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Mass Effect: Andromeda |OT| Ryders on the Storm

Hyun Sai

Don't do it.

I'm already sick of the multiplayer. It's nowhere near as fun as it was in ME3. Enemy encounters, character movement and controls are all off in this game. The only positive thing I can say about it is the removal of global cooldown, but that's it. It's such s janky experience that I can't stomach it anymore.


Well, thanks for your feedback, seems like I have no interest left in this. What a shame.


Don't do it.

I'm already sick of the multiplayer. It's nowhere near as fun as it was in ME3. Enemy encounters, character movement and controls are all off in this game. The only positive thing I can say about it is the removal of global cooldown, but that's it. It's such s janky experience that I can't stomach it anymore.
Please explain further, what is wrong with the combat? I loved ME3 mp don't do this to me bioware!
My Ryder, for now. Shame the creator is so limited.

I don't know how is the multiplayer , but people saying combat sucks in campaign mode are wrong in my opinion. This game is fun as hell. At least for now.


Going past the trial stop point now. Digging into that vault and some man there are some impressive vistas... but can I just reiterate how bad that stupid lootbox is? It really takes you out of the experience.
NPC's talking and I go loot some boxes or enemy remains and it cuts you out/pauses everytime, it really makes for a frustrating experience and I can't believe no one realize that after hours and hours of testing.


So I got to the part where I finally get my own ship.

I think the outrage about this game is greatly overdone, based on what I see so far. I'm really enjoying the game and the new universe. There is a plot and, basic as it is, it does a good job for setting up exploration which was always an afterthought in other open-world RPGs. Clearly this is a big departure from "cinematic" plot-dirven Mass Effect, as everything is slower and focused on discovery rather than momentum. ]

I do not think that dialogue is as stupid as people make it out to be. Yes, some lines are cringeworthy (got that "he's mad because I shot him in the face" line) but they are usually said by characters who act correspondingly throughout.
At this point I seriously just think Liam is not very smart, based on most of his lines, and is just in for the action, will boot him off the party at first opportunity.

Combat is fun. There, I said it, I was sceptical coming into this, but even in the "tutorial" mission the shooting felt tight, fighting was dynamic and fluid. There are numerous powers to unlock and ways to fight, it gives me a lot of envy to push on.

I must state, however, that there are immediately noticeable issues with the game which I have hard time to reconcile. The presentation is frankly subpar compared to the competition. All characters (apart from improved textures) look on par or sometimes worse than in ME3. How did that happen? What's wrong with their eyes? After 6 years of development it seems that Bioware still uses harstyles from PS2 era, with flat textures and bright coats of paint on top.

If the lighting and environments didn't look amazing, I'd seriously doubt it's a Frostbite game. DA:I looked better and don't even get me started on BF1 (I know different genre/game).

Same goes for facial animations - they suck and once again I feel like DA:I had em better. It's hard to do worse - the lips move without engaging any other face muscles, eyeballs rotate wildly in their sockets. Did I mention how creepy those eyes look, like someone put a white texture on them and called it quits? I mean Horizon got some flak for dialogue animations but this is a new low in terms of lack of polish. At least animate the main protagonist properly...

I guess here's where I stand right now. It's not a terrible game, it's not the Mass Effect I wanted, but it does feel like it a bit, and adds enough to make me interested in playing it. I do not see so far any major problems with core gameplay or story, but the amount of polish that we came to expect from 2017 releases is lacking. This game could've easily used 3-6 months to iron out all the glitches, confusing menus, poor animations and goddamn it, I really hope they can patch in some fix for those eyes. It's embarassing. (Witcher 3 was 2 years ago!)

Edit: I play on PC, all max, 1080GTX, 1440p, GSync - feels smooth (50-60FPS) with one - two slowdowns totally out of the blue, hopefully will be fixed
Cora is my girl we make beautiful biotic combo music together. I think the parts you are talking are more about setting her story up, but it could be presented better. I thought I was going to hate Peebee but she is super cute and is really growing in me. Liam on the other hand is turning into my Prompto for this game I want to kick him off the first cliff I see but it is early still...

Agreed. So far, post Eos, I'm kind of digging the whole crew except for Liam. I'm hoping that Liam has something more interesting about him to differentiate him from Kaiden/Carth/Jacob but, for now, he's dead weight that I plan to leave on the ship.

Peebee is the biggest surprise. Hated her in all of the pre-release media but she is really growing on me now.

2 questions if I may:

1) Is HUD customizable, possible to remove it in any way?

