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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

Double D

Just did the
mission and I'm almost at 5000 EMS. I haven't touched the Multiplayer. I have, however, put more time into this stupid iPhone app than I care to admit. It's at the point now where I've gotten so far down this path with this stupid app that I'm seeing just how much I can raise the percentage. My average across all 5 systems is right around 83%.
Reviewed the game for Unscripted360. I gave it a very high score, even with the ending issues. The whole of the game is fantastic. I loved the individual "problem" quests the best (solving the Genophage. etc).


I don't get how anyone can say something like this: "Mass Effect 3 feels like the culmination of all feedback Bioware had received about combat and RPG elements." or "even though the combat and movement mechanics are vastly updated in Mass Effect 3, the RPG mechanics are still alive and well."

They added more weapon customization and a limited amount of power customization. That's it.

Had they reintroduced a more rounded skill set with persuasion, hacking, electronics, medical, etc.. along with more non-linear mission design to make use of those skills as well as more fleshed out squad member options I might agree with those statements, but as it is the game is middling as far as RPG elements and mechanics go.


I'm about 3 hours in, mostly just messing around and doing side-quests and taking my time, playing MP a lot and whatnot. I'm reading a lot about the ending controversy, and was wondering if someone could, spoiler-free, explain why people were disappointed in the ending.

From a different thread:

The general complaints with the ending are:
- It gives no sense of closure to anything in the game
- It ignores all of your previous choices and essentially gives you one ending
- It forces characters to break from their personalities in a very contrived manner
- It raises numerous questions and creates serious plot holes
- It does not fit with the themes and ideas from the rest of the game and series


Early spoiler(?)

Bailey was promoted from Captain to Commander? Isn't Commander one rank below Captain? Or is the C-Sec rank structure different from the Alliance Navy? Shepard's confused "Congratulations?" reply pretty much mirrored my reaction - was that a promotion or demotion?
Early spoiler(?)

Bailey was promoted from Captain to Commander? Isn't Commander one rank below Captain? Or is the C-Sec rank structure different from the Alliance Navy? Shepard's confused "Congratulations?" reply pretty much mirrored my reaction - was that a promotion or demotion?

Just sounds like C-Sec is police, where Commander is often above Captain.


Gold Member
I just picked up ME3 last night. I had recently beat Xenoblade, so I was a bit excited about getting into a good american RPG and end the ME series. When I went to import my Shepard, I recieved the error message:
Mass Effect 3 cannot successfully determine the custom face code used by this imported save game. Please update your character’s appearance

What the hell can I do about this? I spent hours making my Shepard look extremely evil. Is there a patch for this?
I just picked up ME3 last night. I had recently beat Xenoblade, so I was a bit excited about getting into a good american RPG and end the ME series. When I went to import my Shepard, I recieved the error message:

What the hell can I do about this? I spent hours making my Shepard look extremely evil. Is there a patch for this?

Nothing, but there is a work-around (that is a bit of a pain in the ass -- I did it; 360 version) that will give you the slider settings to make your ME1 guy/woman manually. Also a patch to fix this issue is apparently in the works.

I am not sure if the scars and Renegade evilness will transfer over.

Agreed that this is a fairly shocking missing feature, and I was not a happy camper when I ran into it right at the start.


Without the ending this game would have been my Goty, easily.
But the way the conclusion was handled is really giving me a hard time to even plan a second run...what was that joke on Futurama: "once you've seen it, you can't unseen it"?
Thank God for multiplayer.

I understand.

I'm glad I (foolishly) started Insane at first. I was soooo close to changing it to hardcore or less at the start, but stuck with it and eventually adapted. Now that I'm done,
I don't have the usual "LETS GET STARTED ON MY FEMSHEP" urge like I did on the previous games. When I finished the last battle it unlocked the remainder of my achievements in one go. Multi is still fun, but I really don't want to go back to SP...


I just picked up ME3 last night. I had recently beat Xenoblade, so I was a bit excited about getting into a good american RPG and end the ME series. When I went to import my Shepard, I recieved the error message:

What the hell can I do about this? I spent hours making my Shepard look extremely evil. Is there a patch for this?


