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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


If ME2 was any clue, then technically speaking, those that had a problem with the ending could be in the vocal minority... of the total people that played the game. lol


Can't believe only 50% of the people that started ME2 actually finished it.

It blows my mind that people play Soldier, and that many people.

One of the reasons I've always been drawn to RPGs was the "magic" side of it. I just can't understand how people find this game fun playing soldier. I played soldier in ME1 just to get my weapon achievements and that was it. It was extremely boring..

ME is not a good shooter so it blows my mind that people play it as if it is one.

Can't believe people beat these games 20+ times. 66 hour playthrough isn't too crazy, one of my playthroughs was 58 hours if they're counting DLC.


Can't believe people beat these games 20+ times. 66 hour playthrough isn't too crazy, one of my playthroughs was 58 hours if they're counting DLC.

20+ times is absolute insanity. The most I've ever beat any game in my life was 3 times (Uncharted 1 and 2). I can't imagine 20+...


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
20+ times is absolute insanity. The most I've ever beat any game in my life was 3 times (Uncharted 1 and 2). I can't imagine 20+...
I can see that it's doable, especially if it's rushed. I played MGS several dozen -- maybe even 100 -- times in my HS years.

I heard practically every line of dialogue in that game.

Maybe I have the Aspbergers.

Man, has the level of discourse deteriorated these last few pages or what? ME3-apologetics, well I never!
I could have told you a decade ago that some nerds were going to get entitled about some game they love just because the ending wasn't tied with a nice bow.


Other have said this before but it bears to be repeated again lest the new round of ending hatred overshadows it: The ending, while extremely problematic, irrational, and ill executed, was not wholly unexpected and is only ~1% of the game. It is the other 99% of the game that the REAL problems lie. In fact, arguably the current backlash at the ending can be considered a projected scapegoat for the previous parts that failed to do their mission.

Before ME3 started, there were several very clear and pressing goals that not only should be but must be fullfilled to ensure plausible, satisfactory adherence to the plot and expectations laid out by ME1 and ME2:

1. Deeper, more intimate character interactions with squadmates from ME1, possibly ME2

2. Tie up any loose threads with recurring NPCs. Former ME2/ME1 squadmates play prominent, respectable roles

3. Have previous plot integral choices made in ME1/ME2 impact story in fight against Reapers in tangible ways

4. Have decisions made within ME3 impact its story in tangible ways.

5. Be able to manage and prosecute war against Reapers in significant ways

6. Have background, mythology, and teleology of the Reapers and universe at large explained substantially if not completely.

From the responses everywhere it seems nearly everyone faults the final ending for not fullfilling.....the entire list of priorities listed above. Which is neither reasonable nor possible, as the mere 5-6 minutes will demonstrate. To do so you must have a good 15-20 hours minimum PRIOR to the ending for that purpose. Now, the questions should be, did the previous 99% of the game do the job it's supposed to do ? And the answer is no.

Autodialogue nearly ruined #1, with judiciously used cutscenes barely salvaging your relationships with your squadmates. #2 virtually converted living, breathing characters into 2D statistics for your war assets, and then junked them forever. NPCs on the other hand, received a better send off. For #3, well, we have gone over that part endless times. #4, we spent so much time and effort gathering our fleet, and what we did we receive? A good cutscene 1 hour before the end, and that's it. We only brought it to only one place, have no idea how it fared in the start, middle, and end as Shepard was on Earth. We have no idea just how positive or negative it impacted Shepard's time on Earth, despite it arguably being THE main goal in ME3. #5 is perhaps the most egregious offender. Half of the missions (more if side missions included) involve fighting Cerberus, who with no explanation became your foremost enemy and with no power to placate or ally with them despite doing so in ME2 ( and people thought the Crucible was a bad McGuffin!) The whole ordeal resembled an empty goose chase with no discernable benefit for the war effort save to merely get ride of a bad distractor. What we saw of the Reapers before the end were mere shadows, figments, fragments. There was very little dread, tension, or epicness associated with them. Where were the awe inspiring battlefields? The overarching space battles? The sense of scale? Only a smidgen in the end, it seems. As a sidenote, how are we expected to feel and mourn for the fall of Palaven and Thessia, when we barely knew them in begin with? And for #6, well, we got none of it, nada, zilch, during the course of the game, until a 2-3 minute sudden, unclear info dump at the end, then credits roll.

