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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm


80 hours later with 96% completion on Insanity difficulty, my first and sadly FINAL playthrough I'll ever do is over. As a huge fan of the original trilogy, Andromeda was easily one of the most anticipated games of this generation, and it did not deliver (at least for me) at all.

Besides horrendous animations, faces and literally game breaking bugs/glitches (thankfully many of the were fixed in the latest patch), story, dialogues and quest lines were just plain boring and uninspiring. Sure, there were some bright moments in loyalty missions and even side quests, specifically resolution to
Movie night
, but other than that, I can't remember any memorable quests or characters. Sure, they would be okay or even great, but we live in the post-Witcher 3 world, where my standards are simply much higher.

What a disappointment, 5-6/10.

How could you possible play a game that you really didn't like for...80 hours? I know you're a huge fan, but you couldn't pay me to slog through ANYTHING for 80 hours. What made you continue?


The architect fights are bullshit. It can take 30minutes, and all it takes is one mistake and we have to start all over. I sure love that.

Are you playing on insanity?

I'm playing on normal and I took down the Kadara architect in 5-7 minutes tops (level 30 or so at the time). I could see facing the Eos architect at < level 10 could be rough. No idea if the difficulty scales on different planets for these fights; the Kadara one is the only one I fought.

How could you possible play a game that you really didn't like for...80 hours? I know you're a huge fan, but you couldn't pay me to slog through ANYTHING for 80 hours. What made you continue?

Yeah, I don't get these posts from people claiming to have played for 80 hours, but also claiming that they didn't like the game. If I don't like a game, I nope the fuck out of there usually in under 10 hours. Not enough time in the day.

He just explained it to you why he put in that much time. He had hope it would be okay. Sometimes you read a book all the way through even though you know it's shit. You just want to give it the due diligence, like he gave the previous games.

I've bailed on books before, and even movies (latest being Ghostbusters 2016) partway through if they suck. Those are much shorter time commitments than these types of games. Guess it just comes down to how I want to be spending my precious few hours of free time.


How could you possible play a game that you really didn't like for...80 hours? I know you're a huge fan, but you couldn't pay me to slog through ANYTHING for 80 hours. What made you continue?

He just explained it to you why he put in that much time. He had hope it would be okay. Sometimes you read a book all the way through even though you know it's shit. You just want to give it the due diligence, like he gave the previous games.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I can see diehard ME fans seeing it through for 70+ hours even if they aren't feeling it. They still want to get through it, hope it gets better etc., as well as have a complete save for a sequel that's hopefully better. Plus they posted they were disappointed and gave it a 5.5/6, and mentioned liking some parts so it's not like they thought it was garbage the whole way through or anything.

Also, some have a lot more free time than others and are keeping up with all the games they want to play. I'm liking the game quite a bit, would probably give it an 8 currently, but I wouldn't be playing it if I hadn't finished all the Q1 games that interested me already so I get the sentiment of not playing less than great games (on your personal assessment) for those more time strapped.


The architect fights are bullshit. It can take 30minutes, and all it takes is one mistake and we have to start all over. I sure love that.

Actually, it's even worse here since I also had a nasty bug, I had already destroyed the three legs but for some reason the game decided to restart the fight all over.

It's a great boss, but really it shouldn't Spawn so much smaller units. I swear I spend more time fighting them than him.

Check this video out of a guy beating an Architect in 4 minutes with a heavy Infiltrator build.

He is using an Isharay sniper rifle with the Bio-Converter. Cloak and Turbocharge for damage bonuses and Invasion for debuff as well as to proc Life Support to regen health to offset the Bio-Converter.

He could kill the Architect in like 30 seconds if the damage was gated with the animations, flying away, etc.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is probably a post for a different thread, but that poster giving the game a 5-6 got me thinking.

I think 5-6 is a harsh but fair score for this game as long as the same scoring logic is applied to other disappointments this gen that include big AAA titles like Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 and MGSV. If those games delivered everything you wanted, fine. Go ahead give them a 9, but if you found them disappointing and lacking then you have to rate them accordingly.

