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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Am I alone in thinking that ME3's squad is the least interesting?

You are not alone.

Me 3's squad choices suck.

Javik is awesome and he's an add on. They didn't give him nearly enough face time. Truthfully, they probably had no fucking clue how to really include him in the story.

Vega and

She has her moments but I'd like to know the compelling reasons behind establishing relationships with even more characters as opposed to ones left over from ME 2 or ME 1

I get it. Some could have died in ME 2. So be it. Let them fill the gaps with other characters.

Going from squad selection in ME 2 to squad selection in ME 3 feels anemic at best.


Most of the side stuff I've done in 3 so far consists of...

1. Go to planet to use computer/grab item
2. fight to get to item
3. get item
4. "The LZ is blocked Shepard! You'll have to clear it/hold out until I come back!"
5. shoot some more guys
6. escape
Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eti0shsZyJ8&feature=g-hist&context=G267ea53AHT2jBgwAzAA

It's a slightly different combo from what I use and massive kudos to him for not only showing how to play to Vanguard's strengths but also how to do so in MP where there is no real time pause to look around.

He does mention that it requires a ton of practice.

you can also use the nova upgrade that you use 50% of your shield for 60% of the damage. That way you can do 2 nova's in a row before recharging. During the nova animation you are apparently invincible, so that removes a bit of the risk.


Yesterday, I saw a vid showing how to really play as a vanguard and it looked mighty visceral. As a former Infiltrator who likes combat at far to medium distances I did not truly capitalize on vanguard's strengths. I tried the other way yesterday (a fan of charge and shock wave) and all of a sudden my experience with game's combat system was elevated to a whole new level.

You're welcome.


The side quests in ME3 are a massive pain presentation wise. Why can't you dig deeper into the missions and find out exactly what you've done and exactly what needs to be done? After looking at the ME wikia, it now seems like there are 2 side missions that I'm in the middle of that have glitched and will now be in my active quest until I go passed a point of no return. Almost not worth the hassle.


Perhaps someone can answer this - I understand that the iOS datapad app can also raise galactic readiness, but my question is, do I still need to activate my online pass for the results to show up ingame? Because as of now I can't access the war map, it says the system is offline.


I am dying to beat this game just so I can see this ending. I've never heard of such a backlash against just about anything.. other than Be Here Now. :(

I think I figured out the item that Garry Whitta was so disappointed about that involved a Paragon decision.
I sided with Legion and allowed him to upgrade the Geth fleet thinking it would only have a negative effect on perhaps some of them.. but then they drop a bomb on me and say they've wiped out the Quarian race and Tali goes and commits suicide on top of Legion himself dying. Ack?!

I still find it fairly disgusting that even though I've raised my readiness with this Galaxy at War iPhone app, it isn't being reflected in the game since I haven't bought an Online Pass. Completely unacceptable.


erotic butter maelstrom
The side quests in ME3 are a massive pain presentation wise. Why can't you dig deeper into the missions and find out exactly what you've done and exactly what needs to be done? After looking at the ME wikia, it now seems like there are 2 side missions that I'm in the middle of that have glitched and will now be in my active quest until I go passed a point of no return. Almost not worth the hassle.

Yeah, at the very least it would be nice if the quest journal updated when you find the item for the fetch quests. When you're juggling like a dozen different quests, it can be hard to keep tabs all on the small stuff, especially since you have to return to the Citadel and track down the quest giver to complete the quest.

It's kind of baffling that the game doesn't do something so obvious, I have to assume that BW didn't have time for it.


I am dying to beat this game just so I can see this ending. I've never heard of such a backlash against just about anything.. other than Be Here Now. :(

I think I figured out the item that Garry Whitta was so disappointed about that involved a Paragon decision.
I sided with Legion and allowed him to upgrade the Geth fleet thinking it would only have a negative effect on perhaps some of them.. but then they drop a bomb on me and say they've wiped out the Quarian race and Tali goes and commits suicide on top of Legion himself dying. Ack?!

I still find it fairly disgusting that even though I've raised my readiness with this Galaxy at War iPhone app, it isn't being reflected in the game since I haven't bought an Online Pass. Completely unacceptable.

you didn't do everything correctly in both ME2 and ME3. If you do, you can achieve peace.

Yeah, at the very least it would be nice if the quest journal updated when you find the item for the fetch quests. When you're juggling like a dozen different quests, it can be hard to keep tabs all on the small stuff, especially since you have to return to the Citadel and track down the quest giver to complete the quest.

It's kind of baffling that the game doesn't do something so obvious, I have to assume that BW didn't have time for it.

What's really baffling is the journal updated in ME2. It's like they took a step backwards for no reason.