To reiterate the point, the ending should not the object of wrath here. It's the other 99% before it that is the chief offenders for creating so horrible a road, that the ending, with the way it is, was all but inevitable.


20+ times is absolute insanity. The most I've ever beat any game in my life was 3 times (Uncharted 1 and 2). I can't imagine 20+...

I probably beat ME1 that many times.

I loved that game. Had at least one playthrough for each class, femshep and maleshep for each.
20+ times is absolute insanity. The most I've ever beat any game in my life was 3 times (Uncharted 1 and 2). I can't imagine 20+...

The most impressive part about that statistic is that I think it was put out about 6months after the game came out. That means that's all that person played in that time frame or they had a ton of free time on their hands.


I probably beat ME1 that many times.

I loved that game. Had at least one playthrough for each class, femshep and maleshep for each.

I'm not sure I could force myself to play ME1 again... I really just disliked it from the beginning and only slogged my way through to get to ME2, which thankfully saved the series for me. Maybe I'll play it again sometime because it did have the better overarching framework story, but ugh... everything else.
Playing as Soldier = / = playing the game as a shooter.

This view is, quite honestly, stupid and elitist.

I mean. Come on:

1) Shepard, in the story, is a soldier.
2) Every RPG has a warrior class.

Saying that Soldier is the "Dudebro class" is basically trying to justify why Mass Effect has guns. It's the exact same as trying to justify the shitty combat by going "you have to pause the game in order to hit anything = TACTICS".
Mass Effect 1 is the best. Those who doubt me suck cock by choice!

The unintentional hilarity of missing over and over again with an assault rifle from point blank range with zero points is > all.

Inflitrator Shepard is best Shepard.
Vanguard Shepard is most fun Multiplayer Shepard.


Liara mind-rapes Shepard on Earth near the end of ME3. Bioware always has a plan to get around player choice.

Players don't have a choice. It's just an illusion.

Which is understandable. They would never be able to release a game if they had to account for each path. Maybe one day a developer will take on the challenge, but I doubt it. Too much time would be required and the games would probably have 4-5 year development cycles, which no publisher would allow anymore. Seems every developer has to release a game a year, the top-tier developers are allowed 2 years.

rdrr gnr

I did solider, coming off of Sentinel from my previous two games. My second incomplete playthrough of ME3 was as an adept. I just wanted to shoot things with an assault rifle; I was pleased with my choice. But, I will admit I do feel as though going to that class in RPGs can defeat the purpose at times.


I beat ME1 three times, if I remember correctly; infiltrator, vanguard, and adept. Adept ended up being the import save; I played as an engineer at first in ME2 among others, but my 'ultimate' save ended up being a Sentinel. ME3 was as Engineer again. Insanity through each game! Should've given me something for that, damn it.


Playing as Soldier = / = playing the game as a shooter.

This view is, quite honestly, stupid and elitist.

I mean. Come on:

1) Shepard, in the story, is a soldier.
2) Every RPG has a warrior class.

Saying that Soldier is the "Dudebro class" is basically trying to justify why Mass Effect has guns. It's the exact same as trying to justify the shitty combat by going "you have to pause the game in order to hit anything = TACTICS".

Stupid, perhaps.

I can't see how that makes me an elitist though. I don't claim I'm better than you guys because I play Adept, I just don't understand why people play Soldier. I tried playing it and found it extremely boring and it felt like I was just playing a bad TPS.
Anything with a very long story line seems to attract these aspergers sufferers who can't deal with every story line being neatly rapped up.

What the fuck is your damage?

(and on a more hilarious note, what you described is the exact opposite of Asperger's)

I tried playing it and found it extremely boring and it felt like I was just playing a bad TPS.

