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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


What do people recommend for someone who has played 1 and 2 but never finished either. I didn't feel too lost on previous games will I in this one?

Is there a kind of "previously on mass effect style catchup"?

I have always loved the universe but for various reasons always just never completed them.

Not worth it if you haven't finished 1 and 2. Skip it.

Seriously, you'll be super confused by all the people talking about past stuff.

REV 09

I found the Black Widow. It was later in the game, no idea what specific level.

The M29 Widow is it right
M29 Widow is picked up late in the game.

Black Widow is purchased in Spectre store.

EDIT: i still think newcomers can appreciate a good game when they see one. some of the lore will fly over their heads, but the game is still very playable.

Mr Jared

Here's my FemShep~

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3


It seems to be generally well written. Lots of good info regarding the writing process.

There is an amazing picture of the ending design. Might be worth it for just that. It's just that everyone is buying it to find munitions regarding the ending.


Yeah and if it is as good as the Portal 2 one it is definitely worth a look. That was very well written and an interesting read.
Yeah, I don't have an Ipad, :(. The portal 2 one was eventually released on steam though right? might give that one a shot.


If I change my bonus skill to another, do I lose the upgrades I've made? Or do they come back if I switch back?

Speaking of iPad, I can't log into origin on either of the mass effect 3 apps. I just reset my password to see if that would fix it, but I still get an error connecting.


tagged by Blackace
GAF, I'm at the end of the game, or at least, I think so. So help me out here:

Massive fucking ending spoilers: I just
I just met the Catalyst. Do the three endings give you something different or is my choice arbitrary (I assume so because of the outlash at the ending everywhere making me think there's only one)? Is there a "best ending"? I haven't gone through with it yet so a spoiler-free answer would be appreciated. I have 5000+ EMS. I'm leaning towards synthesis as the best choice, the other two seem to have consequences attached. It seems like the game "wants" you to take this, but I'm sitting here and am confused as Shepherd.
Just a dialog spoiler with ME2 character meeting Javik:

Jack: What the hell is this? (paraphrased this one)
Javik: I'm fifty thousand years older than you.
Jack (completely unintimidated): No shit. Shepard does find the weird ones.

GAF, I'm at the end of the game, or at least, I think so. So help me out here:

Massive fucking ending spoilers: I just
I just met the Catalyst. Do the three endings give you something different or is my choice arbitrary (I assume so because of the outlash at the ending everywhere making me think there's only one)? Is there a "best ending"? I haven't gone through with it yet so a spoiler-free answer would be appreciated. I have 5000+ EMS. I'm leaning towards synthesis as the best choice, the other two seem to have consequences attached. It seems like the game "wants" you to take this, but I'm sitting here and am confused as Shepherd.

If you go right, Bioware gives you an extra tug... in the worst HJ of your life. (due to your high EMS)


tagged by Blackace
If you go right, Bioware gives you an extra tug... in the worst HJ of your life. (due to your high EMS)
I'm not sure how to interpret this..

Is that the extra clip I've heard rumoured of? Does that mean all 3 are the same and the right side decision just gives you something extra?


GAF, I'm at the end of the game, or at least, I think so. So help me out here:

Massive fucking ending spoilers: I just
I just met the Catalyst. Do the three endings give you something different or is my choice arbitrary (I assume so because of the outlash at the ending everywhere making me think there's only one)? Is there a "best ending"? I haven't gone through with it yet so a spoiler-free answer would be appreciated. I have 5000+ EMS. I'm leaning towards synthesis as the best choice, the other two seem to have consequences attached. It seems like the game "wants" you to take this, but I'm sitting here and am confused as Shepherd.

There is no best ending. Just slight variations on one central theme. If your EMS is high enough, you get a small extra scene at the end. That extra scene is kind of dumb and without any kind of meaning.

Pick one. They are all bad.
I'm not sure how to interpret this..

Is that the extra clip I've heard rumoured of? Does that mean all 3 are the same and the right side decision just gives you something extra?

While the 3 endings are not identical they really might as well be. It's insulting. And yes, opting to destroy with an EMS of over 4k will show the very brief scene


tagged by Blackace
I appreciate the replies, guys.

Pulled the trigger. Chose
. Currently watching credits and recollecting my sanity.


I'm not sure how to interpret this..

Is that the extra clip I've heard rumoured of? Does that mean all 3 are the same and the right side decision just gives you something extra?

Here's a question:

Do you like Berry, Lime, or Cherry? Pick which one you like and then go in that direction.

I appreciate the replies, guys.

Pulled the trigger. Chose
. Currently watching credits and recollecting my sanity.

Ah! A
lime fan


Nork unification denier
Symbolically Purgatory is kind of a prison for
. Though I'm not sure it needs to be looked at that deeply. It's just a relatively cool name for a place at its base level.

Drove me nuts that they only had two tracks though. I went into that damn club so many times. Would have been nice if Bioware could have sprung for some more/better dance tracks.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm doing an Insanity Infiltrator Renegade run and wanted to try FemShep, but maaaaan the new game choices are terrible. Once I got to the Normandy I saw a huge list on the memorial wall and decided to just import my Renegade ME2 character. Atleast I start at level 30 again...
Could someone who is at or past the quarian part of the game do me a favor and screencap their list of private terminal messages? In my game it's all messed up and out of order and I have no idea if I'm getting new ones. Looks like the most recent one I got was from
but I don't think it was ever marked as unread and it is not anywhere near the top of my message list.


"Wow, you're totally kicking my ass left and right. But now it's cutscene time, so you just stand over there while I lay waste to everything."