I dont see myself giving ME:A a higher score than 7-7.5 which is still 'Good' in my book, but I also think Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 were 7s and MGSV is an 8 at best. ME:A is worse in every way compared to previous entries and while it's by no means a bad or even a mediocre game, I completely understand people giving it a 6s and 7s.

And before anyone asks why U4 was so disappointing, well it's a 15 hour game where for nearly 8-10 hours all you do is walk and climb around or do absolutely nothing. there are 5 hours of great combat in that game, but the bulk of the game was a boring snoozefest. Similar to ME:A which has some great missions and some really mediocre ones.

Witcher 3 had some of most boring and mediocre combat i have ever played in a video game. the characters were all just there and the quests did nothing for me. again, similar to ME:A. At least, the characters in ME:A have hilarious banter in the Nomad, the premise of populating a new galaxy is a great one, and the loyalty missions have been the highlight so far. Witcher was just so goddamn boring. Even the bloody baron quest did nothing for me. And yet both U3 and Witcher are at 93 on Metacritic while ME:A got massacred. Reviewers AND folks here on gaf need to be consistent.


This is probably a post for a different thread, but that poster giving the game a 5-6 got me thinking.

I think 5-6 is a harsh but fair score for this game as long as the same scoring logic is applied to other disappointments this gen that include big AAA titles like Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 and MGSV. If those games delivered everything you wanted, fine. Go ahead give them a 9, but if you found them disappointing and lacking then you have to rate them accordingly.

I dont see myself giving ME:A a higher score than 7-7.5 which is still 'Good' in my book, but I also think Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 were 7s and MGSV is an 8 at best. ME:A is worse in every way compared to previous entries and while it's by no means a bad or even a mediocre game, I completely understand people giving it a 6s and 7s.

And before anyone asks why U4 was so disappointing, well it's a 15 hour game where for nearly 8-10 hours all you do is walk and climb around or do absolutely nothing. there are 5 hours of great combat in that game, but the bulk of the game was a boring snoozefest. Similar to ME:A which has some great missions and some really mediocre ones.

Witcher 3 had some of most boring and mediocre combat i have ever played in a video game. the characters were all just there and the quests did nothing for me. again, similar to ME:A. At least, the characters in ME:A have hilarious banter in the Nomad, the premise of populating a new galaxy is a great one, and the loyalty missions have been the highlight so far. Witcher was just so goddamn boring. Even the bloody baron quest did nothing for me. And yet both U3 and Witcher are at 93 on Metacritic while ME:A got massacred. Reviewers AND folks here on gaf need to be consistent.


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that's just totally subjective. Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4 and 9-9.5 type of games for me as I thoroughly loved them and didn't have any of the issues you note with those games. MGSV was more an 8-8.5 for me as I hated the open world and the poor story by series standards. Loved the combat/gameplay outside the open world bits though.

ME:A is probably an 8 (haven't finished to finalize opinion yet) as I find it boring at times, hated the open world planets and it has a ton of bugs and glitches, bad faces and animations (even after first patch) and lacks polish. It's a fair bit behind those games, and even ME1-3 which are 9-9.5 games for me.




Though something like "worse than the trilogy in every single way" skates pretty close to being objectively false.

I do kind of agree somewhat with his premise though. I can roll with somebody giving ME:A a 6 if it's well reasoned, and they don't then turn around and claim DA:I or even Witcher 3 are 9+. Both of those games have a lot of the same issues as ME:A, just arguably not as bad.

If the game is getting a 6 on the classic 6-10 review scale, that's horseshit. If you're actually using the FULL scale then you can make the argument.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think Ryder looks a little better during cutscenes but i honestly cant tell the difference. Here is my experience with the game post patch. keep in mind i had zero bugs, glitches, and crashes before the patch.

- Awful performance. Pre patch it was already in the 20s due to my biotic setup which is very explosion and physics heavy as everyone and everything around me gets lifted in midair and one explosion causes multiple explosions. But now it's in the teens. And I mean low teens. Literally chugging along. I cannot even turn my character properly.

- Random freeze during planet hopping. First time i had to restart my game.

- Cutscenes triggered during load screen and i had to guess my dialogue responses on a black screen.

- on two occasions i was warped to the planet surface and had to wait for the whole thing to load.

