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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Why is this game now giving me the Mass Relay loading screen everytime I enter a new star system through FTL travel? I mean, I can understand it doing that when I enter the system through a fuckin' relay, but now it's even more annoying. :lol


Okay probably been asked like a hundred times in this thread but I'm too afraid to highlight spoiler tags to find out.

In my game I'm about to assault Illusive Man's base. Is this the point of no return? Or will I have time to do citadel stuff and side missions afterwards? I'm also concerned because Miranda hasn't contacted me yet so I don't want to miss out on story content with her by jumping the gun on this assault.

Thanks so much for spoiler-less answers >_<


Okay probably been asked like a hundred times in this thread but I'm too afraid to highlight spoiler tags to find out.

In my game I'm about to assault Illusive Man's base. Is this the point of no return? Or will I have time to do citadel stuff and side missions afterwards? I'm also concerned because Miranda hasn't contacted me yet so I don't want to miss out on story content with her by jumping the gun on this assault.

Thanks so much for spoiler-less answers >_<

yes it is the point of no return, no you cannot do more sidequests anywhere, but you do get one more shot at being on the normandy and talking to everyone and buying things from the requisition centre and upgrading stuff and things, but the galaxy map no longer functions like it did


Okay probably been asked like a hundred times in this thread but I'm too afraid to highlight spoiler tags to find out.

In my game I'm about to assault Illusive Man's base. Is this the point of no return? Or will I have time to do citadel stuff and side missions afterwards? I'm also concerned because Miranda hasn't contacted me yet so I don't want to miss out on story content with her by jumping the gun on this assault.

Thanks so much for spoiler-less answers >_<

Yes, that's the point of no return.


Thanks guys!
I thought you could romance Miranda though? Am I to assume that happens on the Normandy in between final missions?
I'm about 24 hours in. My most recent activity is listed in the first line of the spoilers in the least spoilery way possible.

Did some running around on the Citadel, investigated the Asari signal, and checked out the scientists that went AWOL.

Oh, hey, it's Jacob. Oh no, he got shot. Not my favorite character. Oh, no. Please, say it isn't so.
Nah, he's fine now. Just a flesh wound apparently. Man, it's been about a week since I last played, but all the things that annoy me with having random sidequest bits and weapon upgrades laying around in the corners of the fighting area still bug the ever-loving heck out of me. The quest itself was okay. Not good, not bad. It was funny when the Atlus dropped near the end, because it needed one hit to die, I did my vanguard charge into him, but he, apparently, grabbed me as I was charging and 1-hit killed me. Awesome. I didn't realize they could do that, but it's good to know.

Did some running around on the citadel after clearing out another 1 or 2 spots on the galaxy map. Ran into Zaeed, and he said he'd help. Yup. Mrrndrr said she was looking for her sister still and didn't want my help. Great, thanks for keeping me up to date on that. Javik had a little cutscene with three people on the ship, and they seemed more worried about having their nerves put to ease than, oh, I don't know, the fact that THERE'S A FREAKING PROTHEAN STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM. At least the stinking Hanar reacted appropriately. Geez...
Said hi to Liara. Shot bottles with Garrus (I was really hoping to hit golf balls from up there or ride some go-karts). Pretended to be sad with my soulless gaze for Ashley and Cortez. Uh... Oh yeah, Vega got a tattoo. Yup. And... I think that was pretty much it. Made me laugh how so many people are still standing around looking at the blast marks. It's like they've never seen charred stuff before.

Kind of getting annoyed at the slowdown going on now. I understand adding more character models to show that it's getting worse, but the Citadel really has some problems now. It's like playing ME1 again or something!

Checked out the Asari signal before I go hit up the Perseus Veil later. I hope Tali's there <3
I hate having to tip-toe around the priority missions out of fear of losing my sidequests. I don't know if it was just the part I already passed, but I'm taking no chances.
Anyways! Asari mission was nice, in that they actually introduced a new freaking enemy. It was actually kind of frightening too. The constant teleporting was a pain, but we eventually got the hang of it. Oh yeah, and Samara was there. I never liked loved her character, but I never hated her either. She was pretty much the same ol' same ol'. I was getting some serious Terminator 2 vibes from the end of the mission, but whatever. I had a ridiculous death in the last wave against the 2 new enemies. Not entirely sure what happened, but it was charge-related again. I tried charging forward to hit one of them, ended up charging backwards and to the left, had to repeatedly tap B to escape from an invisible enemy which (I think) I curb stomped. However, I died immediately after coming out of the animation, so I don't know what the heck happened.

