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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Haha, I know. I wouldn't complain if it wasn't for the fact that the game is trying to push other relationships on me instead.

The game just wants you to ditch that ho and seek out the True Blue Way.

Blue = Paragon

Pargaon = Right

Right = Liara

Impeccable logic.
Dalatrass wants me to sabotage the shroud and promises full Salarian support against the Reapers... that's pretty fucking huge... but I fucking love Krogans...
What a fucking shitty choice I have to make, I hate you Bioware

This should make you feel better
A bit later in the game from where you're at, you end up getting the Asari and Salarian support anyways. Also, Krogans >>>>> Salarians all day
Dalatrass wants me to sabotage the shroud and promises full Salarian support against the Reapers... that's pretty fucking huge... but I fucking love Krogans...
What a fucking shitty choice I have to make, I hate you Bioware

Keep playing. You'll figure it out.


Oh god Im still taking my sweet ol time playing this game and I keep seeing things about the ending. I've done well not reading any spoilers. Ugh...


Oh god Im still taking my sweet ol time playing this game and I keep seeing things about the ending. I've done well not reading any spoilers. Ugh...
Seriously, it's almost hard to enjoy the journey since everyone keeps saying how terrible the end is. But so far, the game has been pretty awesome, so right now I'm fairly happy with it.


Seriously, it's almost hard to enjoy the journey since everyone keeps saying how terrible the end is. But so far, the game has been pretty awesome, so right now I'm fairly happy with it.

Don't focus on it to much, it's still great game. I'm kind of over it and really enjoying my second playtrough.


I was on a blackout for ME3, played 13 hours so far and loving it. I knew nothing going in. It was hard to avoid all the ending backfire so that's slightly worrying me.

Best part is old characters popping up though. Still waiting for a few to appear.

Question: I've just got the
Blue Suns et all on my side, how much more correspondence do you have with Aria after that?
I got hammered and woke up on her couch, I'm hoping that isn't the end of our acquaintance.


Can I NG+ with a new class? I've never NG+'d before and after multiplayer, my soldier class I've kept all through the series is getting mighty stale..

Also just heard the funniest line yet in any of the MEs. General conversation with
, talking about what he might do after its all over..
Mordin: "Might find a beach, sit in the sand, collect seashells." Shepard: "You'd go mad within an hour." Mordin, pausing to think: "Might run tests on seashells." /coversation.
I lol'd for the first time in a ME game, haha.


I was on a blackout for ME3, played 13 hours so far and loving it. I knew nothing going in. It was hard to avoid all the ending backfire so that's slightly worrying me.

Best part is old characters popping up though. Still waiting for a few to appear.

Question: I've just got the
Blue Suns et all on my side, how much more correspondence do you have with Aria after that?
I got hammered and woke up on her couch, I'm hoping that isn't the end of our acquaintance.

Stuff with Aria
doesn't get explored at all after you get the gangs on her side. Speculation is that it'll be DLC.


This game is pretty good, but man I don't know what it is about this game that makes me want to nitpick the small details. Like, little insignificant things that should in theory have no impact on my experience are constantly irking me. It's not making me not enjoy the game, but it is however making me grit my teeth a little.

I'll give you a few examples of how minor these details are.

- The fact that on the Presidium Normandy dock you can see down into the normally refugee packed D2 Dock, and it's a ghost town. No one down there! We're not even that high up from there, we should see these people!

- The fact that there are really gross sprites/low poly guys in the backgrounds in Purgatory. And some of these figures, all they do is rotate in a circle slowly to give the illusion of larger movement in the background. I mean maybe it's a waste of resources, or maybe they found it difficult to keep a framerate above fucking 25 in an area as small as the Citadel Embassy in the 360 version, but it really annoys me! And in that one area outside, if you look down there's this really hideous painted on group of characters with the pink glow on them by the lower entrance you can't access. So nasty artistically.

- The fact that during that one N7 mission on Octoram(?), the planet comically has
SETI-style radio telescopes arrays and this is supposed to represent the 'communication relays' that the asari were apparently deriding when they were first built but are now jealous of. As if SETI-style radio telescopes arrays would still be used with Mass Effect relay-style communications set ups, in this future even!
I don't know why but even in this fictional universe that made my science self go hmph.

I mean, there are all sorts of little shit like that in this game that just for whatever reasons annoys me at every turn.

SIDE NOTE: Removing the elevator load screens from Mass Effect series was dumb. I mean the load times are pretty bad as it is, but I felt that was a good way to at least make traveling around the Presidium less painful. Listening to galaxy news as you waited for your destination, AND it was immersive. As it is I can see places from locations like Huerta Memorial Hospital and Normandy Dock, so I wish we could just ride the elevator load screens again.


Can I NG+ with a new class? I've never NG+'d before and after multiplayer, my soldier class I've kept all through the series is getting mighty stale..

