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Mass Effect 3 Spoiler Thread |OT2| Taste the Rainbow

MC Safety

And why, when there's the grand finale of space battles going on above you, are we forced to muck around in the most dreary and boring mission setting thus far?

That sounds familiar, as it was the end of Mass Effect.

And then you got another ending, which was okay: Shephard and Anderson sitting against the dais, bleeding out.

After that, Space Jesus and three ridiculous choices.
BioWare is more concerned with you role playing your character's dialogue. That's about it.

I don't think that's true at all, I never once got the chance to say Earth wasn't my main concern, or call James an idiot (the harshest thing you can call him is 'a damn fine marine')

Most of the dialogue options amounted to:

-Affirmative nod
I know this is really old news, but I was still playing the game when it came up in the news and didn't read up on it back then, so did Bioware have anything to say about the whole Tali picture thing?

Just seems so weird that they couldn't even do that right when it was probably one of the more requested things to see happen in ME3.

I think the hand is the funniest part. It looks like someone realized Quarians have three fingers at the last moment, but didn't have time to edit in a new hand so they just chopped off two fingers.


So... is IGN trying to appear credible or just want another guest character in the upcoming DLC?

I know this is really old news, but I was still playing the game when it came up in the news and didn't read up on it back then, so did Bioware have anything to say about the whole Tali picture thing?

Since the ending controversy overshadows almost everything else, I don't think we had any comments aside from what's on the Final Hours App (taken from BSN here):

On Tali's Face
We eventually decided that she gives you a memento of her pictures, but the team was throwing around a lot of pictures and designs until we decided on something and said "Yup, that's her".

See... a "lot of pictures and designs". Takes work to make a lazy photoshop from a stock photo.


I'm sure they went through sketches and the like bfore they took a stock image.

It always seems like the 'second opinion' articles (be they IGN or elsewhere) are when objective games reviewing starts, at least for high profile titles. Personally I've always felt that the multi man review is a great format and works better than the one person format.


It always seems like the 'second opinion' articles (be they IGN or elsewhere) are when objective games reviewing starts, at least for high profile titles. Personally I've always felt that the multi man review is a great format and works better than the one person format.

also are great because they usually come later,after the hype settles a bit....
another example uncharted3.

the problem with masseffect is that the "hype" became bigger.

from a post in fb about the art bit :

"I keep coming across the product vs. art argument, mostly from the other aisle.
They are not mutually exclusive. Yes, ME3, like any book or movie, can be considered as a work of art. But once it enters the market place it is also a product with customers.
If Bioware's only intention was to create artistic impression I could accept it. but Bioware made ME3 to earn profit, not to hang in a gallery.
And even if it solely art, that is it a shield making you immune to criticism.
I have the right to critique it as its audience. You might not like it. You can even completely disregard my criticism. But I have the right to be critical.
And as any part of the market, while you have the right to disregard my criticism, I also have the right not to invest any more money in your products.
If the Mona Lisa would be commercially sold, I would have the right to ask to be changed to make it more appealing. Leonardo could refuse it. And I could stop patronising Leonardo. As a for profit entity he would go bankrupt and his shareholders would demand his head, but he could do that.
So stop acting that you are somehow morally superior for defending art. Art not only can be a product, but has been for hundreds of years. And as such, if you want to be profitable, you have to be considerate to your customers."

how do you link to post directly??? im not a fb pro.


I'm sure they went through sketches and the like bfore they took a stock image.

It always seems like the 'second opinion' articles (be they IGN or elsewhere) are when objective games reviewing starts, at least for high profile titles. Personally I've always felt that the multi man review is a great format and works better than the one person format.

Basically after they post the EA-sponsored review, they are allowed to sneak in the real reviews.


'One night walters scribbled down some thought on various ways the game could end with the line "Lots of speculation for Everyone!" at the bottom of the page.'


This is why you should not write anything while you're sleepy and delirious.


Basically after they post the EA-sponsored review, they are allowed to sneak in the real reviews.

I think more reviews need to be like the 8/10 uncharted 3 review. I just got done reading the IGN review and it came off more like a vague summary of the product in vanity fair than a review of the game and the experience. I mean I guess it said 'the quest system isn't as good', but it didn't seem to have much depth.

