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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)



why? :-(


why? :-(

It had to be him.

Seriously, though, with that ending to his story, Mordin is one of my favorite characters ever.

and later spoilers:

The one-two punch of Mordin and then Thane had me kind of choked up. Thane was cool and all, but his death solely wouldn't have had me choked up. But that whole time I was thinking of Mordin, and then Thane going, so that scene really had me kind of sad.


no but I'm scared of going out of ammo :D I'm not deliberately not using my powers, I just find them 'uncool' and rather have the prothean blast everybody with his toxic shit while I lay waste with my fire ammo!

I carried only an assault rifle the entire game and I never came close to running out of ammo.

Carrying more than one gun is stupid.
I'm near the end but I have to know now, no spoilers please.
Is the ending disappointing in the way that the Resistance 3 ending was (as in, rushed and nonsensical) or is there some element in particular people don't like as in X or Y die irremediably or, you just can't win the war etc...


I'm near the end but I have to know now, no spoilers please.
Is the ending disappointing in the way that the Resistance 3 ending was (as in, rushed and nonsensical) or is there some element in particular people don't like as in X or Y die irremediably or, you just can't win the war etc...

It cannot be put into words really.


I'm near the end but I have to know now, no spoilers please.
Is the ending disappointing in the way that the Resistance 3 ending was (as in, rushed and nonsensical) or is there some element in particular people don't like as in X or Y die irremediably or, you just can't win the war etc...

While Arjen is right, I would say more nonsensical, not necessarily rushed, but definitely not well thought-out.
Just expect the worst and maybe you will be surprised - the feeling of criticism/hate usually comes a few hours after finishing though.
While Arjen is right, I would say more nonsensical, not necessarily rushed, but definitely not well thought-out.
Just expect the worst and maybe you will be surprised - the feeling of criticism/hate usually comes a few hours after finishing though.

Yeah, I can't say I'm not warned thought. Normally would just dismiss this as Internet angst but it's so generalized by now that I'm starting to worry, I'm not worried about the ending perse as i do like bittersweet endings myself but some people seem to be giving some well thought out arguments about why the ending ruins the series, and that's alarming. I'll know by the end of today I guess.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Just think about an ending that make little sense and end the same way, no matter what you did in the previous 3 games, and you have enough to disappoint people.

I can't really say more than that without spoiling anything.


And this makes Insanity piss easy? Is it recommended to charge around a big group of enemies though given the damage you can/will take? :lol

Not a problem, nothing you should be charging at will be able to kill you by the time you can charge again. Obviously don't go charging a Ravager, those things will fuck you up.


Yeah, I can't say I'm not warned thought. Normally would just dismiss this as Internet angst but it's so generalized by now that I'm starting to worry, I'm not worried about the ending perse as i do like bittersweet endings myself but some people seem to be giving some well thought out arguments about why the ending ruins the series, and that's alarming. I'll know by the end of today I guess.

It's not a bittersweet ending, it is a thing that kind of comes unexpectedly and prompts some more questions that can't be answered. I think the first time you get there you will be fine with it and even say, that was it? that wasn't that bad, I was expecting worse, etc. but then you'll ask yourself some questions and then more and more and that's where the feeling of emptiness will come from. Especially after all the awesome things you've accomplished up to that point.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'


The ending deserves the hate it gets. I was willing to believe DA2 was an anomaly- ME3 has mostly convinced that bioware has completely gone to shit.


Unfair. DA2 was a bad game to begin with, ME3 and the series as a whole is fantastic.

That's what makes the bad ending sting all the more. At least DA2 was consistently terrible so it was impossible to be disappointed. ME3 does a complete 180 at the last minute, leaving you wondering how it's possible to fuck something up so badly. We should probably stop talking about this in this thread though.


erotic butter maelstrom
I think I'm nearing the end (Just finished Rannoch
), but I still have a ton of sidequests I feel like I should do. This wouldn't be a problem if the quest tracking wasn't so bad, since it makes it hard to keep tabs on all the various fetch quests. As much as I'm enjoying this, I'm extremely anxious to get to the end since fucking everyone seems to be talking about it.


