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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow


For anyone soured by Mass Effect 3 and Bioware's continual disappointment, I have an advice for you:

Play Journey.

It displays excellent and beautiful craftsmanship in regards to digital games and their expressive capabilities. Playing through it made me feel much better. I imagine it would be the same for you.


Probably those shifty-looking cows.


Bow for your equine overlords.

Fuck those things. Look so weird. They have four legs AND two arms? I don't trust them at all.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Life existed during the last Reaper invasion. The holographic kid says so himself. Apparently, our species were too young and primitive to harvest (never mind if that is what you meant). At least, they got this right with regards to science otherwise, it would have been as if Bioware were promoting Young Earth Creationism crap.

I think you may have misread my post as this is exactly what I said.

There was no life on Earth that the Reapers were ready to harvest at that point in time. The Protheans were observing humans on the outpost on Mars, and later, when the Reaper threat was known, worked on improving plans for the crucible and storing them there for humans to find when they came of age because they thought Humans and Asari were the best bet against the Reapers.

If the human race had not leapfrogged so quickly when we found the Charon Mass Relay and left the outpost on Mars to rot, maybe we would have found the Crucible plans 30 years ago and not been in such a huge pickle. Same with the Asari not sharing the Prothean Beacon. But hey, we're only Human/Asari.


By the way, the things that annoyed me a lot more than the ending were:

1) Legion. He died in my ME2 game, and the way they brought him back (as some kind of virtual reality robot that could interact with everything and had the knowledge of legion though wasn't him) was a terribly weak copout and I felt no remorse killing him and all his Geth buddies, also because they can apparently just come back to life no problem.

2) That there was so little of Miranda, who seems like the canonical love interest in ME2, and her main connection with cerberus would have been very meaningful for the story. Instead you see her in a few very brief visits, where she thinks her sister is more important than saving the galaxy and if you do stick with her the love scene is totally off-screen and never mentioned again (well judging by the youtube clips that is, I ditched her in the beginning in favor of Liara, and that at least was a touching, quite well handed moment).

3) In fact that they had so little of ME2's cast and went back to the cast of ME1. ME1 had you meet a merry band of fellow travellers that tagged along as you went about your business, whereas ME2 focused on getting the best of the best of the elite of the etc. of all of the galaxy. Seems to me when you go in for the final battle, you take all the best with you. Also because ME2 focused so heavily on the character interrelations, that now felt like a bit of a waste.
Fuck those things. Look so weird. They have four legs AND two arms? I don't trust them at all.

They're already stealing our credits now, imagine what they can do when they have the technology.

We're not the last hope of organics, they are. They'll rob the Reapers blind.
After looking on the BioWare social, I found the term "The Endophage" and I really liked it.

Also, doesn't Anderson's inclusion in the end make Shepard even more useless? He's the ultimate paragon, a bad ass, and wanted all the reapers dead. If Shepard hadn't shot him then he'd be up there with the star child. No one sees him make it to the beam ahead of Shepard, so it's also conceivable that he could have done so with out Shepard's involvement in the final push. The star child even goes as far as to show Anderson shooting and killing the Reapers. It doesn't take any special skill with a gun to shoot out what ever was behind the suspiciously thin glass. Anderson survived the entire invasion up until Shepard put a bullet though him. I think he'd be able to get to the beam just fine.

Shepard could have just as easily not gone up the beam and we'd have the same result of the one true red ending.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
By the way, the things that annoyed me a lot more than the ending were:

1) Legion. He died in my ME2 game, and the way they brought him back (as some kind of virtual reality robot that could interact with everything and had the knowledge of legion though wasn't him) was a terribly weak copout and I felt no remorse killing him and all his Geth buddies, also because they can apparently just come back to life no problem.

Yeah this is one thing they did too much of. I did not have this specifically happen to me, but read an article the other day on how there are several things that a kind of cop outs of decisions you made in other games.

For one, the Rachni come back regaurdless of what choice you made in ME1.
The proto Reaper comes back no matter if you destroy or keep the collector base. ( and the TIM never uses the Collector base to his benifit if you did give it to him)
Legion apparently comes back as well.

I mean there are still a lot of decisions that matter and arc perfectly with whatever you choose, but there are a few fumbles here and their because Bioware wanted certain characters to play a role no matter what.

