Speaking of preloads. Have they been disabled? According to the EA schedule the Australian preloads should have begun on Saturday but the option appears greyed out in Origin.
Speaking of preloads. Have they been disabled? According to the EA schedule the Australian preloads should have begun on Saturday but the option appears greyed out in Origin.
Not sure about in-game, but the windows config utility has these options :Can someone please confirm if the film grain effect is in game?
Restart Origin once or twice.
Not sure about in-game, but the windows config utility has these options :
: / no mention of textures quality I wonder if that means they consider the games normal texture High-res the ones in the demo definitely weren't High-res.
There has never been texture packs for the ME games, and I wouldn't expect one for this one. The consoles have really held back the graphcis on this game.
There was a twitter post that said the game would have high-res textures at launch I don't have it so I can't post it, but I'm sure some one does. I mean its not the end of the world if the games doesn't have them, but man did Sheperad's alliance uniform bug me in the demo.
There was a twitter post that said the game would have high-res textures at launch I don't have it so I can't post it, but I'm sure some one does. I mean its not the end of the world if the games doesn't have them, but man did Sheperad's alliance uniform bug me in the demo.
does this game support MSAA or it just FXAA?
I liked it too. Cant play ME1 without it.Am I a bad person for liking the film grain? It's so kitschy.
I turn off motion blur of course.
The term "high-res textures" is ambiguous, which means it means whatever PR wants it to mean at any given point in time.
360 has always been the baseline for this series, people shouldn't expect anything more than that, even on PC. They can't be bothered with controller support do people really think they're going to create higher resolution versions of every asset in the game just for the PC version?
Sent you a PM. Check your inbox.
Cant play ME1
thanksJust FXAA. I'll be forcing MSAA.
Haha true, i tried replaying ME1 recently and it didnt really age well. ME2 was such a massive improvement in the gameplay department, and ME3 is a big improvement over ME2.My sentiments exactly.
Wait a minute, what is this crap about 4 disc swaps in the first 10 hours? How the hell do you even design something like that?
My sentiments exactly.
da fuck
The combat in ME1 was truly awful.
Can't send someone flying by using lift -> explosive mod shotgun blast in ME2, though.
Yes, you can. That's one of the very first things you need to do during the tutorial level.
I couldn't deal with ME1's incredibly crappy inventory design and game breakingly bad combat. I don't want to have to scroll through ten of the same armor in order to get to the one I want, and I felt like the combat didn't fully committ to what it was trying to be.
Instead of fixing the inventory design they just scrapped 99% of the inventory.
Clearly the same thing.
I suspect that Bioware PR sees that supporting resolutions greater then 1280x720 as High-res textures. Which I'm aware is absurd, but I like to think them being ignorant is better then them being liars.
And no I don't expect Bioware to do that with the Mass Effect series there no precedent for it, but it would be nice. They did it for DA2, Crytek did it for Crysis 2, and Bethesda did it for Skyrim. Maybe they would do the same for this game. I mean they have better textures somewhere because you can see them in the pre-rendered cutscenes. combat in ME1 was truly awful.
Yeah, the same thing. You lifted an enemy and shot him to death.
Pointless argument, but whatever. In your haste to mount a defense of ME2, did you miss the word 'flying'?
Semantics. Good job trying to wittle me down to nothing more than a BioDrone, though.
The powers are clearly different in ME2. It's ok to be wrong once in a while.I was a part of the conversation from before, and I was giving my side. Before you accuse people of being UMADBRO, please read the thread so you know the context.
It means BioWare's PR was talking out of it's arse.
The powers are clearly different in ME2.
Instead of fixing the inventory design they just scrapped 99% of the inventory. I'm not really sure that was the optimal solution, at least not for loothounds like me. Hopefully they've found a happy medium for ME3.
He was talking about Carnage, which is missing from ME2. Lift+Carnage was a fun combo. Not the same thing, really.ME does not have the best background lines. But the dancing is amazing.
Per usual.
You still throw people into the air and shoot them when they are up there. It's pretty clear.
There has never been texture packs for the ME games, and I wouldn't expect one for this one. The consoles have really held back the graphcis on this game.