I am actually going to view this ending myself tonight. I got far enough along last night where it's obvious I'm within an hour at most of finishing.

That said, it would have to be pretty damn bad to shit on this experience. IMO, ME3 as it stands right now is one of the best games of the generation. The only thing that sours the game at all for me is the "From Ashes" DLC. The character you get from that pack is CRUCIAL to understanding the ME universe, and he actually contributed a lot to various cutscenes and such. Bioware not including him in the main game is absolutely criminal. I think this is far, far worse than the multiplayer nickel and diming or what I'm sure is not a totally horrid ending.

The funny thing is that I had to rip myself away from the multiplayer to force myself to finish the campaign. I've come too close over the past week to reading spoilers, and I need to see it through.

The fact they're supporting multi with player challenges and bonus loot makes it all the better. The one from this past weekend had me fighting the Reapers on Silver countless times, and it is great every time. The laid back nature of it has a big appeal to me; it's not like CoD, where I am going to get owned repeatedly by clans of 13 year olds and lose my will to keep playing. It's just nothing but shooting dudes and sweet loot.

But just damn Bioware for "From Ashes". I am not a person who is going to go off and accuse companies of unfair business practices at every opportunity, but in this case I am 100% sure they are thieves for doing this. Everybody who bought the game at $60 is getting ripped off. IMO, what they did here is worse than the mythical DLC doomsday scenario of selling the ending of a game separately.


I am actually going to view this ending myself tonight. I got far enough along last night where it's obvious I'm within an hour at most of finishing.

That said, it would have to be pretty damn bad to shit on this experience. IMO, ME3 as it stands right now is one of the best games of the generation. The only thing that sours the game at all for me is the "From Ashes" DLC. The character you get from that pack is CRUCIAL to understanding the ME universe, and he actually contributed a lot to various cutscenes and such. Bioware not including him in the main game is absolutely criminal. I think this is far, far worse than the multiplayer nickel and diming or what I'm sure is not a totally horrid ending.

The funny thing is that I had to rip myself away from the multiplayer to force myself to finish the campaign. I've come too close over the past week to reading spoilers, and I need to see it through.

The fact they're supporting multi with player challenges and bonus loot makes it all the better. The one from this past weekend had me fighting the Reapers on Silver countless times, and it is great every time. The laid back nature of it has a big appeal to me; it's not like CoD, where I am going to get owned repeatedly by clans of 13 year olds and lose my will to keep playing. It's just nothing but shooting dudes and sweet loot.

But just damn Bioware for "From Ashes". I am not a person who is going to go off and accuse companies of unfair business practices at every opportunity, but in this case I am 100% sure they are thieves for doing this. Everybody who bought the game at $60 is getting ripped off. IMO, what they did here is worse than the mythical DLC doomsday scenario of selling the ending of a game separately.

See you in the spoiler thread. Just remember that we're there for you.


ME2 had the most fulfilling ending in the whole series. I felt like all my choices really mattered. ME1 had an amazing ending too.

Ironically, by making all the right decisions and not having anyone die at the end of my first playthrough in ME2, I actually felt the ending was unfulfilling. Because the whole thing was a cakewalk.

Give me the ME1 ending any day.

Fun fact: I've now played ME2 four times. I have never lost a single squadmate.


Really Really Exciting Member!
ME2 had the most fulfilling ending in the whole series. I felt like all my choices really mattered. ME1 had an amazing ending too.

I think he was mostly talking about the Human Reaper coming out of nowhere. Not the actual suicide mission, which was pretty fun in itself yeah.


See you in the spoiler thread. Just remember that we're there for you.

