Rodney McKay
Well, I liked the ME1 Mako, wonky physics and all.The Mako sections in ME1 are basically indefensible from a gameplay standpoint. Its controls are comically awful, and in the exploratory sections on random planets the route to your destination is often less than apparent, meaning that you often end up crawling slowly up the side of some jagged formation, slipping, cursing, and repeating. Whatever you think of ME:A, the controls on the Nomad, and the structure of the scenery you navigate, are much improved over ME:1.
(except for the last mission in the game where driving down that hill would sometime be too much for the physics and you'd skid out in weird ways.)
Blasting the larger enemies, boost jumping over their attacks, and platforming/climbing the random planets to get to some point of interest. It was fast and even though the physics were weird, having any physics at all gave the vehicle a unique feel that could be mastered with some practice. The ragdolling when you plow into those Geth spider tank things was always fun too.
I even liked the Hovertank levels that ME2 added as DLC. It was simple and not used much, but like the Mako it focused on combat and platforming which kept it active and engaging to use
The Nomad in comparison is one of the most boring all-terrain vehicles I've used in a video game. The 6WD mode is so slow, and it's required for even the smallest inclines (regardless if the planet is rocky or snowy). It's also slow even with upgrading it, but at least the upgraded boost helps a little. The boost jump is also pretty mediocre and only really useful when you get stuck on something.
And the fact that it doesn't have any weapons makes no sense to me, even if it was an optional upgrade. I get that you came to Andromeda wanting to peacefully settle there, but once the incredibly hostile aliens were discovered, you'd think a cannon or guns would be the first upgrade they'd make to it. Even in the Milky Way there were planets with natural threats like the Thresther Maw that would require some kind of defenses.