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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Pat Weekes is the deadliest SOB in Space, as quoted from someone in the Bioware forum.

"This, recruits, is a 20 kilo PR speak. Feel the weight! Every five seconds the main gun of an Electronic Arts-class dreadnought accelerates it 1 to 1.3 percent of light speed."
"It impacts with the force of a 38 kiloton DLC. That is three times the yield of the ending of Fallout 3 dropped by Bethesda, back on Earth.That means, Sir Patrick Weekes is the deadliest SOB in Space!"
"Now serviceman Hudson, what is Weekes first law?"
"Sir, an honest statement calms the fanbase, sir!"
"No credit for partial answers, maggot!"
"Sir, unless acted on by corporate speak sir!"
"Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that the internet is empty! Once you fire this corporate BS,it keeps going till it hits something! It could be twitter, or the BSN fans behind that twitter. It may go off in the deep internet and hit EA's stock values by 10.000 points."
"That is why we peer-review the endings. That is why we wait for the team writers to give us a damn ending solution! That is why, serviceman Walters, we do not "eyeball" the endings! You are not Isaac Asimov shooting from the hip!"
"Sir yes sir!"
"That ephemeral tweet is filled with rage, and it pleases me."

You can see the panel someone recorded on YT. I stored all the links on the tumblr.

To fix it would require an apology of some sort, and that won't happen for at least a year (probably never).

By apology I mean something along the lines of, "We were rushed so we vent kid."

Ah thanks for posting the video. I read the text version, but I like to hear their tone. I really want to punch everyone in the audience however, when they cheer after they say, "the Dlc wont change/replace the endings". What really? It's always the weird fans that go to these that want to act cool in front of Bioware. I wanted to hear Boo's after that...

Panel was meh. Good discussion on Tuchanka and how it tied decisions of ME1 and 2 in, along with character arcs, but basically ignored the ending.

Only had like 5 minutes of Q&A, no questions about the ending beyond learning that the citadel population purportedly isn't decimated like Mac walters tweeted, they have individual barriers for atmosphere and such.

We were discussing this, an unofficial Q/A with Patrick Weekes after the panel

It generated a lot of interest by the fans, but then Jessica Merizan tweeted something to the notion of "that Q/A session posted is filled with inaccuracies and bias, it makes me angry". That particular tweet looks to be gone now.
Thanks for that! That was an interesting interview, wish they could speak more about it.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
This must have been posted but anyway:

BioWare writer Patrick Weekes is distancing himself from Mass Effect 3′s ending in wake of the massive scandal that’s rocked the franchise in recent days, making clear that he and other writers were literally ex-communicated when it came to writing the game’s ending, while executive producer Casey Hudson took charge, neglecting their many protests on how the trilogy should conclude.

The post was first written on Penny Arcade where Weekes is a frequent visitor known as user Takyris, but it was deleted and several other posts with quotes from the original post have been edited to steer clear of the controversial comments, however a screencap of Weekes’ comments was captured and sent to Gameranx by an anonymous source.

Here’s the entire text, unadulterated, giving great insight into what took place in the final days of Mass Effect 3′s development:

“I have nothing to do with the ending beyond a) having argued successfully a long time ago that we needed a chance to say goodbye to our squad, b) having argued successfully that Cortez shouldn’t automatically die in that shuttle crash, and c) having written Tali’s goodbye bit, as well as a couple of the holo-goodbyes for people I wrote (Mordin, Kasumi, Jack, etc).

No other writer did, either, except for our lead. This was entirely the work of our lead and Casey himself, sitting in a room and going through draft after draft.

And honestly, it kind of shows.

Every other mission in the game had to be held up to the rest of the writing team, and the writing team then picked it apart and made suggestions and pointed out the parts that made no sense. This mission? Casey and our lead deciding that they didn’t need to be peer-reviewe.d

And again, it shows.

