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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
well, I decided to spoil myself on the ending a bit just to be prepared because I want to play the game as soon as the patch comes out.

I didn't spoil myself fully but I know that
all relays are destroyed and races are wiped out
. If there is more to it, please don't spoil it.

I can understand how soul-crushing it can be especially after we tried so hard during the first three games. It hurts even more since it was out of our control. It's mind-boggling given the fact that the franchise should continue somehow.

but on the other hand it's bold and I sort of admire this. I think it can be some sort of comment on the fragility of existence and stuff like that.

anyway now I'm looking forward to playing the game because no way they would retcon such major change.

but seriously Bioware, wtf? It's space opera and it's
supposed to end well
to some extent. I play your games to feel good and all.
well, I decided to spoil myself on the ending a bit just to be prepared because I want to play the game as soon as the patch comes out.

I didn't spoil myself fully but I know that
all relays are destroyed and races are wiped out
. If there is more to it, please don't spoil it.

I can understand how soul-crushing it can be especially after we tried so hard during the first three games. It hurts even more since it was out of our control. It's mind-boggling given the fact that the franchise should continue somehow.

but on the other hand it's bold and I sort of admire this. I think it can be some sort of comment on the fragility of existence and stuff like that.

anyway now I'm looking forward to playing the game because no way they would retcon such major change.

but seriously Bioware, wtf? It's space opera and it's
supposed to end well
to some extent. I play your games to feel good and all.

It's not as simple as what you wrote.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
well, I decided to spoil myself on the ending a bit just to be prepared because I want to play the game as soon as the patch comes out.

I didn't spoil myself fully but I know that
all relays are destroyed and races are wiped out
. If there is more to it, please don't spoil it.

I can understand how soul-crushing it can be especially after we tried so hard during the first three games. It hurts even more since it was out of our control. It's mind-boggling given the fact that the franchise should continue somehow.

but on the other hand it's bold and I sort of admire this. I think it can be some sort of comment on the fragility of existence and stuff like that.

anyway now I'm looking forward to playing the game because no way they would retcon such major change.

but seriously Bioware, wtf? It's space opera and it's
supposed to end well
to some extent. I play your games to feel good and all.

You sound like a games jounralist. "This is so bold." You arent getting the full picture of why this is terrible. Just play the game.


well, I decided to spoil myself on the ending a bit just to be prepared because I want to play the game as soon as the patch comes out.

I didn't spoil myself fully but I know that
all relays are destroyed and races are wiped out
. If there is more to it, please don't spoil it.

I can understand how soul-crushing it can be especially after we tried so hard during the first three games. It hurts even more since it was out of our control. It's mind-boggling given the fact that the franchise should continue somehow.

but on the other hand it's bold and I sort of admire this. I think it can be some sort of comment on the fragility of existence and stuff like that.

anyway now I'm looking forward to playing the game because no way they would retcon such major change.

but seriously Bioware, wtf? It's space opera and it's
supposed to end well
to some extent. I play your games to feel good and all.

I can't wait to see you play the actual ending.

The issue is not
the Relay exploding
. It's more than that.


well, I decided to spoil myself on the ending a bit just to be prepared because I want to play the game as soon as the patch comes out.

I didn't spoil myself fully but I know that
all relays are destroyed and races are wiped out
. If there is more to it, please don't spoil it.

I can understand how soul-crushing it can be especially after we tried so hard during the first three games. It hurts even more since it was out of our control. It's mind-boggling given the fact that the franchise should continue somehow.

but on the other hand it's bold and I sort of admire this. I think it can be some sort of comment on the fragility of existence and stuff like that.

anyway now I'm looking forward to playing the game because no way they would retcon such major change.

but seriously Bioware, wtf? It's space opera and it's
supposed to end well
to some extent. I play your games to feel good and all.

You are partially wrong about what happens.

I can't wait to see you play the actual ending.

The issue is not
the Relay exploding.
It's more than that.

This isn't the spoiler thread. Mark that, stat!

I don't know about the ending, how good or bad it really is...

