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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


It's interesting to see the dichotomy between this thread and the spoiler thread. I wonder if that's because the people who enjoyed or didn't mind the ending stay in this thread, whereas everybody else flocks to the other?

We don't have to use spoiler tags when bitching about the ending over there. That's the main reason.

what the fuck? the quarians suicide their fleet and the geth continue to attack? "legion" said they were beginning a retreat so I let him save his people. what the fuck? and tali kills herself 2 minutes later? bullshit. this game really is as shitty as those old choose your own adventure at times.

e: according to gamefaqs I should've been able to get a satisfactory outcome:
" You are left with the choice of destroying the Geth or uploading the Reaper
code to free them. Pending a few things you can actually gain both fleets:

2 Points - Destroy the Heretic Geth in "A House Divided" in Mass Effect 2
2 Points - Save Tali from exile in Mass Effect 2
1 Point - Broker peace between Legion and Tali in Mass Effect 2
1 Point - Complete "Rannoch: Admiral Koris"
1 Point - Save Admiral Koris during "Rannoch: Admiral Koris"

If you can get 5 points out of the above and have at least 4 bars of
reputation then you can use the option "Rally the Fleet" to call a truce,
effectively earning both sides for the war effort. Otherwise, you are forced
to pick one or the other and siding with the Geth means Tali leaves the party."

I saved Tali, brokered a peace, completed the admiral koris mission, and saved admiral koris... and my reputation is maxed out. BULLSHIT. fucking glitches.

THIS IS BULLSHIT. I've now tried doing this twice and I still don't get the paragon/renegade options. my reputation bar is maxed out. I did all of the required side quests in ME2 and in ME3. I am actually getting angry over a videogame right now.


I'm kinda pissed off that i saved
on my renegade Shepard now. She's nowhere to be found except in a few emails. I suppose you see
in that asari monastery sidequest right?

You do. And on the Citidel after that.


How bad can the ending possibly be that it somehow ruins everything that came before? :p

Seems impossible. I'm not generally much one for allowing a poor ending in a story have that much of an impact if what led up to it was solid, and I particularly wouldn't let it affect the experience I actually had at the time. An ending can't retroactively take the fun that you already had away, or at least it shouldn't.

Guess it remains to be seen! A poor ending is unfortunate, of course, but it's just that - the ending. It's the culmination of what came before, but what came before is still its own thing. But given the reaction to the ending, it must certainly be quite something.

I'm kinda pissed off that i saved
on my renegade Shepard now. She's nowhere to be found except in a few emails. I suppose you see
in that asari monastery sidequest right?

Wondering about this as well.

Also, bringing Liara to that mission was a good idea. I hadn't used her outside of the intro and just figured I'd bring her on a whim, since, well, it's the Asari homeworld. She ended up giving some pretty neat backstory on the


I believe.

I don't think I'd go as far as to say that the entire series is ruined for me . . . but I don't think I can buy another Bioware game after this.

Haha wow. I'm quite anticipating to see what happens. :p

I think I have the Rannoch missions coming up so I don't think I have much left.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I suppose Bioware didnt bother with
because barely anyone took her? I dunno.

Oh well, i'll see
with my paragon Shepard at least. Should have thought about bringing Liara to that mission since it was about asaris, im dumb. Oh well, next time. At least i'll think about bringing her later for the

Speaking of Liara, she doesnt seem that talkative in the Normandy compared to other crewmates... is it because i didnt romanced her?


Is there a point of no return like in 2? Or something to be aware of like doing going straight to the final area to save the crew and Kelly like in 2?
I've only beaten ME1 so far. I have ME2 but its on the backlog. I was in the process of adding ME3 to my amazon wishlist and was stunned at the review scores. I see everyone bitching about the ending, and see it here too.

I must say i'm intrigued but will stay spoiler free for as long as I can! Is this some Spider-man 3 level shit that somehow goes back in time and ruins the whole franchise?


Speaking of Liara, she doesnt seem that talkative compared to other crewmates... is it because i didnt romanced her?

In ME3 Liara's bitter, introverted, and awesome. She'll talk to the others from her room, over the com from time to time, and only seems really cool with Garrus, as everyone should be.

I don't think I'd go as far as to say that the entire series is ruined for me . . . but it was really bad.

This shit. Shhhhhh.


Holy shit, I just watched another video concerning the Renegade Ending of Tuchanka and its aftermath.

Yeah, Wrex finds out and he flips the fuck out (unlike screwing over Wreav). And naturally, Shepard tries to lie about screwing his entire race over, Wrex calls off the Krogan support, and cowers behind a table while Bailey shoots Wrex from behind.

Yeah... that just cements the fact that I seriously cannot make a choice like that, even when playing around for the sake of seeing all the results. This is seriously like "Chaotic Stupid" levels of decision-making.


I suppose Bioware didnt bother with
because barely anyone took her? I dunno.

Oh well, i'll see
with my paragon Shepard at least. Should have thought about bringing Liara to that mission, im dumb. Oh well, next time.

