I didn't realise the ME2 Cerberus Network info thingo had begun updating with new news :/
It's from this I believe: https://twitter.com/#!/alliancenewsnet
I didn't realise the ME2 Cerberus Network info thingo had begun updating with new news :/
It's from this I believe: https://twitter.com/#!/alliancenewsnet
ANN Earth is experiencing comm buoy difficulties. Please stand by.
NOTE: Some ME2 saves will not be able to import the face-file of your Shepherd. You will need to re-create the appearance when importing the file.
I'm boned. I always suspected something could go wrong ME3-wise when my shepard didn't have a character code.
Who has been confirmed as playable?
Who has been confirmed as playable?
As dumb as it sounds, I think I'm gonna give The Arrival a shot. I'm starting to feel mildly excited about ME3 and it's a way to pass the time. I still have like 1000 Bioware points left....
I'm boned. I always suspected something could go wrong ME3-wise when my shepard didn't have a character code.
And plenty of negative ones as well. Lets all be civil and understand that opinions will vary drastically as with any game. Moreso here due to the love many of us have for this game.
What the, I completely missed this, have Bioware given a reason as to why it couldn't be done?
I will get my artbook tomorrow, where is the stuff I should stop looking? Is it marked as "Mass Effect 3 chapter" ?
It's lame. That's why I suggest following the above. If you're not a lazy git like Solo you'll have your code in no time.
That does suck. I imported my female Shepard from ME 1 but I have a face code. According to the article EatChildren posted, that's probably because I went into the customize option before selecting my ME 1 Shepard face.
What the, I completely missed this, have Bioware given a reason as to why it couldn't be done?
If it wasn't going to import in the future they should have made you remake your face in ME2, not go through two games and then in the third make you do it, and that even a new game + one wont work, ridiculous to be honest at this point and to have kept it quiet too!
Hey, so just for laughs, I fired up MassEffect3.exe. It went to a release date verification which I(of course) immediately failed. Here is the weird thing, the release date was, not the 6th.March 5th
Is it possible that preloaded Origin customers are going to get thisat midnight?
Note, I spoiled this so that if this ends up being some sort of bug that lets meI don't want to bring enough attention to it for EA to fix it. Anyone getting this?play the game a day early
Have you tried the code, in ME2 or the ME3 demo? Because sometimes it gives you a code, but it's for a random ME2 default face, not your actual face.
Started a ME2 playthrough today, gonna try and get through it before Tuesday.
I figure I can knock out the main campaign in like 15 hours. Rushing through all the dialogue and what not, of course.
Simple answer: ME3 uses ME2 face codes to create face data. Unfortunately ME1 didn't have face codes, and it appears when importing into ME2 it took raw data or something. This means a ME1 imported face in ME2 does not have any face code, thus ME3 cannot read the face.
It's lame. That's why I suggest following the above. If you're not a lazy git like Solo you'll have your code in no time.
Simple answer: ME3 uses ME2 face codes to create face data. Unfortunately ME1 didn't have face codes, and it appears when importing into ME2 it took raw data or something. This means a ME1 imported face in ME2 does not have any face code, thus ME3 cannot read the face.
It's lame. That's why I suggest following the above. If you're not a lazy git like Solo you'll have your code in no time.
So anyone think that Origin will allow for authorizations in earlier timezones like what happened with Battlefield 3?
Got my slaughterhouse femshep run done in about 5-6 hours. Everyone but Garrus, Samara and Grunt died >![]()
I just checked and I have one as well.
Hoooly moly. Interesting for sure, but my god I would not want to play that way.
Well I have my main full completion ME1/ME2 playthrough done and set for 3 already but I wanted to see what would happen in ME3 if almost everyone died so I did a quick second run. ME2 is really short when you don't have to worry about doing any planet scanning at all or any loyalty missions :lol
In fact if I didn't do Shadow Broker I would have shaved at least an hour off of that 5-6 time.
I am shocked at how many people didnt play the ME2 DLC. I got the PS3 version so to me it was always part of the game, I really cant even imagine what the game would be like without it.
As dumb as it sounds, I think I'm gonna give The Arrival a shot. I'm starting to feel mildly excited about ME3 and it's a way to pass the time. I still have like 1000 Bioware points left....
Got my slaughterhouse femshep run done in about 5-6 hours. Everyone but Garrus, Samara and Grunt died >![]()
I just put in my code for my imported ME 1 Shepard into the ME 3 demo and it is basically her but the hair color, brow color were definitely wrong and maybe the nose shape, but there isn't a nose that quite matches her nose from ME 1 and 2.
That's what is happening with the West Coast.
You're lucky that even Shep survived.