Hi everyone

We are aware that some players are having issues importing the faces of characters from Mass Effect 1 or Mass Effect 2 into Mass Effect 3. The issue is likely in how faces were detected when imported from Mass Effect 1 into Mass Effect 2, and we’re working on the best way to correct it for affected players.

As our teams work hard to address the importing of face codes we would like to call out a fan made tool that may be able to help PC users in the short term:
Mass Effect Tools

And detailed instruction from a fan on how to use them here.

Edit: Update March 9
Hi Everyone.

We want to keep everyone up to date on this issue as we know how strongly many you feel about this. I will continue to update this thread as we have more information.

We have determined that faces importing incorrectly is an error with how codes were detected when transferred from Mass Effect 1 into Mass Effect 2 and then on into Mass Effect 3 or importing a Mass Effect 2 saved game with New Game +. The Mass Effect team continues to investigate fixes for these issues and they are top priority concerns for
everyone here.

Again, when we have more news, we will let everyone know. Thanks again for your patience.

Edit: Update March 21

Ok, I have what I hope is some good news.

We have fixed the issue of faces not correctly importing into Mass Effect 3. It will be included as part of the next Mass Effect 3 patch.

The not completely good news is that I do not yet have a confirmed date for when the patch will be available. A new patch gets heavily tested by BioWare, EA, Microsoft and Sony before it can be released to the public. We all want to be sure that it fixes the issues it is supposed to fix and doesn't start any new issues (this is called testing or certification testing ). If a patch fails during testing, it is sent back, fixed again and retested until it passes. Then it is released to gamers. Until we know that the patch has passed certification testing, I don't want to give even a rough idea of the date, to prevent disappointment should it need further testing.

So I'm sorry I don't have the full answer you all want and are waiting for yet. When I can give you the date when the patch will be available I will.

Priority Horizon was an awful scenario in terms of what was going on there. Reminded me a lot of Xenogears' human processing plant. Cerberus is sickening.
I haven't played the game at all yet. Should I hurry up and play it before they patch the original ending to death? I really want to experience whatever it is while I still can.


I haven't played the game at all yet. Should I hurry up and play it before they patch the original ending to death? I really want to experience whatever it is while I still can.

There is no indication that a future patch will "change" the current ending. I would suggest waiting a bit till we know a bit more about Bioware plans regarding the issue.

We should have some news during PAX at a Panel where they will be stoned to death by angry fans.

(Please don't do this fans)
Well I'm saying I DO want to play the current, original ending, not wait to see what happens. Screw it, I don't know why I'm asking everyone. I'm just going to go play it and enjoy it more than the rage fest would have me believe. :D
Well I'm saying I DO want to play the current, original ending, not wait to see what happens. Screw it, I don't know why I'm asking everyone. I'm just going to go play it and enjoy it more than the rage fest would have me believe. :D

You can try, just don't think about it too much.

Also, Bioware can't "magic" the original ending away (no matter how much they may want to). You would have to patch the game anyways.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Miranda romance was disappointing.

I hear Jack's romance is sweet and funny, but there's not much of it. Compared to Ashley, Liara, and Tali, I mean.

I'm pretty rather divided on my opinion about Liara's romance. I mean, in Mass Effect 1, all it took for the romance to be started is just speaking to her 2 times. I mean, what the hell?

I mean Ashley somewhat made sense, especially after what happened in Virmire. And Tali also made sense, seeing how she saw all the things Shepard has done since they first met and the time required to develop such feelings towards other romantically has been met (and geezzz can't anyone really hate her after her "I'm afraid you can't see through this..." speech in ME2)?

In the first ME it felt like Liara was just "Whelp this human is filled with Prothean information NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM" but further development along the series did develop her "romantic" feelings rather well........

And anyone romancing any ME2 knowing full well ME3 is coming is just asking for unsatisfying conclusion...... my opinion only though :)


I understand.