One thing that's confused me is that the map continues to show Barla Von in the Bank area of The Citadel after the
Cerberus attack
but I can never access him..


One thing that's confused me is that the map continues to show Barla Von in the Bank area of The Citadel after the
Cerberus attack
but I can never access him..
Also, 'Diplomat' in the embassies, of which I can't tell what quest they're even tied to.


So I'm doing the
Grisson Academy rescue mission
and I think my game is glitched. I'm in the section right after you
hijack the Atlas
and all of the enemies are dead, but the people in the barrier up top are still firing off into nowhere and the barrier is still taking damage very, very slowly. The door at the bottom right underneath the students is still locked too. Am I missing something or is the game glitched?


Goddamn this thread isn't even at 15k posts?? Come on people we're already at like 21000 posts and the 2nd OT about the ending already.


erotic butter maelstrom
Goddamn this thread isn't even at 15k posts?? Come on people we're already at like 21000 posts and the 2nd OT about the ending already.

Heh, it's pretty funny that the spoiler thread reached max limit before I've even finished the game. I feel like I've been navigating a minefield of ME3 spoilers over the past week, especially on GAF with all of the ending-related threads on the front page. I might reach the ending by tomorrow unless I keep getting distracted by the multiplayer mode.


I really can't set my mind on adept or vanguard... I enjoyed vanguard a lot in ME2, but I'm finding the super zoomed in camera in this game to be a major problem with you charge in close.


you can also use the nova upgrade that you use 50% of your shield for 60% of the damage. That way you can do 2 nova's in a row before recharging. During the nova animation you are apparently invincible, so that removes a bit of the risk.

Yea, I noticed. I felt it became a bit too cheap by then and decided to stick to shockwave and lift instead.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the uploading the vid, husleman.
What's really baffling is the journal updated in ME2. It's like they took a step backwards for no reason.

It does actually update during missions. Just view it, start mission, it starts flashing again, view it, get to next objective, it starts flashing again.

So they just took the ME2 code, rammed it in there and then took all the good parts, like actually telling you what the hell you are supposed to do.

This game is so amazing, on so many levels. I would recommend it to all my friends who can get better games at a much lower price anywhere in the world.

10 /10
Totally not sarcasm.

of course it is sarcasm
Playing through a second time, I really wish I had imported my king of the boy scouts file first. I had three completed save files from ME2 to choose from: My choices (usually Paragon), all Renegade, and all Paragon.

I start out loading the all Paragon file and stop when I see Kaidan. I wanted to play with Ashley first, so I switch to all Renegade. Big mistake. I hated Ashley and had to deal with the consequences of being a dick at every opportunity for the previous two games.

I finish the game, take a few days off, and get sucked in again big time playing the all Paragon import, and it is like playing a better version of ME3. Kaidan's way less annoying than Ashley, gives you Reave, and everything is coming up Milhouse since I was such a good person the previous two games, most notably the difference between
Wreav and Wrex compounded with the fact that Eve dies on the Wreav file and survives in the Wrex file because the all Renegade/all Paragon happens to line up that way
. There are also many more character callbacks/easter eggs due to more people being alive when you're not a jerk.

Also, I really hope the iOS app comes to Droid. I'd actually read the Codex for the first time ever and will actually (maybe) be able to get the stupid multiplayer achievements (I don't have Gold and hate multiplayer).
OK, I really need help.

I'm at the part where you have to target the Reaper and I can't get past the last part where it slows down time. I've already watched multiple youtube videos and my targeting laser never goes that fast. I've read that if you hold still and target the center of the red eye it locks on faster but it never does on mine and I always die from the last attack.


So I'm doing the
Grisson Academy rescue mission
and I think my game is glitched. I'm in the section right after you
hijack the Atlas
and all of the enemies are dead, but the people in the barrier up top are still firing off into nowhere and the barrier is still taking damage very, very slowly. The door at the bottom right underneath the students is still locked too. Am I missing something or is the game glitched?

Exact same thing happened to me the first time, I had to wait for them to die and restart the section and it went through normally.
The guide is massive fail. Not only it doesn't tell you how many options you have, it also doesn't clearly explains which ending you should go for if you want certain things to happen.

I don't get it. Is there a single ending that is bad or all of them are?

If they all are, does it at least give a conlusive ending or a cliff hanger type ala HALO 2?
OK, I really need help.

I'm at the part where you have to target the Reaper and I can't get past the last part where it slows down time. I've already watched multiple youtube videos and my targeting laser never goes that fast. I've read that if you hold still and target the center of the red eye it locks on faster but it never does on mine and I always die from the last attack.