If you’d asked me the themes of Mass Effect 3, I’d break them down as:

Galactic Alliances


Organics versus Synthetics

In my personal opinion, the first two got a perfunctory nod. We did get a goodbye to our friends, but it was in a scene that was divorced from the gameplay — a deliberate “nothing happens here” area with one turret thrown in for no reason I really understand, except possibly to obfuscate the “nothing happens here”-ness. The best missions in our game are the ones in which the gameplay and the narrative reinforce each other. The end of the Genophage campaign exemplifies that for me — every line of dialog is showing you both sides of the krogan, be they horrible brutes or proud warriors; the art shows both their bombed-out wasteland and the beautiful world they once had and could have again; the combat shows the terror of the Reapers as well as a blatant reminder of the rachni, which threatened the galaxy and had to be stopped by the krogan last time. Every line of code in that mission is on target with the overall message.

The endgame doesn’t have that. I wanted to see banshees attacking you, and then have asari gunships zoom in and blow them away. I wanted to see a wave of rachni ravagers come around a corner only to be met by a wall of krogan roaring a battle cry. Here’s the horror the Reapers inflicted upon each race, and here’s the army that you, Commander Shepard, made out of every race in the galaxy to fight them.

I personally thought that the Illusive Man conversation was about twice as long as it needed to be — something that I’ve been told in my peer reviews of my missions and made edits on, but again, this is a conversation no writer but the lead ever saw until it was already recorded. I did love Anderson’s goodbye.

For me, Anderson’s goodbye is where it ended. The stuff with the Catalyst just… You have to understand. Casey is really smart and really analytical. And the problem is that when he’s not checked, he will assume that other people are like him, and will really appreciate an almost completely unemotional intellectual ending. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it.

And then, just to be a dick… what was SUPPOSED to happen was that, say you picked “Destroy the Reapers”. When you did that, the system was SUPPOSED to look at your score, and then you’d show a cutscene of Earth that was either:

a) Very high score: Earth obviously damaged, but woo victory

b) Medium score: Earth takes a bunch of damage from the Crucible activation. Like dropping a bomb on an already war-ravaged city. Uh, well, maybe not LIKE that as much as, uh, THAT.

c) Low score: Earth is a cinderblock, all life on it completely wiped out

I have NO IDEA why these different cutscenes aren’t in there. As far as I know, they were never cut. Maybe they were cut for budget reasons at the last minute. I don’t know. But holy crap, yeah, I can see how incredibly disappointing it’d be to hear of all the different ending possibilities and have it break down to “which color is stuff glowing?” Or maybe they ARE in, but they’re too subtle to really see obvious differences, and again, that’s… yeah.

Okay, that’s a lot to have written for something that’s gonna go away in an hour.

I still teared up at the ending myself, but really, I was tearing up for the quick flashbacks to old friends and the death of Anderson. I wasn’t tearing up over making a choice that, as it turned out, didn’t have enough cutscene differentiation on it.

And to be clear, I don’t even really wish Shepard had gotten a ride-off-into-sunset ending. I was honestly okay with Shepard sacrificing himself. I just expected it to be for something with more obvious differentiation, and a stronger tie to the core themes — all three of them.”

Damn it.


Sorry for going a bit off topic, but on the final cutscene I get some sort of visual glitch.

It's like the whole screen is covered by a dark blue filter for a few seconds and then it goes back to normal.

Anyone else get this? 360 btw.

The entire CGI ending after the choice was in this glitchy filter thingy :(


There is no best ending.

If you mean that the colors look like they're almost inverted, then yeah, I think that's a glitch. A few people have uploaded endings where the colors are purple and stuff, but I haven't experienced that on the PC.

That's it, thank you.

The entire CGI ending after the choice was in this glitchy filter thingy :(

Well I guess our endings have more than one color. We get better endings yay!


Just finished ME3. Damn what a bad ending. Im hopeing everything after the knock out by the Reaper is a dream! Why fck up three goodvgames with ONE. Bad ending.
So here's my question: if The Illusive Man and Cerberus were indoctrinated and playing in the reapers' hands, why did his base get attacked on Horizon? Didn't the reapers want him to experiment with reaper-controlling technology? After all, just as the Catalyst said, they already controlled him.


So here's my question: if The Illusive Man and Cerberus were indoctrinated and playing in the reapers' hands, why did his base get attacked on Horizon? Didn't the reapers want him to experiment with reaper-controlling technology? After all, just as the Catalyst said, they already controlled him.
could be explained that they wanted to make him feel like he was in control I guess.
So here's my question: if The Illusive Man and Cerberus were indoctrinated and playing in the reapers' hands, why did his base get attacked on Horizon? Didn't the reapers want him to experiment with reaper-controlling technology? After all, just as the Catalyst said, they already controlled him.

