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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Okay, I'm super curious about something. I haven't finished the game yet, but for those who have, what happens on
Thessia if you don't have the prothean with you? I took him and it seemed like he was such an integral part of everything there and also in conversations with Liara after. How did this play out for those of you that didn't take him?

I took Garrus.
He kept remarking to Liara that their god looked a lot like a Prothean


I took Garrus.
He kept remarking to Liara that their god looked a lot like a Prothean
Did you have the DLC character in your party though? Somebody else mentioned that and I dont think Garrus said that in my playthrough, mainly because nobody knows what they look like.
Did you have the DLC character in your party though? Somebody else mentioned that and I dont think Garrus said that in my playthrough, mainly because nobody knows what they look like.

Yeah, from what I heard that part is just left out altogether then. No mention of it. Which makes sense.


Okay, but what happens if you don't have
the DLC character? Does Liara argue with someone else?

Liara talked about the goddesses when you examined the other artifacts and was in disbelief that her people would keep the Protheian artifact a secret from the rest of the galaxy.

Did you have the DLC character in your party though? Somebody else mentioned that and I dont think Garrus said that in my playthrough, mainly because nobody knows what they look like.

I took Garrus too and I dont recall him saying that either. I don't have the DLC.


Finished it last night. Wow. I loved it. I love the ending.

I guess because it doesn't tie everything up in a neat little box with ribbons and shit or something. I thought it was a bold and, dare I say, visionary ending.

You just have to understand that two of the endings are Shepard failing to resist indoctrination, and the last one "Destroy the Reapers" is the correct ending.

Having replayed the series this past week, the clues are there. The Rakni Queen describes what indoctrination "looks" like on Noveria, you see Saren swearing up and down he's doing the right thing by merging organic and synthetic. You see what the same in the Illusive Man and his bid to control the Reapers. You see what it did to them both. None of it good.

It's obvious that in choosing the Destroy the Reapers ending you're saving Commander Shepard from indoctrination so that she can defeat the Reapers for real. Hence becoming a legend. Everything from Harbinger's laser to the Normandy landing on some far away planet is all in Shepard's head. It's her hopes that she's doing the right thing. But only with the Destroy the Reapers ending does Shepard survive Harbingers attack. So for the Reapers to truly be defeated, thats the only ending that can be right.

I believe the Catalyst is lying when he says that in destroying the Reapers you destroy all synthetic life. They tell you that because you have synthetic friends, and allies. They DON'T want you to do that. The other two endings seem more appealing only based on what the Catalyst tells you simply because they allow Shepard to only lose herself. And that right there is a clue that those options are bad. As Shepard has shown time and time again she'd sacrifice herself for her friends and crew. And you better beleive the Reapers know that. The Reapers want Shepard dead, and those two choices accomplish that.

So yeah, I loved the game. From beginning to end. If that makes me an "apologist with shitty taste" then okay, you're entitled to your opinion. But I for one am very anxiously looking forward to what the future brings for the Mass Effect series.

That's the
theory. It has been discussed over and over and ultimately the theory is not true. The writer's notes for the ending were revealed in Mass Effect: Final Hours and we know that they basically just suck at writing and wanted an ending with, "LOTS OF SPECULATION FROM EVERYONE". Yes that is a quote from the lead writers notes on the ending.


There's nothing to 'realize', BioWare never intended it to be that way. The fact that you're clutching at straws trying to defend it says enough, I think.

I don't feel I'm "clutching at straws" and I'm certainly not defending anything. I just presented my view on the ending.

Rozay said:
No, it just means you have a vivid imagination, because from the design documents and the script/notes in the game we know for a fact that this wasn't the intention of the shipped game!

Vivid Imagination or not, it's the only way any of that stuff makes sense. And because the ending is so crazy I don't believe a word Bioware of Geoff Keighly say about it. They're being cagey and double-speaky for a reason.
Phew. Finally played enough multiplayer to get my readiness rating at 79%, which puts me officially over 5000 EMS.

Time to beat this sucker tonight. What a ride. This and ME2 are easily my two favorite games this gen.


I don't feel I'm "clutching at straws" and I'm certainly not defending anything. I just presented my view on the ending.

