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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Well, it seemed like I was well on my way until I was like an inch from the finishing line and still stuck at 58.

I don't know why it's different, I took care of every side mission I could.

... That may have played a part, I guess. Though I don't see how it could've made enough of a difference to clear a level 'n some change.


Also my Imported ME2 character was max level.
I haven't received the game yet so I'm posting blind to avoid reading anything ITT but I just wanted to say that "War begins" trailer should have been the launch trailer, it's really up there with the ME2 launch trailer.

Going back to sleep mode while the Reapers (and my game) are still in dark space. :(


Yes, it's possible.

I'm confused, does that mean you need a cumulative War Asset score of 10 000? (x 50% Galaxy At War readiness = 5 000 EMS)
Yep, you need to reach 10000 or more war effort resources. Guess ill have to hit MP, because even with all the systems explored, side quests, even making peace with geth and quarians and an imported save, i dont even have 7000 resources.

Guess Bioware lied when they said it was possible to get the full endgame experience without mp?

Maybe if the new game plus gives you extra resources it would be doable, still sucks to replay this again.

Oh, lord. Let me go to bed. I'm gettin' mad.


tagged by Blackace
Yep, you need to reach 10000 or more war effort resources. Guess ill have to hit MP, because even with all the systems explored, side quests,
even making peace with geth and quarians
and an imported save, i dont even have 7000 resources.

Guess Bioware lied when they said it was possible to get the full endgame experience without mp?

Maybe if the new game plus gives you extra resources it would be doable, still sucks to replay this again.

This source suggests that you still can if you do literally everything.

I'm halfway through or so, just
did the citadel mission where they introduce Kai Leng
and did nearly every side quest available do far, so I can't speak for whether it's looking possible right now or not.



can i save the quarians after letting the geth uploading that thing?? dont wanna know how, just if this is posible, sorry if this is old , i dont wanna search and read extra spoilers :(



can i save the quarians after letting the geth uploading that thing?? dont wanna know how, just if this is posible, sorry if this is old , i dont wanna search and read extra spoilers :(

Yep. Make sure to do all the other missions on that planet before heading there. Also gotta
save the Admiral Koris.
And have high paragon. And probably some other stuff.

Then once those conditions are met, choose to
upload, halfway in you'll get a Paragon prompt that lets you save both.
Probably around 15 hours currently, my most recent activity without context/spoilers in the first spoiler line.

Finished the Summit quest, the Sur'khesh/Salarian thing, and some more stuff on the Citadel.

The citadel stuff was okay. I mostly did the Aria and Kasumi/Spectre/Hanar things. I was freaking mad when Shepard said Kasumi gave her life, because it was such a stupid way to end her character. Glad she didn't die after all, hahaha. Aria's missions were... well, pretty boring. Just involved talking to the three gang leaders. Just figured it'd be a little more involved than that. I am glad that they at least update the maps with locations of people. Makes a WORLD of difference in saving time.

OH MAN WREX IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU! This was the first time that I felt the writing was actually decent. Having Wrex, Garrus, and Liara all together worked wonders. They played off each other really well, and then adding Mordin in was nice as well. I forgot his voice actor was replaced until he started talking. He did a decent job, but he just didn't match it quite the same.

The mission itself was okay. Basically the same exact thing I did with Jack's mission, but whatever. Fighting has gotten infinitely easier, the more I level up. I'm really hoping the enemies get a little tougher in the future, because I'm pretty much just mindlessly charging in, shoot, melee, and occasionally command my team to do things when people with shields or turrets pop up.

Eve seems kind of cool, but I wish she had a rad, gravelly voice like the other Krogan. Her, Mordin, and Wrex's scene in the med bay was amusing.

Looking forward to more of "the gang's back together" writing, since it has been the only stuff I've honestly liked so far.


DLC character is really cool.

Also, I've been missing this piece of music since ME1! It wasn't in 2 and now 3 is completely silent on the Normandy.


It was so full of power and complemented the galaxy map theme well. Fuck, this is Mass Effect's theme to me.