The game feels a little better now. Maybe I just needed the week away from it. Still getting some serious ME1 vibes from the rinse-repeat setup of nearly every mission. It plays out the same exact way every single time, and I'm beginning to wonder if they don't have ex-capcom people (specifically Resident Evil teams) working on the game. Everything gets blown up! EVERYTHING!

Going to the Perseus Veil after I grab some dinner and browse GAF. I have a feeling I've got some Quarian/Geth relations to patch up.
I swear, I should have just made Shepard look like Dr. Phil and got it over with.

MC Safety

Question about ME2.

At the end of jack's mission when your given the option to let her walk around her room; is it suppose to cut away to the movie like that? It looks like a glitch. Im playing on PS3.

You can access brief comments about her desk, a stain in the hallway, etc. Once she's commented on those things, you can exit the scene and the game plays the movie with Jack blowing up the building.

It's sort of a poorly done sequence. Jack should be walking over to these items and pointing out their features instead of being prompted about them by Shephard.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I'm about 24 hours in. My most recent activity is listed in the first line of the spoilers in the least spoilery way possible.

I did my vanguard charge into him, but he, apparently, grabbed me as I was charging and 1-hit killed me. Awesome. I didn't realize they could do that, but it's good to know.
I swear, I should have just made Shepard look like Dr. Phil and got it over with.
About Vanguards:
Some enemies can grab you right at the end of your charge. I'm not quite sure how it works - I assume they're already in the middle of a grabbing animation for whatever reason when I charge them - but I roll away right after charging to try to minimize the chances of it. Even with rolling, it does still happen from time to time, which is annoying when the grab leads to an instant death.
About Vanguards:
Some enemies can grab you right at the end of your charge. I'm not quite sure how it works - I assume they're already in the middle of a grabbing animation for whatever reason when I charge them - but I roll away right after charging to try to minimize the chances of it. Even with rolling, it does still happen from time to time, which is annoying when the grab leads to an instant death.
I just don't understand why it happened, since I was dealing more than enough damage to wipe out the very end of the thing's health. I mean, it had one little chunk left, and it was flashing. I have a maxed out charge, and that should have been more than enough to do it in. Oh well. It was an easy enough fix, but I sat there confused for a moment about what the heck had just happened.
Just started playing as an Infiltrator. Imported my ME2 file and got 59 points to spend on skills. I put points into Tactical Cloak, Cryo Ammo (with Squad perk), Incinerate, and Operational Mastery. Cryo Ammo + Incinerate is awesome as hell, and is probably going to make my Insanity run super easy. Freezing enemies and then blowing them to bits with Incinerate (which also has a blast radius that can also freeze nearby enemies, btw) is fun to watch. Cloaking and moving from cover to cover is nice too. I feel like a bad ass doing it.
For those with the Javik DLC, regarding squad selection on the late game
priority mission, it is still recommended to bring him, but other characters also have their conversation trees upgraded similarly to Javik's since they obviously
now know him and more about how Protheans look
. Took Ashley this time, and she's all
"Liara, that looks Prothean..."
when looking around, leading
Liara to question things just as with Javik there
Second mission of the game, and I have to put in Disc 2?
I put my discs in two jewel cases to save myself the trouble of messing with the collector's case. Thing's got a freaking death grip on that second disc.

Wow, what a difference a single mission can make. I'm around 25 hours in, first line in the spoilers covers my last activity in the least spoilery way possible.

Just did the first mission in the Perseus Veil, an N7 Mission that popped up afterwards, and ran through the Citadel for some quick sidequest wrap-ups.

Man. I'm probably going to sound like a total Tali-mancer (which likely wouldn't be too far from the truth), but what a difference the mission of infiltrating the geth ship made. First, it was great getting to see Tali again, because my Tali/Garrus team was longing to make a comeback. Liara's okay and all, but she's no Tali. I was sort of surprised at how fast they pushed the "HEY, HAVE SEX WITH HER" stuff. It made me worried something horrible was about to happen in the next mission. It didn't help that she was doing exactly what Wrex was doing before Tuchanka, so I was worried she wasn't an actual party member. What a relief, when I checked the teammate loadout screen in my room. Phew!

The mission itself just rubbed me the right way. I don't know if it was just the familiarity of fighting Geth instead of stupid looking Cerberus troops again and again, but I loved it. Between the cloaking enemies, the corridors I fought in that had giant blasts of energy firing down them, arguing with the Quarian command, and running into Legion again... I just loved it. I liked that they took a page out of the Dead Space book with the walking in space stuff, but the weight was severely missing. It just felt like a poor man's imitation, but it was still fun. Wasn't wild about the whole "yeah, we're gonna blow you up anyway" stuff the Quarian guy pulled, but we made it out.

