whatWhen IGN gives it a game 7.7 (after bribes) you know the game is not that great. Heres here to picking it up for $5 during the Christmas sale.
LMAO at everyone latching onto the negative score and no one onto the positive.
damn probably the last ME we will get if it ends at 70
Gamespot are pretty tough.
They spear headed the RE6 takedown,Gave it a 4.5/10.
87 let's go.
edit: I might have been a bit optimistic...
When IGN gives a game 7.7 (after bribes) you know the game is not that great. Heres here to picking it up for $5 during the Christmas sale.
70-75 on Metacritic probably.. Still a good score though
My preorder is still there and no plan to cancel.
Bribes, what..? Lol.When IGN gives a game 7.7 (after bribes) you know the game is not that great. Heres here to picking it up for $5 during the Christmas sale.
But, I will say this, EA really went out on a limb with this game and the TEN HOUR trial this past weekend and that really takes some guts. It really showed (most of) us that the game is not good, but hey they let us try it early. I know that betas are a thing and this felt like a beta but supposedly it's the full game. It's impressive they believed in the game that much.
Now if only it were actually good...
Half praise the story, half condemn it. Not a lot of consensus on this game.
Bribes, what..? Lol.
Save this for the Youtube comments...
Games have to fit into our lives, and thats not always fair. Mass Effect: Andromeda mightve worked a decade ago on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it doesnt work in a world that is delivering games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In this reality, BioWares latest role-playing game is old, broken, and often boring.
Worst of all, its going to disappoint fans of the Mass Effect series.
70-75 on Metacritic probably.. Still a good score though
My preorder is still there and no plan to cancel.
That would be its tedious missions. Far too many open world quests--even some that feel important or come packaged in an interesting premise--devolve into multistep "go here, hit a button" errands. There's always another navpoint somewhere across the map or an NPC who needs exactly three items or a crucial datapad that's unexpectedly missing when you arrive. I frequently felt like an intergalactic errand boy, mindlessly scanning everything in sight so my omniscience AI partner could do whatever the situation required and give me a new waypoint to reach.
I frequently felt like an intergalactic errand boy, mindlessly scanning everything in sight
I mean, it's a passing grade but you don't want that. You want a good grade.
Andromeda is superb, easily jettisoning Ryder and crew ahead of Commander Shepard and his team. Its clear BioWare has learned lessons with the original Mass Effect trilogy, offering something even better and far more cohesive with this new series. Its only misstep is a slow, labouring tutorial that lasts the better part of five hours; though, after 60 more, it seems like nothing more than a distant memory. Offering deep, engaging characters, a new lore for a new galaxy (but enough interconnected so franchise fans dont feel left out) and a stellar storyline, gamers of any background will find something to do in the far off reaches of the universe.
For many the issue is. nothing magically changes later. It just continues on at that level or higher through the entire game. Coupled with extraordinary bad writing...uhg. But each to their own man. If folks love it awesome.