It's best if you don't think about the details too much. Otherwise it just hurts more.


So, Patrick Weekes went and made himself the hero of this mess? Good for him.
The people elevated him to hero, whether or not he actually wanted to be. If not, completely his fault for assuming that posting stuff like that on a public board was a good idea.

Shame on Jessica Merizan for those tweets. Didn't she go on a whole tirade about how she was going to stop talking about Bioware stuff on her twitter because she wasn't being paid enough?
Just finished ME3. Damn what a bad ending. Im hopeing everything after the knock out by the Reaper is a dream! Why fck up three goodvgames with ONE. Bad ending.

The whole sequence post-beam does not make sense, but then neither does the turret section, the telephone boxes, the one-shot nuke of a destroyer (why didn't anyone think of this sooner?). Still, such things could be forgiven, the whole Citadel section cannot.

I think a lot more focus should have been on the Cerberus base and the perversion of TIM, like the concept art seems to indicate. Now the whole 'bodies everywhere' section just pops up at the citadel, yet there is no Human Reaper embryo in sight. Considering that they have been harvesting people for weeks now, why is there no Reaper Construct at the Citadel? That could have been used to give the Reaper side of things, versus Anderson and TIM. And give Bioware a chance to do right what ME2 could not do: show the Reaper cycle.

also, the reaper motivation would have made sense if they used this:


No artist who creates something awful would call for artistic integrity, but I guess money really was an issue. I would have just LOVED to see how this game would have turned out without the delay. (also, that would supposedly have Shep. waking up at the Eden Prime beacon, which I for one am cool with. Sure, it's a cop out, but I don't really mind the mechanism from a story perspective)

The scenes of Shepard and Garrus on top of the Presidium is pitch perfect. It gave off such an incredible feeling.

Also the scenes right after Shepard brought forth the wrath of the Quarian forces on the Rannoch Reaper... especially if he romances Tali.

How those two scenes are in the same game that contains an incredibly idiotic ending is extremely, extremely saddening.
Agree 100%. I really, really loved those parts. It's a shame it didn't carry that through the entire game...

Man, I need to go look at my artbook now. I completely forgot I even got it.


Ending sucked indeed. I just have a question, during the jungle scene at the end, only Joker, Javik and Liara come out of the ship. Does it mean that the others are dead ?


Ending sucked indeed. I just have a question, during the jungle scene at the end, only Joker, Javik and Liara come out of the ship. Does it mean that the others are dead ?

Could be worse. In my game, the first two people off the Normandy with Joker were Ashley & Liara...who were both with me for the London mission.

Somehow, they decided not to run for the beam (maybe the Shadow broker was tipped off to Marauder Shields), tracked down a shuttle to go AWOL, and took that shuttle directly to the Normandy...which also broke off from the combat to use a mass relay?

(Worst part about the ending? My Shepard wasn't even carrying a pistol during the London mission. How'd that one get there?)


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
(Worst part about the ending? My Shepard wasn't even carrying a pistol during the London mission. How'd that one get there?)
You probably didn't notice the pistol appearing in other game sequences like the one with Miranda.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Could be worse. In my game, the first two people off the Normandy with Joker were Ashley & Liara...who were both with me for the London mission.

Somehow, they decided not to run for the beam (maybe the Shadow broker was tipped off to Marauder Shields), tracked down a shuttle to go AWOL, and took that shuttle directly to the Normandy...which also broke off from the combat to use a mass relay?

It's okay though, you're going to get clarification on why they bailed, and why Joker is running to the mass relay.


(Worst part about the ending? My Shepard wasn't even carrying a pistol during the London mission. How'd that one get there?)

That's probably a limited resources based thing. Still sucks tho, similar to having an Avenger assault rifle out in all the cutscenes when I only have a shotty and pistol as a vanguard.


You probably didn't notice the pistol appearing in other game sequences like the one with Miranda.

I only de-equipped the pistol for the last mission or two, when I realized that I didn't ever use it, since it was slowing down my power recharge. That's why it stood out.
I did notice that the cut scenes defaulted me into a rifle, which forced me to manually swap back to my black widow before every combat.