I played all classes, didn't really see a major difference in any, except for ME3's Engineer and Adept (which fucked anything that rightly moved).

TPS is what again?
I played Vanguard in all three games. Can't imagine playing as anything otherwise. Though I always kinda hated how it barely ever comes up in the story. Stupid cutscenes that show Shepard whipping out some puny gun I'm not even carrying...

At least Liara mentioned Shep was "a powerful biotic" in her time capsule thingy...
Playing as Soldier = / = playing the game as a shooter.

This view is, quite honestly, stupid and elitist.

I mean. Come on:

1) Shepard, in the story, is a soldier.
2) Every RPG has a warrior class.

Saying that Soldier is the "Dudebro class" is basically trying to justify why Mass Effect has guns. It's the exact same as trying to justify the shitty combat by going "you have to pause the game in order to hit anything = TACTICS".

I'm curious what makes the combat different from a standard shooter with a soldier? The ammo types are the only thing that I know of that is kind special. Concussive shot is an under slung grenade launcher, grenades are well grenades, and adrenaline is basically bullet time. That seems like pretty standard fair for most shooters. I could be wrong about this though.


I'm curious what makes the combat different from a standard shooter with a soldier? The ammo types are the only thing that I know of that is kind special. Concussive shot is an under slung grenade launcher, grenades are well grenades, and adrenaline is basically bullet time. That seems like pretty standard fair for most shooters. I could be wrong about this though.

Concussive shot is basically Throw now.
Well, Asperger's is a difficulty with communication, right? So I think they are more likely to play the game, and to communicate about it on a message board rather than in person. He could be right!

I bitch about it in person and online, so I don't fall into his category, unfortunately. I also am cool with Lost and Sopranos. Battle Star Galactica was the worst, but at least you could see its stupidity coming.

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or are agreeing with and expanding upon his incredibly stupid statement.
^ You mean space magic?


Except if Shepard is one of the following.

  • Single
  • A woman who didn't sex Liara.
  • A man who didn't sex any of the ladies.

Which is why FemShep should have had the option to sex Males from the beginning?

Or maybe FemShep could/should have been Artificially impregnated when she was saved by Cerberus?

Immaculate conception?

I can understand why so many are pissed off at Bioware...there were/are so many things they could have done.


I played as Soldier in ME1 but as soon as I saw Charge in he combat videos Christina Norman did pre-ME2's release I changed to Vanguard and haven't looked back.
I'm going to risk sounding stupid here but, I thought Saren's mission to find the Conduit was to find out what the protheans had done to prevent the keepers from activating the Citadel. The direct assault on the Citadel by Sovereign and Saren was an act of desperation that they resorted to only because Shepard had discovered the Reapers' plot.

The Citadel also served a purpose as being a central hub of civilization. Giving the reapers current and accurate accounts for the populations and locations of all advanced civilizations in the galaxy.

Better story for the reapers would have been if they were a geth like AI who had suffered nearly the same fate after becoming sentient, only they had eventually won their war and since then forever saw organics as always eventually hostile to them. It would have been a great counter story to the Geth/Quarian war.

And no matter what the story ended up being, you are always going to lose my interest when I have to hear a child speak like an adult. The genius child character type will always be hated by me in any and all movies, books, and videogames.


I played as Soldier in ME1 but as soon as I saw Charge in he combat videos Christina Norman did pre-ME2's release I changed to Vanguard and haven't looked back.

It's funny how most people thought Vanguards were shit early on, and there were huge arguments on BSN as people struggled to convince others that Vanguards were actually awesome. :lol

Well maybe it's not that funny.
FemSpace Jesus could do that, I guess.

Also, what? Are you referring to ways they could have planned to impregnate fem Shep? :lol

Yeah, I love the ME universe and everything that comes with it (especially the exploration) so naturally I am going to conjure up ideas on how to keep it going while still connecting the first trilogy >_>.
I played as soldier in all three games.

I like shootan. And bullet time. Deal with it.

