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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Just got done with Mass effect 2 PS3 and have to say WOW what an EPIC way to end a game bloody hell lol and the music makes it even better!!

Really hope the epicness carry's over to Mass Effect 3.

Don't listen to anything any one will inevitably tell you in response to your post. Preserve that happiness, let it consume you.


Just got done with Mass effect 2 PS3 and have to say WOW what an EPIC way to end a game bloody hell lol and the music makes it even better!!

Really hope the epicness carry's over to Mass Effect 3.

Shame you never got to play the end of ME1. Then you'd really know what an epic ending is.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Just got done with Mass effect 2 PS3 and have to say WOW what an EPIC way to end a game bloody hell lol and the music makes it even better!!

Really hope the epicness carry's over to Mass Effect 3.

I'm kinda sad that they didnt reused the ME2 suicide mission music in ME3. I mean they reused a bunch of ME1 and ME2 musics, but not the suicide mission one? BAH!


Is this and Liaras console how you get missions now? The galaxy map just plain sucks now.
Your side missions are given to you in three ways. E-mail, overheard Citadel conversations, or Traynor. Overheard conversations are fetch quests, some of which require you to pick something up during a more important side quest. If you missed it, in fact if you missed anything (side quest items, upgrades, armor), the Spectre console offers you a second chance at it. Which is I stopped worrying about missing anything.


Which system is the planet Irune in? Have to pick up something there. Is it in the Krogan DMZ? Trying to stay away so as not to advance anything.

Edit: Guess I can't go there yet...


I'm already near the end of the game, it's been awesome so far. The only regrets I have is accidentally reading one of the endings (d'oh!). Also, is anyone experiencing a shockwave bug, that sometimes makes the power do nothing, just the visual effect appears, but no damage or enemy reaction? It's been bugging me a lot now near the end. :\


I didn't know it was a "survive" thing, I thought it was a "kill all enemies then magically the machine battery is in range" thing. I was trying to kill as many Banshees as fast as possible, not survive.

Also Insanity.

It was real fun as an engineer. Insanity.

By fun I mean a total slog.
Haha yeah Brutes just have armor and are considerably easier than the Banshee pairs they like to throw at you at times. Those ladies take a good amount of punishment on Insanity.

Hard to kill only on Insanity? I have to do like 5 cloaked headshots with my infiltrator and Black Widow just on normal to take them out.

I only used the Widow for the 1 mission, and it still took several shots as I recall.

edit: On Normal. Very easy, and Banshees aren't very dangerous, but still hard to kill.
Hardcore on this game is more like a normal difficulty.


Does anyone know which count the game uses towards the Unwavering achievement? I did the Tuchanka: Crashed Turian Ship mission but it does not show in my journal list of completed missions but the count of missions in the main menu is on track with what I know I have completed.

edit: The Tuchanka: Crashed Turian Ship mission is a pre-req mission to the next Tuchanka mission so there is no way I could have missed it.


Well I originally posted this in the thread about the face import bug, but I think I will post it here as well. Just in case people there are others that were overwhelmed by the fan work arounds in the op like I was. I managed to get a pretty similar face in ME3 to my one in ME1/2 doing it this way.

What I ended up doing was running ME2 and since it shows your import face just switch between that and the custom until I got them to pretty much match. Then I copied the code and used it in ME3. I got a face pretty damn close a few tweaks here and there and i was off. Was simpler in my opinion then following that fan fix and probably quicker. Took me maybe 15 minutes.


Can someone point me towards the most straight forward guide to convert my 360 ME2 save to PC?

I don't want to edit anything and I used a stock face all the way through from ME1

EDIT: All good, found one.


Dark horse announced that they will give collector's assault rifle pack for multiplayer to anyone who owns/buys invasion/art of the mass effect universe before 23rd march (digital version)


Did anyone else start this game on Insanity? Im playing a engineer (imported from ME1 & 2) and Im on the first mission on tuchanka (where you rescue the downed turian ship) and the game is starting to kick my ass.

Im not ready to put it down to hardcore yet... but I think I may have to before the game is over.

ME2 on insanity was somewhat easy with the only hard parts being the end of Horizon and the Moving platforms n the first mission on the Collectors ship. But ME3 seems to be a bit harder.
Played the game on Insanity as a Vanguard (and i even did it wrong because somehow i decided that Nova wasnt necessary :lol ). It felt a bit harder than ME2 yes, but the only part that really kicked my ass was Grissom Academy. ALl other parts i felt were pretty fair, and my deaths were because i fucked up.


Played the game on Insanity as a Vanguard (and i even did it wrong because somehow i decided that Nova wasnt necessary :lol ). It felt a bit harder than ME2 yes, but the only part that really kicked my ass was Grissom Academy. ALl other parts i felt were pretty fair, and my deaths were because i fucked up.