That may just be the style of reviews these days, but the whole thing comes off as vapid and lacking substance/detail. Do we really need to have a paragraph dedicated to 'the graphics have improved'?

The line about 'ME3 puts a bow on the franchise and wraps everything up nicely' makes me wonder if the review had time to beat the game (not necessarily his/her fault mind you, the entire process of games reviews is shitty, artificial, and rushed).
If synthesis changes everybody, they are not the same person they were before. The original people are dead, replaced with these new synthetic\organic people that are all peaceful and happy against their will. Forcing peace by changing everybody's mind and body is not actual peace.

Synthesis means the entire galaxy is transformed into Stepford Wives.


I think more reviews need to be like the 8/10 uncharted 3 review. I just got done reading the IGN review and it came off more like a vague summary of the product in vanity fair than a review of the game and the experience. I mean I guess it said 'the quest system isn't as good', but it didn't seem to have much depth.

That may just be the style of reviews these days, but the whole thing comes off as vapid and lacking substance/detail. Do we really need to have a paragraph dedicated to 'the graphics have improved'?

The line about 'ME3 puts a bow on the franchise and wraps everything up nicely' makes me wonder if the review had time to beat the game (not necessarily his/her fault mind you, the entire process of games reviews is shitty, artificial, and rushed).
LOL. Did they say that? Busted! No one in their right mind, even those who like the endings can say that those endings wrap up the series in a 'neat bow'. It's such open-ended endings that's it's straight up lie to say otherwise.
LOL. Did they say that? Busted! No one in their right mind, even those who like the endings can say that those endings wrap up the series in a 'neat bow'. It's such open-ended endings that's it's straight up lie to say otherwise.

Well, it wraps up any interest you could have had in the future of the franchise.

Minus the repetitive tri-color videos (super lazy compared to Eternal Darkness ), the ending made a lot of sense to me. I mean, it pretty much happened what Harbinger kept repeating since he appeared. At least it wasn't trying to be a twist like Enslaved's, which I hated.
Sometimes I think people complaining about the lack of truly significant plot divergences have been playing a different series to me. Or, most likely, do not understand the difficulty of making a game like this, and assume BioWare has unlimited time and resources.

Games aren't made with good intentions and space magic.

I'm pretty sure I have an idea how complicated it must be to tie together all of the possible plot divergences.

Even though I'm expecting a bunch of "cool story bro" comments...I'll share.

So...I play Pathfinder with some guys and I am DMing a campaign. I have done the campaign sortof like a videogame.

Very "sandbox" and "emergent gameplay". At any given time there are about six different directions/quests that the party can start to work on, not including stuff they come up with like banging the tavern barmaid, or casing the local curiousity shoppe so they can try to burglarize it at a later date.

I keep track of everything on a spreadsheet.

Doing this affects the party this way and the local area this way. Not doing this affects the local area another way.

Doing something else affects the party in a different way. Not doing it, over a period of time affects the local area in another way.

It's a tonne of work for me and can be pretty fucking daunting and complicated at times to tie shit together but the dialogue that occurs between the players when they are trying to decide what to do next, knowing that everything has consequences if they do them or don't do them...that dialogue is priceless. They are invested in the "world" that I have crafted and when they are arguing about whether they should go rescue the blacksmith's kidnapped daughter or go into the creepy forest to find a cure for the sick Captain of the Guard...it's super satisfying and makes the work I have put into it worthwhile.

So what does this have to do with Bioware?

They're lazy/didn't have the time. (most likely a bit of both) They could have tied it all together. They clearly have the means to track all of the divergent paths. I'm not saying it wouldn't be work but it seems like they made no attempt to wrap things up. All they had to do was buy three or four (or ten) white boards and get to work on every possible permutation and write out/ come up with possible ways of handling...everything.

The fact that Mass Effect 3 is the conclusion offers them a great deal of freedom to get creative about what happens with "divergent path X" or "divergent path Y".

They took the easy route with nearly EVERY character you encountered in Mass Effect 2 and the ending...well...yeah. They simply did not do the work. They did not make enough of an effort.

They rushed Mass Effect 3 and it showed significantly in a number of ways with the ending being the most obvious sign of their rush job.

