Thank god I wrote down my Shepard sliders when I created it in the first .... it would have been a pain otherwise, this is just inexcusable.
I'm just after Thessia right now, and the game is pretty good, but it is really disappointing that most of the decisions you make serve a fan-service purpose more than anything else it's nice, but that's just going the easy way.
And while learning that some of the decisions made in ME2 open new possible path to resolve some situations is nice, most of the time when they throw an character you met before, you can just replace him with a random NPC, or make slight changes and it does not have any impact on what s going on.
On a technical note the game really is a mess, character glitching poses, characters not showing up in dialogues, items not showing up, crappy textures and so on ....
The game really feels like you are playing Dragon Age : Origins with guns and ships from time to time and it's kind of weird.
And learning that to optimize your readiness you HAVE to play multiplayer is another really stupid thing to add to the list.
I was expecting a Dragon Age 2 mess when I bought it, so i'm relatively pleased from what I played, but there is so much stupid things in the game that it really kills the fun.