- Fem Ryder is now a shell of her former awkward self. she is no longer expressive.i think their fix was to tone down the exaggerated facial animations but thats what gave her her personality. now she's just another blanket gruff. give me back my weirdo ryder!

I can live with small glitches but performance should not be this bad regardless of what biotic setup i choose. i can live with framerate in the 20s but 10-15 is just awful especially after i spent 40 hours experimenting and turning my weak build into a godly one.
It's a fair bit behind those games, and even ME1-3 which are 9-9.5 games for me.


If the game is getting a 6 on the classic 6-10 review scale, that's horseshit. If you're actually using the FULL scale then you can make the argument.
Right. I no longer use the old 6-10 scale and to me 6 is above average or 'fair'. 7 is good, 8 is great and 9 or above are a masterpiece.

ME:A's combat is not doing anything for me. the more open areas allow for more freedom but you are limited by the three abilities and arent allowed to use your teammate abilities. combat's just worse in every way. still more fun than most RPGs though. There are no iconic characters like Wrex and Garrus. ME2 had a fantastic new cast of characters as well. I dont care much for any of my new crew members.

Lastly, the quests are just there. you dont make many choices, the story doesnt have many if any great moments and the cutscenes just feel off. it's like going from a Nolan movie to a Uwe Boll movie, the direction of these cutscenes are awful.


Okay so I restarted Habitat 7 to get a better feel of the combat,after re reading the tutorials from the menu,not while you are fighting and it pops up in the awful tiny text, and I feel better with the combat now...I missed going into that cave the first time also,will go see if you can go in there this time around.Still need to practice ordering the crew around,in case it gets useful later on.(this is on normal)

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member

Though something like "worse than the trilogy in every single way" skates pretty close to being objectively false.

I do kind of agree somewhat with his premise though. I can roll with somebody giving ME:A a 6 if it's well reasoned, and they don't then turn around and claim DA:I or even Witcher 3 are 9+. Both of those games have a lot of the same issues as ME:A, just arguably not as bad.

If the game is getting a 6 on the classic 6-10 review scale, that's horseshit. If you're actually using the FULL scale then you can make the argument.

I agree not he full scale bit, which they clarified they were using.

Rest of your post is just subjective though. I like ME:A, will end up a 7.5-8 probably, but it's no where near Witcher 3 for me. Only thing I like better in ME:A is the combat and the combat is far and away the least important part of RPGs for me. I'm all about the characters, story, decisions, writing etc. and Witcher 3 was the best in gaming to date for me on those fronts, surpassing ME1-3 for me. It's also didn't have nearly as many bugs and glitches even at launch, and I liked it's open world while I had to force myself through the open planet stuff in ME:A.

Others feel differently of course and that's fine as this stuff is all subjective.


Not finished the game yet but is the best armour just uhhh Remnant or N7 stuff that you can research?

or is there something else I'm missing


combat's just worse in every way. still more fun than most RPGs though. There are no iconic characters like Wrex and Garrus.

Man, this part I just can't wrap my head around. The combat imo is drastically better than the trilogy and it's not remotely close. As for the last comment, Wrex may have been somewhat iconic in the first game, but Garrus didn't really become Garrus until ME2 imo. And others like Tali really didn't come into their own until later either (in general; for me personally I never like Tali all that much). I'm liking the new cast of characters in Andromeda.


How could you possible play a game that you really didn't like for...80 hours? I know you're a huge fan, but you couldn't pay me to slog through ANYTHING for 80 hours. What made you continue?

I really don't understand this line of questioning. Anyone can play a bad game. Anyone can play and finish a game that said person have hated just to get his money worth.

Heck I played and finished (60% side quests) Crisis Core and there is not a single game I hate the more. I even played worse, buggier game. and I did that to get the whole story and my money worth.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Not finished the game yet but is the best armour just uhhh Remnant or N7 stuff that you can research?

or is there something else I'm missing

Most of the best stuff, as far as I can tell, is crafted. There's not a clear best armor etc. as you just have to look at the stat buffs and see what fits your play style.

I'm using the Remanant armor as I wanted the shield and defense boosts as I was dying more than I liked earlier on, but was fine with the damage I was dealing. It's also pretty bad ass looking armor IMO.