The N7 mission was involved with restoring power to some fuel cells or something. It wasn't anything special, but it reminded me how much of a joke the Brutes are in certain environments. Just keep circle strafing the geometry while telling your squad to use their powers while tossing your own, and it goes down really fast. I laughed at the faux suspense of "they're not responding! What happened to Riley and _______?!" Yeah, I totally believe they'll kill off my squadmate like that. lol

Cleared out more junk on the Citadel. Yup.
I didn't mention it last time, but the meeting up with people on the Citadel stuff is all well and good, but I hate the ending dialogue. Why? Why? Why is every single one of them resulting in "Hey, wanna bone this character? Yes? No?" I mean, geez. I know that the relationship stuff isn't anything new, but I think I've had literally every character bring it up now. I think the only exception is Joker/EDI. Even Garrus joked about it (thank God it wasn't actually a dialogue option). I mean, sheesh. It's just ridiculous.

Oh, and to sound totally hypocritical, my favorite conversations from this play session involved Tali and Shepard flirting on the gethship and Garrus poking fun at them. It felt good to have the team back together.

Going to wrap up the stuff at Rannoch tomorrow (or soonish). Hoping I didn't mess stuff up by not doing it immediately...


^Don't want to quote and see your spoiler

I cut out some of the spindle plastic on my collector's edition to make it easier to pop in and out.

Felt really bad when I returned my extra copy of the Collector's Ed to Kmart. It was at a closing store, and they put a defective sticker on it. Will probably end up in the trash. Also, when I got home, I realized they refunded more than I bought it for.
^Don't want to quote and see your spoiler

I cut out some of the spindle plastic on my collector's edition to make it easier to pop in and out.
I don't blame you, haha.
You're a braver man than I. I would probably just break the thing if I did that.

On a dumber topic, where is my Normandy prop for my avatar?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I can finally start adding dumb junk to that character I see when I go to look at my achievements! I must know.
Great. 3 hours in, and I realize I imported the wrong save. I grabbed the one where I hadn't played any of the ME2 DLC.

When Liara started talking about (ME2 DLC spoiler)
Storming the Shadow Brokers Base with a bunch of Merc's instead of Me
is when I realized it. So I have to redo Earth, Mars, and the first Citadel run. Won't take as long this time probably, but it's the principle of the thing.

Great. 3 hours in, and I realize I imported the wrong save. I grabbed the one where I hadn't played any of the ME2 DLC.

When Liara started talking about (ME2 DLC spoiler)
Storming the Shadow Brokers Base with a bunch of Merc's instead of Me
is when I realized it. So I have to redo Earth, Mars, and the first Citadel run. Won't take as long this time probably, but it's the principle of the thing.

I went back and checked my files on ME2 before I imported to be absolutely certain. I had only one major difference between the file I wanted to use and the other one I wasn't going to use. Had to choose based on the timer, but I understand your pain. I was pretty confused at first when it brought up the bullet points because I thought I was screwed, haha.

Be strong! At least you can zip through some of the dialogue stuff now. I assume you can skip some of those cutscenes, but I don't know. Is it possible to skip cutscenes in the game?
Well i've loaded that part 3 times and the samething happens. It doesn't let me walk around.

ME2 has tons of glitches. Sound drops outs, magically appearing on top of an object and getting stuck, and i had my first game freeze last night. And now this.

Yup, all those other things have happened to me before but never getting cut off during the Jack loyalty mission. Really weird.
I went back and checked my files on ME2 before I imported to be absolutely certain. I had only one major difference between the file I wanted to use and the other one I wasn't going to use. Had to choose based on the timer, but I understand your pain. I was pretty confused at first when it brought up the bullet points because I thought I was screwed, haha.

Be strong! At least you can zip through some of the dialogue stuff now. I assume you can skip some of those cutscenes, but I don't know. Is it possible to skip cutscenes in the game?

Yeah, I'm just glad I caught it when I did. I've been playing through at a super slow pace, so I should be able to get back to where I was in half the time.


Just wanted to confirm whether the only source for side quests lie with Citadel and other N7 missions are found in Normany.


Finished it last night. Wow. I loved it. I love the ending.

I guess because it doesn't tie everything up in a neat little box with ribbons and shit or something. I thought it was a bold and, dare I say, visionary ending.