What the hell. I'm out to get Ashley into bed and I get a PM from her that says
she wants to spend some time with just the two of us.
Message disappears right after that and it seems like it was one that was going to lead to an invite prompt in my cabin. This is right after
you find her lying on the floor drunk.



a Cafe in Citadel. Kaidan emailed me and asked me to meet him there
. Ashley being the reverse option should be similar.

So does that mean that I should get another mail after the one that disappeared
inviting me to meet her at the cafe

Confusing, especially since I don't want to read up on this stuff on any faqs.


So does that mean that I should get another mail after the one that disappeared
inviting me to meet her at the cafe

Confusing, especially since I don't want to read up on this stuff on any faqs.

do you have ashely back yet? if not don't worry about it


do you have ashely back yet? if not don't worry about it

She's back, I just finished Rannoch. I chatted with her a couple of times on the Citadel in the hospital, then invited her on the ship after taking out Udina. She was in the observation room but I couldn't start a conversation. Got a message to talk to her after saving the general on Rannoch iirc and found her lying on the ground in the obs room. Checked my PMs and saw a mail from her. Read it and it said something about getting some time just the two of us. Seemed to intimate that she wanted to meet in my cabin. Went to check the mail and it had disappeared. Went to my cabin and have no option to invite. That's where I am now. Did save just at the point where I can look at the mail once before it disappears just in case it gets patched. Wondering if it shafts that romance line.


i'm very quickly approaching the end of the game, and i was wondering, with a total of 3300-3500 ems, will i get the best ending? this is after the multiplayer multiplier of 50% affects the 6700-7000 ems that i have (it's a full green bar).

or would i need to have 10000 ems to be mulitplied against the multiplayer percentage thing to get 5000 ems and the true ending
i'm very quickly approaching the end of the game, and i was wondering, with a total of 3300-3500 ems, will i get the best ending? this is after the multiplayer multiplier of 50% affects the 6700-7000 ems that i have (it's a full green bar).

or would i need to have 10000 ems to be mulitplied against the multiplayer percentage thing to get 5000 ems and the true ending

Don't worry about that, you aren't missing anything worth the tedious effort


i'm very quickly approaching the end of the game, and i was wondering, with a total of 3300-3500 ems, will i get the best ending? this is after the multiplayer multiplier of 50% affects the 6700-7000 ems that i have (it's a full green bar).

or would i need to have 10000 ems to be mulitplied against the multiplayer percentage thing to get 5000 ems and the true ending

It's impossible to get 5000 ems without playing the MP or editing the values, apparently. Maximum assets you can obtain in the game is a bit above 7k or so.


So I'm at Best Buy today checking out a preorder for Kid Icarus and this kid at the register, no older than 17, asks: "What games are you playing now?"

I told him I'm a few hours in Mass Effect 3. He goes:

"Oh, I've never played a mass effect game before. I heard
everyone dies

ME: "Playing as in currently playing; haven't finished. You got that part right?"

Complained to the floor manager.


Do I need to go back and kick this fucker's ass?



who gives a fuck?


So does that mean that I should get another mail after the one that disappeared
inviting me to meet her at the cafe

Confusing, especially since I don't want to read up on this stuff on any faqs.

Mails don't disappear unless you delete them. But they usually fall off to either the middle or very bottom of the pile after your read them. Confusing, I know.


i'm very quickly approaching the end of the game, and i was wondering, with a total of 3300-3500 ems, will i get the best ending? this is after the multiplayer multiplier of 50% affects the 6700-7000 ems that i have (it's a full green bar).

or would i need to have 10000 ems to be mulitplied against the multiplayer percentage thing to get 5000 ems and the true ending

Seriously, don't bother. It isn't worth the effort. Just play the game how you normally would and don't take notice of the EMS.


Can anyone answer this question briefly?

I have finished Priority Citadel mission and about to embark on Priority Perseus Veil. How much of the game do I have left?


So I'm at Best Buy today checking out a preorder for Kid Icarus and this kid at the register, no older than 17, asks: "What games are you playing now?"

I told him I'm a few hours in Mass Effect 3. He goes:

"Oh, I've never played a mass effect game before. I heard everyone dies"

ME: "Playing as in currently playing; haven't finished. You got that part right?"

Complained to the floor manager.


Do I need to go back and kick this fucker's ass?
So you decided it's a great idea to post it in here so that all of us could read it too. smh
I had a question on something on how this game involves choice and quest progression from ME2 to ME3. Early game spoiler in ME3 regarding the Kasumi DLC in ME2.

So, I got the Kasumi DLC, and played through it, finished it. Thumbs up right. And now I'm playing ME3, and I met the Salarian operative. And Kasumi approached me. Quest begins. Right. Whatever. But what would happen if I never downloaded that DLC from ME2, would this side quest not exist in ME3? Or, would the character Kasumi exist and this side quest exist, but my Shepherd isn't as familiar with the situation or the character (via background story) if I never downloaded the DLC in ME2.

Just wondering how the game would handle that situation for somebody who never downloaded that DLC. Try not to give other examples please, as I have only just started ME3's single player.


So, I got the Kasumi DLC, and played through it, finished it. Thumbs up right. And now I'm playing ME3, and I met the Salarian operative. And Kasumi approached me. Quest begins. Right. Whatever. But what would happen if I never downloaded that DLC from ME2, would this side quest not exist in ME3? Or, would the character Kasumi exist and this side quest exist, but my Shepherd isn't as familiar with the situation or the character (via background story) if I never downloaded the DLC in ME2.

Just wondering how the game would handle that situation for somebody who never downloaded that DLC. Try not to give other examples please, as I have only just started ME3's single player.

Haven't played that DLC, I'm at the point of no return, and there never was any reference to that.
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