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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


formerly "chigiri"
Is there any way to make the ios app remember my origin email and password? It's obnoxious having to re-login every time I boot it up...
it auto logs in for me, just have to wait a few seconds before attempting to access the Galaxy at War bits. If you interrupt it, then you'll have to login manually.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
don't know if it was posted

...I think my Shepard's email might be down. It seems to have erased all my email that was more recent than the one at the end of the Grunt mission, and I haven't gotten a new one in a while... So... looks like I might be replaying a chunk of the game again, yay...

Edit: Yeah, seems like I might have to replay everything post Priority: Citidel again. This mission just keeps fucking me over one way or another.


I am sorry for asking this here and now, but I dont want to venture pages back and maybe be spoiled.
How is the ps3 version of the game? Has anything changed since the demo?


About finding Cerberus

Why is Miranda planting a tracker on Kai Leng to pinpoint the Cerberus base locations while she was there herself in the beginning of ME2?
He moves constantly. Something like every few months.

Same sun. So MAYBE you could argue that because it is a small station it gets lost, easy to move, but I find that hard to believe. Miranda could also have mentioned earlier, yeah, hes over there, why don't you send out a scout or something to find him and his exact location.


So, quick gameplay question.

How would you arm a Vanguard in singleplayer?

In ME2 I used that krogan shotgun for for Charge -> Shotgun fun. But I'm finding myself ending fights and hitting R to reload, only to realize I never fired a shot. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having a shotgun around.

So what do I use, then? I'm thinking whatever I should carry should be for when Charge -> Nova -> Heavy Melee doesn't work. Which is against big things with one-hit kills, (that aren't already distracted) against enemies out of range, or for turrets. Got pull for Guardians, and to set up mid-air charges for style points. My bonus power is Stasis, working towards Stasis Bubble.

But... what gun(s) should I carry? I'm thinking a Heavy Pistol with a scope might be a plan, or an SMG modded for weight. I'm not sure I even want a shotgun anymore, unless I can find one that can be used at better than Heavy Melee range.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The game is really quite good looking in many parts. The lighting is pretty spectacular. A lot of moments look and feel very cinematic.

Do yourself a favor and lighten up your display or a few notches up in the menus. I think I am 3 up. The black levels are so dark that you lose a lot of detail and it actually throws the colors off. Adjusting it will make the game look much better.

I would have answered you earlier, but I really was avoiding the thread, and it seems it was for good reason too, since somebody was bright enough to post something that looked like a final area or ending cutscene screen along with some silly petition post in a no-spoiler thread - what the fuck man. Just link the shit without an embedded picture, or better yet, keep it in the dedicated spoiler thread.

To answer your post, I did do that very test to brighten up the game as soon as I started up the game last week when I was playing MP - thanks either way for the advice though!

Now I'm really out of here for good since you can't trust people, damnit.


So, quick gameplay question.

How would you arm a Vanguard in singleplayer?

In ME2 I used that krogan shotgun for for Charge -> Shotgun fun. But I'm finding myself ending fights and hitting R to reload, only to realize I never fired a shot. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having a shotgun around.

So what do I use, then? I'm thinking whatever I should carry should be for when Charge -> Nova -> Heavy Melee doesn't work. Which is against big things with one-hit kills, (that aren't already distracted) against enemies out of range, or for turrets. Got pull for Guardians, and to set up mid-air charges for style points. My bonus power is Stasis, working towards Stasis Bubble.

But... what gun(s) should I carry? I'm thinking a Heavy Pistol with a scope might be a plan, or an SMG modded for weight. I'm not sure I even want a shotgun anymore, unless I can find one that can be used at better than Heavy Melee range.

get a phalanx, carnifex, or paladin (the last being the best), scope it, and that should be it


My Vanguard was light weight shotgun (forget the name, eviscerator?) + sub-machine gun with light materials. All about that recovery bonus. (And I used powers for long range.)


get a phalanx, carnifex, or paladin (the last being the best), scope it, and that should be it
Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking. Just seems odd to drop the shotgun after using it so much in ME2, but Heavy Melee pretty much replaces it. For anything still standing after Nova.

Is the Paladin the N7 pack one?


Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking. Just seems odd to drop the shotgun after using it so much in ME2, but Heavy Melee pretty much replaces it. For anything still standing after Nova.

Is the Paladin the N7 pack one?

Paladin can be bought for 200k credits at the Spectre requisition terminal
I just roll with one gun. I like the high damage/high accuracy slow shooting guns. Like the Chakram Launcher (assault rifle) and Graal Spike Thrower (shotgun). With just one, and the armor pieces/passive bonuses and whatnot, I'm at like 170% power recharge. Which seems like more than enough.


Shit the bed at the beginning of the end game. DAT SCENE OF GALACTIC PROPORTIONS. THE SPEECHES. I had chills. Nearly threw my arms in the air yelling DRAAAAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Then when you speak to all your
squadmates and former squadmates
before selecting the team in
...I could have shed a tear. Was like the finale truly is upon us.

That's as far as I am atm. This game.


Paladin can be bought for 200k credits at the Spectre requisition terminal
Ah, right. Also, I'm digging the Inferno Armor for this one. The +30% damage and recharge on powers seems really nice. So I'll be buying that first. I think a Carnifex will have to do, once I find one.
Ah, right. Also, I'm digging the Inferno Armor for this one. The +30% damage and recharge on powers seems really nice. So I'll be buying that first. I think a Carnifex will have to do, once I find one.

all the specter weapons are useless,u can get better weapons in missions. main or n7 ones.


So where is all the "stuff" in this game? I've gotten 100 percent in most areas and I still have a bunch of stuff to find for all those weird citaldelm missions. Are they found randomly during missions?