2) That there was so little of Miranda, who seems like the canonical love interest in ME2, and her main connection with cerberus would have been very meaningful for the story. Instead you see her in a few very brief visits, where she thinks her sister is more important than saving the galaxy and if you do stick with her the love scene is totally off-screen and never mentioned again (well judging by the youtube clips that is, I ditched her in the beginning in favor of Liara, and that at least was a touching, quite well handed moment).

This was a gripe of mine as well, as I romanced Liara in the first game (not knowing you could romance Ash), then dumped Liara for Miranda in ME2, thought about going to Ash in ME3 but I decided to stick with Miranda and barley saw her the entire game. She is not even with me during the final push. Lame.

3) In fact that they had so little of ME2's cast and went back to the cast of ME1. ME1 had you meet a merry band of fellow travellers that tagged along as you went about your business, whereas ME2 focused on getting the best of the best of the elite of the etc. of all of the galaxy. Seems to me when you go in for the final battle, you take all the best with you. Also because ME2 focused so heavily on the character interrelations, that now felt like a bit of a waste.

I think they did an okay job here with having your squad made up of ME1 and ME2 characters. I mean yeah Jacob and Miranda could have had larger roles but I think for the most part they did this as effectivley as they could without making the game bloated.

My opinion at least.


They're already stealing our credits now, imagine what they can do when they have the technology.

We're not the last hope of organics, they are. They'll rob the Reapers blind.

It'd have been so awesome if the Reapers were all "we're the peak of synthetics. Join us!" and then this race of giant sentient spacefaring cows shows up and says "and we're the peak of organic evolution. Join us instead!". Then the Reapers use those giant lasers and the cows erm shoot milk? The ensuing destruction breaks mass relays and space is saturated with vaporized pasteurized milk. All synthetics and organics die but as the milk goes sour there's these microbes that pop up and eons later Blob Grandpa is telling Blob Grandkid to put away the Slaystation before it goes sentient, and the cycle continues.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
After looking on the BioWare social, I found the term "The Endophage" and I really liked it.

Also, doesn't Anderson's inclusion in the end make Shepard even more useless? He's the ultimate paragon, a bad ass, and wanted all the reapers dead. If Shepard hadn't shot him then he'd be up there with the star child. No one sees him make it to the beam ahead of Shepard, so it's also conceivable that he could have done so with out Shepard's involvement in the final push. The star child even goes as far as to show Anderson shooting and killing the Reapers. It doesn't take any special skill with a gun to shoot out what ever was behind the suspiciously thin glass. Anderson survived the entire invasion up until Shepard put a bullet though him. I think he'd be able to get to the beam just fine.

Shepard could have just as easily not gone up the beam and we'd have the same result of the one true red ending.

No. Becuase The Illusive Man would have killed Anderson off. He already was using him like a puppet when Shep got there. If he had not got there, no one would have talked The Illusive Man down, because TIM did not respect anyone like he did Shepard.

Also, the Catalyst did not show Shepard Anderson/TIM doing it, it was just him envisioning the two different ideals in his head..
Well even if it took hours, that's four ly in a few hours. It can't be much more, because it's obviously okay to do all this scanning and flying around without my team suddenly growing long beards and the extinction of the galaxy all but over.
(fuel seems to be a problem in the ME universe though)

And static discharge. It goes without saying that the universe is big and not uniform. IT would be incredibly risky to use the FTL drives to travel across galaxy when there won't be any planets to discharge static electricity. If not, the crew inside will be cooked.
No. Becuase The Illusive Man would have killed Anderson off. He already was using him like a puppet when Shep got there. If he had not got there, no one would have talked The Illusive Man down, because TIM did not respect anyone like he did Shepard.

Also, the Catalyst did not show Shepard Anderson/TIM doing it, it was just him envisioning the two different ideals in his head..

TIM was waiting for Shepard. There isn't anything to say that given a longer time, then Anderson would have talked him down as well. Shep became a puppet when he met TIM because that's how he was forced to shoot him. Puppet status does not negate a person's impact.

As for Shepard envisioning it, well I'm ok with that as well. It just shows how Anderson would have picked the one true way to beat the reaper indoctrination.
For anyone soured by Mass Effect 3 and Bioware's continual disappointment, I have an advice for you:

Play Journey.

It displays excellent and beautiful craftsmanship in regards to digital games and their expressive capabilities. Playing through it made me feel much better. I imagine it would be the same for you.