I really don't understand this line of questioning. Anyone can play a bad game. Anyone can play and finish a game that said person have hated just to get his money worth.

Heck I played and finished (60% side quests) Crisis Core and there is not a single game I hate the more. I even played worse, buggier game. and I did that to get the whole story and my money worth.

I mean I get it for people who have very limited free time. If you struggle to play more than a fraction of the games that appeal to you, but have enough money to buy them, it doesn't make much since to force yourself through things you aren't liking.

Different matter if money is tight and you can't afford to trade and move on, or if they're like me and have mostly plenty of time to play the games that appeal to them. That makes it easier to play just ok games vs. the cream of the corp.


Yeah I can see diehard ME fans seeing it through for 70+ hours even if they aren't feeling it. They still want to get through it, hope it gets better etc., as well as have a complete save for a sequel that's hopefully better. Plus they posted they were disappointed and gave it a 5.5/6, and mentioned liking some parts so it's not like they thought it was garbage the whole way through or anything.

Also, some have a lot more free time than others and are keeping up with all the games they want to play. I'm liking the game quite a bit, would probably give it an 8 currently, but I wouldn't be playing it if I hadn't finished all the Q1 games that interested me already so I get the sentiment of not playing less than great games (on your personal assessment) for those more time strapped.

This is the case with me. Although I topped out at 62 hours with 95% completion. I don't hate the game, nor do I even really dislike it but coming from the OT, it was just such a disappointment. Right until the end I was hoping the story would actually do something or go somewhere and it just didn't. So, the reason I was able to spend 60+ hours with the game even though it wasn't hooking me in was the main hope that it would somehow turn out to be amazing. Sadly it didn't and I doubt I will play this game again.


How could you possible play a game that you really didn't like for...80 hours? I know you're a huge fan, but you couldn't pay me to slog through ANYTHING for 80 hours. What made you continue?

Yeah, I don't get these posts from people claiming to have played for 80 hours, but also claiming that they didn't like the game. If I don't like a game, I nope the fuck out of there usually in under 10 hours. Not enough time in the day.
I try to see most of the games I play to the end. I don't bail on games as easily as some, besides, I try to focus on one game at the time rather than jump from one to another. I still enjoyed my time with Andromeda, don't get me wrong, but I simply had higher expectations coming from Witcher and trilogy.


I also think the Combat here is much better than the OT, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

My only real complaint is that there seems to be input lag and/or high deadzones on consoles using controllers. It makes Precision shots more difficult compared to the OT.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Combat feels terrible in the beginning but it gets better I think.

It gets better as you get more powers, play around and find a build you like etc.

Some things never improve though, like the aim being off. At least on PS4 Pro there's a lot of deadzone in the sticks, some pretty bad input lag etc. I've gotten used to it, but it doesn't hurt it and will make it hard for me to get into the MP most likely (saving that until beating the campaign).


Decided to wake up from hypersleep and finally start the game post patch..

And I've just reached the Nexus. But man.. this game is a blast. It def. feels like Mass Effect. I've come to the conclusion that FemRyder is just a big dork and not a bad ass.
That makes her more loveable and tolerable.

Can't wait to play more!
I tell you this, when this game first came out I was worried because of reviews. Tried the ea access trial and I fell in love with it. Lol I think the part I'm enjoying the most is just literally jumping around


Man, this part I just can't wrap my head around. The combat imo is drastically better than the trilogy and it's not remotely close. As for the last comment, Wrex may have been somewhat iconic in the first game, but Garrus didn't really become Garrus until ME2 imo. And others like Tali really didn't come into their own until later either (in general; for me personally I never like Tali all that much). I'm liking the new cast of characters in Andromeda.

Yeah it's true. Most of the original trilogy crew weren't that great in the first game. I thought Garrus and Tali were both pretty dull to start with. Made it funny in ME2 when they talked about all the stuff they went through with Shepherd when in my game they pretty much stayed on the ship for the whole game barely being used at all.

I think Drack was at least as good as Wrex and Jaal, peebee and Cora were better than Garrus, Liara and Ashley from ME1 at least.