They either couldn't put in the effort, or didn't want to, thinking they could shovel the game out the door and the masses would buy it up like candy and nobody would say a thing.

The worst part of this is that other developers, Bioware included might very well come away from this and think, "Okay...so the problem was that the players were given WAY too much choice in the previous games and it fucked Bioware. Let's not do that."

The fact is that Bioware just completely fucking mismanaged it. I can't remember which podcast it was but I seem to remember someone from Bioware saying that they don't really have a "continuity guy" or a guy that simply keeps track of "everything".

Which is particularly stupid when it comes to a series like Mass Effect but it certainly makes sense seeing what Mass Effect 3 did with content that I and others have been invested in for five years.

There were definitely moments.

The way they handled the genophage issue and the possible Krogan betrayal and the resulting encounter with Wrex/Wreav. That situation was handled particularly well.

That whole line was a great example of what was great about Mass Effect. Although no matter how it panned out, it didn't change the battle on earth at all and in the end...didn't matter.


I got grudge sucked!
I didn't like the matrix ending, the others don't sound much better but I dont reall want the ending changed. It didn't ruin the game for me. I'd rather have the DLC where you take back Omega with Aria and maybe she joins the team


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I would like to point out something else I didn't like, the Council.

Council in ME1: Shepard you're crazy, its just Saren!
Council in ME2: Shepard you're crazy, theres no such thing as Collectors!
Council in ME3: Shepard help us!

Why did Shepard ever help them?

Because Bioware finally stopped making the Council retarded. Also why should the council have believed Shepard in 1? She acts like a lunatic and Anderson doesnt help.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Sometimes I think people complaining about the lack of truly significant plot divergences have been playing a different series to me. Or, most likely, do not understand the difficulty of making a game like this, and assume BioWare has unlimited time and resources.

Games aren't made with good intentions and space magic.

Well damn I guess it was my fault they pooped out the game in less than 2 years and lie constantly prerelease. Man, poor Bioware.


False dichotomy.

If any event in any game could be presented as empirical proof that some people apparently rush for no reason, it's that whole Geth/Quarian thing.

Unless you had no save from ME2 (in which case, why are you starting with ME3?) (or maybe you switched consoles, but why switch from 360 to PS3 or vice-versa? And PC, you can find ME2 saves everywhere) (or you really butchered your playthru of it and got Tali exiled on top of rewriting heretics), there's no way you don't have BLUE or RED magic option to save both races if you do all the sidequests beforehand.

And yet so many people talk about that decision as being a hard one. Stop. Rushing.
Isn't Omega screwed without relays? No more food /supplies coming.

Earth is in a worse situation, from what we see there has been no mass colonization of any other planetoid in Sol, so it wont be long until the aliens arn't allowed to crash (hang out) on Earth, then a bloody micro war will break out.

How about is Aria even fucking alive at the citadel?

Sadly BW where too busy playing with hue and saturation settings to ever go into intresting stuff like that.
Earth is in a worse situation, from what we see there has been no mass colonization of any other planetoid in Sol, so it wont be long until the aliens arn't allowed to crash (hang out) on Earth, then a bloody micro war will break out.

It's fucking insane how they left things.

Shepherd actually fucked the universe harder than the reapers did.


Why? What makes the end worth redeeming?

It would actually be interesting?

The problem with the fourth choice everyone is mentioning where you readiness effects the outcome of the final fight is the fact that it's extremely boring and expected. I'm glad they didn't do that because that would've been too easy. I would've hated for the series to end like that.

I'd rather they make the ending they gave us more clear. They tried to be too subtle and nobody got it. I noticed that Shepard grabbed the area where Anderson was shot. I noticed that she turned into a husk in the synthesis choice. But my only reaction was "I know they are trying to say something but I'm not sure what it is". There weren't enough bread crumbs throughout the story to end the series the way that they did.


This is the only industry i know that fights its customers and mock them....
Playing devils advocate here, but on the other hand this is the only industry where those customers will call out individuals in the worst possible way. Im not talking about giving Casey Hudson some shit over Twitter, im talking about stuff like what happened to that one woman Bioware writer.

Do you think the company that makes Gain has to worry about its customers finding and mocking the personal details of one of the chemists that developed their new laundry detergent scent?