Course Ive played through Adept, Vanguard and infiltrator with female Shepard.


Yeah, so a lot of stuff was cut from the main game. It sounds like there is a lot of stuff missing in the Earth sequence at the end of the game.

More here:


Shit, we were supposed to talk with a Geth Prime. :|

So I went through some other files and it's blatantly obvious that one of two things happened. Either a) Bioware ran out of time to implement the ending they wanted or b) they're going to just replace this all with DLC.
I say this looking most specifically at Primarch Victus' dialog (below Admiral Raan). Victus' dialog shows pretty plainly that Bioware planned for your decisions in ME2 and ME3 to affect how the events on Palavan played out. If Wrex and Eve survived and the Genophage was cured, the Krogan and Turian allied together and essentially saved Palvan. If the alliance fell apart because Wrex was dead or Eve was dead or both then there were serious ramifications for Palavan and the Turians.
Now, based on some of the Geth dialog and some of Anderson's dialog it seems like there may have been a design around sending reinforcements to specific areas. Remember the map Anderson as using? There could be potential there for some sort of rock/paper/scissors gameplay there, sort of like the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2. I'll keep digging though the audio but holy fuck there are some implications in here. I'm... angry that this didn't make the final game.
Shepard: Have the Reapers tried contacting you since Rannoch?
Prime: They made an attempt. We rejected it.
Shepard: Hope our guys haven't taken any shots at you.
Prime: Allied fire has been minimal.
Prime: Your military commanders briefed your soldiers extensively on Geth organic cooperation.
Shepard: How are you and the Quarians working together?
Prime: Geth platforms have been integrated with Creator Squadrons. We serve as front line uints.
Prime: It is a tactically sound strategy and there is (pause) synergy when we are in consensus.
Prime: Our hardware can withstand more damage than Quarian envirosuits and creators are skilled at providing cover fire.
Prime: We have coordinated with creator forces. Our platforms will support their ground units.
Shepard: What's your status?
Prime: Hostile outbreak suppressed. Self repair protocols engaged.
Prime: Hostile outbreak!
Prime: We are ready Shepard Commander.
Prime: Standing by.
Prime: Ready to join allied forces.
Prime: Awaiting counter-attack signal.
Prime: Once the war is over, we will help rebuild yours.
Prime: Today the Geth fight to secure our future.
Prime: We will not relinquish sentience. There will be no more compromise with the Old Machines.
Prime: Preparations are complete. We stand ready.
Prime: The Geth are prepared to face the Reapers.
Prime: New targets acquired.
Prime: Assessing platform losses. Sixty-four units offline.
Prime: Hostile contact!
Prime: Targets acquired.
Prime: Additional platforms will arrive via orbital drop once clearance is achieved.
Prime: Shepard Commander?
Prime: Tracking!
Prime: Deploying prime units. Orbital drop commencing.
Prime: Old machine forces spotted. Targeting.
Prime: Insufficient unit strength requesting reinforcements.
Prime: Creator squadrons are encountering heavy fire. Mobilizing support.
Admiral Raan
Shepard: Thanks Raan, good luck.
Shepard: I appreciate your support admiral. Those live ships will bring a lot of firepower, just keep them protected.
Raan: The live ships are safe, Commander.
Raan: We will do whatever we must to win.
Raan: Commander Shepard, a pleasure to see you again.
Primarch Victus
Shepard: I want to thank you for deploying your fleet. How did they manage?
Victus: About as good as I could have hoped. Which is to say there isn't much of a fleet left.
Victus: Taking the main reaper force head on?
Victus: They were decimated. Earth is now the largest Turian graveyard outside of Palavan.
Victus: This is our last stand Commander. There are no more reinforcements.
Shepard: I never got the chance to talk to you about your son
Victus: I know I'm just one of many who have lost their son to war.
Victus: Then our victory today is for those who won't see their children again.
Shepard: Well your son gave us a real chance at winning this one.
Shepard: Your son honored the Victus name. He was a true hero.
Victus: Thank you commander. Hearing that... means a great deal.
Victus: Yes he... rectified an unfortunate mistake made int he past. I'm sorry I couldn't be more open with you about it.
Shepard: I'm glad we got this chance to speak.
Shepard: How are things back on Palavan?
Victus: The Krogan put up a magnificent fight. Fearless to the last soldier. Please make that worth something today Commander.
Victus: They bought us time to evacuate civilians.
Victus: Our alliance didn't survive and neither did millions of Turians because of it. Our only hope now is the crucible.
Victus: Then the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: Wreav kept his word but he couldn't get the other clans to fall in line. We never got the reinforcements we needed.
Victus: Wreave kept his word, until the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: And our civilian casualties have been far worse because of it. The Krogan lack... leadership.
Victus: But we still had support from the other Krogan clans. The female you saved rallied them. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Victus: Wreav kept his word, surprisingly enough. And the female Krogan you saved rallied the other clans. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Shepard: I'm surprised you're not back on Palvan.
Victus: I wanted to return the favor in person.
Shepard: Garrus said you pulled your fleet away from Palavan for this.
Shepard (surprised): Primarch Victus. I didn't realize you were here.
Victus: Good luck Commander.
Victus: May the spirits be with you
Victus: Commander.
Victus: Likewise.
Victus: Yet even then the Reapers were still too much. The only hope for my world now is victory here on Earth.
Victus: Urdnot Wreav was true to his word.
Victus: Urdnot Wrex was true to his word.
Victus: Wrex pulled out, the lying bastard. We never saw him again.
Victus: This war will be won or lost today. Here. On Earth, not Palavan.
Victus: He made our choice rather clear.
Victus: Yes, Commander.
Victus: And history will record that the Turian hierarchy stood among the brave.
Victus: Everything comes down to this moment.
Victus: As promised, we didn't forget where you live.
Victus: Though I'm sorry to see your world look as bad as ours.