Liam is probably just as dull as Kaiden was and the ship bound crew were at least fleshed out a bit more than the ME1 crew although i didn't find any of them that interesting.


Do you guys get instances when pressing the option button on the PS4 Controller to bring up the menu not work...? happened a few times for me...guessing maybe its when it auto saves in the background...? a little annoying...also can I not open the map without going in said menu...?
I think Ryder looks a little better during cutscenes but i honestly cant tell the difference. Here is my experience with the game post patch. keep in mind i had zero bugs, glitches, and crashes before the patch.

- Awful performance. Pre patch it was already in the 20s due to my biotic setup which is very explosion and physics heavy as everyone and everything around me gets lifted in midair and one explosion causes multiple explosions. But now it's in the teens. And I mean low teens. Literally chugging along. I cannot even turn my character properly.

- Random freeze during planet hopping. First time i had to restart my game.

- Cutscenes triggered during load screen and i had to guess my dialogue responses on a black screen.

- on two occasions i was warped to the planet surface and had to wait for the whole thing to load.

- Fem Ryder is now a shell of her former awkward self. she is no longer expressive.i think their fix was to tone down the exaggerated facial animations but thats what gave her her personality. now she's just another blanket gruff. give me back my weirdo ryder!

I can live with small glitches but performance should not be this bad regardless of what biotic setup i choose. i can live with framerate in the 20s but 10-15 is just awful especially after i spent 40 hours experimenting and turning my weak build into a godly one.

Right. I no longer use the old 6-10 scale and to me 6 is above average or 'fair'. 7 is good, 8 is great and 9 or above are a masterpiece.

ME:A's combat is not doing anything for me. the more open areas allow for more freedom but you are limited by the three abilities and arent allowed to use your teammate abilities. combat's just worse in every way. still more fun than most RPGs though. There are no iconic characters like Wrex and Garrus. ME2 had a fantastic new cast of characters as well. I dont care much for any of my new crew members.

Lastly, the quests are just there. you dont make many choices, the story doesnt have many if any great moments and the cutscenes just feel off. it's like going from a Nolan movie to a Uwe Boll movie, the direction of these cutscenes are awful.

I'm deffo not the only one then who is having awful performance. I'm biotic heavy too and it can be 15fps at times I swear, PS4 here. It's by far the worse performing game I've ever played on ps4. Finding it painful lol.
The ability to skip those transition screens is a really nice QOL improvement. Exploring the Cluster actually feels like something you'd *want* to do now.

The new eye shaders make this look like a proper 2017 game now too. I wasn't bothered by how they looked in the previous state, but wow, what a difference that makes.

As for the actual game - I just reached Elaaden, and I don't get *outpost spoilers*
why it looks like a dust covered wild west-esque shanty town, but the colonies on Eos don't. It really feels like Eos and Voeld were whipped up by a separate, and less talented, group. Completed at the last minute.

I'm considering dropping my assault rifle and going with 2 piranhas. Love these damn guns.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it's true. Most of the original trilogy crew weren't that great in the first game. I thought Garrus and Tali were both pretty dull to start with. Made it funny in ME2 when they talked about all the stuff they went through with Shepherd when in my game they pretty much stayed on the ship for the whole game barely being used at all.

I think Drack was at least as good as Wrex and Jaal, peebee and Cora were better than Garrus, Liara and Ashley from ME1 at least.

Liam is probably just as dull as Kaiden was and the ship bound crew were at least fleshed out a bit more than the ME1 crew although i didn't find any of them that interesting.

Yeah, I really like the crew in ME:A. Well at least, Drack, PeeBee and Jaal. Indifferent to the rest buy I always liked only a few of the crew in ME games.

ME:As main short coming compared to ME1 in terms of starting a franchise/trilogy is ME1 had what's regarded to be the strongest story in the series (and one of my favorite stories in gaming) that made the stakes a high and interesting and made me care about the universe they were building.

ME:A is pretty bland in comparison. I like the crew and care about their stories, don't really give a shit about the Andromeda galaxy, Angara, Kett, fate of the colonies I established, the scourage, the remnant etc. It's all just kind of their, where as I was super interested in Saren, what Sovereign was, finding out about the Reapers etc. and couldn't wait for the sequel.


