Then they are assholes, sir.
Shoot me a friend invite on XBL
GT is bigdaddygamebot
We can tag team some multiplayer.
Also, lmao, big Tali spoiler:
When people were saying thatthey took a stock photo, I thought they were talking about the likeness. I didn't know that it was literally going to just be a touched-up photograph lol. Bioware couldn't even model her in-game face?
From escapist magazine just had to post this
Also, lmao, big Tali spoiler:
When people were saying thatthey took a stock photo, I thought they were talking about the likeness. I didn't know that it was literally going to just be a touched-up photograph lol. Bioware couldn't even model her in-game face?
Ok so yeah did some googling and yes you can bang Chobot, both fem and male sheps can hit it.
why on earth would you ever want to
why on earth would you ever want to
Ok so yeah did some googling and yes you can bang Chobot, both fem and male sheps can hit it. From the chobot vs. maleshep romance scene on youtube all they do is kiss and then it fades out. I'm hoping that's just because it's youtube. What a waste if all the cut scene is is a kiss. What happened to seeing some ass like ME1
fox news
Ok so yeah did some googling and yes you can bang Chobot, both fem and male sheps can hit it. From the chobot vs. maleshep romance scene on youtube all they do is kiss and then it fades out. I'm hoping that's just because it's youtube. What a waste if all the cut scene is is a kiss. What happened to seeing some ass like ME1
The sex scenes with the real love interest characters(Liara, Ashley, etc.) aremore explicit than the ME1 ones.
Adam Baldwin says otherwise! And Koris is a nice guy.
It's just that of the four or so Quarians we encounter most often, two of them are dickbags.
I used to think that but have you played The Darkness 2? because in one of the earlier missions you go through a whore house and you see prostitutes bent over and getting rammed by a guy. You can see the guy's ass but no boobs or anything, not that I remember. You also hear the slapping sounds. I was kind of shocked at how explicit it was and was thinking about making a thread on it since 3 other people bought the game. I would've loved to see more passionate and raw sex like that in ME3. Conservatives ruin everything.
Ok I really feel like a dumbass today. First I discover there is a Journal, now I download this data pad app for my phone and now I realize what's happening with this galactic readiness shit. I kept looking at it in-game and wondering why, after all these missions and people I've helped out, isn't my galactic readiness moving from 50%. So I guess it works like Assassin's Creed where you send your assassin bro's on missions and earn money and XP? Is this just for the iPhone app or is it actually like this in the real game and I've just never figured it out? I'm so completely confused now!
Wait, what? There is no way to increase it just by playing the single player?Multiplayer + IOS apps increase it
Wait, what? There is no way to increase it just by playing the single player?
You can still get the 'best' ending without the galaxy at war stuff.
It's neat, it has mail from key characters after I complete key events, the codex is voiced which is cool and a nice way to increase my % when I'm not playing.
Wait, what? There is no way to increase it just by playing the single player?
I realize you all understand how this worked probably prior to release but I find this all to be super ridiculous and stupid. So what does it even mean then? I thought it the higher the readiness the different the outcome (endings). Is this not the case?
Yes. I believe you can. Cortez has been hitting on me numerous times even though I'm with Tali.Can my imported male shep who was with Jack go be with Cortez for this game?
So you have to play the MP to get the best ending?
So you have to play the MP to get the best ending?
You need 5000+ Effective Strength to the best of my knowledge for the best ending and I'm fairly sure you need some MP for that, I needed 70% Readiness to get to that level
I haven't played ME3 yet despite it being there. I did get back with Liara in my current ME2 run however and I justShould I bother doing Arrival and Firewalker again? I really don't want to slog through Firewalker unless it carries over to ME3 in some way; it's such a boring set of missions.sent David to Grissom Academy in Overlord
Seriously, let me repeat this: There is no one definitive "best" ending.
Adam Baldwin says otherwise! And Koris is a nice guy.
It's just that of the four or so Quarians we encounter most often, two of them are dickbags.
Are there any sex scenes with the supporting characters thoughThe sex scenes with the real love interest characters(Liara, Ashley, etc.) aremore explicit than the ME1 ones.
Are there any sex scenes with the supporting characters thoughlike Tali, Miranda, etc? When do they happen?
I haven't played ME3 yet despite it being there. I did get back with Liara in my current ME2 run however and I justShould I bother doing Arrival and Firewalker again? I really don't want to slog through Firewalker unless it carries over to ME3 in some way; it's such a boring set of missions.sent David to Grissom Academy in Overlord
Firewalker isn't referenced at all, and if you know what happens in Arrival it can safely be skipped.
Are there any sex scenes with the supporting characters thoughlike Tali, Miranda, etc? When do they happen?
You can always find a pic better than another in different situations, this comparison does not demonstrate your theory.
I do having slogged through it once. At least it saves me the trouble from having to do it again and again. Crisis averted, thanks.
You'll speak to her one more time.So I just arrived onand I'm doing the final couple missions to finish the game. Gotta admit the last few sequences have been really epic, though I'm a bit nervous about the ending.Earth
I'm also pissed that (Jack spoiler)I only got to see Jack twice, my romance from ME2, while every other romance showed up multiple times. Saw her once on Grissom, which was a great sequence, then the moment at Purgatory. That's it. I'm assuming I won't see her again.
I have already swaped disc's four times within the first few hours of the game. What. The. Fuck. I am so irritated by doing this. Is there anyway to avoid this unbelievable bull shit? I swapped the disc out twice at most in ME2. What the hell?
You'll speak to her one more time.