I'm glad I (foolishly) started Insane at first. I was soooo close to changing it to hardcore or less at the start, but stuck with it and eventually adapted. Now that I'm done,
I don't have the usual "LETS GET STARTED ON MY FEMSHEP" urge like I did on the previous games. When I finished the last battle it unlocked the remainder of my achievements in one go. Multi is still fun, but I really don't want to go back to SP...

I didn't play on insanity since I too was planning multiple runs (chose hardcore), but since we're talking about it: how would you rate the difficulty of single player on insanity using the multiplayer degree? silver or gold?
The fights on Grissom Academy and the Ardhat Yakshi monastery were really engaging, I kinda want to go back and give it another shot on higher difficulty...I wish those two maps could make it to multiplayer, they were really eye-catchy...

Just finished the game. Loved it and I have no idea why people are freaking out over the ending, it was a fine ending.

Now I'm kinda curious: if you'd like I'd be interested to read your Top5 movie of all times and your Worst5 movies of all times. I swear I'm not going to reply to your post and pick your decisions to belittle your view of the ending, I swear I won't as I do believe taste is specific to each individual (OMG this sounds so paragon shepard), but I have to know. At the moment I'm considering any positive review of the ending (not the game as a whole) coming strictly from people who didn't like ME (or Bioware) so much to begin with.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
All this talk about the bad ending really rather bumming me out a bit. I specifically replaying Mass Effect 1 & 2 for this.

I have finished the Biotic school mission, talked to
Miranda and the hospitalized Kaidan and Aria
, and now generally just messing around in the Citadel.

Got the DLC character too. I am rather disappointed how... biotic centric his powers really is.
I just realized that in order to beat the game on Insanity, I'm gonna have to survive the
Reaper on Rannoch
. God, my controller is going to break.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
wow, I'm reading this thread and see that they fucked up the ending very, very hard. I mean it's rare when people are so unified in opinion about something very particular when it comes to entertainment. I mean it must be really awful. The fact that all three choices lead to the same ending is enough for ruining the whole franchise. The choice has always been cosmetic in ME 1-2 but at least it was a choice.

what a disgrace.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I just realized that in order to beat the game on Insanity, I'm gonna have to survive the
Reaper on Rannoch
. God, my controller is going to break.

I just did this a few hours ago, I was dreading it. The actual part is the exact same though. I actually figured out an easier way to do it as well,
when you run to avoid the beam you can hold the button to narrow the aim line down regardless of where you're looking, it only matters that it's on the reaper when it's about to line up. I was always shifting the aim to it and away quickly to run again which barely made progress, so this saved a TON of time

However, this mission DID have
3 geth primes right before this part. This was the hardest fight for me in the game, those damn defense drones can get placed in bastard spots behind you, and they down you extremely fast.
I just did this a few hours ago, I was dreading it. The actual part is the exact same though. I actually figured out an easier way to do it as well,
when you run to avoid the beam you can hold the button to narrow the aim line down regardless of where you're looking, it only matters that it's on the reaper when it's about to line up. I was always shifting the aim to it and away quickly to run again which barely made progress, so this saved a TON of time

However, this mission DID have
3 geth primes right before this part. This was the hardest fight for me in the game, those damn defense drones can get placed in bastard spots behind you, and they down you extremely fast.

Damn, I'm not even sure I'll even tackle the game on insanity. I've reached the point where I don't really give a crap about difficulty levels anymore.


wow, I'm reading this thread and see that they fucked up the ending very, very hard. I mean it's rare when people are so unified in opinion about something very particular when it comes to entertainment. I mean it must be really awful. The fact that all three choices lead to the same ending is enough for ruining the whole franchise. The choice has always been cosmetic in ME 1-2 but at least it was a choice.

what a disgrace.

Well we are on our 2nd OT for the ending here on GAF.


Damn, I'm not even sure I'll even tackle the game on insanity. I've reached the point where I don't really give a crap about difficulty levels anymore.

I think i''m just going to do a speedrum with my lvl58 Infiltrator for Insanity, really dreading some parts.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I wonder if the doctors played it to the end.

I mean they are hands-off but they provide feedback for the developers and play all Bioware games to completion.