I really don't understand this line of questioning. Anyone can play a bad game. Anyone can play and finish a game that said person have hated just to get his money worth.

Heck I played and finished (60% side quests) Crisis Core and there is not a single game I hate the more. I even played worse, buggier game. and I did that to get the whole story and my money worth.

Think of it this way then: can you imagine someone enduring 80 hrs of a TV series that they really didn't like? Would you do that? I guess if you don't have a physical copy of the game and can't sell it, and you want to get your money's worth...you have no choice.

But in the age of reselling on ebay and Amazon, bailing early and getting most of your money back seems to make sense. To each his own.


Think of it this way then: can you imagine someone enduring 80 hrs of a TV series that they really didn't like? Would you do that? I guess if you don't have a physical copy of the game and can't sell it, and you want to get your money's worth...you have no choice.

But in the age of reselling on ebay and Amazon, bailing early and getting most of your money back seems to make sense. To each his own.
I have physical copy and I already was able to sell it with 10€ loss. So I guess I got my money worth for a tenner.


Think of it this way then: can you imagine someone enduring 80 hrs of a TV series that they really didn't like? Would you do that?

Yeah this how I look at it. I've bailed on TV shows after 1 episode in some cases, and certainly after 1 season. I prefer not to succumb to the sunk cost fallacy.

I have physical copy and I already was able to sell it with 10&#8364; loss. So I guess I got my money worth for a tenner.

Yeah, that definitely sounds worthwhile especially since you clarified that you still had fun even if you were underwhelmed and disappointed.


I've come to the conclusion that FemRyder is just a big dork and not a bad ass.
That makes her more loveable and tolerable.

Can't wait to play more!

Same with Scott. People expected "a new Shepard". Shepard was a N7 legend in the Mass Effect universe before we played as him. The Ryder bros are "literally who?" when you begin the game. My gosh at that scene when everybody of the crew leaves you and
Scott rants like "I-I did not say Dismissed...d-dismissed!".


I do kind of agree somewhat with his premise though. I can roll with somebody giving ME:A a 6 if it's well reasoned, and they don't then turn around and claim DA:I or even Witcher 3 are 9+. Both of those games have a lot of the same issues as ME:A, just arguably not as bad.

Huh? I would give ME:A about a 6-7 (by which I mean "pretty good" - I'm not unhappy I played it, but I wasn't consistently entertained), mainly because I wasn't engaged for long stretches of the game. TW3 is one of my favorite games of all time (i.e., a "9+"), because I found its quests and world totally enthralling. What's the contradiction?

I totally disagree that TW3 had "a lot of the same issues as ME:A". In fact, the things TW3 is really good at (dialogue, world design, quest design) are precisely what I found mediocre in ME:A. Do you mean that TW3 had a bunch of bugs at launch? I totally agree, but I didn't really care about ME:A's bugs - I had other objections.


And I've just reached the Nexus. But man.. this game is a blast. It def. feels like Mass Effect. I've come to the conclusion that FemRyder is just a big dork and not a bad ass.
That makes her more loveable and tolerable.

Can't wait to play more!

I'm playing my Ryder as "completely overwhelmed by everything but trying her best to look serious".

It's kinda neat





Comparison on the eyes of my Ryder pre and post-patch.

Subtle changes but combined with the small fixes on lip-syncing and expressiveness of characters it improves enjoyment of the game so far.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Think of it this way then: can you imagine someone enduring 80 hrs of a TV series that they really didn't like? Would you do that?

Have you not ventured into any of the TV show threads in the OT forum here or other forums and seen how many people are watching and doing nothing but bitching about how awful the show is weekly? :D

I don't get it either when it's hate watching/playing. I can see doing it in this case where the person did still enjoy the game somewhat. And again it's easier to see if you put yourself in the mindset of someone that has a ton of freetime vs. looking at it as someone with very little free time.

Like I said, I'd bail (well probably not even bought) if I hadn't had plenty of free time to play all the better 2017 games that interested me this year before ME:A came out. I don't care about Persona 5 or really much of anything coming out anytime soon beyond Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so I'd just be playing some pick up and play games and some DLC I haven't gotten to if I hadn't grabbed ME:A so it's not like I'm playing a game I just like instead of another new game I'd love.