I don't know. I have a really high tolerance for weird endings of anything, whether it be a movie, game, or book. I am 100% a "it's not the destination, it's the journey" type of guy. And the whole Mass Effect "journey" has been incredible throughout all 3 games.

FWIW, I will be going into the spoilers thread tonight or tomorrow to write up what I thought of the ending.
So I'm thinking of playing through all the games again.

I started ME3 on release day but with a save I downloaded off the internet. I did have my original ME1 and ME2 saves, but I reformatted my PC a while back and forgot to back them up and didn't feel like playing through the games again. That was a mistake as I feel like I wasn't playing ME3 properly, by carrying on with my saves (despite downloading a save as close to my decisions as possible; pretty much all paragon).

So I want to run through them all again, really paying attention to the story and whatnot, and get all the DLC I missed out on, hopefully making it my main playthrough for whatever is to come. But I'm not sure how to play. I've touched on playing renegade and femshep a few times but never fully completed those runs as honestly I prefer playing as a paragon maleshep. I like to imagine myself as Shepard, with my own ship exploring the galaxy, and having fun whilst doing it. I myself wouldn't be a renegade if I was in Shepard's shoes. But I feel like I should play as a renegade femshep simply because I haven't fully played that role yet...

But I want it to become my main save. So I'm torn...


I am actually going to view this ending myself tonight. I got far enough along last night where it's obvious I'm within an hour at most of finishing.

That said, it would have to be pretty damn bad to shit on this experience. IMO, ME3 as it stands right now is one of the best games of the generation. The only thing that sours the game at all for me is the "From Ashes" DLC. The character you get from that pack is CRUCIAL to understanding the ME universe, and he actually contributed a lot to various cutscenes and such. Bioware not including him in the main game is absolutely criminal. I think this is far, far worse than the multiplayer nickel and diming or what I'm sure is not a totally horrid ending.

The funny thing is that I had to rip myself away from the multiplayer to force myself to finish the campaign. I've come too close over the past week to reading spoilers, and I need to see it through.

The fact they're supporting multi with player challenges and bonus loot makes it all the better. The one from this past weekend had me fighting the Reapers on Silver countless times, and it is great every time. The laid back nature of it has a big appeal to me; it's not like CoD, where I am going to get owned repeatedly by clans of 13 year olds and lose my will to keep playing. It's just nothing but shooting dudes and sweet loot.

But just damn Bioware for "From Ashes". I am not a person who is going to go off and accuse companies of unfair business practices at every opportunity, but in this case I am 100% sure they are thieves for doing this. Everybody who bought the game at $60 is getting ripped off. IMO, what they did here is worse than the mythical DLC doomsday scenario of selling the ending of a game separately.

Horrible ending or not Mass Effect 3 is one of the best games of the generation.
But I'm one of the few not outraged about the ending (yes, it could've been different) nor modern Bioware (yes, they make a lot of bad decisions) and I like to use the default male Shepard so I'm not a typical fan.

I bought a 360 back in 2007 just so I could play that amazing looking space RPG (Mass Effect) and I'm just glad that I got 3 great games out of this franchise. It's been an amazing ride.

REV 09

I think he was mostly talking about the Human Reaper coming out of nowhere. Not the actual suicide mission, which was pretty fun in itself yeah.

Correct. The mission was cool, but honestly, the final missions in ME3 are even better. I was talking about the terminator reaper...totally left field and nonsensical. I felt ME3's ending was a little weird in bits, but I understood it.
Horrible ending or not Mass Effect 3 is one of the best games of the generation.
Oh it is. I must have played the entire game with a big grin on my face (except for certain parts which were just sad), except for the last 10 minutes. Shame the ending overshadows everything else to the point i really can be bothered to replay it. I only boot it up for multiplayer.


I reset Shep's upgrades to be more sensible and efficient with my Vanguard, and it makes a world of difference in my run through Insanity. Also got rid of the Shotgun and replaced my Avenger with a Mattock and HOLY FUCK, why didn't I think of using this gun before? It's an absolute beast, especially with Warp ammo turned on. I'm burning through enemies like no tomorrow, including Brutes, etc.