Doesn't seem like it, much to my frustration. I would kill to get the on screen quest marker off without having to resort to cheesing the system a bit by selecting an active quest done on the galaxy map instead.

It would help if bioware didn't say they learned from the witcher in terms of quest structure. But they did.


Honestly something like the "First Murder" side quest (and several others that I have done) has identical quest structure from the majority of The Witcher 3's side quests. It's just that the writing isn't on the same level.


menu UI is clunky as heck. triangle to salvage while X to collect them. circle to exit the nomad but triangle to enter it. triangle to disembark to the tempest. Taking too long to get used to it. No quick view of map. The touch pad is used to switch weapons and consumables only? What? What about my powers?
Is an insane playthrough possible at start? Anyone far enough along yet to give me idea. That second ancient artifact site on Eos that I reached in the trial gives me pause. The spot with 4 "lazer shooters" and two "scions" (sorry, I don't know there names yet).
Don't do it.

I'm already sick of the multiplayer. It's nowhere near as fun as it was in ME3. Enemy encounters, character movement and controls are all off in this game. The only positive thing I can say about it is the removal of global cooldown, but that's it. It's such s janky experience that I can't stomach it anymore.

There is so much potential there. It's like you can see the bones of something good underneath but the fact that characters are teleporting all over the place (players and mobs), getting hit by random curving bullets, cover meaning nothing, strange spawns for mobs, I'm done with mp until it's patched or just cleaned up.

What hurts is that the makings of something solid are there.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Game looks absolutely wonderful when it wants to.

*something something ps2 era*

it really does look quite nice. are you running without aa tho? or is that just a dof artifact that's causing the really sharp aliasing on the salarian?


Have you even played the multiplayer?

Because it is the same as ME3. Just they have the added thing of the mission points which you can use for the completely optional Strike Teams. Which I think are a fun little addition.

Why yes, yes I have. The tutorial is utter shit and the game explains fuck all about Strike Teams. Actually come to think of it, the tutorial "challenges" are utter dog shit.

Any other baseless accusations you'd like to fucking make while you're defending the game?



Game looks absolutely wonderful when it wants to.


confirmation that Mass Effect should only star aliens.

Maybe ME:A is a performative art piece that attempts to negate the human-centric narrative of ME1-3 by intentionally making human characters the most off-putting and unrelateable species in ME:A.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
*something something ps2 era*

it really does look quite nice. are you running without aa tho? or is that just a dof artifact that's causing the really sharp aliasing on the salarian?

1.20 resolution scaling from 1440p, but no anti-aliasing. TAA fucks with some of the shaders and I don't like the blur plus sharpening.
Why yes, yes I have. The tutorial is utter shit and the game explains fuck all about Strike Teams. Actually come to think of it, the tutorial "challenges" are utter dog shit.

Any other baseless accusations you'd like to fucking make while you're defending the game?

It doesn't seem that baseless when I figured out what the different currencies were and how the strike teams worked in less than five minutes. It stands to reason that if you're bitching about how obtuse a functionality is that some folks figured out in a very short period of time, perhaps you spent even less time. Like zero.

Strike teams = send your dudes out a la your typical mobile game bullshit and they come back with experience and possibly positive/negative quirks, and you get mission funds, which you use to get new strike teams or boosters. Regular funds and Andromeda points work the exact same way regular funds and bioware points worked in ME3MP, which is why people were saying it works the exact same way.


Honestly, my take so far is that Mass Effect has always had rough edges and now it finally caught up with them. That being said, I have not seen any weirdness or bugs yet. It simply feels like I am playing a new Mass Effect and it plays leagues better than it ever has. This is not even close to being a bad game or the dumpster fire that many are trying to make it out to be from watching isolated footage. There is a much bigger picture here.
1.20 resolution scaling from 1440p, but no anti-aliasing. TAA fucks with some of the shaders and I don't like the blur plus sharpening.

What setup are you running on?

I'm on 6700K/1080FE and wondering if I could achieve the same results.

In the trial, i had to use DSR and got to ~1370p, because at 1440p i kept getting the issue where v sync would drop me down to 30 fps. I think I had AA on though.


Please explain further, what is wrong with the combat? I loved ME3 mp don't do this to me bioware!

The enemies are extremely dull bullet sponges. It makes me miss fighting against the Geth. :( The enemies are so... bland and unimaginative that it just puts me off trying out the story campaign. There are less waves now but feels like there are more enemies per wave. That's not fun at all because the encounters are not fun.