...but oh my fuck, oh my good fuck, at some of the sequences of events around the middle of the game. so incredible and impeccably executed that at this point I feel satisfied enough with the game already.


Santa May Claus

I don't know about the ending, how good or bad it really is...

...but oh my fuck, oh my good fuck, at some of the sequences of events around the middle of the game. so incredible and impeccably executed that at this point I feel satisfied enough with the game already.

I was you only a week ago. *sigh*
I was you only a week ago. *sigh*

hahah, oh god I am truly interested how the rest of the game pans out from this point-- for better or for worse.

but seriously, that shit was amazing. whatever happens in the end, I tip my hat to them so far. granted I was getting kind of bored with the game before that, but I went into this after coming right off a ME1 and ME2 replay, straight through. perhaps that burned me out on this more than it would have otherwise.


What the fuck, it seems my money has disappeared? I was doing the
Shroud mission on Tuchanka
and halfway I realized my medi-gel was gone (I can carry six, but I had zero suddenly) later I realized my money was gone as well (well, I have 25.000 exactly, and I had 210k+ before). Did more people experience this?
Last activity behind first line of spoilers. Be aware, I'm near the very end of the game.

Just did the cerberus mission to get the VI.

Okay, I'll start in generals of the mission itself. It was okay, I suppose. Pretty much just more of the same enemy types, but I was forced to play with EDI for the first time in the entire game. I'm really disappointed they didn't kill her off. I figured, if they're going to force me to use her, they're going to use her for something important to the story or to kill her off. Neither! Oh well, incinerate was fun to use.

The fight against Kite Lung was... surprisingly disappointing. The previous fights were actually a tad difficult, but I just vanguard charged the entire time with ease. It probably helped that Tali and EDI could knock out his shields in the blink of an eye, but it was rather simple. Also, "lol" at the achievement for killing a long-time nemesis or whatever it said. I ran into him twice before this. I don't think he really gets that title.

In terms of story, I think it could aptly be summed up as "...wat?"

Firstly, the video logs... Isn't this the kind of stuff we should have gotten in ME2? The whole discussion and upset over if Shepard is Shepard? I really think they should have just left well enough alone; the time has long since past for this to really matter to us. The EDI ones were amusing. The Koy Lamb ones were pretty pointless feeling. The Illusive Man's were okay, I guess. I TRUST YOU TO MAKE ME NOT TURN INTO SOMETHING ELSE, THANKS.

As I mentioned above, what as the point of EDI? Was it honestly just for the whole "they didn't vent the room" stuff? That could have easily been dropped without losing a beat in the rest of it. Forcing her to be with me added absolutely nothing to the story. Was the point to have someone with Overload absolutely be with me to fight the boss? Well, I guess that's acceptable, outside of I intentionally never used EDI because her design annoyed me. Ugh...

And, so, finally, we find out what the catalyst is... The citadel. What?
I'm really, really hoping this gets some kind of better explanation outside of what the VI told me. This feels like they had no ideas for what to use, so they just said, "Let's just redo what we did in ME1! People liked the end of that game!" How exactly did the previous generations manage to find a means of incorporating the Citadel into a mega-weapon that the Reapers never once picked up on? It's just dumb... For now. Hope that changes.

Oh, one thing that hasn't changed though, is how frustrated I am with the Crucible in general.
Can somebody please, PLEASE explain to me how it hasn't been swatted to the ground by the Reapers yet? How is it possible that a weapon as giant as the Crucible is has gone unnoticed? Not to mention, there are races and peoples from all over the universe coming together to work on it. How have the Reapers neither caught transmissions, travelers, or anything that would ever give them a hint about what was going on? What do they think all of the resources and scientists are doing heading off somewhere together?

I understand lots of reapers are attacking planets, but there still seem to be plenty that are just roaming around the galaxy map, ready to chase a single ship around when they hear too much beeping. Why have none of them just gone over and blown the thing to kingdom come? It's the biggest thing annoying me in the story right now, and it makes my brain hurt how (firstly, it's even possible to build the thing that fast, and) it still has gone undetected...
Just... AUGH!