You just have to understand that two of the endings are Shepard failing to resist indoctrination, and the last one "Destroy the Reapers" is the correct ending.

Having replayed the series this past week, the clues are there. The Rakni Queen describes what indoctrination "looks" like on Noveria, you see Saren swearing up and down he's doing the right thing by merging organic and synthetic. You see what the same in the Illusive Man and his bid to control the Reapers. You see what it did to them both. None of it good.

It's obvious that in choosing the Destroy the Reapers ending you're saving Commander Shepard from indoctrination so that she can defeat the Reapers for real. Hence becoming a legend. Everything from Harbinger's laser to the Normandy landing on some far away planet is all in Shepard's head. It's her hopes that she's doing the right thing. But only with the Destroy the Reapers ending does Shepard survive Harbingers attack. So for the Reapers to truly be defeated, thats the only ending that can be right.

I believe the Catalyst is lying when he says that in destroying the Reapers you destroy all synthetic life. They tell you that because you have synthetic friends, and allies. They DON'T want you to do that. The other two endings seem more appealing only based on what the Catalyst tells you simply because they allow Shepard to only lose herself. And that right there is a clue that those options are bad. As Shepard has shown time and time again she'd sacrifice herself for her friends and crew. And you better beleive the Reapers know that. The Reapers want Shepard dead, and those two choices accomplish that.

So yeah, I loved the game. From beginning to end. If that makes me an "apologist with shitty taste" then okay, you're entitled to your opinion. But I for one am very anxiously looking forward to what the future brings for the Mass Effect series.


12 hours in now, just did the son of the other guy mission. Got me hooked again, loving this game. Most sidemissions feel important and there seems to be more dialogue on the normandy.


I think I am nearing the end game. I can't wait to finish this series and I'm incredibly curous about the ending.

Just arrived at the Cerberus Base. I vowed that I would never let EDI into my party. Figures they would make them required.

Its about time that the party members ask it you are okay instead of you always having to solve their issues. Garrus asking about any family left behind earlier was a nice touch but I wish they would get the hint that she doesn't feel stressed out this time around because the galaxy is finally seeing the Reapers as a serious threat. ME1 was more stressful for her since no one would believe Shepard and thought she was acting crazy. (lol even though Shepard was)



Thank you.

Now would anyone happen to know if reaching level 60 in SP is possible? I ask because I am at level 55 atm and to my knowledge I have done every side quest there is to do and I am about to
infiltrate illusive man's space station
which apparently is the equivalent of going through the Omega 4 relay in ME2. So is it actually possible to accumulate all the XP you'd need to get to lvl 60?
Do you get Kelly Chambers if you save her in 2? I have Traynor and erm, I'm totally okay with this.

Small Spoilers.
She's in the refugee camp helping the people there, she fears getting abducted and thus will refuse to rejoin the Normandy

In my game I ended up over hearing that TIM's men caught up with her, putting a bullet through her brain.


Completed the game last night, and have to say I really enjoyed it. Even the ending! I only have a few criticisms - I believe the pacing of ME2 was better, and the
coincidental meetings of ME2 characters feels cheesy and forced.
Going to play a bit of multiplayer to mop up some achievements, and look forward to see what they decide to do with story DLC.


Thank you.

Now would anyone happen to know if reaching level 60 in SP is possible? I ask because I am at level 55 atm and to my knowledge I have done every side quest there is to do and I am about to
infiltrate illusive man's space station
which apparently is the equivalent of going through the Omega 4 relay in ME2. So is it actually possible to accumulate all the XP you'd need to get to lvl 60?
Not in a single run.


I imported a character and got to 59. I might have hit 60 if I didn't skip a quest here and there.

iirc I started at 40 (where I finished in ME2). Do you remember what your level was before you went for
cerberus space station for illusive man


In my game I ended up over hearing that TIM's men caught up with her, putting a bullet through her brain.

In mine:
She kills herself

So I'm having some bugs with the game and not able to finish them/wondering about stuff.

So what happens with that Kasumi quest? I saw her once and after that never did/saw anything involving her again.

I started the Book of Plenix Quest after talking to the Volus, went to the place and got it, and can't finish it.


Okay, I'm super curious about something. I haven't finished the game yet, but for those who have, what happens on
Thessia if you don't have the prothean with you? I took him and it seemed like he was such an integral part of everything there and also in conversations with Liara after. How did this play out for those of you that didn't take him?


formerly "chigiri"
Okay, I'm super curious about something. I haven't finished the game yet, but for those who have, what happens on
Thessia if you don't have the prothean with you? I took him and it seemed like he was such an integral part of everything there and also in conversations with Liara after. How did this play out for those of you that didn't take him?