Weird, I thought that one was a freebie. Get as far back as possible, maybe?


I like how playing DXHR after ME3 for the first time, I kept wanting to press space to pause time and use my abilities while in cover, lol

Incidentally, DXHR was heads and tails a better game than ME3.
I like how playing DXHR after ME3 for the first time, I kept wanting to press space to pause time and use my abilities while in cover, lol

Incidentally, DXHR was heads and tails a better game than ME3.

Strongly disagree. For me, DXHR felt like a complete snooze and a chore to play compared to every other shooter/RPG hybrid (ME, Fallout, Alpha Protocol). ME3 was a game I couldn't put down, DXHR was a game I stepped away from constantly until I told myself I should finish it before Skyrim came out.


To each their own. I've been invested in the ME games since the start and just felt downtrodden on by the company in terms of the design.

Never finished any DX game, but even this implementation was a breath of fresh air and I want a hundred more games like that.
Just stopped for the night. 40 hours in, just reached Thessia. Game is soooooo goood. Don't want it to end.

P.S. DXHR was probably my game of the year last year. Couldn't put that game down.


Strongly disagree. For me, DXHR felt like a complete snooze and a chore to play compared to every other shooter/RPG hybrid (ME, Fallout, Alpha Protocol). ME3 was a game I couldn't put down, DXHR was a game I stepped away from constantly until I told myself I should finish it before Skyrim came out.

Playing DXHR I realized very quickly and told myself, "This is the game Mass Effect should have been."


Alright, I'm pretty late game

I just went back to Horizon and
Killed Miranda's dad
, then I decided to go after
The Illusive Man
. Did some love-makin with a blue lady and started the mission. Is it too late to up my galactic readiness? Do I even need to, as my bar is filled up and I think my overall effectiveness is at 6000, and my effective effectiveness or whatever is around 4700. It says my odds of success are about even.

My "Galactic Readiness" is around 68% in all sectors (I haven't played Multi in a bit)
Alright, I'm pretty late game

I just went back to Horizon and
Killed Miranda's dad
, then I decided to go after
The Illusive Man
. Did some love-makin with a blue lady and started the mission. Is it too late to up my galactic readiness? Do I even need to, as my bar is filled up and I think my overall effectiveness is at 6000, and my effective effectiveness or whatever is around 4700. It says my odds of success are about even.

My "Galactic Readiness" is around 68% in all sectors (I haven't played Multi in a bit)

I know it probably redundant at this point, but you really don't need to bother your readiness does not really effect the endings. That being said if your effectiveness is over 5000 you will have access to all the options at the end. You can raise it and have it apply up to the very last minute.


The dialogue in Mass Effect was never particularly great...but my God this is FanFic level writing so far. Love the shooting and mechanics tho.


Is the Dekunna mission bugged? Cant even land for a sidequest.

My green bar is full all the way, yay.

Just finished
Thessia. Awesommmmmmmmmmme. Bringing Javik along made the mission amazing.


Is the Dekunna mission bugged? Cant even land for a sidequest.

My green bar is full all the way, yay.

Just finished
Thessia. Awesommmmmmmmmmme. Bringing Javik along made the mission amazing.

The Dekunna mission is just a scan-the-planet/get-an-item mission. It's not an actual mission. In fact, if you've been thorough, you probably already have the item when you get the quest. Talk to the ambassador again to turn it in.


So I started ME3 as a Level 30 Infiltrator..and had a question about my starting points. Almost everything was maxed out. Was this from the ME2 exploit?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The dialogue in Mass Effect was never particularly great...but my God this is FanFic level writing so far. Love the shooting and mechanics tho.
ME3 is complete fan service, since it doesn't reveal anything new, imo.

So I started ME3 as a Level 30 Infiltrator..and had a question about my starting points. Almost everything was maxed out. Was this from the ME2 exploit?
What exploit? I had a few things maxed when I first started, but not everything.


At level 30 as Infiltrator I had 10 points to spend. Without doing anything..

4 Bars of:
Disruptor Ammo
Cryo Ammo
Tactical Cloak
Operational Mastery

Nothing in Grenade or Fitness.

Before a patch, you could level up in ME2 without spending the points.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I think that's normal. I filled in quite a few when I first started. I don't think I exploited anything in ME2, at least I can't recall.


Game just scared me for a second - my Effective Miltary strength dropped to 0 along with my readiness rating for about 10 minutes. Now its back up to 50 percent, TMS at 5322, EMS at 2661


I haven't had this much fun with a game since Yakuza 4! I haven't stepped out of the house for 3 days cause I can't wait to find out what happens next hahaha
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