Yeah, I'm missing that too. Apparently they removed it because people complained it looped too often/didn't fit with the conversations, but I loved it.


Yep. Make sure to do all the other missions on that planet before heading there. Also gotta
save the Admiral Koris.
And have high paragon. And probably some other stuff.

Then once those conditions are met, choose to
upload, halfway in you'll get a Paragon prompt that lets you save both.

i have my eyes red (full renegade), i would able to do this ? thanks for the quick response


Why do you need to get that many?

10000 war assets x 50% readiness = 5000 effective military strength

5000 EMS is the only way you can get the "secret ending".

Bioware said we could do it without MP, guess thats nowhere near the truth. Ill be doing some MP to up the readiness, only way to get to 5000 EMS i guess.


Well, I've stopped for the night. I actually can't think of a game I've played that's as draining as this one. I did the
Thessia mission
and felt like shit afterwards.

I'm going to hit
Sanctuary next
which I assume means I am going towards the endgame. Weird thing is I swear I've been missing some content... like I didn't meet
I looked for him as well.

Late-game spoiler: I did manage to
broker peace between Geth and Quarians, that's with even rewriting the Geth in ME 2 and punching Gerrell in the stomach (feels good, man). That ending with Vigil playing was so fucking great.

I've put in nearly 32 hours now but honestly it has felt much longer than that for some reason.


So fucking mad right now. I was really enjoying the game when suddenly Bioware decides to screw me over good. Did the
quest and the thing after and suddenly my journal is suspiciously empty, how the hell was I supposed to know that I would fail all these other quest by doing that one?

Such utter bullshit.


Well, I've stopped for the night. I actually can't think of a game I've played that's as draining as this one. I did the
Thessia mission
and felt like shit afterwards.

I'm going to hit
Sanctuary next
which I assume means I am going towards the endgame. Weird thing is I swear I've been missing some content... like I didn't meet
I looked for him as well.

Late-game spoiler: I did manage to
broker peace between Geth and Quarians, that's with even rewriting the Geth in ME 2 and punching Gerrell in the stomach (feels good, man). That ending with Vigil playing was so fucking great.

I've put in nearly 32 hours now but honestly it has felt much longer than that for some reason.

Well, Conrad

(spoilers for location)

is at the refugee camp.
So fucking mad right now. I was really enjoying the game when suddenly Bioware decides to screw me over good. Did the
quest and the thing after and suddenly my journal is suspiciously empty, how the hell was I supposed to know that I would fail all these other quest by doing that one?

Such utter bullshit.
Is that the quest where
you rescue Eve
the ones afterwards involving doing stuff for Wrex and the Turian?

I didn't check my journal, but now I'm worried. D :
Can anyone confirm if
Zaeed and/or Samara
makes an appearance. I haven't seen either of them yet.
I was really upset Zaeed wasn't an ace in the hole for the Blue Suns part of Aria's mission considering how ridiculous the conditions are for completing it Paragon


Can anyone confirm if
Zaeed and/or Samara
makes an appearance. I haven't seen either of them yet.
I was really upset Zaeed wasn't an ace in the hole for the Blue Suns part of Aria's mission considering how ridiculous the conditions are for completing it Paragon

Yes to both.

Spoilers for where you find them:

Samara pops up in a bid side quest later on. Zaeed pops up in the mission where you find an ambassador.


Can anyone confirm if
Zaeed and/or Samara
makes an appearance. I haven't seen either of them yet.
I was really upset Zaeed wasn't an ace in the hole for the Blue Suns part of Aria's mission considering how ridiculous the conditions are for completing it Paragon

Yes they do.

Edit: Beaten


i have my eyes red (full renegade), i would able to do this ? thanks for the quick response

Renegade or Paragon, it doesn't matter.

That event works differently from regular Renegade and Paragon events, though. It's also affected by a point system, where you gain points based on which sidequests you did in ME2 and ME3 and how they resolved.