Vivid Imagination or not, it's the only way any of that stuff makes sense. And because the ending is so crazy I don't believe a word Bioware of Geoff Keighly say about it. They're being cagey and double-speaky for a reason.
You're welcome to believe what you want, but there's plenty of evidence proving that the
theory isn't what the writers had in mind when throwing all the pieces into the pot. Their PR response would be very different if this was all planned from the beginning.

Also, not to be mean, but doesn't "the only way any of that stuff makes sense" basically equate to "clutching at straws"? It's a shit ending designed to create "LOTS OF SPECULATION FROM EVERYONE" and nothing more.


You're welcome to believe what you want, but there's plenty of evidence proving that the indoctrination theory isn't what the writers had in mind when throwing all the pieces into the pot. Their PR response would be very different if this was all planned from the beginning.

Also, doesn't "the only way any of that stuff makes sense" basically equal "clutching at straws"?

I don't think so, especially when there's so much evidence within the games themselves to support the theory. The only arguments I've seen against the theory are "Biowares writers are shit", Bioware's complete silence on what the ending means, and a few quotes from Mass Effect: The Final Hours. One is an opinion, one is just Bioware being quiet. Mass Effect: The Final Hours has the most weight, but when Bioware "wants players discussing the ending" I don't see them spelling the ending out in a magazine.

In the end, either of us may be right. Both may be wrong. But I'm very interested in further DLC for ME3.


I don't think so, especially when there's so much evidence within the games themselves to support the theory. The only arguments I've seen against the theory are "Biowares writers are shit", Bioware's complete silence on what the ending means, and a few quotes from Mass Effect: The Final Hours. One is an opinion, one is just Bioware being quiet. Mass Effect: The Final Hours has the most weight, but when Bioware "wants players discussing the ending" I don't see them spelling the ending out in a magazine.

In the end, either of us may be right. Both may be wrong. But I'm very interested in further DLC for ME3.
forget it, if you're in the spoiler thread I'll post this again.


Sure there is. You didn't break indoctrination quickly enough, crucible is actually destroyed, while you are napping. Boom!

but it still wouldn't make sense because this message doesn't pop up if you wait in the hallway you teleport into
I don't think so, especially when there's so much evidence within the games themselves to support the theory. The only arguments I've seen against the theory are "Biowares writers are shit", Bioware's complete silence on what the ending means, and a few quotes from Mass Effect: The Final Hours. One is an opinion, one is just Bioware being quiet. Mass Effect: The Final Hours has the most weight, but when Bioware "wants players discussing the ending" I don't see them spelling the ending out in a magazine.

In the end, either of us may be right. Both may be wrong. But I'm very interested in further DLC for ME3.

We have plenty of evidence for why this is bunk. We have the Final Hours notes and production notes that do not mention it in any form. In fact, instead of using
indoctrination in the production notes, they use control mojo. If it were indoctrination, why won't they say it in the production notes?

Besides, if it were true, Shep is still on Earth taking a nap while the Reapers continue to destroy everything. The main plot goes unresolved.

I think we should take this over to the spoiler thread.


I still need to play ME2. Got it for like $10 but havn't had the time. Hopefully I can knock these games out this summer when its 110 outside.

Which DLCs should I get for ME2? Are any of them worth it?


I still need to play ME2. Got it for like $10 but havn't had the time. Hopefully I can knock these games out this summer when its 110 outside.

Which DLCs should I get for ME2? Are any of them worth it?

Shadow Broker definitely is. Overlord has a pretty cool little self contained story. Most people don't think Arrival is quite worth it, but I liked it. It's a bit on the short side, but the story it tells is pretty crucial if you plan to play ME3. It can be played after the game is done, though.


I still need to play ME2. Got it for like $10 but havn't had the time. Hopefully I can knock these games out this summer when its 110 outside.

Which DLCs should I get for ME2? Are any of them worth it?

My 2 favorite are Shadow Broker and the dlc for Kasumi.


I still need to play ME2. Got it for like $10 but havn't had the time. Hopefully I can knock these games out this summer when its 110 outside.

Which DLCs should I get for ME2? Are any of them worth it?

Shadow Broker and Overlord are very much worth it. I would also get Kasumi if you can.


Shadow Broker definitely is. Overlord has a pretty cool little self contained story. Most people don't think Arrival is quite worth it, but I liked it. It's a bit on the short side, but the story it tells is pretty crucial if you plan to play ME3. It can be played after the game is done, though.