Speaking of Liara, she doesnt seem that talkative compared to other crewmates... is it because i didnt romanced her?

I think she's about the same as the others. She does share quite a bit of dialogue with Javik, so if you don't have that character you'd be missing out on that stuff. It's quite amusing, their relationship.

Speaking of Javik, I keep hearing it's a great idea to bring him to Rannoch. I definitely plan on doing so.


Yeah... that just cements the fact that I seriously cannot make a choice like that, even when playing around for the sake of seeing all the results. This is seriously like "Chaotic Stupid" levels of decision-making.

That's the thing with me too; I want to give the whole trilogy another run and make the most asinine decisions possible, but I don't think I could when the cursor comes to the prompt. I'll just have to YT.

I think she's about the same as the others. She does share quite a bit of dialogue with Javik, so if you don't have that character you'd be missing out on that stuff. It's quite amusing, their relationship.

...I'm really starting to feel as if I'm missing out by not having bought the dlc.


I'm definitely tempted to go again and experience the journey again. I'll just quit before going into endgame.

Definitely want to bring Javik everyyyyyyyywhere.

Drunk Tali + Javik = hilarious
A few romance questions:

1. Can you bang Chobot? I've got a female shep and when Chobot asked for an interview in my cabin she flirted and teased at the end. If you can bang her, does it seem like a no-strings-attached type of thing or do they imply it could turn out more serious and lovey dovey (even if the game doesn't directly say it)?

2. I accidentally flirted with Vega, well he made an unsolicited comment towards me after I clicked the top conversation item. I've been faithful to Liara all 3 games so does flirting affect anything or is it only if you bang them?


How do you pursue romance with Liara in this? I thought I'd got somewhere after talking with her on the Citadel, but I don't know how to take it any further, any time I talk to her I just get one-sentence answers.


How do you pursue romance with Liara in this? I thought I'd got somewhere after talking with her on the Citadel, but I don't know how to take it any further, any time I talk to her I just get one-sentence answers.

You'll get it on before you go out on your final run.


I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Just about everyone in the spoiler thread greatly enjoyed themselves, including me, until the last 10 minutes or so. It's just a lot easier to discuss everything about the game in the spoiler thread so when we beat it we move there.

All I see is a thread full of textbook examples of cognitive dissonance. They disliked the ending so much that they retroactively started disliking the rest of the game and series.

We don't have to use spoiler tags when bitching about the ending over there. That's the main reason.

This doesn't explain why no one in that thread is supporting the endings, whereas of the few people who choose to discuss the endings in this thread, there are some who didn't hate the ending.


How do you pursue romance with Liara in this? I thought I'd got somewhere after talking with her on the Citadel, but I don't know how to take it any further, any time I talk to her I just get one-sentence answers.

ME1: If you didn't in ME1, you get the chance to after the conversation about
her mother, the matriarch.
It's also on the citadel.
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but if anyone wants to edit their war assets to ensure they get the best ending possible WITHOUT ever touching MP, here's a guide (PC versions obviously):

Download Save Editor Here

This is for those who are stuck with <4k EMS, don't want to play MP, or for other various reasons. It doesn't matter to me, and I don't care. The whole process will only take a minute, and it's very simple:

-Create a new save file in your career separate from your others that you can edit with, or back up your saves. Always a recommended precaution.
-Dowload Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor (the one I used was build revision 22)

I'm sorry, I won't provide a link because I would then be accused of giving you a virus or suspicious link. It's your job to get a clean version of the save editor.

-Unzip/unrar, open "Gibbed.MassEffect3.SaveEdit"
-click Open
-find the career and save file you want to edit, click load bottom right
-you will see a blank Player tab, this is normal
-click Raw
-scroll all the way down and you will see a line "Player", click it
-scroll down and look for a line that says "GAWAssets (Collection)", click it
-all the way on the right you will see "..." button click it
-new window opens, 1st value highlighted is 0 on the left, on the right "Id 173" and below that "Strength" and a number
-click/highlight the number and add zeros to it
-click save, new save file

In game this war asset is under the Alliance as Alliance 5th Fleet. Here is an in game screenshot for you all, showing that the game has recognized the new value:



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
A few romance questions:

1. Can you bang Chobot? I've got a female shep and when Chobot asked for an interview in my cabin she flirted and teased at the end. If you can bang her, does it seem like a no-strings-attached type of thing or do they imply it could turn out more serious and lovey dovey (even if the game doesn't directly say it)?

2. I accidentally flirted with Vega, well he made an unsolicited comment towards me after I clicked the top conversation item. I've been faithful to Liara all 3 games so does flirting affect anything or is it only if you bang them?
1. Not sure.
2. He's not a romance option.


Just into the geth qurian stuff. Tali and that first mission is really good.

And then I decided to check out the MP, which added an hour or so onto my playtime. It's fun.


All I see is a thread full of textbook examples of cognitive dissonance. They disliked the ending so much that they retroactively started disliking the rest of the game and series.