Just a question I think I'm at the very end of the game.
Going to attack the Illusive Man's base
How much more do I have?

I currently have about 6250 in War Assets and will have 100% in Galaxy at War with one more MP match. Whats the minimum war asset amount required to get the best ending?
Just a question I think I'm at the very end of the game.
Going to attack the Illusive Man's base
How much more do I have?

I currently have about 6250 in War Assets and will have 100% in Galaxy at War with one more MP match. Whats the minimum war asset amount required to get the best ending?

There really, really is no best ending, but you've got more then enough to get all the available endings. And yeah, you are at the end of the game.


Really Really Exciting Member!
You aren't missing out on much, don't get too worked up about it.

2 things bother me in that sidequest :

1) The salarian spectre shoot the Hanar, but we never see it getting hit, being dead or just lying on the ground.

2) The computer blowing up in front of Kasumi and they dont even bother showing the explosion itself.


Ugh, Kasumi also glitched for me. I never saw what happened in that sidequest.

Just a question I think I'm at the very end of the game.
Going to attack the Illusive Man's base
How much more do I have?

I currently have about 6250 in War Assets and will have 100% in Galaxy at War with one more MP match. Whats the minimum war asset amount required to get the best ending?

You still have about a couple of hours left. I think that number is OK. There really is no "best ending", but I'll let you decide that. Just get your ending and if you are really curious go see the others on Youtube. You'll understand when you get there.

Then come visit the spoiler thread =D


Just a question I think I'm at the very end of the game.
Going to attack the Illusive Man's base
How much more do I have?

I currently have about 6250 in War Assets and will have 100% in Galaxy at War with one more MP match. Whats the minimum war asset amount required to get the best ending?
Like others have said there is no "best" ending, but to have access to all the "perfect" endings, you need 5000 EMS(which is total war assets multiplied by your galaxy at war number), so you're perfect where you're at.


The ending deserves the hate it gets. I was willing to believe DA2 was an anomaly- ME3 has mostly convinced that bioware has completely gone to shit.
The game was absolutely incredible up until the ending.

They haven't gone to shit, they just made a stupid ass decision to fuck up the end.


Minor gripe: the game doesn't let me further my romance with Ashley, whom I've been loyal to the whole series, but instead wants me to hook up with my assistant, my reporter and Liara. I've had all these touching moments with Liara, but I talk to Ashley on the Normandy, and it's all canned conversation, no branching dialogue. What is the deal here?

Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Very small complaint, I know, but it's annoying.


Question about romance...

to liara in the citadel, and I get the option I want to be more than just friends. Can I say I want to, then do traynor as well? (LOL)
or can you just do a single person per playthrough.


Finished last night, and while I know it's a drop of water into an ocean, but just have to say I was shocked how embarrassing that ending is. MGS4-level embarrassing.

Such a shame.

REV 09

Minor gripe: the game doesn't let me further my romance with Ashley, whom I've been loyal to the whole series, but instead wants me to hook up with my assistant, my reporter and Liara. I've had all these touching moments with Liara, but I talk to Ashley on the Normandy, and it's all canned conversation, no branching dialogue. What is the deal here?

Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Very small complaint, I know, but it's annoying.

you can't rush into these things. give it time.


Dalatrass wants me to sabotage the shroud and promises full Salarian support against the Reapers... that's pretty fucking huge... but I fucking love Krogans...
What a fucking shitty choice I have to make, I hate you Bioware


Really Really Exciting Member!
Dalatrass wants me to sabotage the shroud and promises full Salarian support against the Reapers... that's pretty fucking huge... but I fucking love Krogans...
What a fucking shitty choice I have to make, I hate you Bioware

I think the choice was pretty obvious, especially considering how much of an asshole she was anyway.
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