Also just heard the funniest line yet in any of the MEs. General conversation with
, talking about what he might do after its all over..
Mordin: "Might find a beach, sit in the sand, collect seashells." Shepard: "You'd go mad within an hour." Mordin, pausing to think: "Might run tests on seashells." /coversation.
I lol'd for the first time in a ME game, haha.

No, you can't pick a new class for NG+ if you import your first save's character (it will use the class you had then).

What's odd is that if I import an ME3 character, the war assets and everything are reset. If I start a new game altogether, my war assets and everything are what they were in my first complete save (so in my case, over 5000 for EMS, etc.). :S


SIDE NOTE: Removing the elevator load screens from Mass Effect series was dumb. I mean the load times are pretty bad as it is, but I felt that was a good way to at least make traveling around the Presidium less painful. Listening to galaxy news as you waited for your destination, AND it was immersive. As it is I can see places from locations like Huerta Memorial Hospital and Normandy Dock, so I wish we could just ride the elevator load screens again.

You know the banter between the war room and the rest of Normandy where u were getting scan? that was the elevator equivalent of ME3.


Oh yeah also, I got the mission to go to the Elcor homeworld, but for whatever reason I cannot actually access the Elcor Homeworld. I go there and there's no 'land' or whatever.

Similar quirks... several places on the galaxy map where I can pinpoint with my cursor, but cannot actually enter... some even with reapers over them. DLC crap?

Also a place in the Minas Galaxy (or whatever it is called) where it's glowing as if there's a mission in there, I go in and there's a planet with a green mission words there as if I should be able to enter it, but I cannot access that planet anyway.

Achtius said:
You know the banter between the war room and the rest of Normandy where u were getting scan? that was the elevator equivalent of ME3.

lol yea


Stuff with Aria
doesn't get explored at all after you get the gangs on her side. Speculation is that it'll be DLC.

I feared as much, that's a shame.
One of my favourite characters, not entirely sure why. I'm also hoping Samara/Morinth have some part to play, I assume they'll pop up at some point, but that loyalty mission in ME2 was one of the coolest parts of the game imo. Cool race that Asari.
Oh yeah also, I got the mission to go to the Elcor homeworld, but for whatever reason I cannot actually access the Elcor Homeworld. I go there and there's no 'land' or whatever.

That's because there is no mission. Scanning the planet is all there is. I got the mission after I scanned the planet, flew a lot of circles around the planet and eventual reapers, went to the citadel to see if the ambassador could clear thing up for me, and then thanked me for saving some of his people.

So awesome. :')

(the glowing galaxy thing is a bug from either a cut mission or a DLC mission)


That's because there is no mission. Scanning the planet is all there is. I got the mission after I scanned the planet, flew a lot of circles around the planet and eventual reapers, went to the citadel to see if the ambassador could clear thing up for me, and then thanked me for saving some of his people.

So awesome. :')

Really? I guess that's what I get for always going into a galaxy immediately after it appears on the map and scanning everything until I get 100%.


This game is pretty good, but man I don't know what it is about this game that makes me want to nitpick the small details. Like, little insignificant things that should in theory have no impact on my experience are constantly irking me. It's not making me not enjoy the game, but it is however making me grit my teeth a little.

It's a testament to the universe Bioware created, and sadly, the nature of this game. When it works it is the coolest thing ever, but when something seems out of place it just drives you mad. Worst thing is, this feeling grows exponentially to the point of really hating some stuff to death, like just seeing Chobot in there for me.
M55 Argus Assault Rifle Code up for grabs, don't care about it really, First PM gets it. Should have added its for XBOX 360, my apologies.

And Gone.


You thought you guys got a bad ending? Looks like I'm about to get the worst one out there: My 360 has started freezing now, and it looks like it can no longer play games... I don't know how to fix it and I'm kind of panicking. I can't afford another 360, and I don't want to buy another one JUST for ME3... But I really want to finish this game :(
It's a testament to the universe Bioware created, and sadly, the nature of this game. When it works it is the coolest thing ever, but when something seems out of place it just drives you mad. Worst thing is, this feeling grows exponentially to the point of really hating some stuff to death, like just seeing Chobot in there for me.

what's a 'fourth wall'?


It's a testament to the universe Bioware created, and sadly, the nature of this game. When it works it is the coolest thing ever, but when something seems out of place it just drives you mad. Worst thing is, this feeling grows exponentially to the point of really hating some stuff to death, like just seeing Chobot in there for me.

fuck is that who that was!?

God I was wondering what creeped me out about her. And the voice acting is the worst ever for that character!

So dumb
Man, I know I'm near the end now and I feel I can get my b*tt kicked by the ending but as a sci-fi fan I can't help but think that Mass Effect is one of the best things to come across me EVER.


It had to be him.

