How about in its own genre? It's way better than TW3's combat, better than DAI, better than the trilogy itself, better than Bethesda's RPGs, I'm not saying it's Vanquish but it's obviously better than its counterparts, rivaling Gears of War and many TPSs out there.
You can't have both, Andromeda's combat works on being fluid and fast, encouraging the player to get outta the cover, now you can't simply add that pause and order mechanic as it would negate the fluidity of the combat aka the very nature of it.
And here you are not a commander, let's not mistake the context, in the trilogy we were the commander so giving order made a lotta sense, you really felt like "yeah I'm the commander, I have to keep an eye out on my crew", which made the ME2 experience a unique one, now here the context is different, you're a young pathfinder with not so much experience, so do you really think that giving orders would've made sense here? In addition, we should admire the fact that they decided to take a refreshing perspective on the combat, they simply could've gone with the trilogy's mechanics which weren't so great
And I agree that encounter design needs more work, but we gotta cut some slack here as It's an Open World RPG so encounters getting repetitive is inevitable