If you got the loyalty of everyone in ME2 and did all the sidequests for the Geth/Quarian conflict in ME3 by using your Renegade/Paragon option when they were there, you should have no problem.
I've started this game 3 times now

First time, started as male shep because I couldn't find my decent femshep save file
Then I found it, so I started again - except I accidentally picked the default appearance and went Adept, which I hated

Now I'm finally rockin' my proper Shep as a sentinel & we're kicking all kinds of intergalactic butt.

How did you make your armor all chromed out? The only decent looking color I could find is the dark blue metallic effect


Renegade or Paragon, it doesn't matter.

That event works differently from regular Renegade and Paragon events, though. It's also affected by a point system, where you gain points based on which sidequests you did in ME2 and ME3 and how they resolved.

If you got the loyalty of everyone in ME2 and did all the sidequests for the Geth/Quarian conflict in ME3 by using your Renegade/Paragon option when they were there, you should have no problem.

thanks a lot commander , i would try that :D


Just finished the main Tuchanka mission.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I went through it as the Paragon choice and even then, I was quite sad about what happened to Mordin. And then I watched the Renegade option online... Renegade Shepard is a fucking monster. This is one of the few decisions in any video game that I would actually be personally uncomfortable in making even when playing a Renegade Shepard.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
10000 war assets x 50% readiness = 5000 effective military strength

5000 EMS is the only way you can get the "secret ending".

Bioware said we could do it without MP, guess thats nowhere near the truth. Ill be doing some MP to up the readiness, only way to get to 5000 EMS i guess.

what? that sounds like ass garbage. anyone else unable to get sufficiently juiced up just doing a normal amount of side content?


So I just found out about the hanar bugged quest! My last save was 3 hrs before to revert and not have it bug out. Fix this crap bioware!
Odd. I started ME3 at level 50. didn't everyone?
For a normal lvl 30 import I really doubt anyone could get to 60 without NG+
Level=1, Experience Required=0
Level=2, Experience Required=1000
Level=3, Experience Required=2000
Level=4, Experience Required=3000
Level=5, Experience Required=4000
Level=6, Experience Required=5000
Level=7, Experience Required=6100
Level=8, Experience Required=7200
Level=9, Experience Required=8300
Level=10, Experience Required=9400
Level=11, Experience Required=10625
Level=12, Experience Required=11850
Level=13, Experience Required=13075
Level=14, Experience Required=14300
Level=15, Experience Required=15525
Level=16, Experience Required=16875
Level=17, Experience Required=18225
Level=18, Experience Required=19575
Level=19, Experience Required=20925
Level=20, Experience Required=22275
Level=21, Experience Required=23775
Level=22, Experience Required=25275
Level=23, Experience Required=26775
Level=24, Experience Required=28725
Level=25, Experience Required=29775
Level=26, Experience Required=31425
Level=27, Experience Required=33075
Level=28, Experience Required=34725
Level=29, Experience Required=36375
Level=30, Experience Required=38025
Level=31, Experience Required=39850
Level=32, Experience Required=41675
Level=33, Experience Required=43500
Level=34, Experience Required=45325
Level=35, Experience Required=47150
Level=36, Experience Required=49175
Level=37, Experience Required=51200
Level=38, Experience Required=53225
Level=39, Experience Required=55250
Level=40, Experience Required=57275
Level=41, Experience Required=59525
Level=42, Experience Required=61775
Level=43, Experience Required=64025
Level=44, Experience Required=66275
Level=45, Experience Required=68525
Level=46, Experience Required=71000
Level=47, Experience Required=73475
Level=48, Experience Required=75950
Level=49, Experience Required=78425
Level=50, Experience Required=80900
Level=51, Experience Required=83600
Level=52, Experience Required=86300
Level=53, Experience Required=89000
Level=54, Experience Required=91700
Level=55, Experience Required=94400
Level=56, Experience Required=99800
Level=57, Experience Required=105200
Level=58, Experience Required=110600
Level=59, Experience Required=116000
Level=60, Experience Required=121400


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
10000 war assets x 50% readiness = 5000 effective military strength

5000 EMS is the only way you can get the "secret ending".

Bioware said we could do it without MP, guess thats nowhere near the truth. Ill be doing some MP to up the readiness, only way to get to 5000 EMS i guess.
Eh, that sucks. I got over 7,000, but I don't know if I could get more than that.


