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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


However, now that it's out, I don't think it'll ever get the treatment it deserves, especially with the negative press. They'll release a patch or two, some DLC, and move on to the next venture. It's a bit sad, but they quickly ignore games.

They kind of did it to themselves though with how the ending positions the universe. The appeal of DLC content has been extremely dulled because you basically can't make any post game DLC, and everything before will be pointless due to the ending.

Unless they really are going to be making Indoctrination U turn fakeout. Getting the ending initiatives sometime after we heard about them in April would seem like one heck of a fast turnaround if they hadn't actually been planning anything like that prior to the PR disaster.


Marauder Shields was unquestionably the hardest part of Insanity for me. I spent about an hour on him having stayed up to 10AM finishing the game until I was like, fuck this (I found out he was the last enemy in the entire game), switched the difficulty to narrative to finish the game, and loaded up my last save four days later to get the Insanity achievement (at the time, I wasn't sure if I had even set the difficulty before leaving Earth or not, so it was not worth staying up any longer than the 27 hours I had stayed up at that point beating my head against the wall). The loading times, slow motion, and sleep deprivation was just too much.


Aim for the head, brah.
Avoided all spoilers and beat ME3 for the first time earlier today. Then I read about this Marauder Shields meme for the first time.

I swear I took this screenshot before I even knew such a meme existed, heh. It doesn't have the same ring to it though.

Marauder Health is his second form, like any good final boss.


Next time I'm at a restaurant with my friends I'm going to tell them we're not paying for dinner and desert because we didn't like the cherry on top of the sundae at the end.

If the meal was lovely but you were given a literal piece of shit for desert then damn fucking straight you should be allowed to complain.


Man I need to go look up things in the codex/datapad. I don't remember half the people who talk to me as if I'm supposed to know them. Dont these people know that Shepard is out to save the universe and has little time to remember your name?

Haha...this game would be so much more fun playing as a renegade but my real world manners always get the best of me even when interacting with virtual characters.


As I see it, there are two different ways an ending might be bad:

1.) It doesn't resolve enough of the players questions.
2.) It resolves them in the wrong way.

In this case, both complaints have been made (eg. some people didn't like the fact that the Mass Effect relays were destroyed). Nevertheless, because the ending is so inconclusive in the first place (problem 1.), Bioware have substantial room to decide what actually happened - to the crew of Normandy, and to the galaxy. Even the explanation of the Reaper's purpose can be filled in.

For example, whether or not the Catalyst and Reapers mission is 'plausible' depends what their motivations were in the first place. Crucially don't know why they care about preserving organic life, and what happened in the cycles before that lead them to believe total destruction (and re-birth) would be the best solution.

In my opinion you could construct a great ending within the constraints of what has already been revealed. The universe isn't 'damned' precisely because so much is still up in the air.
It blows my mind that people play Soldier, and that many people.

One of the reasons I've always been drawn to RPGs was the "magic" side of it. I just can't understand how people find this game fun playing soldier. I played soldier in ME1 just to get my weapon achievements and that was it. It was extremely boring..

ME is not a good shooter so it blows my mind that people play it as if it is one.

Can't believe people beat these games 20+ times. 66 hour playthrough isn't too crazy, one of my playthroughs was 58 hours if they're counting DLC.

Because soldier is the first choice offered
Because it's a familliar name

When I started ME in the first place, I was lost : Adept ? Vanguard ? Sentinel ? What the hell ? Soldier sounds familiar and Infiltrator & Engineer too (but it looked boring)

Blame Bioware for putting Soldier as first default choice. I guess Sentinel should be default, as it's between biotic & tech with still classic gunplay
I'm reaching the ending and apparently Anderson needs to remind Shepard he was born in London

Anderson to Shepard, via comm
"We're stationed in London. I was born here"

Anderson and Shepard in London
"I was born in London"


Not pure anymore!
Man I need to go look up things in the codex/datapad. I don't remember half the people who talk to me as if I'm supposed to know them. Dont these people know that Shepard is out to save the universe and has little time to remember your name?

Haha...this game would be so much more fun playing as a renegade but my real world manners always get the best of me even when interacting with virtual characters.

ME1 was funny and ME2 maybe a teensy bit fun but ME3? Shepard is a borderline psychopath as a pure renegade.



I guessed...but how did he die? I'm sure it didn't say anything in the game about it...maybe I missed the bit?

How did Wrex die in the first game? You kill him on Virmire IIRC.

In ME3, if you don't cure the Genophage then he comes at you on the Citadel to kill you, so you put a few bullets in his head. Then you read a news article on the event, covering your tracks (something about Wrex being a mercenary who tried to kill you over a betting argument haha).