For example ME2 was to be more streamlined until Muzyka provided his feedback a year in the development. I must find this interview...
I wonder if the doctors played it to the end.

I mean they are hands-off but they provide feedback for the developers and play all Bioware games to completion.

For example ME2 was to be more streamlined until Muzyka provided his feedback a year in the development. I must find this interview...

Is such a thing even possible!?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Reaper on Rannoch
was easy as pie. Roll.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I kept rolling and kept getting killed. I told myself "never again".

And now I'm almost at that part again. :(

I tried rolling and got killed a few(too many imo) times. I just kept running between each lasers instead, easier to avoid than rolling.
I just did this a few hours ago, I was dreading it. The actual part is the exact same though. I actually figured out an easier way to do it as well,
when you run to avoid the beam you can hold the button to narrow the aim line down regardless of where you're looking, it only matters that it's on the reaper when it's about to line up. I was always shifting the aim to it and away quickly to run again which barely made progress, so this saved a TON of time

However, this mission DID have
3 geth primes right before this part. This was the hardest fight for me in the game, those damn defense drones can get placed in bastard spots behind you, and they down you extremely fast.

God that part was the easiest. The boss after that was way harder. You know you have this geth heavy weapon all around the place ? Just abuse corner, spam power and don't let the trigger go off. You shred the Prime like it's a pinata. Just make sure you don't get surrounded. If you do, run for cover, narrow the Primes, abuse corner, spam power, unleash hell with the get minigun
Question about the performance of the PS3 version: Is it on par with ME2, or is it worse? I just started ME2 on PS3 and the framerate dips are noticeable, but I can live with them. But how about ME3? Is it the same or worse? I know it's not as stable as the 360 version but how does it compare to ME2 on PS3?


Question about the performance of the PS3 version: Is it on par with ME2, or is it worse? I just started ME2 on PS3 and the framerate dips are noticeable, but I can live with them. But how about ME3? Is it the same or worse? I know it's not as stable as the 360 version but how does it compare to ME2 on PS3?

I thought it was fine. The demo is as bad as it gets - it really only dips in cutscenes or non action areas with lots of characters on screen. Personally I'm only bothered by frame rate drops in gameplay situations where controller lag is an issue, which was not the case for me with ME3.


God Damn @ Chakram Launcher. At level 4 and with disruptor ammo attached to it, it mows down
like no other weapon can. Definitely a Godsend for Insanity mode.

And if that's the only weapon you bring, you can pretty much get 150% to 200% power recharge. If you have Biotic power you can pretty much spam fire in conjunction with Chakram's bullets.

It definitely made the 45 min of dullness from playing Kingdom of Amalur worth it.


Son of a bitch. I'm a bit pissed at the romance options in this game.

I ditched
because she was a distant bitch and I wanted to go for
Turns out that she's a same-sex option only! AND I AM A MALE SHEPARD. :( Now I am forced to go for Diane Allers, which I refuse to do so I remain forever alone this playthrough. I then wanted to go for
but I need to have had a relationship in ME2 as well? I DIDN'T GET ONE IN THAT GAME. BAH.


Son of a bitch. I'm a bit pissed at the romance options in this game.

I ditched
because she was a distant bitch and I wanted to go for
Turns out that she's a same-sex option only! AND I AM A MALE SHEPARD. :( Now I am forced to go for Diane Allers, which I refuse to do so I remain forever alone this playthrough. I then wanted to go for
but I need to have had a relationship in ME2 as well? I DIDN'T GET ONE IN THAT GAME. BAH.

And this is why in Bioware games everyone is bisexual.


I think I might buy that neat N7 Utility Jacket to wear to PAX next week but I hope it gets here in time. Anyone have any experiences with the Bioware store they could share?


I think I might buy that neat N7 Utility Jacket to wear to PAX next week but I hope it gets here in time. Anyone have any experiences with the Bioware store they could share?
I bought the N7 hoodie a while ago. Quality seems fine and I got it in a couple of weeks (might have been shorter can't remember).

Was fine.
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