Quoting myself from the other page.
Question about side missions and such. I'm just starting act 2 I believe and want to know how to proceed.

I picked up 3 side missions. I'm also tasked with speaking to the quarians for the first time. I want Tali on my squad as soon as possible but I don't want to fail those 3 side missions. Will it be a while before she joins and I should probably do the side stuff first now? Or is it cool to go meet with them?


Unconfirmed Member
Ok, I just found out that the stupid War Readiness percentage thing is required to get a "good" ending, which is one of the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a game. I mean, to properly finish a SINGLE PLAYER campaign, you need to play multiplayer, even though it has nothing to do with said campaign.

I really don't want to play multiplayer. Is there an .ini file I could edit to boost the percentage? I did every possible sidequest in the game, I'm paragon to the max, and my save file is the same file I had for ME1 and ME2.

10000 war assets x 50% readiness = 5000 effective military strength

5000 EMS is the only way you can get the "secret ending".

Bioware said we could do it without MP, guess thats nowhere near the truth. Ill be doing some MP to up the readiness, only way to get to 5000 EMS i guess.

You guys realize you can edit your save file to change the readiness % so you don't have to bullshit around? Could try that. :D


I wonder how many people missed all those fun talks between the crew by either rushing to missions and not exploring their ship post-mission, or by coming in with certain dead characters.

Like if you don't have Garrus you miss out on so much humor in the game, such as the amusing back-and-forths with Vega in the kitchen (Garrus' voice actor is amazing with his delivery of sarcastic lines). Up to the point I'm at it's been Vega's best character moment, and Garrus continues to be one funny motherfucker. He also shared some fairly amusing dialogue with Tali on the
Geth Dreadnought
mission, teasing her about her relationship with Shep, if you romanced Tali in ME2.

Garrus and Javik also had a fun talk regarding how shitty most races are in how they start wars, and the nature of Reapers, with Garrus professing an "admiration" for how efficient they are. Javik is then basically like "wait, what the hell" and Garrus is like "buh, I mean I admire them like I would a virus - they've adapted perfectly to their situation." The dialogue is a lot of fun.


man i'm disappointed that mass effect 2 and 3 both follow the same way to reveal the title. it's a minor thing, sure, but the way it showed up in the first game was pretty awesome.

instead of having the curvature of earth on fire cut to a black screen with the logo, imagine how much cooler it would have been with the buildup to it with the text describing some of the backstory of went on a year prior, then when the music hits its high point- BAM! mass effect 3 logo, then it fades out to the curvature of the earth going through the me3 logo and a fleeing normandy headed for mars takes the focus away from the scene.


I wonder how many people missed all those fun talks between the crew by either rushing to missions and not exploring their ship post-mission, or by coming in with certain dead characters.

Like if you don't have Garrus you miss out on so much humor in the game, such as the amusing back-and-forths with Vega in the kitchen (Garrus' voice actor is amazing with his delivery of sarcastic lines). Up to the point I'm at it's been Vega's best character moment, and Garrus continues to be one funny motherfucker. He also shared some fairly amusing dialogue with Tali on the
Geth Dreadnought
mission, teasing her about her relationship with Shep, if you romanced Tali in ME2.

Garrus and Javik also had a fun talk regarding how shitty most races are in how they start wars, and the nature of Reapers, with Garrus professing their "admiration" for how efficient they are. Javik is then basically like "wait, what the hell" and Garrus is like "buh, I mean I admire them like I would a virus - they've adapted perfectly to their situation." The dialogue is a lot of fun.

I checked every NPC after every mission (even something small, like an Alliance op in a MP map) for this reason. So many good moments.
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