Think of it this way then: can you imagine someone enduring 80 hrs of a TV series that they really didn't like? Would you do that? I guess if you don't have a physical copy of the game and can't sell it, and you want to get your money's worth...you have no choice.

Actually yes. I know literally more than a dozen of people who still watch The Waking Dead and really hate. Come to work to complain about and and whenever I mention about dropping it, they turn around and say ''I am want to see it how it how it ends''

Its not strange for a person to go through a medium even if he dislike it. Be it monetary reasons, to hope it gets better, to make it to the end or even simply that said person is simply invested in the lore.

I suppose if you didn't have any reasons not to continue, the you will not. But simply being baffled on someones decision to see something to then end, itself is baffling.

Comparison on the eyes of my Ryder pre and post-patch.

Subtle changes but combined with the small fixes on lip-syncing and expressiveness of characters it improves enjoyment of the game so far.
Man, those subtle changes makes the facial look feel so much better. Looking forward to the Game of Year edition at this rate, because what they are doing now is very positive :p


Huh? I would give ME:A about a 6-7 (by which I mean "pretty good" - I'm not unhappy I played it, but I wasn't consistently entertained), mainly because I wasn't engaged for long stretches of the game. TW3 is one of my favorite games of all time (i.e., a "9+"), because I found its quests and world totally enthralling. What's the contradiction?

I totally disagree that TW3 had "a lot of the same issues as ME:A". In fact, the things TW3 is really good at (dialogue, world design, quest design) are precisely what I found mediocre in ME:A. Do you mean that TW3 had a bunch of bugs at launch? I totally agree, but I didn't really care about ME:A's bugs - I had other objections.

I mean the bugs plus open world bloat plus laborious questing plus some iffy looking NPCs (though the last thing is an area where ME:A is clearly worse overall).

I guess it just speaks to how subjective all these things are. The three things you listed in your second paragraph I may actually give ME:A the edge. Quest design I feel that The Witcher 3 suffers in the exact same way as ME:A. I had to ignore certain things in both to stay on track, and in The Witcher 3 I actually failed, and abandoned the game after 10-15 hours. I wanted to love it but just was too bored after a while.

Part of the issue is (which may be extremely specific to me) that I'm thoroughly sick and tired of high fantasy this, high fantasy that, high fantasy everywhere you look. Everything is nordic middle ages. Every setting for everything is middle earth. Scifi is all over the place too obviously, but it feels more varied to me, and certainly in the large RPG game category, Mass Effect is really the only game in town.


Does anyone use the Heleus Defender armor set?

It seems like the best looking armor (to me) but the fact that the chest piece comes with arms and legs means the total stat bonuses are less than other sets.

So I need to make a choice between style vs. function.


Actually yes. I know literally more than a dozen of people who still watch The Waking Dead and really hate. Come to work to complain about and and whenever I mention about dropping it, they turn around and say ''I am want to see it how it how it ends''

Its not strange for a person to go through a medium even if he dislike it. Be it monetary reasons, to hope it gets better, to make it to the end or even simply that said person is simply invested in the lore.

I suppose if you didn't have any reasons not to continue, the you will not. But simply being baffled on someones decision to see something to then end, itself is baffling.

Man, those subtle changes makes the facial look feel so much better. Looking forward to the Game of Year edition at this rate, because what they are doing now is very positive :p

I find it baffling that you find it baffling that I find him baffling


Not finished the game yet but is the best armour just uhhh Remnant or N7 stuff that you can research?

or is there something else I'm missing

The "best" armor depends on your character build.

N7 is great for biotic focused characters, Remnant is great if you want to be the "tank" of your squad, others are good for different builds, etc.

There is no "one armor = the best period" in the game.


I guess it just speaks to how subjective all these things are. The three things you listed in your second paragraph I may actually give ME:A the edge. Quest design I feel that The Witcher 3 suffers in the exact same way as ME:A. I had to ignore certain things in both to stay on track, and in The Witcher 3 I actually failed, and abandoned the game after 10-15 hours. I wanted to love it but just was too bored after a while.