Between my near-constant use of the sniper rifle, and never actively using the pistol, marauder shields killed me many, many times. So much easier when you learn not to trigger aim.


Ending sucked indeed. I just have a question, during the jungle scene at the end, only Joker, Javik and Liara come out of the ship. Does it mean that the others are dead ?

Who knows? Some people are there, others aren't.

We don't know because nothing is explained. That's partly what makes this ending a crappy one.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
i wanna know if any person just gave up during the marauder shields part. Even one would be a victory for him.
I've said in the other topic that I didn't see why everyone hated the endings...

...I've seen the other endings on youtube and...it's nearly the same between them or did I miss something ? I mean, it feels like none of your choices count. Hell, even ingame Shepard explains that destroying a Mass Relay will destroy everything in the system, so why are there still planets ? I mean we see the Normandy crashed in a Earth-like planet, so it should've come from a Mass Relay, which should've destroyed it. Also, now that I think about it, why has Joker fled ? When ? How ? How did he picked up my squadmates ? I thought they were dead !
Also, why do the mass relay destroy themselves in every ending ? It's specifically stated by the god/child/whatever that the mass relays would be destroyed if you choose to destroy synthetics.

Also, a disappointment of mine is certainly this god-child-creator and the motivations behind the reapers. "So in order to avoid synthetics killing you we created synthetics that will "absorb" (=effectively killing) once you become too much advanced" wait what ?
And here I nearly thought Bioware would pull a Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann on us (for those who didn't watch it and do not mind being spoiled :
In TTGL basically every sapient species disrupt the balance of energy in the universe by using their "spiral energy" (basically evolving, but spiral energy is used throughout the series). The main antagonist is the "Anti-spiral", the conglomerate of a species which decided to stop their evolution to save their galaxy and ensure no species become evolved enough to provoke then end of the universe
). It wouldn't have been original, but at least more satisfying.

The more I think about it the more my head hurts. I expected a mindscrew, not something basically unfinished and this open to interpretation.

Does anybody know if Bioware has any project of making more games in the same universe ? It would be a shame not to use this rich setting.


I've said in the other topic that I didn't see why everyone hated the endings...

...I've seen the other endings on youtube and...it's nearly the same between them or did I miss something ? I mean, it feels like none of your choices count. Hell, even ingame Shepard explains that destroying a Mass Relay will destroy everything in the system, so why are there still planets ? I mean we see the Normandy crashed in a Earth-like planet, so it should've come from a Mass Relay, which should've destroyed it. Also, now that I think about it, why has Joker fled ? When ? How ? How did he picked up my squadmates ? I thought they were dead !
Also, why do the mass relay destroy themselves in every ending ? It's specifically stated by the god/child/whatever that the mass relays would be destroyed if you choose to destroy synthetics.

Also, a disappointment of mine is certainly this god-child-creator and the motivations behind the reapers. "So in order to avoid synthetics killing you we created synthetics that will "absorb" (=effectively killing) once you become too much advanced" wait what ?
And here I nearly thought Bioware would pull a Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann on us (for those who didn't watch it and do not mind being spoiled :
In TTGL basically every sapient species disrupt the balance of energy in the universe by using their "spiral energy" (basically evolving, but spiral energy is used throughout the series). The main antagonist is the "Anti-spiral", the conglomerate of a species which decided to stop their evolution to save their galaxy and ensure no species become evolved enough to provoke then end of the universe
). It wouldn't have been original, but at least more satisfying.

The more I think about it the more my head hurts. I expected a mindscrew, not something basically unfinished and this open to interpretation.

Does anybody know if Bioware has any project of making more games in the same universe ? It would be a shame not to use this rich setting.

Some of your questions have been answered by the panel QA. The relays have been "disabled". They didn't go nova like in Arrival so most of the Galaxy is still there.

There is a deleted scene where Joker picks up your squadmembers when you are charging the beam. Not sure why it was removed.

Yes, the Reapers logic is flawed.

As for the future of the series, Casey Hudson has stated that he has no interest in expanding the universe or making any games taking place after ME3. Basically, the galaxy will be left as it is right now. Future ME games will be taking place before the ending of ME3.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I still don't buy the "deactivation" thing. You can clearly see the Mass Relay explode into pieces in the endings.