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
The idea of combining the two forms of life would be that there would be no need for either organics or synthetics in the future because there is a new form of life that is superior to both. They are intelligent and computational enough to produce new types of bio-synthetics like themselves instead of reverting to purely synthetic beings due to knowledge of their shortcomings. Also you don't know that they will be different people. Joker and EDI seem to maintain the same relationship so you'd imagine they are the same people.

First, it is only "superior" on the word of the being whose idea of helping organics was killing all advanced civilizaitons every 50000 years. So his opinion is already on the laughable side. Second, I don't see how you can say they are the same when you start listing all these things that are better about them. Will Krogans still be war like and jerks, or will their new superiorness make them not so? Will the Hanar no longer worship the Protheans? Will the remaining cerberus people still hate non humans?

And what is this creating new types of Bio-synthetic? Since you enjoy taking the word of the Catalyst, this will still cause war as if they create new biosynthetics, because as he said, the created will always rebel against their creators.

Rewriting someone's DNA to be superior is not the same as drugging people to be peaceful. The bio-synthetics would not be forced to be peaceful by way of their nature, rather they have the perfect balance of instinct and intelligence to know that chaos is counter-productive to their ends. The reapers never gave them a choice and provided the galaxy terror with no end. Shepard only gives no choice when it comes to a far more harmonious option.

Rewriting their DNA is actually worse than drugging, drugging could be stopped. And umm that is what I meant by forced to be peaceful. They, against their will, were forced this change upon them, and the changed self is Peaceful by its nature. And if it wasn't peaceful before, and suddenly it is, it was changed on a fundamental level. How can a person who was warlike and a dick before, and suddenly not anymore thanks to synthesis not count as changing them as a person? Just because you like the new person better, doesn't make it right. It's still a form of brainwashing, only it's worse because it's changing their very nature.

The thing is, you still have no proof about how these people will act and you refuse to consider the idea that this new type of life that is ideally superior to either previous forms would be in the best interest of every being. We weren't given a choice to be born into the universe but it still happened. What exactly is so horrifying about being born into better circumstances?

Let me answer your question with a question. If you had a kid, and I broke into your home stole your child, then gave him/her to a family much better off than you, would you be happy with that? I mean, your kids life was better than you could have made it, right?

You don't think it's hell for those in existence? You just spent the entire game watching refugees lose their entire families, people watch their neighbors become mindless husks, and entire worlds catch fire. How is this not the most terrifying and painful way of change imaginable? So your logic is "oh no they forced a completely zen, celestial, and merciful rebirth of all life in the universe" is much more evil than "here come those giant mechanical death-lords to take away the life and free will of everyone you know and love"?

It's worse to me looking in from the outside actually. At least the reapers let people advance to a certain point, and even gave them a fighting chance. They had hope. You aren't even giving them that. You just change them. And sure, if I was in the situation, I wouldn't even know the difference. I'd be living my life and one day BAM I'd be completely different, and worse, I wouldn't even mind because my very nature was altered. Let me tell you something: I DON'T WANT TO BE BRAINWASHED. No matter how much better and superior YOU think it makes me. That's the whole deal. You are deciding for the entire galaxy that this is better. I would like to keep my "very nature" the way it is.

Killing all synthetics wouldn't stop the future chaos of organics vs. synthetics. Except then you'd have nothing like the reapers or bio-synthetics to keep things in check. You'd just have more war. The green option is the absolute best option for existing organics and synthetics. It's painless and beneficial to all life in the galaxy.

Once again you follow the Catalyst's ideas blindly. Shepard made peace between the Geth and the Quarians. Shepard is all buddy buddy with EDI. Obviously the catalyst's logic isn't 100% perfect. Though, of course we already knew it wasn't 100% perfect. His solution to his perceived idea of Created vs Creator was to brutally murder people throughout the galaxy, and doing all those hellish things you posted before every 50000 years. So, sorry if I don't take his word that its inevitable.

And again, no thanks to the painless solution of brainwashing everybody to be peaceful.
How about getting rid of the reapers and letting the galaxy make its own choices? We didn't ask for the Catalyst to "keep us in check."
First, it is only "superior" on the word of the being whose idea of helping organics was killing all advanced civilizaitons every 50000 years. So his opinion is already on the laughable side. Second, I don't see how you can say they are the same when you start listing all these things that are better about them. Will Krogans still be war like and jerks, or will their new superiorness make them not so? Will the Hanar no longer worship the Protheans? Will the remaining cerberus people still hate non humans?

And what is this creating new types of Bio-synthetic? Since you enjoy taking the word of the Catalyst, this will still cause war as if they create new biosynthetics, because as he said, the created will always rebel against their creators.

