Junior Member
The joke is that you had to read CAD.
The joke is that you had to read CAD.
Also, were it not for me caring a whole lot for Tali, I would have let the Quarians bite the dust. As a race, they were AWFUL in this game.
Thats really close to the facecode i stole from a dude on the SA forums.741.19G.M17.F16.GCQ.66Q.1DA.A11.9A6.417.626.277
Thats really close to the facecode i stole from a dude on the SA forums.
When do you get the N7 sniper? Spoiler tag the answer if you want.
Can someone explain what the benefit of upgrading your guns is?
It says their damage etc. increases but I can't see the difference in stats between a level I gun and a level V gun.
Here's mine:
Code: 741.19G.M17.F16.GCQ.66Q.1DA.A11.9A6.417.626.277
It's a very minor increase in damage but the weight reduction helps a lot. That's pretty noticeable, especially if you have the Black Widow and want to carry other weapons with it.
Can someone explain what the benefit of upgrading your guns is?
It says their damage etc. increases but I can't see the difference in stats between a level I gun and a level V gun.
I just threw out my sentry turret, combat drone and defense drone and hid.
But you're probably not playing an Engineer.
I am crying tears of joy!
For many days now I have been prevented from playing Mass Effect 3 due to the AA being broken.
I simply could not play the game without MSAA and SGSSAA. Without, the jaggies were unbearable.
Now, I have solved the problem and can play again!
This is the posterboy game for the importance of AA. Holy shit, the difference in IQ is humongous.
I am crying tears of joy!
For many days now I have been prevented from playing Mass Effect 3 due to the AA being broken.
I simply could not play the game without MSAA and SGSSAA. Without, the jaggies were unbearable.
Now, I have solved the problem and can play again!
This is the posterboy game for the importance of AA. Holy shit, the difference in IQ is humongous.
Did you get the new Nvidia drivers to play nice, Dennis? Or did you roll back?
Save more often. You have a quick save, learn to use it.Uggghhhh wtf is this? My 360 froze and when I got back in the game I had 0 medigel which made the mission a pain in the ass to finish with 1 health bubble. Now I just noticed I lost all 400k of my credits. I can load an older save but there goes 3 hours of gameplay.
Roll back.
Lesson learned. When you are in the middle of a game and everything is working fine, don't upgrade drivers until you are done with the game!
I'm sure that at least half of this thread finds this kind of thing tiresome, but I'll pimp my Shepard too.
Aside from the occasional unflattering angle, she holds up pretty well. At least she looks somewhat human.
Wasn't the prison from ME2 called Purgatory as well? Seriously Bioware...
Worst fucking people in the universe. They deserved extinction, and are damn lucky they listened to what I said or I would have happily let the Geth eradicate them.
Uhm, you may miss the point there.
I like yours. She has the girl next door look. May i have a code?
Probably. What's the point there?
Symbolically Purgatory is kind of a prison for. Though I'm not sure it needs to be looked at that deeply. It's just a relatively cool name for a place at its base level.Aria
needed a larger role in ME3.Aria
Yeah, they really underused her. I love me someneeded a larger role in ME3.Aria
Two things:
1. Shepard really is Space Jesus.
2." Emergency Induction Port"
Yeah, they really underused her. I love me some Carrie Ann Moss.
20$ DLC.
DLC Spoiler:
A retake of Omega was in the leaked script.
So in other words, I should buy the DLC.Man. Maaaaaaaan.
TakingtoJavik, the interactions during that mission, the mission itself, and everything post mission on the Normandy is SO very good. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't have the DLC character, and it's a shame that it's DLC in the first place.Thessia
I'd substitute all of the crappy fetch quests and all of the lazy "go here, and fight dudes" missions for 3 to 5 more missions of that caliber with fun combat, great dialogue/reveals, and story progression. Great stuff.
So in other words, I should buy the DLC.
needed a larger role in ME3.Aria
So in other words, I should buy the DLC.
The Javelin? I'm pretty sure I picked it up.on the mission where you have to rescue an admiral on Rannoch
If you mean the Black Widow, you buy it from the Spectre office.
Careful, the more you indulge yourself in the universe, the harder it'll be to come to terms with the ending.What do people recommend for someone who has played 1 and 2 but never finished either. I didn't feel too lost on previous games will I in this one?
Is there a kind of "previously on mass effect style catchup"?
I have always loved the universe but for various reasons always just never completed them.