I've said in the other topic that I didn't see why everyone hated the endings...
First, welcome to the Spoiler Thread Pt. 2.

Second, those are the issues have with the ending.

Third, the dark energy plot would have been more like TTGL, but it was canned for some reason in order to go with the vent kid and implication of technological singularity.

Last, BW has stated that more ME games will be made, but the lead (Hudson) has no plans for games post-ME3's timeline. I assume that to do so, they will have to decide on one of the three ends as being cannon, but since they effectively destroyed the ME universe (the fear of the Reapers) there doesn't seem like there's anything to do after ME3.


I've said in the other topic that I didn't see why everyone hated the endings...

...I've seen the other endings on youtube and...it's nearly the same between them or did I miss something ? I mean, it feels like none of your choices count. Hell, even ingame Shepard explains that destroying a Mass Relay will destroy everything in the system, so why are there still planets ? I mean we see the Normandy crashed in a Earth-like planet, so it should've come from a Mass Relay, which should've destroyed it. Also, now that I think about it, why has Joker fled ? When ? How ? How did he picked up my squadmates ? I thought they were dead !
Also, why do the mass relay destroy themselves in every ending ? It's specifically stated by the god/child/whatever that the mass relays would be destroyed if you choose to destroy synthetics.

Also, a disappointment of mine is certainly this god-child-creator and the motivations behind the reapers. "So in order to avoid synthetics killing you we created synthetics that will "absorb" (=effectively killing) once you become too much advanced" wait what ?
And here I nearly thought Bioware would pull a Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann on us (for those who didn't watch it and do not mind being spoiled :
In TTGL basically every sapient species disrupt the balance of energy in the universe by using their "spiral energy" (basically evolving, but spiral energy is used throughout the series). The main antagonist is the "Anti-spiral", the conglomerate of a species which decided to stop their evolution to save their galaxy and ensure no species become evolved enough to provoke then end of the universe
). It wouldn't have been original, but at least more satisfying.

The more I think about it the more my head hurts. I expected a mindscrew, not something basically unfinished and this open to interpretation.

Does anybody know if Bioware has any project of making more games in the same universe ? It would be a shame not to use this rich setting.
In the final hours app on the iPad, Hudson says that there aren't plans to make games past ME3 and all the story-DLC missions will take place prior to the ending. The extended cut DLC is likely just cutscenes to add onto the ending.

To explain why the ending is what it is, they were still trying to figure out what to do up until last November, there's TONS of cut stuff from the Earth mission that shows the forces/races you recruited actually helping in the final battle.

If you're wondering about the focus on the stupid kid/starchild, him and the ending were solely penned by Mac Walters and Hudson, rather than the work of the entire team like the rest of the game.

Here's a post from one of the writers (patrick weekes) that wasn't really intended to be seen by people outside of penny arcade's forums, for extra reading material:http://gamerant.com/bioware-mass-effect-3-ending-curt-139503/2/
Yeah I thought it would be like ME2's suicide mission, your acquired war assets would make a difference.

They didn't finished the game in November ? When did it go gold ?
Also, I think they should've made at least 3 different endings, you know : Bad - Normal - Good (even if it was stupidly happy), instead of the mess we had.


Yeah I thought it would be like ME2's suicide mission, your acquired war assets would make a difference.

They didn't finished the game in November ? When did it go gold ?
Also, I think they should've made at least 3 different endings, you know : Bad - Normal - Good (even if it was stupidly happy), instead of the mess we had.
Yeah, a bad ending with the reapers completing the cycle and a random civilization finding Liara's project box at some point in the future would've been cool.


Last, BW has stated that more ME games will be made, but the lead (Hudson) has no plans for games post-ME3's timeline. I assume that to do so, they will have to decide on one of the three ends as being cannon, but since they effectively destroyed the ME universe (the fear of the Reapers) there doesn't seem like there's anything to do after ME3.
This part really gets to me, since I have no interest in pre-ending DLC, especially since I know that any additional missions will still lead Shepard to the same obnoxious end.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Deactivated Mass Relays.