I'm a Vanguard also, even though I'm spending most of my time behind cover and spamming Liara's Singularity and Javik's Slam, whilst tearing through enemies with an Incendiary-powered Black Widow. :lol Doing a Soldier basically without the Soldier class. Oh and fuck turrets. Gat dang. Even more of a bitch on Insanity when they set up like 4 at once. :|

Grissom Academy was pretty easy I thought. I had more trouble with the first Cerberus encounter where you get the Prothean artifcats. They were coming from all angles and it was hard to get in a perfect position to cover all bases.
Did anyone else start this game on Insanity? Im playing a engineer (imported from ME1 & 2) and Im on the first mission on tuchanka (where you rescue the downed turian ship) and the game is starting to kick my ass.

Im not ready to put it down to hardcore yet... but I think I may have to before the game is over.

ME2 on insanity was somewhat easy with the only hard parts being the end of Horizon and the Moving platforms n the first mission on the Collectors ship. But ME3 seems to be a bit harder.

Im doing it now as an engineer. Im using.the turret and combat drone alot as well as warp ammo as my power.

Btw the other spoiler thread and this one are just full of people bitching non stop about the ending. Seriously, let it go and Play another game maybe? Its really annoying scrolling thru 50 posts of anti bioware memes to read something decent.
Hm. guys trying to avoid spoilers and all, I'm at Thessia, how much of the game do I have left?

I have kind of a weird sensation right now, I know I'm gonna replay this game for sure quite some times no matter how bad the ending is, but I'm kind of afraid of it ending altogether.

I'm a sucker for sci-fi and I've liked ME for so long that is weird to think I'm not having a new game of the series to look forward to for now.
just started this game last night, seems great so far. however i thought the beginning sequence was kind of silly. the reapers aren't nearly as scary as the idea of them in ME1 and ME2... they just seem like typical sci-fi enemies, blasting with their lasers and stuff. and i didn't get any sense of panic or fear, even though they were destroying earth (and not very effectively lol). the voice actors are just not believable (male Shep and Anderson) in that situation, at all.

but otherwise i'm digging it a lot, being a fan of the series.
mission was alright and i just arrived at the Citadel, it actually made me go "wow". place looks more awesome than ever and the subtle ambient music works perfectly. i can't wait to see where i'm going to go next and who i will meet up with. it's one of those games i'm genuinely excited to play, which is rare nowadays.

and is it just me or does the PS3 version look pretty good? i heard nothing but bad things about it, so i'm surprised to see that i find it much more appealing to look at than ME2 on PS3. better lighting, AA, textures, character models... i dunno, everything else except the framerate seems better to me. i'm more than satisfied with the visuals. unless the framerate issues get too much out of hand later in the game.

btw at what point is it wise to get into the multiplayer? i dont want it to spoil locations from the SP or anything for me.. if anyone can advice without spoiling i'd appreciate it :)
Wait till you see the ending yourself. It really is so craptastic that there isnt anything else worth to talk about. :lol

Ive finished the game and am level 59 on my insanity playthru. The ending was fine. Not perfect but not worth crying about and trolling every single mass effect thread on this forum..


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
About Thessia and Liara

What happens when you don't bring Javnik?

I took Garrus and Liara. Garrus teases Liara about how their ancient drawings sure do look a whole lot like Protheans. You activate the nodes, the statue splits, you speak to the VI, and the game progresses as usual.


Talking to
Eve about Mordin
has been the funniest conversation so far. It's had me laughing in tears. The last line "It wasn't his ear" was the punch line that did it for me.
has had me laughing too with his references to the old Normandy and Shep favoring Liara. The last line that he said before leaving was the icing on the cake.


I took Garrus and Liara. Garrus teases Liara about how their ancient drawings sure do look a whole lot like Protheans. You activate the nodes, the statue splits, you speak to the VI, and the game progresses as usual.

I thought that part was amazing. If you
examine all of the artifacts, he keeps ragging on her. It was pretty funny.
Is it possible to upgrade the M-76 Revenant past level 5 in single-player?

After I got it to lvl 5, it disappeared from the upgrade list in the shuttle bay.

Ive finished the game and am level 59 on my insanity playthru. The ending was fine. Not perfect but not worth crying about and trolling every single mass effect thread on this forum..
That just proves that you didnt give a single thought about the ending. Which is fine, but really makes your post and condemnation of others a bit silly.
That just proves that you didnt give a single thought about the ending. Which is fine, but really makes your post and condemnation of others a bit silly.

No, it just proves that i thought it was ok and i didnt buy into all the hate about it simply because its bioware.

It was an excellent game and the ending was fine - it really wasnt as bad as everyone said it would be at all.

It just sucks that to get to any decent post in the spoilers thread you need to wade through post after post of crap memes and complaints.
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