about meeting him at the bar?

Manly tears.


Junior Member

You have a mission in orbit around Rannoch, two side missions on Rannoch (DO THEM!), one main mission on Rannoch, then two more main missions on
Thessia and Horizon
. After that is the end game, which consists of two different missions.

I've done the side Rannoch missions. Other than the four remaining main missions, how many side missions are there left?

Is it me, or is ME3 the most content-rich game of the three? Or does it just have the longest main quest?
what? that sounds like ass garbage. anyone else unable to get sufficiently juiced up just doing a normal amount of side content?

Eh, I've looked around and played a bunch...it seems like the only way is Multiplayer. Mine's at 70% after a few sessions, and only now is the text changing.

No biggie, because I have friends that are playing the MP, but it will prolong things a bit, I'll have to stop before the last few mission and hit 100%.


It's interesting to see the dichotomy between this thread and the spoiler thread. I wonder if that's because the people who enjoyed or didn't mind the ending stay in this thread, whereas everybody else flocks to the other?

I've done the side Rannoch missions. Other than the four remaining main missions, how many side missions are there left?

Assuming you've done every other mission up to this point, one last N7 mission should pop up.


It's interesting to see the dichotomy between this thread and the spoiler thread. I wonder if that's because the people who enjoyed or didn't mind the ending stay in this thread, whereas everybody else flocks to the other?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Just about everyone in the spoiler thread greatly enjoyed themselves, including me, until the last 10 minutes or so. It's just a lot easier to discuss everything about the game in the spoiler thread so when we beat it we move there.

The posts we're seeing here with all of the people having great times are still playing and haven't reached the end yet.


I think S
still has the best character model in the entire series.

The model she's based off of isn't that bad to look at either.

Just beat it a little bit ago. Honestly not as angry about the endings as I thought I would be, I just wanted more closure. An Epilogue or something. Other than that...super great. I honestly didn't realize how emotionally attached I was to these characters, Garrus in particular. The last talk you have with him about meeting him at the bar?

Manly tears.

That's kinda how I felt about it.

what the fuck? the quarians suicide their fleet and the geth continue to attack? "legion" said they were beginning a retreat so I let him save his people. what the fuck? and tali kills herself 2 minutes later? bullshit. this game really is as shitty as those old choose your own adventure at times.

e: according to gamefaqs I should've been able to get a satisfactory outcome:
" You are left with the choice of destroying the Geth or uploading the Reaper
code to free them. Pending a few things you can actually gain both fleets:

2 Points - Destroy the Heretic Geth in "A House Divided" in Mass Effect 2
2 Points - Save Tali from exile in Mass Effect 2
1 Point - Broker peace between Legion and Tali in Mass Effect 2
1 Point - Complete "Rannoch: Admiral Koris"
1 Point - Save Admiral Koris during "Rannoch: Admiral Koris"

If you can get 5 points out of the above and have at least 4 bars of
reputation then you can use the option "Rally the Fleet" to call a truce,
effectively earning both sides for the war effort. Otherwise, you are forced
to pick one or the other and siding with the Geth means Tali leaves the party."

I saved Tali, brokered a peace, completed the admiral koris mission, and saved admiral koris... and my reputation is maxed out. BULLSHIT. fucking glitches.


Unconfirmed Member
Well I did manage to modify my EMS using the Gibbed Mass Effect 3 save editor.
Link: http://svn.gib.me/builds/masseffect3/

Instructions (ONLY THE FIRST POST CONTAINING THE INSTRUCTIONS IS SPOILER-FREE SO BE CAREFUL): http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/995487-mass-effect-3/62195311

What I did was actually double my EMS, so the negative effects of the readiness percentage (50%) wouldn't affect my ending. So I didn't have to play multiplayer and I got the ending I deserved! :D

So yeah, about the ending:
The choices given were weird, but I'm pretty happy about the way it ends up. Every species sort of start anew, and with the mass relays gone they're pretty much isolated from each other forever.
What an awesome series this has been.


Post-Rannoch: For a romance with
Tali, you get the picture of her face in your cabin...I don't know if I should just be happy that the mystery was finally cleared up, or if I should figure BW pulled a fast one by not actually modeling her.
I guess I'll just go with the happiness for the moment.
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