Just for noting, my galaxy readiness is at 7149 and the 50% of that. I hope that's enough to take the reapers down.

How freaking hypocritical. I destroyed the Collector base at the end of ME2, saying stuff like "we're gonna take down the reapers without using tech that was made by killing lots of people!" Yet, as soon as I finish the Cerberus mission, what do I see added to my galaxy readiness list? Oh, it's the Collector/Reaper baby tech that my Shepard turned down. Good to know I changed my mind, and the decision to keep/destroy the base at the end of ME2 was absolutely pointless! Thanks, Bioware! : D
(I'm not even going to get into how crazy it is the Cerberus even managed to retrieve anything from the Collector base...)

Well, I have one final mission to do tomorrow, by the looks of it. I'm crossing my fingers I end up having a satisfactory conclusion to the trilogy.
^ you won't

Hate to say it, but it goes massively downhill

I can't even imagine how bad it'll be for you if you're having major doubts now

/grabs popcorn
Dang it...

I can accept a certain level of stupid, but there's just so much there...

Oh yeah, also, the (what I assume is) final
dream with the kid
was the best one yet. I love the unintentional humor it has brought to the game. Gets me every time.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
15 hours in, and I can say... Kinect is the single best new feature for the series.
It works brilliantly in calling out squad attacks. It completely changes the flow of combat. I use it constantly. Who knew.

edit: what patch are you all clamoring for?


15 hours in, and I can say... Kinect is the single best new feature for the series.
It works brilliantly in calling out squad attacks. It completely changes the flow of combat. I use it constantly. Who knew.

edit: what patch are you all clamoring for?
tons of bugs related to quests and losing money/face/achievement progress (kill count progress towards 5000 reset for example)


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
the patch is in certification. That doesn't mean anything because QA can send it back if it breaks anything.

I don't regret my purchase because MP is good enough.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Last activity behind first line of spoilers. Be aware, I'm near the very end of the game.

Just did the cerberus mission to get the VI.

Okay, I'll start in generals of the mission itself. It was okay, I suppose. Pretty much just more of the same enemy types, but I was forced to play with EDI for the first time in the entire game. I'm really disappointed they didn't kill her off. I figured, if they're going to force me to use her, they're going to use her for something important to the story or to kill her off. Neither! Oh well, incinerate was fun to use.

The fight against Kite Lung was... surprisingly disappointing. The previous fights were actually a tad difficult, but I just vanguard charged the entire time with ease. It probably helped that Tali and EDI could knock out his shields in the blink of an eye, but it was rather simple. Also, "lol" at the achievement for killing a long-time nemesis or whatever it said. I ran into him twice before this. I don't think he really gets that title.

In terms of story, I think it could aptly be summed up as "...wat?"

Firstly, the video logs... Isn't this the kind of stuff we should have gotten in ME2? The whole discussion and upset over if Shepard is Shepard? I really think they should have just left well enough alone; the time has long since past for this to really matter to us. The EDI ones were amusing. The Koy Lamb ones were pretty pointless feeling. The Illusive Man's were okay, I guess. I TRUST YOU TO MAKE ME NOT TURN INTO SOMETHING ELSE, THANKS.

As I mentioned above, what as the point of EDI? Was it honestly just for the whole "they didn't vent the room" stuff? That could have easily been dropped without losing a beat in the rest of it. Forcing her to be with me added absolutely nothing to the story. Was the point to have someone with Overload absolutely be with me to fight the boss? Well, I guess that's acceptable, outside of I intentionally never used EDI because her design annoyed me. Ugh...

And, so, finally, we find out what the catalyst is... The citadel. What?
I'm really, really hoping this gets some kind of better explanation outside of what the VI told me. This feels like they had no ideas for what to use, so they just said, "Let's just redo what we did in ME1! People liked the end of that game!" How exactly did the previous generations manage to find a means of incorporating the Citadel into a mega-weapon that the Reapers never once picked up on? It's just dumb... For now. Hope that changes.