This doesn't explain why no one in that thread is supporting the endings, whereas of the few people who choose to discuss the endings in this thread, there are some who didn't hate the ending.

What exactly is your point? You mean that the endings are not that bad because a few guys are talking about it in positive terms?



What exactly is your point? You mean that the endings are not that bad because a few guys are talking about it in positive terms?


No. My original post:
It's interesting to see the dichotomy between this thread and the spoiler thread. I wonder if that's because the people who enjoyed or didn't mind the ending stay in this thread, whereas everybody else flocks to the other?

If anything, I was commenting from a sociological perspective. From what I see, the people who aren't mad are here, and everybody else is there.
I hold a neutral stance on the ending.
It may not have provided closure, but the music, combined with the sense of futility I felt made it at least emotionally significant for me.


ME1: If you didn't in ME1, you get the chance to after the conversation about
her mother, the matriarch.
It's also on the citadel.

Yeah I did do her in ME1, but in ME2 I went with Miranda. This time I decided Miranda was a hobag so I dumped her ass and got back together with Liara, but there don't seem to have been that many opportunities for conversation.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
^ You could gone for an avatar quote.

I'm mad and I'm here, but it does nobody any favours to have entire pages full of black bars.
Indeed, we shouldn't really discuss the ending here. It's hard to talk about such a thing in a spoiler thread. I don't think it matters if anyone's angry or which group is here or not.

I truly enjoyed this game and really loved the first game and appreciated the second. I am glad I played the series; it's been special to me.

Ultimately, I'm broken, sad, and alone. I'm not angered or outraged. I'm just depressed. If there's any constellation, maybe we all feel like Shepard does. Yet, I think I'm most sad that the series came to a conclusion. (Unless BW surprise everyone with a fourth installment. Who can tell.) I'll be missing it, which is probably why I feel the way I do. Others probably feel it, too, but it's mixed with anger. :p

They'll move on eventually.


Holy shit at the final Tuchanka mission and the plot mission immediately following. While I can't imagine going Renegade on that if Wrex is alive, in my other save where he's dead and
I didn't save the Genophage data
, it might actually be a good decision because
I got the impression from Mordin that not having the data results in Eve's death, meaning there would be nobody to stop the Krogan from going down the path they did before
. And the plot mission immediately afterwards was great. I take it that
if you didn't romance and are a huge jerk to Ashley/Kaidan you can off him/her?

Also, where the hell is Kelly Chambers?

EDIT: Okay, the ME wiki says she should have been on the Citadel my first go-around somewhere or other. Guess the game bugged. Maybe she'll show up on my other save.
Man, that
Geth Consensus
mission was such a wasted opportunity, especially with that environment. I would have liked to
fight Reaper-data or a boss alongside Legion but instead you just shoot at glowing blocks with an infinite ammo laser and walk to the end
. I'm guessing I'm not the first person to complain about this.

Beyond that, I'm pleasantly surprised with this game so far. I didn't care for ME2 that much, but this has been a definite improvement so far (well, planet scanning and manual control of the fuel-chugging Normandy on the map screen still sucks). The combat's a lot better, the Citadel feels denser and more alive (even though there are a bit too many fetch quests), and the weapon mods and more complex level-up system are a welcome return. I'm also really enjoying all the cameos and nods to previous games, even when they're actually pretty minor.

Still dislike that there isn't ME1-style vehicular planet exploration, but maybe they'll do some DLC like Project Overlord. Some impressive skyboxes and vistas even without that, such as (location spoilers)
The Shroud temple on Tuchunka, the Ardat-Yakshi monastery, Surr-Kesh labs, Arrae, and so on.
No. My original post:

If anything, I was commenting from a sociological perspective. From what I see, the people who aren't mad are here, and everybody else is there.
I hold a neutral stance on the ending.
It may not have provided closure, but the music, combined with the sense of futility I felt made it at least emotionally significant for me.

I'm sure there are those who found the Transformers movies profound as well
Holy shit at the final Tuchanka mission and the plot mission immediately following. While I can't imagine going Renegade on that if Wrex is alive, in my other save where he's dead and
I didn't save the Genophage data
, it might actually be a good decision because
I got the impression from Mordin that not having the data results in Eve's death, meaning there would be nobody to stop the Krogan from going down the path they did before
. And the plot mission immediately afterwards was great. I take it that
if you didn't romance and are a huge jerk to Ashley/Kaidan you can off him/her?

Also, where the hell is Kelly Chambers?

EDIT: Okay, the ME wiki says she should have been on the Citadel my first go-around somewhere or other. Guess the game bugged. Maybe she'll show up on my other save.
Kelly only shows up if you had dinner with her in ME2.


You're seeking entertainment in the wrong industry. I enjoy games for what they are, I'm not looking for Nietzsche-level existentialism and philosophy in my games.

It's true you'll be frustrated in that search at this point in time but I'd be more than happy if some games at least aspired to it.
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