Thank god I wrote down my Shepard sliders when I created it in the first .... it would have been a pain otherwise, this is just inexcusable.

I'm just after Thessia right now, and the game is pretty good, but it is really disappointing that most of the decisions you make serve a fan-service purpose more than anything else it's nice, but that's just going the easy way.

And while learning that some of the decisions made in ME2 open new possible path to resolve some situations is nice, most of the time when they throw an character you met before, you can just replace him with a random NPC, or make slight changes and it does not have any impact on what s going on.

On a technical note the game really is a mess, character glitching poses, characters not showing up in dialogues, items not showing up, crappy textures and so on ....

The game really feels like you are playing Dragon Age : Origins with guns and ships from time to time and it's kind of weird.

And learning that to optimize your readiness you HAVE to play multiplayer is another really stupid thing to add to the list.

I was expecting a Dragon Age 2 mess when I bought it, so i'm relatively pleased from what I played, but there is so much stupid things in the game that it really kills the fun.
Thank god I wrote down my Shepard sliders when I created it in the first .... it would have been a pain otherwise, this is just inexcusable.

I'm just after Thessia right now, and the game is pretty good, but it is really disappointing that most of the decisions you make serve a fan-service purpose more than anything else it's nice, but that's just going the easy way.

And while learning that some of the decisions made in ME2 open new possible path to resolve some situations is nice, most of the time when they throw an character you met before, you can just replace him with a random NPC, or make slight changes and it does not have any impact on what s going on.

On a technical note the game really is a mess, character glitching poses, characters not showing up in dialogues, items not showing up, crappy textures and so on ....

The game really feels like you are playing Dragon Age : Origins with guns and ships from time to time and it's kind of weird.

And learning that to optimize your readiness you HAVE to play multiplayer is another really stupid thing to add to the list.

I was expecting a Dragon Age 2 mess when I bought it, so i'm relatively pleased from what I played, but there is so much stupid things in the game that it really kills the fun.

Pretty much how I feel about the experience so far. I'm at the point of no return.
So where is all the "stuff" in this game? I've gotten 100 percent in most areas and I still have a bunch of stuff to find for all those weird citaldelm missions. Are they found randomly during missions?

More systems will open up as you complete missions, and also you find the "stuff" during missions, but you have to explore.


No One Remembers
I'm having so much fun with this game!

I've put in a few hours into the multiplayer and I'm about 10 hours into the single player. I just finished mission where
you defuse the bomb on Tuchanka
. I feel lik I've barely scratched the surface really.

Question regarding Tali:
When/where do I get her back? I saw some video online where she was a part of the squad to rescue the Krogan team and you find the reapers/rachnni. Did I miss something?


Anybody mess around with the Datapad App/Galaxy at War for the iPhone any? Seems like the progress I make on my "readiness" bar doesn't transfer over to my actual game. Is the app busted or is something screwed up with my EA/Origin/Live/Windows/Juno/Compuserve account cross-linking BS?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Anybody mess around with the Datapad App/Galaxy at War for the iPhone any? Seems like the progress I make on my "readiness" bar doesn't transfer over to my actual game. Is the app busted or is something screwed up with my EA/Origin/Live/Windows/Juno/Compuserve account cross-linking BS?

You must have separate origin accounts or something.

Works fine here.
So I just finished the

Some thoughts (obvious spoilers):

I'm really disappointed with how the Geth were handled in this game. Not from a story standpoint (I still think they're one of the more interesting races in the ME universe), but how their fate plays out through the decision making.

I'm not entirely sure why killing the heretics in ME2 earns you more "points" counting toward the resolution between the Geth and Quarians. To me, the choice was there for those players who wanted to give that race a shot as a real force in the galaxy, attempting to see their side of the Quarian/Geth story. I have friends who didn't give a second thought to wiping them out, simply because they didn't WANT the Geth on their side. I think the reward was dealt to the wrong crowd here, but I suppose that's just my opinion.

Also, it seems really odd to me that saving the Admiral stranded on the planet was the Paragon choice, and not saving his men. With the later ME games, Bioware made the Paragon choice the make sure you see the best resolution/coolest shit choice instead of doing what is right (saving the men of a civilian ship that had no right going into battle) regardless of the outcome (losing a powerful and influential admiral). That's what ultimately cost me the option of saving both races and I'm a little disappointed in that.

Also, were it not for me caring a whole lot for Tali, I would have let the Quarians bite the dust. As a race, they were AWFUL in this game. Start a war with the Geth while the Reapers are invading? Makes absolutely no sense to me. This game also humanized the Geth in a way I didn't think possible and I actually sympathized with them, making the decision to wipe them out all the more difficult. The Quarians played god, got scared and tried to erase it. They fucked up real bad and succeeded in the mass genocide of the life that they created.
Anybody mess around with the Datapad App/Galaxy at War for the iPhone any? Seems like the progress I make on my "readiness" bar doesn't transfer over to my actual game. Is the app busted or is something screwed up with my EA/Origin/Live/Windows/Juno/Compuserve account cross-linking BS?

It worked for me, but the app is quite a mess. Button presses don't register sometimes (hard to imagine how they even managed to do that), I get signed off randomly and the game didn't really have a chance to do much at all for galactic readiness before I finished ME3; a couple of multiplayer sessions were far more effective. Still, a fun little bonus with the codex and emails from characters.


Well I finally finished it last night. Not gonna say anything except it was one hell of a ride and the last mission and ending are really sticking with me this morning.

I do feel terrible for not
accepting Liaras gift in the last mission.
I want to go back and redo just that one part. :(
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