Normandy convos happen regardless of who you bring on missions. Missions are handled as if everyone were in the know for the sake of these things. Been like this in all three games.


Normandy convos happen regardless of who you bring on missions. Missions are handled as if everyone were in the know for the sake of these things. Been like this in all three games.

Okay, but what happens if you don't have
the DLC character? Does Liara argue with someone else?
Finished it last night. Wow. I loved it. I love the ending.

I guess because it doesn't tie everything up in a neat little box with ribbons and shit or something. I thought it was a bold and, dare I say, visionary ending.

You just have to understand that two of the endings are Shepard failing to resist indoctrination, and the last one "Destroy the Reapers" is the correct ending.

Having replayed the series this past week, the clues are there. The Rakni Queen describes what indoctrination "looks" like on Noveria, you see Saren swearing up and down he's doing the right thing by merging organic and synthetic. You see what the same in the Illusive Man and his bid to control the Reapers. You see what it did to them both. None of it good.

It's obvious that in choosing the Destroy the Reapers ending you're saving Commander Shepard from indoctrination so that she can defeat the Reapers for real. Hence becoming a legend. Everything from Harbinger's laser to the Normandy landing on some far away planet is all in Shepard's head. It's her hopes that she's doing the right thing. But only with the Destroy the Reapers ending does Shepard survive Harbingers attack. So for the Reapers to truly be defeated, thats the only ending that can be right.

I believe the Catalyst is lying when he says that in destroying the Reapers you destroy all synthetic life. They tell you that because you have synthetic friends, and allies. They DON'T want you to do that. The other two endings seem more appealing only based on what the Catalyst tells you simply because they allow Shepard to only lose herself. And that right there is a clue that those options are bad. As Shepard has shown time and time again she'd sacrifice herself for her friends and crew. And you better beleive the Reapers know that. The Reapers want Shepard dead, and those two choices accomplish that.

So yeah, I loved the game. From beginning to end. If that makes me an "apologist with shitty taste" then okay, you're entitled to your opinion. But I for one am very anxiously looking forward to what the future brings for the Mass Effect series.

There's nothing to 'realize', BioWare never intended it to be that way. The fact that you're clutching at straws trying to defend it says enough, I think.


Normandy convos happen regardless of who you bring on missions. Missions are handled as if everyone were in the know for the sake of these things. Been like this in all three games.
I think he means if you didn't buy the DLC/redeem the code, which I did not my first playthrough to see the differences-
I think Liara just went on blindly talking about her gods and there wasn't any mention of how it looked like a prothean. That entire thing doesn't exist without the DLC, lol

Finished it last night. Wow. I loved it. I love the ending.

I guess because it doesn't tie everything up in a neat little box with ribbons and shit or something. I thought it was a bold and, dare I say, visionary ending.

You just have to understand that two of the endings are Shepard failing to resist indoctrination, and the last one "Destroy the Reapers" is the correct ending.

Having replayed the series this past week, the clues are there. The Rakni Queen describes what indoctrination "looks" like on Noveria, you see Saren swearing up and down he's doing the right thing by merging organic and synthetic. You see what the same in the Illusive Man and his bid to control the Reapers. You see what it did to them both. None of it good.

It's obvious that in choosing the Destroy the Reapers ending you're saving Commander Shepard from indoctrination so that she can defeat the Reapers for real. Hence becoming a legend. Everything from Harbinger's laser to the Normandy landing on some far away planet is all in Shepard's head. It's her hopes that she's doing the right thing. But only with the Destroy the Reapers ending does Shepard survive Harbingers attack. So for the Reapers to truly be defeated, thats the only ending that can be right.

I believe the Catalyst is lying when he says that in destroying the Reapers you destroy all synthetic life. They tell you that because you have synthetic friends, and allies. They DON'T want you to do that. The other two endings seem more appealing only based on what the Catalyst tells you simply because they allow Shepard to only lose herself. And that right there is a clue that those options are bad. As Shepard has shown time and time again she'd sacrifice herself for her friends and crew. And you better beleive the Reapers know that. The Reapers want Shepard dead, and those two choices accomplish that.

So yeah, I loved the game. From beginning to end. If that makes me an "apologist with shitty taste" then okay, you're entitled to your opinion. But I for one am very anxiously looking forward to what the future brings for the Mass Effect series.
No, it just means you have a vivid imagination, because from the design documents and the script/notes in the game we know for a fact that this wasn't the intention of the shipped game!
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