The movement and controls are extremely clunky and janky. Despite the addition of a jetpack it's actually a chore to move around the map because half the time your character won't climb structures. And speaking of a jetpack, it feels awful to use. You barely get any height or control using it and if you've played something like, say, Destiny, then you'll wonder why it doesn't feel good to use.

Then there's the controls. I can't map my powers to my own preference, so a Human Vanguard will have to press L1 for Biotic Charge, whereas an Asari will have to press L1 + R1. Yuck. There's a very annoying bug that interrupts your interaction when holding triangle to hack an objective too, which adds to the overall frustration. Don't even get me started on cover not actually covering you from enemy fire. It's dumb.

Basically there's a lot I dislike about the multiplayer right now.


While I'm at it, here's what the multiplayer tutorial has you accomplish.

Do you see a goddamn thing in there about strike teams or the ability to send squads off to do shit while you do what the fuck ever you want.


Fuck no you don't because they don't want you to know you have that option so you'll be more inclined to spend money on micro transactions for the loot boxes. Remember, this is a Mass Effect game marketed to a new audience, not the old trilogy fans.


Man, I'm really excited to play this game, like really dig into the combat,. It looks like what I've always wanted out of Mass Effect gameplay, 3 was like 60% of the way there and all of the extra mobility options are pushing me over the edge with excitement, I'm not expecting huge things out of the story -- although I'm sure there's still good stuff in there. I'm curious if anyone has recommendations for starting up? What to definitely drop points into first and such, the biotic stuff looks dope.
I have a question about audio....

I have a Turtle Beach 420x Plus for Xbox One, it's not a surround headset. What do I select at Dynamic Range and Speaker Configuration in the game?

I can choose wide (cinema], medium and narrow (night mode) for dynamic range.

I can choose surround and stereo for headphones. I naturally want the best sound experience.
God the aiming feels of even on ps4 pro.

It has input lag that is annoying me real bad and makes aiming at enemy's way to hard than it has to be, also, the stuttering.


I can recall cheesy and/or bad lines in every mass effect game. This one is about par for the franchise, so far. (Haven't gotten past Eos yet as I'm replaying from the beginning, so I'm not sure how it is beyond that point).

This is honestly how I feel. It has always had ham and cheese, but overall sucked you into what was going on and made you feel immersed. This is exactly how it's playing out for me. No text-to-speech sounding voice acting so far either.


Uh, the loadout UI is... special. You can't make a loadout in the assignment panel, first you need to go to your skills, assign your new powers, then go to the loadout panel and save it there.

And changing loadouts incurs a cooldown on all your abilities anyway.
Just found the Apex HQ App last night on the App Store.

Didn't see it in the OP, but it lets you manage your strike force missions while not playing the game.

can also manager your MP loadouts as well.


The game's writing is a throwback to the days where you try to get a council spectre fired in a trial by submitting dreams as evidence then proceed to provide "irrefutable" evidence in the form of what sounds like a damaged tape.
Damn right you're gonna regret it. Okay after seeing "Andromeda Point,s" "Mission Points," and one other points I can't even try to defend this multiplayer micro transaction fest anymore. What the fuck? EA, pay us money more money to enjoy multiplayer! It's worse than Activision and Call of Duty.

100% wrong. It's exactly the same as ME3.

I have no idea what you're on about. It's the same system from ME3. Perfectly reasonable game currency prices for packs.

Have you even played the multiplayer?

Because it is the same as ME3. Just they have the added thing of the mission points which you can use for the completely optional Strike Teams. Which I think are a fun little addition.


Don't do it.

I'm already sick of the multiplayer. It's nowhere near as fun as it was in ME3. Enemy encounters, character movement and controls are all off in this game. The only positive thing I can say about it is the removal of global cooldown, but that's it. It's such s janky experience that I can't stomach it anymore.

I felt that way at first until I found my character, and turned up the sensitivity. The encounters just take some adjusting because it's a new title. The biggest detriment has actually been the lag.

There is some jank with getting caught on things, but it's basically ME3 MP HD. Just without the crazier classes.


MP isn't as fun as it was in ME3. There is something off about the movement. There is more jank. I used to love being a Krogan, running in even against a Banshee, doing a forearm smash and then running the hell away. Levels had good design for escape routes and cover.

Here, it is just a spam fest. Very hard to hold any area because enemies can spawn behind you. With the increased verticality, it means enemies can also show up anywhere. Things like the cloaked beast etc. Their shots are deadly accurate even on Bronze. It just isn't as tactical or fun. ME3 Mp came out of nowhere for me. I thought it would be shit and yet ended up playing like 100+ hours of it. Hopefully they tinker with the mp here.
This is honestly how I feel. It has always had ham and cheese, but overall sucked you into what was going on and made you feel immersed. This is exactly how it's playing out for me. No text-to-speech sounding voice acting so far either.