Oh, one thing that hasn't changed though, is how frustrated I am with the Crucible in general.
Can somebody please, PLEASE explain to me how it hasn't been swatted to the ground by the Reapers yet? How is it possible that a weapon as giant as the Crucible is has gone unnoticed? Not to mention, there are races and peoples from all over the universe coming together to work on it. How have the Reapers neither caught transmissions, travelers, or anything that would ever give them a hint about what was going on? What do they think all of the resources and scientists are doing heading off somewhere together?

I understand lots of reapers are attacking planets, but there still seem to be plenty that are just roaming around the galaxy map, ready to chase a single ship around when they hear too much beeping. Why have none of them just gone over and blown the thing to kingdom come? It's the biggest thing annoying me in the story right now, and it makes my brain hurt how (firstly, it's even possible to build the thing that fast, and) it still has gone undetected...
Just... AUGH!

Just for noting, my galaxy readiness is at 7149 and the 50% of that. I hope that's enough to take the reapers down.

How freaking hypocritical. I destroyed the Collector base at the end of ME2, saying stuff like "we're gonna take down the reapers without using tech that was made by killing lots of people!" Yet, as soon as I finish the Cerberus mission, what do I see added to my galaxy readiness list? Oh, it's the Collector/Reaper baby tech that my Shepard turned down. Good to know I changed my mind, and the decision to keep/destroy the base at the end of ME2 was absolutely pointless! Thanks, Bioware! : D
(I'm not even going to get into how crazy it is the Cerberus even managed to retrieve anything from the Collector base...)

Well, I have one final mission to do tomorrow, by the looks of it. I'm crossing my fingers I end up having a satisfactory conclusion to the trilogy.

I'm guessing they forced EDI because she's the only squadmate guaranteed to be alive that has Overload. There's also the bit where one of the logs show that she used to be the hostile AI on Luna from ME1, which I thought was a nice tie in.


*throws keyboard*

i can't beat the god damn reaper on that quarian/geth mission. it keeps targeting me and killing me instantly.

rdrr gnr

*throws keyboard*

i can't beat the god damn reaper on that quarian/geth mission. it keeps targeting me and killing me instantly.
Be patient. Roll left and right before the laser approaches the cliff. During the final designation, be sure to begin aligning before the slow-motion kicks in, so you have enough time. It's a terrible level.


*throws keyboard*

i can't beat the god damn reaper on that quarian/geth mission. it keeps targeting me and killing me instantly.

I did it that way:
Get to the edge of one side and wait until it fires. Then run to the other side, make a full stop and the laser should shoot over your head. Aim the thingie (you aim faster when you don't move) and let it rain. Repeat until death of Reaper. I think not moving while targeting is the key here.


I did it that way:
Get to the edge of one side and wait until it fires. Then run to the other side, make a full stop and the laser should shoot over your head. Aim the thingie (you aim faster when you don't move) and let it rain. Repeat until death of Reaper. I think not moving while targeting is the key here.

That's they way i did it as well,
took me a while to realize the targeting does not reset if you stop aiming, i kept on trying to do a full charge all at once.
*throws keyboard*

i can't beat the god damn reaper on that quarian/geth mission. it keeps targeting me and killing me instantly.
Keep running (not sprinting) with the trigger held down from left to right. When you can hear the laser approaching you, sprint. Repeat until your weapon is just about to reach centre and shoot and aim it at the pink Reaper weapon. The key is knowing that you don't have to sit and aim and wait for your weapon to build up and shoot, you can aim it anywhere as long as you're aiming it at the reaper at the last point. With that in mind, you can build it up whilst running and it's easy to avoid.