Arrival only ends up changing 2 lines in the introduction in ME3 though. Probably easier and cheaper to watch on YouTube, especially since the mission is repetitive and dull without squadmates.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Arrival only ends up changing 2 lines in the introduction in ME3 though. Probably easier and cheaper to watch on YouTube, especially since the mission is repetitive and dull without squadmates.

Nah, you still get reminded a few times during the game that you killed 300000 batarians. :lol


Nah, you still get reminded a few times during the game that you killed 300000 batarians. :lol

Does this not happen without the DLC? The references were so generic I figured they left them in because the plot happens regardless of whether you played it or not


Really Really Exciting Member!
Does this not happen without the DLC? The references were so generic I figured they left them in because the plot happens regardless of whether you played it or not

I dont know, i did Arrival on all my characters. But i figure they probably dont mention it anyway, its not anything important to the story of ME3.


Does this not happen without the DLC? The references were so generic I figured they left them in because the plot happens regardless of whether you played it or not

The references are there no matter what - even if you import a character that didn't play Arrival.


Sure there is. You didn't break indoctrination quickly enough, crucible is actually destroyed, while you are napping. Boom!

No, you get that message because in taking to long to make a choice Shepards worst fear comes to be. As far as Shepard is aware the Crucible is only way to destroy the Reapers. In struggling with the choice too long she convinces herself she's cost them the Crucible. Remember, she was knocked out while knowing the Crucible was under attack. So she knows she's under a time limit.

So Bioware changing the game over message is just another clue that you're not in the "real world" so to speak.


Does this not happen without the DLC? The references were so generic I figured they left them in because the plot happens regardless of whether you played it or not

The events still happen, but Shepard wasn't involved. Same with the other ME2 DLC.
Around 27.5/28 hours in. The first line in the spoiler stuff is my last activity in the least spoilery way possible.

Finished up the missions for the Perseus Veil... and I think that was pretty much it. I couldn't finish any sidequests because I can't get to the things yet, or something. Turned in a few I picked up during the PV missions, but nothing noteworthy.

This was definitely my favorite part of the game so far. It felt much more varied in the mission types, the conflict was actually presented much better than the previous ones, and the payoff in the writing (since I romanced Tali) was a nice cherry on top. Getting to go into the Geth consensus was kind of interesting for about five minutes, but it dragged on for far too long. I think they should have trimmed the fat a little or made the navigating the memories faster. The one major bummer about any of the missions I had was the stupid turret sections. They were so quick, they felt nearly pointless. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad those weren't some major event, but what was even the point?

Something that really annoyed me was the explanation for the Geth consensus stuff. Why? Why would the Geth have bothered engineering an interface for organics based off of the Overlord project? What benefit would that have had for them? Was this supposed to be explained by the whole "we're becoming like organics because of Reaper tech" stuff? But, they'd likely retain their ability to interface like they already were. Was it because they still wanted to be friends with the Quarians, but the Quarians were being meanies? Shepard was the only individual to give synthetic life a chance, though. Was this a contrived reason to go into Tron space land? Yeah, that's what I'm going with. Oh, well.

At least it wasn't as dumb as the whole "I'MMA STAND ON THIS ROCK AND TELL THIS REAPER TO QUIT BEING ALIVE." I will admit, though, it was almost cool. Almost.
Sad to see Legion go. It was a contrived reason to kill him off, but it's cool he was able to make the ultimate difference in Geth/Quarian relations.
Shepard and Tali's scene on the rock, looking out into the sunset was nice. But, oh man, the photo thing, hahahahaha! I should probably have been mad, but I was just in utter disbelief that this was how Bioware handled the Quarian reveal. Yup, they look like people. With three lines on their chests. There you go! Good to know Tali had someone on standby to take her pix for her.

Even so, this has definitely been the highlight of ME3 for me so far, mostly because I actively enjoyed playing it, as opposed to just going through the motions.

I can't help but feel sort of irritated at how Shepard is just swooping through and fixing these things that have been broken for so incredibly long with all of the races. Garrus made some joke about it to Tali, but it really bugs me. Maybe I should have intentionally made some of them fail, haha. Well, I guess I'll get to explore the Citadel tomorrow. Gee, I wonder if there will be some kind of mission that takes place there? I mean, I only have no available places left to explore on the galaxy map, and I'm going to speak in Udina's office. I WONDER.