Seriously, though, with that ending to his story, Mordin is one of my favorite characters ever.

yeah me too, :(
i also thought grunt was gonna bite the dust, because that would suck.

this is the first time in this game that i regret something i made a decision of, in this case..
destroying maelon's research.

Because without the
original VA (soul), the physical body of Mordin have no reason to exist


wow, i never noticed this, thanks for the info.

It's a testament to the universe Bioware created, and sadly, the nature of this game. When it works it is the coolest thing ever, but when something seems out of place it just drives you mad. Worst thing is, this feeling grows exponentially to the point of really hating some stuff to death, like just seeing Chobot in there for me.

lol. true, they could have just bring back the reporter who has been bugging out shepard the last time. but they really had to bring her there.
Looking back now, I think I can't deny the greatness of the series, Mass Effect is like a masterful mix of features from most good (modern) sci-fi I can think of, it's like Revelation Space meets Ender's game with a good measure od Babylon 5 and some Battlestar Galactica thrown in, spiced with Farscape and Firefly, along many other pieces of art out there, yet it kind of manages to get it's own identity through.

P.D: Don't take me too seriously right now Rum has it's hold on me.


In terms of gameplay, I just realized that ME3 is lacking in one of those halfway rescue mission where you have to engage characters in a dialogue to see if they are enemies or someone to rescue (ie. Salarian workers and Asari fugitive in ME2). I liked those encounters and I can't remember if there is something similar in ME3. Not that I can recall anyway.


Right, after a busy couple of weeks crunching and avoiding spoilers I'm finally starting my playthrough tomorrow morning. My old 360 is out of commission at the moment so I won't be continuing my save /Femshep from ME1 & 2 until my second play; just going to start a new save in the meantime.

I've played Infiltrator only for the entire series, but I'm thinking about trying a different class for this new save; not interested in Soldier or Engineer, Vanguard seems to be popular but I'm leaning towards Sentinel... any Sents here with general advice /tips?


I've played Infiltrator only for the entire series, but I'm thinking about trying a different class for this new save; not interested in Soldier or Engineer, Vanguard seems to be popular but I'm leaning towards Sentinel... any Sents here with general advice /tips?

I'd focus on developing Overload for shielded enemies as well as Warp and Throw for biotic detonations. Tech Armor is unfortunately pretty terrible even in single player, but once you get a few cooldown bonuses the penalty becomes subdued enough that you can have it on in some situations. Still, you may be better off just taking Defense Matrix for your bonus power when you can and leaving Tech Armor alone.
In terms of gameplay, I just realized that ME3 is lacking in one of those halfway rescue mission where you have to engage characters in a dialogue to see if they are enemies or someone to rescue (ie. Salarian workers and Asari fugitive in ME2). I liked those encounters and I can't remember if there is something similar in ME3. Not that I can recall anyway.

Gone in ME3.


but i got a question, will i gain more squad members?
i've got five and im at the citadel after the attack

There's a returning character who will join if they survived ME2, and Ashley/Kaidan will join if you didn't kill them on the Citadel and don't turn them down when they ask to join.


Guys, go back and play Mass Effect. It doesn't hold up as well as some of you think.

I am currently playing ME1 again and this is only true for the most obvious aspects - performance, graphics and combat did see quite a large improvement - but in regards to mission structure and story, ME1 still does a better job, especially in pacing.

Primary missions, although still linear, offer more ways to accomplish its objectives. Primary missions also have various optional side missions within which wasn't the case in ME3. ME3 had a linear progression of objectives, and only one objective at a time.
The levels also seem more vast in ME1 partly due to the Mako. While Mako controls were far from perfect, the Mako parts of the primary missions (in my opinion) still worked fairly well and added a great deal of atmosphere in presenting a much larger playable world.
The problem with planet exploration, which is extremely long and tedious, is that everything is so generic and randomized (the Hammerhead missions in ME2 proves that it isn't just the controls that were at fault).

Also small things like having relevant loading screens and elevators, in order to not break the immersion, present a continuous open world rather than a series of linear corridors like most other shooters.
The sense of scale in ME1 is far better than its successors - it achieves the idea of travelling the galaxy with a sense of freedom.


Guys, go back and play Mass Effect. It doesn't hold up as well as some of you think.
Hmm... Bastion adept with Carnage bonus is still incredibly fun on Insanity. Shitty mako missions are still more engaging than minigame probing. Environments are still atmospheric areas that don't feel like enemy hallways. Sense of mystery and isolation--mood in general--is still spot-on. Story is still cliche but paced well. Soundtrack is still excellent. You can still access the options menu to manage equipment and mods. Reapers are still portrayed as horrifyingly sublime entities. Final act is still satisfying.

Polish, gunplay, quests, bosses, party members, Normandy, overall breadth and detail of the galaxy such as alien diversity--not as good.

I think ME1 holds up if you value some things more than others.
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