After getting killed three times in a row, rolling did suddenly work and the fight was very easy. Made me wonder if they have some sort of adaptive system in there. That, or I made sure not to get backed into one of the corners.
I'm guessing they forced EDI because she's the only squadmate guaranteed to be alive that has Overload. There's also the bit where one of the logs show that she used to be the hostile AI on Luna from ME1, which I thought was a nice tie in.
Yeah, that's basically what I ended up assuming as well.
The video log thing isn't really necessary to
have her there for
, but yeah.
so i'm at
priority: earth
on what i presume to be the final mission. my xbox is not online at the moment so my 'galactic readiness' is just at 50% and with nothing else to accomplish, i'm on an effective strength of 2700 odd. should i wait until next week when i'm online before making the final push or shall i just go for it now?


so i'm at
priority: earth
on what i presume to be the final mission. my xbox is not online at the moment so my 'galactic readiness' is just at 50% and with nothing else to accomplish, i'm on an effective strength of 2700 odd. should i wait until next week when i'm online before making the final push or shall i just go for it now?

Your number has already been locked in (it locks at
Priority: Cerberus HQ
). Nothing you can do will change it, so you might as well finish.


Endgamish Spoilers

In between finishing the Cerberus Base and heading to Earth and realized that in my first two playthroughs I didn't walk around the ship to see how everyone was feeling. Made my way to see Garrus and walked in on him and Tali making out! Well I guess hugging is actually what they were doing but yeah apparently they became a couple and I had no idea. Was funny to see them awkwardly try and deny what was going on at first since Tali was my ME2 romance, curious to see what they say if that wasn't the case.
I did a hard push to beat the game this week and I'm glad I did. I enjoyed being able to do a mixture of Renegade and Paragon triggers with out being penalized for it. Some of the Renegade options [spolier] killing Udina and punching through Leng's blade [/spoiler] were really fulfilling.

I was able to bring everyone to the final battle except for
the Quarians because when I saw the paragon option to rally the troops I thought that meant I'd lead them to victory over the Geth. Instead I chose to let Legion finish his upload and wiped out the flotilla. It actually became the decision that defined my Mass Effect experience. Tali taking a swan dive was great, and it lead into the Thesia mission that was also a downer.

The inability of the Quarian people to stop attacking their synthetic enemy underscored the points of the god child at the end of the game. Rogue AI's had always been an underlying point in the Mass Effect fiction. It makes reading the first book, where the alliance gets sanctioned for running illegal AI experiments, a worthy read.

As for the ending,
I went green. It wasn't because I thought it was some 'best' answer. I looked at it from my mistake in the Quaria and Geth war. I wanted to destroy the reapers very badly, but if it meant killing the Geth then the Quarian sacrifice would have been meaningless. Ultimately I know none of it matters, but I had backed the Geth and EDI as a form of life the entire series. Choosing an option that combined the two forms of life seemed like the only answer I could choose. That didn't keep me from taking pot shots at the are where I had seen Anderson plugging away.

Up until the last CS, I thought everyone on my team was dead. I was ok with that. It hurt, but in a good way. I'm going to choose to ignore the appearance of the Normandy for those last bits.

And while I'm making a mega post no one will read, what's the deal with everyone in the galaxy knowing Liara is the shadow broker?


Although the Traynor romance is kind of steamy, I'm really annoyed by the underwear popping up again. It's M rated for crying out loud. Still think ME1 should've been the way to go.


Although the Traynor romance is kind of steamy, I'm really annoyed by the underwear popping up again. It's M rated for crying out loud. Still think ME1 should've been the way to go.

ME1 led to that Fox News nonsense, and that one guy calling it a porn simulator, where the player chooses all the positions and partners (he later admitted that he had never actually played or seen the game and simply been going off what he had been told). It's why it's been underwear ever since.


By the way, I'm playing Male Shepard and my wife Female Shepard, and in this game I actually find Meer more convincing than Hale.


Although the Traynor romance is kind of steamy, I'm really annoyed by the underwear popping up again. It's M rated for crying out loud. Still think ME1 should've been the way to go.

ME1 led to that Fox News nonsense, and that one guy calling it a porn simulator, where the player chooses all the positions and partners (he later admitted that he had never actually played or seen the game and simply been going off what he had been told). It's why it's been underwear ever since.

except for Liara.
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