Rewriting their DNA is actually worse than drugging, drugging could be stopped. And umm that is what I meant by forced to be peaceful. They, against their will, were forced this change upon them, and the changed self is Peaceful by its nature. And if it wasn't peaceful before, and suddenly it is, it was changed on a fundamental level. How can a person who was warlike and a dick before, and suddenly not anymore thanks to synthesis not changing them as a person? Just because you like the new person better, doesn't make it right. It's still a form of brainwashing, only it's worse because it's changing their very nature.

Let me answer your question with a question. If you had a kid, and I broke into your home stole your child, then gave him/her to a family much better off than you, would you be happy with that? I mean, your kids life was better than you could have made it, right?

It's worse to me looking in from the outside actually. At least the reapers let people advance to a certain point, and even gave them a fighting chance. They had hope. You aren't even giving them that. You just change them. And sure, if I was in the situation, I wouldn't even know the difference. I'd be living my life and one day BAM I'd be completely different, and worse, I wouldn't even mind because my very nature was altered. Let me tell you something: I DON'T WANT TO BE BRAINWASHED. No matter how much better and superior YOU think it makes me. That's the whole deal. You are deciding for the entire galaxy that this is better. I would like to keep my "very nature" the way it is.

Once again you follow the Catalyst's ideas blindly. Shepard made peace between the Geth and the Quarians. Shepard is all buddy buddy with EDI. Obviously the catalyst's logic isn't 100% perfect. Though, of course we already knew it wasn't 100% perfect. His solution to his perceived idea of Created vs Creator was to brutally murder people throughout the galaxy, and doing all those hellish things you posted before every 50000 years. So, sorry if I don't take his word that its inevitable.

And again, no thanks to the painless solution of brainwashing everybody to be peaceful.
How about getting rid of the reapers and letting the galaxy make its own choices? We didn't ask for the Catalyst to "keep us in check."
I keep having this feeling that this argument gets brought up over and over again like it's part of some sort of cycle. It's like a conflict between the ignorant and the wise. Us, the wise ones try to enlighten the ignorant ones through the use of reasoned arguments and logic or showing the errors in the ignorant's logic. This is truly a great hing, right?

WRONG! Robots will always rebel. NO EXCEPTIONS.
I wasn't in a state where I could consistently hit his chest, let alone his head, "brah".

I'm totally with you, there, friend. Even in a non-sleep-deprived state, killing Marauder Shields was one of the hardest parts of Insanity. Shooting his head multiple times while Shepard's gun is shifting around a slippery fish is not an easy task - except for those galactic bad-asses who can only be satisfied by killing Reapers with dull knives while sleeping. But I am not that person. :p


Video of an ME mega fan watching the ending, funny and sad at the same time.


I think I made this exact same same face at the "tell me another story about the Shepard".
Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-



As much shit as I have said about him, I would never advocate for the firing of someone I don't know and who never hurt me personally.

There was a guy that came into our Halloween store high on Crystal Meth every single day. Him? I advocated for his firing. He once asked me if I was going to eat "all those cupcakes", and tried to throw a metal chair in the trash.

A guy that I think is a bad writer? Not as important to me.

If I think someone is truly incompetent at their job, I see no reason why they shouldn't be fired.


Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-




Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-


This sounds so fucking horrible on multiple goddamn levels. Jesus fucking christ.
Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-

- This is not addressed in the Terminator DLC, but from the moment Shepard comes
out of the coma, he is the Catalyst. Shepard permanently died during atmospheric
re-entry. The characters and the player in Terminator are unaware that it is not
the real Shepard, and this will not be revealed until Mass Shift, the spiritual
successor to the Mass Effect series.

- Mass Shift is not Mass Effect 4. Mass Shift will involve the same universe,
characters, and story, but it will be more action-oriented. Space flight, for
example, will be as intricate as ME3's combat. In Mass Shift, you will actively fly
Murmur, a Reaper that is controlled by the Catalyst. Storyboards have not been
drawn up for exactly how this will work yet, but when we came up with the initial
concept, we were comparing flight to "Gradius III and Kingdom Hearts 2", and the
relationship between the Catalyst and Murmur was compared to the one between the
boy and the monster in "The Last Guardian".



Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-


Ugh, knowing Bioware, this sounds likely. Although now that they know how much we hate the Catalyst, hopefully they'll kill that brat for real.

Also Bioware, why did you think we need to know that Traynor sweats while playing chess? That's such a creepy info to air out.
I had a chance to sleep on it and the ending is still devastating. If they did a complete retcon of the ending and it was everything I could have possibly hoped for I still don't know if I could wash the bad taste out of my mouth. It was as if the writers in charge of that ending only had a half page summary of Shepard's story as a reference.