Space magic. It's a really silly point to argue. It's easy to "retcon", makes a little bit of sense. After all, he's the once who created them. I'm sure that he knows how to disable them without killing everyone.


Last, BW has stated that more ME games will be made, but the lead (Hudson) has no plans for games post-ME3's timeline. I assume that to do so, they will have to decide on one of the three ends as being cannon, but since they effectively destroyed the ME universe (the fear of the Reapers) there doesn't seem like there's anything to do after ME3.

No way. The reapers were always the worst aspect of the games, and could literally be replaced by any other silly evil force that wants to destroy something.


In the end we see starchild. He says "tell me another story about sheperd" andbthe old man responds "okey, one more". Does this mean a new me? Or is it just a lame line, like the ending?


I almost loathe Space Magic as much as Vent God. Almost.

In the end we see starchild. He says "tell me another story about sheperd" andbthe old man responds "okey, one more". Does this mean a new me? Or is it just a lame line, like the ending?

It means you need to buy more DLC.
It's just terrible writing. Don't put any thought into it.


In the end we see starchild. He says "tell me another story about sheperd" andbthe old man responds "okey, one more". Does this mean a new me? Or is it just a lame line, like the ending?

That's not the starchild. It's just some kid from another civilization.

It's a pretty bad scene. Both from a design perspective and the actual voice-acting. Also, I find it a bit funny and sad that Mac Walters has not tweeted anything since March 17. :|


In the end we see starchild. He says "tell me another story about sheperd" andbthe old man responds "okey, one more". Does this mean a new me? Or is it just a lame line, like the ending?

DLC. Seriously. The other stories about 'The Shepard' are upcoming DLC.
Oh hey, the indoctrination theory makes actually more sense to me than the ending !

It's really sad that Tali's loyalty quest arc got cut off (you remember, the mission with the dying star). It could've been interesting.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
That's not the starchild. It's just some kid from another civilization.

It's a pretty bad scene. Both from a design perspective and the actual voice-acting. Also, I find it a bit funny and sad that Mac Walters has not tweeted anything since March 17. :|

Did he tweet much before that?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Oh hey, the indoctrination theory makes actually more sense to me than the ending !

It's really sad that Tali's loyalty quest arc got cut off (you remember, the mission with the dying star). It could've been interesting.

It did get cut off, the was decided the didnt want to pursue that explanation for the reaper. Frankly, when a blogger comes up with a better explanation (cosmic gardening) than either of your plots, you should put down the pen.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
No way. The reapers were always the worst aspect of the games, and could literally be replaced by any other silly evil force that wants to destroy something.
But what's the point? They'll have a dumb plot to kill everyone for reasons we can't understand -- something like they kill humans because humans are too cool for the galaxy.

I suppose they can go the DA rout:
The Darkspawn (Reapers and their husks) are not all gone and there is a new threat of Templars vs Mages (Soldiers vs Bionics).


Also, I find it a bit funny and sad that Mac Walters has not tweeted anything since March 17. :|

Bioware has basically chosen to bunker down and try to weather the storm through periphery attempts at polluting the discourse with fallacious rhetorics. I wouldn't expect any clarity and transparency in regards to their actual employees.
It did get cut off, the was decided the didnt want to pursue that explanation for the reaper. Frankly, when a blogger comes up with a better explanation (cosmic gardening) than either of your plots, you should put down the pen.
Hey I like that idea, cosmic gardening. Actually it's been referred to several times ingames how humans are special because of their diversified genetic code. It would've been good too : the Reapers harvest aliens because it's their reproduction mode.

But well, we got the tsundere reapers instead.


So at the ending of the game, I did not get to choose the last Paragon/Renegade option

Apparently, I have to use a Paragon or Renegade option everytime I talk to the Illusive Man but I'm pretty sure I got them all (there's a total of 6)

Is this not the way to get that last option or was there a somewhat hidden dialogue I might've missed?


So at the ending of the game, I did not get to choose the last Paragon/Renegade option

Apparently, I have to use a Paragon or Renegade option everytime I talk to the Illusive Man but I'm pretty sure I got them all (there's a total of 6)

Is this not the way to get that last option or was there a somewhat hidden dialogue I might've missed?

There is one hidden in an investigate option. I think it's on Mars.
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