Blue Ninja
Good thing I stuck with Sheploo.

I followed that guideline that was linked to me a day or two ago. You need to have at least 2 people survive to have Shepard survive so I did Garrus' and Thane's loyalty missions. Thane died before we even landed on the base though so I had to get a little lucky at the very end, where the rest of your squad stays behind to hold them back. There's some complex math equation that goes into place there but I just winged it and hoped it would work out.
You mean to see if it works (and would that be tonight?) Sorry I forget where the hell it unlocked with BF3 (I think it was SK), and would think it wouldn't be till the 5th.
Thanks for the guide at least.
I noticed in the Origin client that there's a system to download and buy addons for ME3. If that's the case, what's the point of using Bioware Social?
I noticed in the Origin client that there's a system to download and buy addons for ME3. If that's the case, what's the point of using Bioware Social?
There is no point.
Absolutely 0 point. This is 1 big thing EA's going to need to fix if anyone is ever going to take Origin seriously. You don't see Steam forcing you to buy Portal 2 points before buying something related to the actual game.
Well they did promise to reward those that have been with the series from the start. Obivously they just got their wires crossed and meant "punish" those that had been with the series from the start rather than reward them.
That's kind of because the Portal 2 DLC is free.
And you need to buy DLC for other games, so I don't see the difference here besides having to go through an entirely different website, which is a pain, granted.
And EA is not forcing you to buy anything.
HP_Wuvcraft said:And EA is not forcing you to buy anything.
The accessory stuff you can buy isn't free though. But when they do charge it's not in some weird alien point system, it's in dollars and you can quickly buy it through steam and get it over with.
It's redundant and unnecessary to make me buy points just to buy the DLC that's already on the Origin store and like I said it screws me over a bit because I can't use any promo codes on the points.
But they are. I wanted to buy that DLC and they made me buy Bioware points first. There was no other way around it.
Can anyone who has the game answer this question:
Can you get a lot of side quests from Disc 1, save them all while progressing with a few Story missions, and then pop in Disc 2 to do the side quests you gathered or does the system not work that way? Do you have to switch to Disc 2 when only doing side quests or do you also have to swap back towards Disc 1 when completing one?
And Here. We. Go.
Well I have my main full completion ME1/ME2 playthrough done and set for 3 already but I wanted to see what would happen in ME3 if almost everyone died so I did a quick second run. ME2 is really short when you don't have to worry about doing any planet scanning at all or any loyalty missions :lol
In fact if I didn't do Shadow Broker I would have shaved at least an hour off of that 5-6 time.
edit: I misread your question. I was saying they need to take Bioware points away completely and just put everything on Origin in normal dollars/euros/whatever.
Worth nothing that the Bioware Points system was implemented before Origin. I could see EA phasing out the Bioware points in order to concentrate all traffic into Origin.
It seems random; you don't have to switch just for side missions.
The loyalty missions are the best part of the game!
That's like ordering pizza and then ripping off all the cheese/toppings and throwing them in the trash.
I'm wondering how it'll work in 3. Will it actually change missions or will they just slap a random turian, salarian, etc in place of Garrus or Mordin in 3.
I'm wondering how it'll work in 3. Will it actually change missions or will they just slap a random turian, salarian, etc in place of Garrus or Mordin in 3.
Probably work like the Wrex thing in ME2.
Probably work like the Wrex thing in ME2.
This would make me angry.
So Garros Vakarian and Mordan Solus, their long-lost twin brothers?
Solana Vakarian!
Mass Effect 3 demo spoiler regarding that matter:
If Captain Kirrahe is alive he's there and promoted to Major Kirrahe, exchanging a few words with you. And Shepard doesn't even remember him. If he's dead, another salarian takes is place like if nothing happened.
Solana Vakarian!
He had reach, she had flexibility.
So Garrus banged his sister? This whole series is ghostwritten by George R.R. Martin.
Does the Origin version come with a digital manual? If so, is it in-game, a pdf file or something else?
Manual is supposedly in game now, but that's from Chris Priestly so I don't know how truthful of a statement it is.Does the Origin version come with a digital manual? If so, is it in-game, a pdf file or something else?
You have a manual link in the origin app but right now it only link to a pdf with the standard epilepsy warning. I imagine the "real" manual will be available on tuesday...not that companies actually make real manuals anymore.
Physical copies get a slip of paper, no manual.
So fucking awful, no manual, online pass, and $10 day 1 dlc.
Just bought the game through Origin.
Can someone confirm that it will be playable on PC in 16 hours using a vpn to a korean standard time zone location?
I am less than 3 feet away from my console and I'm going to install both discs so for me at least I don't see it being an issue.
Also, ME2 didn't take you out of the game, you switched it while still in the game.
I am less than 3 feet away from my console and I'm going to install both discs so for me at least I don't see it being an issue.
Also, ME2 didn't take you out of the game, you switched it while still in the game.
Welcome to 2012, sadly.
There is a difference between ME2's disc swapping and ME3's if I am reading everything correctly. Mass Effect 2 was a vastly linear experience, and each disc contained a set number of Loyalty missions, side quests and Story missions. In Mass Effect 3 some of the side quests seem to start with disc 1 and end with disc 2 and the Story missions are all set on Disc 1.
The thing is. If I gathered 20 side quests from Disc 1 and all of them can only be started with Disc 2, I would just take my time by gathering them all and do all the side quests in one go. If I have to keep switching back and forth by completing a mission that is related to the citadel, and the citadel is only accessible with Disc 1, it becomes a nuisance and completely gets me out of the game's atmosphere.
No. It doesn't matter.Does that work? Installing disc 2 so you don't have to keep swapping between them?
Good thing I stuck with Sheploo.
Also, (demo spoilers) Wrexis replaced by that other Krogan from ME2. Wreav. The voice of Wreav mistakenly bugs in. And despite Wrex being incredibly motivated in the beginning of the demo, he somehow elects to stay behind during the entire mission.