Yeah, this is all subjective, and not the kind of thing I can be "right" about and you "wrong," or vice versa.

Just for the sake of conversation (or maybe because I just can't resist defending a game I adore), let me say that I am totally perplexed by the assertion that ME:A's issues with quest design are replicated in TW3. One of my primary objections to questing in ME:A is the way that story was gated behind fetch quests - a particularly egregious example is the "Ryder Family Secrets" quests, in which the (pretty good) story points are only available to the player after collecting a bunch of inconveniently-placed glowing balls in big open worlds. TW3 *never* does this. It has open world filler (monster nests, treasure hunts, bandit camps), but none if it is involved in the story. You never go to a quest giver who says, in effect, "sure, I have an interesting story to play out, but in order to see it you'll have to clear out 10 bandit camps." That kind of thing happens all the time in ME:A.


Thinking about getting this after hearing about the patch and future changes.

Quick question though....

When you select the campaign you can choose to play as sarah ryder or her brother (forget his name...), right?

Are there any notable differences between the two other than the model and voice used? Nothing that would impact the story?


Thinking about getting this after hearing about the patch and future changes.

Quick question though....

When you select the campaign you can choose to play as sarah ryder or her brother (forget his name...), right?

Are there any notable differences between the two other than the model and voice used? Nothing that would impact the story?
You can romance different characters, that's about it.


Thinking about getting this after hearing about the patch and future changes.

Quick question though....

When you select the campaign you can choose to play as sarah ryder or her brother (forget his name...), right?

Are there any notable differences between the two other than the model and voice used? Nothing that would impact the story?

This is pure speculation on my part, but I would not be surprised if they intend you to play as the other sibling in the sequel, assuming it gets made (here's hoping...). The plot doesn't exactly hint at this, but it has a certain logic, given the way the story plays out (spoilers:
the "left behind" sibling of the famous hero, now awakened from cryo and eager to prove him/herself, would be a logical starting point for the next story
Finished the story last night, 55 hours, 75% completion. While ultimately the game was disappointing I will say that I enjoyed my time with it. The combat is just so much fun. There was a few emails that hinted at possible DLC, so I am looking forward to hearing more about that. Some of the DLC for the original trilogy was god tier as we all know.
Thinking about getting this after hearing about the patch and future changes.

Quick question though....

When you select the campaign you can choose to play as sarah ryder or her brother (forget his name...), right?

Are there any notable differences between the two other than the model and voice used? Nothing that would impact the story?

Do you like Nolan North? Have you always wanted to play a Mass Effect game as a character that sounds almost, but not exactly like Nolan North? Then Scott Ryder is for you!

Sarah Ryder comes off sounding like a teenager a little too much for my liking at times, but eh, it's not too bad it you don't choose a lot of the sarcastic comments.


You can romance different characters, that's about it.

This is pure speculation on my part, but I would not be surprised if they intend you to play as the other sibling in the sequel, assuming it gets made (here's hoping...). The plot doesn't exactly hint at this, but it has a certain logic, given the way the story plays out (spoilers:
the "left behind" sibling of the famous hero, now awakened from cryo and eager to prove him/herself, would be a logical starting point for the next story

Do you like Nolan North? Have you always wanted to play a Mass Effect game as a character that sounds almost, but not exactly like Nolan North? Then Scott Ryder is for you!

Sarah Ryder comes off sounding like a teenager a little too much for my liking at times, but eh, it's not too bad it you don't choose a lot of the sarcastic comments.

Thanks for the replies guy, appreciate it. Might be picking this up on the future.


Do you like Nolan North? Have you always wanted to play a Mass Effect game as a character that sounds almost, but not exactly like Nolan North? Then Scott Ryder is for you!

Sarah Ryder comes off sounding like a teenager a little too much for my liking at times, but eh, it's not too bad it you don't choose a lot of the sarcastic comments.
I still can't believe it's not North.
EDI actually started out as the rogue VI on the moon from ME1. Cerberus then enhanced it with Reaper tech to make the version that appears in ME2 & 3.
Man, totally forgot about that. I remember the ME1 mission but not that they were linked.
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