Uhhhh... wow. WTF moment near the last missions in my game
At the end of the Rannoch missions the Geth destroyed the Quarians and Tali killed herself. However right before we assault the Cerberus base(I'm about to do this mission) Tali comes into the cabin for some alone time! How is this possible?!
Did my save glitch or is this supposed to happen?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Uhhhh... wow. WTF moment near the last missions in my game
At the end of the Rannoch missions the Geth destroyed the Quarians and Tali killed herself. However right before we assault the Cerberus base(I'm about to do this mission) Tali comes into the cabin for some alone time! How is this possible?!
Did my save glitch or is this supposed to happen?

Tali is the real Space Jesus.


Uhhhh... wow. WTF moment near the last missions in my game
At the end of the Rannoch missions the Geth destroyed the Quarians and Tali killed herself. However right before we assault the Cerberus base(I'm about to do this mission) Tali comes into the cabin for some alone time! How is this possible?!
Did my save glitch or is this supposed to happen?

Ghost Tali Jesus


Uhhhh... wow. WTF moment near the last missions in my game
At the end of the Rannoch missions the Geth destroyed the Quarians and Tali killed herself. However right before we assault the Cerberus base(I'm about to do this mission) Tali comes into the cabin for some alone time! How is this possible?!
Did my save glitch or is this supposed to happen?

It's a glitch.


Uhhhh... wow. WTF moment near the last missions in my game
At the end of the Rannoch missions the Geth destroyed the Quarians and Tali killed herself. However right before we assault the Cerberus base(I'm about to do this mission) Tali comes into the cabin for some alone time! How is this possible?!
Did my save glitch or is this supposed to happen?

It's a glitch. My save file had a few problems and discrepancies after the transfer. For instance, Jack and Kasumi were nowhere to be found, despite both of them being alive and well in my save from ME2.
Just finished the Quarian Main Mission, massive spoilers ahead:

I ended up allowing Legion to upload the Reaper upgrades to the Geth, but didnt realize what the outcome would be until it was too late. The Quarians were massacered and Tali commited suicide. I was left speechless. I cant believe I allowed that to happen. I feel awful. Like I just committed a mass extinction. Poor Tali.

On the plus side, The Geth are now part of the alliance and are a major boost to the war effort.

I hope I didnt fuck up too much...


Just finished the Quarian Main Mission, massive spoilers ahead:

I ended up allowing Legion to upload the Reaper upgrades to the Geth, but didnt realize what the outcome would be until it was too late. The Quarians were massacered and Tali commited suicide. I was left speechless. I cant believe I allowed that to happen. I feel awful. Like I just committed a mass extinction. Poor Tali.

On the plus side, The Geth are now part of the alliance and are a major boost to the war effort.

I hope I didnt fuck up too much...

It's possible to keep both sides at peace, but you didn't meet the requirements for it. The Loyalty missions for Tali and Legion in ME2, and saving the quarian general prior to engaging this particular mission.


Just finished the Quarian Main Mission, massive spoilers ahead:

I ended up allowing Legion to upload the Reaper upgrades to the Geth, but didnt realize what the outcome would be until it was too late. The Quarians were massacered and Tali commited suicide. I was left speechless. I cant believe I allowed that to happen. I feel awful. Like I just committed a mass extinction. Poor Tali.

On the plus side, The Geth are now part of the alliance and are a major boost to the war effort.

I hope I didnt fuck up too much...

Did you not do
Legion and Tali's loyalty mission back in ME2. How about the sub-missions on Rannoch
Did you not do
Legion and Tali's loyalty mission back in ME2. How about the sub-missions on Rannoch

I did all submissions, but still got that result.

Im playing on PS3 my ME2 save file is on my 360. I feel like I made a pact with satan now.

I saved the Quarian general as well, but still ended the way it did. I guess the ME2 files are a requirement.


I did all submissions, but still got that result.

Im playing on PS3 my ME2 save file is on my 360. I feel like I made a pact with satan now.

I saved the Quarian general as well, but still ended the way it did. I guess the ME2 files are a requirement.

You need to score 5 points to get peace with the geth and quarians.

+2 for Tali is exonerated at her trial (eg NOT exiled)
+2 for destroyed the heretics
+1 for resolving the Tali/Legon conflict with a renegade or paragon solution

+1 for Rannoch: Destroy the Geth Squadron on Rannoch (aka fighter base)
+1 for Rannoch: Save the Admiral (not his men, the admiral)
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