Subete no aware
Eh, that seems about as irrelevant as anything else - given the grand scheme of things. It's more colour, but it doesn't change the fact that we still would have ended up in the same place.
Seriously, a rps minigame using your assets would have been better than them just being fuel for a bar. Would have given the game a little more variety and risk reward for keeping or losing assets. Another missed opportunity on top of them not helping in priority earth.

Actually reminds me of brotherhood assassins missions.
Well damn. This is kind of what I wanted from the end sequence. The question is would this have helped the game sell more copies even with its dumb ending? Probably not so the decisions to release it when they did was probably the right one.


They did!

Imagine what we would have gotten if it came out in 2011.

Again I mean. 2 years is clearly not enough to finish a game of this scale with all the necessary details in place. To be fair though, they did pretty damn good with the rest of the game.

Well damn. This is kind of what I wanted from the end sequence. The question is would this have helped the game sell more copies even with its dumb ending? Probably not so the decisions to release it when they did was probably the right one.

From a business standpoint for launch sales I suppose. The game has only been out 2 weeks though. Many people who have yet to play the series may not now based on the hoopla and feedback going around, whereas if it was a much more positive thing then people would be recommending the series for quite a while.

I dunno though, maybe I'm wrong and it doesn't effect it much.

- J - D -

The addition of whatever Earth sequences associated with the dialogue posted above would have helped with the backlash the game is getting, somewhat, but it doesn't amount to better sales, since the dedicated will buy this Regardless and the casuals wont care about the exclusion. Good for business, bad for true fans.


Subete no aware
You also have the fact that, for a new player to ME3, it's impossible to "successfully" resolve the Krogan or Quarian problems anyway.

Of course, they could have done something more interesting in multiplayer to have it tie into the single player more directly - you fight the battle of Palavan online and if the community is doing well, it works into your single player campaign.


Well if this content already exists, as in lines have already been recorded and it isn't just script, perhaps there's some chance it'll be part of whatever content they're adding to give more exposition to the ending. I would've preferred to see the actual groups in action rather than just talking with these characters, but anything on top of what shipped would be great.
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