This industry is a freak show on both sides. Probably why no one takes it seriously.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Playing devils advocate here, but on the other hand this is the only industry where those customers will call out individuals in the worst possible way. Im not talking about giving Casey Hudson some shit over Twitter, im talking about stuff like what happened to that one woman Bioware writer.

Do you think the company that makes Gain has to worry about its customers finding and mocking the personal details of one of the chemists that developed their new laundry detergent scent?

This industry is a freak show on both sides. Probably why no one takes it seriously.

What a weird analogy.
Sometimes I think people complaining about the lack of truly significant plot divergences have been playing a different series to me. Or, most likely, do not understand the difficulty of making a game like this, and assume BioWare has unlimited time and resources.

I agree- for all of BioWare's talk about choice and consequence in Mass Effect or Dragon Age, they often just provide you with lots of choices and then rarely show any significant different consequences. Its often just choosing to spare/kill somebody or some dialogue differences. Its certainly nothing like The Witcher 2 where you have actual entire locations and characters completely different based on your choices.

The part that irks me is the London sequence and the ending. I expected the London bit to be more like ME2's suicide mission where you'd see how certain War Assets changed the battle for better or worse, with maybe some tactical decisions in play as to how Shep could direct the War Assets. And just have some multiple, divergent endings considering that its the last game in the series and they presumably don't need to link things back together for the next game.
Playing devils advocate here, but on the other hand this is the only industry where those customers will call out individuals in the worst possible way. Im not talking about giving Casey Hudson some shit over Twitter, im talking about stuff like what happened to that one woman Bioware writer.

Do you think the company that makes Gain has to worry about its customers finding and mocking the personal details of one of the chemists that developed their new laundry detergent scent?

This industry is a freak show on both sides. Probably why no one takes it seriously.

Gain isn't rolling out that chemist to do an interview where the chemist says things that go against the nature of the laundry detergent industry. They also aren't using the chemist that did a poor job of creating the scent for the detergent.

I'm not endorsing the Hepler thing but she said some pretty stupid things and is not exactly a superstar creatively.

Gaming enthusiasts are enthusiastic. Having an invested fan-base is never...ever a bad thing. Sometimes things might be a bit crazy but in the end, it's a group of people that are crazy about a product.

That's good.

If you don't want the attention given to you by the fans of the industry that you work for, don't fucking stick your head up, and if you do...be super-cautious about what you say.

That should be standard operating procedure for ANY industry.

It's not just gaming. Other fan-bases call out "names" in other industries as well. Videogame fans are no different from movie, television or music fans.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
It just sunk in. I finished it two week ago and haven't touched the game since then. There's no point to continue with a Mass Effect 4. The whole IP is as good as dead. Every single character and race we care about is dead or as good as dead. There's nothing to build from.

You have to admire BioWare for ending a franchise that could have made them billions of dollars.
It just sunk in. I finished it two week ago and haven't touched the game since then. There's no point to continue with a Mass Effect 4. The whole IP is as good as dead. Every single character and race we care about is dead or as good as dead. There's nothing to build from.

You have to admire BioWare for ending a franchise that could have made them billions of dollars.

They'll just end up being tons of prequel shit.


It just sunk in. I finished it two week ago and haven't touched the game since then. There's no point to continue with a Mass Effect 4. The whole IP is as good as dead. Every single character and race we care about is dead or as good as dead. There's nothing to build from.

You have to admire BioWare for ending a franchise that could have made them billions of dollars.

They aren't going to kill the franchise. Ending of ME3 is going to be extended or retconned at some point.


Playing devils advocate here, but on the other hand this is the only industry where those customers will call out individuals in the worst possible way. Im not talking about giving Casey Hudson some shit over Twitter, im talking about stuff like what happened to that one woman Bioware writer.

Do you think the company that makes Gain has to worry about its customers finding and mocking the personal details of one of the chemists that developed their new laundry detergent scent?

This industry is a freak show on both sides. Probably why no one takes it seriously.

You don't think Lindelof and Cuse got a ton of shit for LOST? Moore didn't get spammed for BSG? Sopranos people didn't get a ton of hate?

It happens in all industries. Don't delude yourself into thinking it's just this one.

I lol'd.
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