Nahhh. The first main quest mission (
the vault
) is shockingly poor compared to even the worst story missions in the original trilogy.

Enjoying my time with the game but I see where the complaints are coming from.
While I'm at it, here's what the multiplayer tutorial has you accomplish.

Do you see a goddamn thing in there about strike teams or the ability to send squads off to do shit while you do what the fuck ever?



Fuck no you don't because they don't want you to know you have that option so you'll be more inclined to spend money on micro transactions for the loot boxes. Remember, this is a Mass Effect game marketed to a new audience, not the old trilogy fans.[/QUOTE]

Or it could just be shitty UI like the rest of the game? I'm not over here saying it's god's greatest gift, but you seem to have an unreasonable hate-on here. Strike Teams are primarily a vehicle for SP<->MP connection, like how ME3 had the percentage influencing the war readiness rating, only here you can either send strike teams or go into MP from SP yourself to come back with mission funds and stuff for SP, like credits, mods, weapons, and minerals. The reason you don't see shit about strike teams in MP is because you send them from SP.

I don't get why you jump straight to "this is sinister microtransaction bullshit". Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.


Nahhh. The first main quest mission (
the vault
) is shockingly poor compared to even the worst story missions in the original trilogy.

Enjoying my time with the game but I see where the complaints are coming from.

I guess I am just going to have to disagree until I run into some problems. It's still early going, but it is very much a new Mass Effect for me so far, and even if it does have low points, I can't see myself fading on this game. Just no way.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What setup are you running on?

I'm on 6700K/1080FE and wondering if I could achieve the same results.

In the trial, i had to use DSR and got to ~1370p, because at 1440p i kept getting the issue where v sync would drop me down to 30 fps. I think I had AA on though.

6700K/1080OC with gsync. FPS are all over the place. Could get better performance if I just dropped the res scaling. But ehhh.


I started the game and I have a large white square in the middle of the screen. It shows up in screenshots and only in this game. Great start.

Restarting the game seems to have got rid of it.


Or it could just be shitty UI like the rest of the game? I'm not over here saying it's god's greatest gift, but you seem to have an unreasonable hate-on here. Strike Teams are primarily a vehicle for SP<->MP connection, like how ME3 had the percentage influencing the war readiness rating, only here you can either send strike teams or go into MP from SP yourself to come back with mission funds and stuff for SP, like credits, mods, weapons, and minerals. The reason you don't see shit about strike teams in MP is because you send them from SP.

I don't get why you jump straight to "this is sinister microtransaction bullshit". Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.

You can send strike teams from mp too. It's not that well explained in game. Probably not for nefarious reasons, maybe just not well thought out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ahhh, suppose the fluctuations aren't super noticeable w/ gsync?

They're definitely noticeable, but having zero tearing regardless of frame swings and not having the lag introduced by vsync is the best of all worlds.
You can send strike teams from mp too. It's not that well explained in game. Probably not for nefarious reasons, maybe just not well thought out.

Definitely not well thought out. The Apex HQ app is a buggy piece of shit that I just had to restart because it was slowing down for no reason, like it had a memory leak. But it works, and I almost have enough funds for my third strike team, so that's something.


Or it could just be shitty UI like the rest of the game? I'm not over here saying it's god's greatest gift, but you seem to have an unreasonable hate-on here. Strike Teams are primarily a vehicle for SP<->MP connection, like how ME3 had the percentage influencing the war readiness rating, only here you can either send strike teams or go into MP from SP yourself to come back with mission funds and stuff for SP, like credits, mods, weapons, and minerals. The reason you don't see shit about strike teams in MP is because you send them from SP.

I don't get why you jump straight to "this is sinister microtransaction bullshit". Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.

Thanks for explaining all of that before I try multiplayer. Now I know.


Why yes, yes I have. The tutorial is utter shit and the game explains fuck all about Strike Teams. Actually come to think of it, the tutorial "challenges" are utter dog shit.

Any other baseless accusations you'd like to fucking make while you're defending the game?


Wow man calm down a bit.....it was a fair question as I think myself and many other people found the strike teams and point systems pretty straight forward and similar to ME3. If you are mad about micro-transactions then you should probably stop playing Multiplayer games in general because I can't think of a single one in the last 3 years that doesn't have it in some fashion or another. If it's not your cup of tea thats fine, but it probably isn't going away.
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