In 10 minutes they managed to destroy the reapers as villains, throw out all the effort they put into explaining virtually every phenomenon in the ME universe with some sort of physical laws, introduced a completely nonsensical new character that was apparently pulling all the strings, destroy all Mass Relays and the Citadel, which instantly makes every ending have horrific repercussions for the galaxy and basically make any game set in the ME universe post-Reaper completely unappealing. I was prepared for a bad ending because even though I managed to avoid almost all spoilers, the existence of the controversy was impossible to avoid. However, I was not prepared for an ending that was so bad that it has the potential to completely ruin the whole Mass Effect universe for me. Ugh.
I had a chance to sleep on it and the ending is still devastating. If they did a complete retcon of the ending and it was everything I could have possibly hoped for I still don't know if I could wash the bad taste out of my mouth. It was as if the writers in charge of that ending only had a half page summary of Shepard's story as a reference.

In 10 minutes they managed to destroy the reapers as villains, throw out all the effort they put into explaining virtually every phenomenon in the ME universe with some sort of physical laws, introduced a completely nonsensical new character that was apparently pulling all the strings, destroy all Mass Relays and the Citadel, which instantly makes every ending have horrific repercussions for the galaxy and basically make any game set in the ME universe post-Reaper completely unappealing. I was prepared for a bad ending because even though I managed to avoid almost all spoilers, the existence of the controversy was impossible to avoid. However, I was not prepared for an ending was so bad that it has the potential to completely ruin the whole Mass Effect universe for me. Ugh.

Welcome, my friend. The hugs are not free anymore


Lol that is so fake.

If this was true, it sounds like something that has been planned for a long time, but wasn't it mentioned that the ending of ME3 was changed last minute? If god child was added only a couple months ago, I doubt Bioware has already begin planning the next ME game based on something changed a little bit ago.
- This is not addressed in the Terminator DLC, but from the moment Shepard comes
out of the coma, he is the Catalyst. Shepard permanently died during atmospheric
re-entry. The characters and the player in Terminator are unaware that it is not
the real Shepard, and this will not be revealed until Mass Shift, the spiritual
successor to the Mass Effect series.
Mass Shift reveals that it takes place in the Half-Life universe, and has squad member Barney Calhoun-Verner, Conrad Verner's descendant. Alex Vance-Freeman appears as a rival to the cult of The Shepard, calling the galaxy to follow the real savior, his ancestor, The Freeman.


Urgh after what I just read on Reddit the ending is going to be the least of Mass Effects problems. This is a leak that originated from 4chan so already the source is incredibly suspicious. Reading through the leak my brain kept yelling "BULLSHIT" so ordinarily I would discount this crap. However after the god awful endings the leak sounds like it is something Bioware would actually do.

I will link to the post rather than paste it in here. Be aware if it is true there will be spoilers for the next Mass Effect :-


I'm going with fake. There's to much of "EA the evil overlords" on it. Also, saying things like "when Dragon Age 2, which was not yet in alpha status, was shipped" really doesn't make look legit. That game had a lot of problems, being in alpha status wasn't one of them.

Of course, if you asked me before ME3 if Bioware would implode their franchise with such and ending, I would say "are you crazy? EA would never allow it", so what do I know. If it's real, what they do to Shepard it would be the ultimate trolling.


It's tough to believe a lot of the details but I can certainly believe the first part about EA's treatment of them. I mean, it's only happened over EA's entire history, and one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to notice that there was a shift in the way Bioware handles things after they were bought by EA. From a game perspective they may have been going down the action route by themselves, but I'm talking about a shift in their PR, the way they treat their fans, how rapidly they pump out games now.


-A Prothean planet at the edge of Sol? WTF is this shit? WTF!

-You play as a zombie who is inhabited by a Deus Ex Machina

-Playing with a Reaper is all types of fuck. It essentially means Shepard failed at the end of ME3.

-I do like the space combat though

-Who the fuck wants to play as the Catalyst? What the fuck?

-A volus antagonist?!?!?!?!?

Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.


Not going to talk about the ending, just Thane, Mordin and Legion.



Those were definitely the highest moments in the series IMO. The Geth vs Quarian choice was also probably the hardest choice in the series with the biggest repercussions. Good thing I am jesus and I solved everything peacefully.

Still, I think you have to choose between them if you haven't played ME2, or resolved things correctly.
Not going to talk about the ending, just Thane, Mordin and Legion.



Thane and Mordin made noble sacrifices. Legion's sacrifice came out of nowhere and seemed so ridiculous. That was the only character death I really didn't appreciate because it was handled poorly.
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