Chapter 11 of Asura's Wrath...great stuff.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
TIM was waiting for Shepard. There isn't anything to say that given a longer time, then Anderson would have talked him down as well. Shep became a puppet when he met TIM because that's how he was forced to shoot him. Puppet status does not negate a person's impact.

As for Shepard envisioning it, well I'm ok with that as well. It just shows how Anderson would have picked the one true way to beat the reaper indoctrination.

Anderson could not of talked the illusive man down. TIM viewed him as an old soldier only capable of looking at things down the barrel of a gun...

He waited for Shepard because he knew he was coming, in a hypothetical situation where Shep did not make it, he would not have waited at all and would have just killed Anderson outright. The only reason he waited to kill Anderson was because he hoped showing Shepard the power of his control would convince him that it was indeed the right course to control the Reapers rather than destroy them.

Anderson would not have stood a chance, and I say that as an Anderson fan.


For anyone soured by Mass Effect 3 and Bioware's continual disappointment, I have an advice for you:

Play Journey.

It displays excellent and beautiful craftsmanship in regards to digital games and their expressive capabilities. Playing through it made me feel much better. I imagine it would be the same for you.

I don't have a ps3 ;_;


Him not being avaible is such a non-argument for not including dialogue with Harbinger. They had a replacement for Mordin, can't be that hard to find one for Harby.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Wait, Harbinger's voice actor was available for ME3, he's even in the fucking game.

What the flying fuck, BioWare.

Yeah this pissed me off. He was one of the best parts of ME2, and to not give the Reapers a voice at all in ME3 (aside from the random Destroyer who talks about Harbinger) was a mistake imo. Hopefully they give him a slot in DLC somehow.

I still say that they should have used him to plug the Normandy plothole.

When he leaves you at the beam, have him chase the Normandy.

It would make sense, given his preoccupation with Shepard, that he would see the Normandy and want to finish it off once and for all. (as he likely sees it and Shepard as the only real threat against their might.) Have him chasing the Normandy out of system, saying some ominous lines, and then have the beam of "space magic" come up behind him, show his yellow lights/eyes turn off, and have the Normandy crash.

You get a reason for the Normandy dipping during the battle and more closure on Harbinger.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
One weak until PAX East.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thought PAX East was more about DA rather than ME? Are they going to discuss the ending there?

There's a Mass Effect panel with a whole bunch of staff/writers (Walters and Hudson excluded), and BioWare promised we'd hear more about their "game content initiatives" in April. I suspect they'll give the scoop then and there.

I thought it was friday?

I think BioWare's panel is on Sunday. Could be wrong though.
haha, I tried to explain the ending to my girlfriend who would occasionally watch me play the games so she "kind of" knew what was going on throughout. all I got was the most epic what the fuck stare I've ever seen and I felt like an idiot while trying to explain it.


Little late, but still awesome. I couldn't even believe they color coded the ending choices, let alone made you choose between two after putting 50+ hours into this monstrosity. The ending was even more agonizing due to the brilliant design choice that forced you to run at about 1/4 speed toward those giant colored tanks.

ME3 is like that GF who when you ask "Do you want to go out for Mexican or Italian tonight?", she relpies "I don't care, either one's fine."


so, my ME2 save file is gone and transferring save files from PC to 360 sounds like an awful lot of work. If I start a default ME3 save file, have all my companions survived the suicide mission ? And what are the important choices from ME2 that the game makes for you? Use spoilers where necessary, I don't mind.

e: wrong thread, sorry


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
so, my ME2 save file is gone and transferring save files from PC to 360 sounds like an awful lot of work. If I start a default ME3 save file, have all my companions survived the suicide mission ? And what are the important choices from ME2 that the game makes for you? Use spoilers where necessary, I don't mind.

There is probably a ME3 save editor out there. May not have all items flagged, but you may be able to tweak things if you really want.

Why are you in the spoiler thread?
Little late, but still awesome. I couldn't even believe they color coded the ending choices, let alone made you choose between two after putting 50+ hours into this monstrosity. The ending was even more agonizing due to the brilliant design choice that forced you to run at about 1/4 speed toward those giant colored tanks.

ME3 is like that GF who when you ask "Do you want to go out for Mexican or Italian tonight?", she relpies "I don't care, either one's fine."

More like the GF who after you've finished eating put a open tupperware tub that has a nugget of shit init on top of the table, then tells you to pay her to put the lid on and move it.
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