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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator

JeStaH said:
I just didn't feel like it was a cop-out at all. The whole sequence starting from the elevator ride I thought was amazing.
Everything after
was simply amazing. When
Sovereign enters Citadel space, the Ship Fights, Sovereing landing on the Citdel, the Alliance and especially Normandy kicking ass and the couple of seconds where I really had a little doubt, that Shepard survived...

I just can't complain about the end of the game. It has some really memorable sequences that I will never forget.

qcf x2

I beat this game a couple of weeks ago, and it was up there with the best games I've ever played.

Some funny technical bugs (indoor snow), elevators and a poor inventory system kept it from perfection, but as far as the experience, it was second to none.

I felt like I was playing a work of art while exploring the different locales. It gave me a glimpse of what the future of gaming could be (fully realized planets and galaxies), albeit when the technology allows it.

It took me 27 hrs to finish, and after about halfway through I exclusively used the sniper rifle (Soldier class).

If anyone's on the fence about getting the game, GET IT. Unless you're one of those people that hates good things.

I'd give it a 9/10. But it's one of those 9's that is still a must-have IMO. No game on the 360 has impressed me more.
Query: I'm about 10 hours into the game, but haven't really gone after the main story missions yet (Noveria and Ferros remain untouched by me). Yesterday I decided to go do some random exploring, and came across a pirate base on a world I landed on. Anyway, I tried to defeat them but I can't even take one of the pirates down, my entire team gets wiped out within a minute.

Should I avoid exploring whilst at such a low level in the game, and stick to assignments and missions I've been given?

Sorry, RPG noob, I've only ever played KOTOR1 and KOTOR2...I'm guessing Pokemon don't count.
Go for some easier assignments first. Like finding Liara T'Soni (IMO the easiest of the three main missions, where you can level up a bit), explore some uncharted worlds, so you can get some creds, new weapons and exp, some Assignments are harder at the beginning (like the Pirate base you came across) if you are not leveled up high enough.

Have you done the Citadel assignments? (Scanning the keepers, Shiara...)

However, you should be able to do most of the sidemissions before Noveria or Feros (the ones you get before those planets)

Also if you come across Tresher Maws, weaken them with the Mako and then get out and finish the job, to get more XP (you will always get more XP while killing enemies on foot)
Hellraizer said:
Go for some easier assignments first. Like finding Liara T'Soni (IMO the easiest of the three main missions, where you can level up a bit), explore some uncharted worlds, so you can get some creds, new weapons and exp, some Assignments are harder at the beginning (like the Pirate base you came across) if you are not leveled up high enough.

Have you done the Citadel assignments? (Scanning the keepers, Shiara...)

However, you should be able to do most of the sidemissions before Noveria or Feros (the ones you get before those planets)

Also if you come across Tresher Maws, weaken them with the Mako and then get out and finish the job, to get more XP (you will always get more XP while killing enemies on foot)

I've done most of the Citadel assignments, I think the only one I have outstanding is the 'Scan the Keepers', I'm at 19/21. :(

I found Liara T'Soni and rescued her, next stop is Noveria or Ferros. At the moment I'm going after some assignments that were given to me at the Citadel on my last stop-off (I just found Garoth's brothers ship)

Thanks for the info about the Thresher Maw, somtimes it seems that my cannon and machine gun is doing bugger all damage.

Also, I hate the T-Maws one-hit-kills. I also hate the auto-save system, I hate getting killed and having to re-do 20 minutes of a planet because apparently wiping out a pirate stronghold doesn't constitute a save point... :mad:

Otherwise, this game is freaking huge. And deep, I know what I'm going to spend this weekend doing...and possibly most of next week at the speed I progress through RPGs.
Mejilan said:
Inconceivable! I know exactly what cop-out means. What I'm saying is that the last boss is basically a recycled regular bad guy, with one or two new attacks and tons more health. From a design standpoint, it was uninspired, and from a gameplay standpoint, old and boring. All story implications aside, it made for a shit-tastic battle. The game lacked truly great boss encounters, but I thought the Thorian was pretty awesome from a design standpoint, and I expected something a little more involved than a Geth Super Sapper. Oh man. That sounds like a toy water gun. :lol

I realize that Saren was not the point of the story. He was clearly a pawn, and he even suspected at times, but the more he fell under Sovereign's sway, the less he cared, since by the end, there wasn't really much of him left to do any caring. Though, just enough apparently, to convince him to suicide himself. Haha. This isn't my first RPG, and isn't the first time I've encountered the "primary nemesis turns out to be slave of big-bad" cliche. I saw it coming a mile away.

A "cop out" is when you admit guilt in exchange for leniency, e.g., a perp "cops a plea" on Law & Order. I'm not clear how that applies to the Saren fight.


Sir Fragula said:
Anyone else think the unusable elevator in the station traffic control room is a "hook" for DLC?
From interpreting some of the stuff on the CE bonus disk (in combination with some stuff in-game), i think that the traffic control room wasn't originally meant to be traffic control - not least because the Avina outside the Citadel Tower mentions how Citadel Control is in the Tower... not in C-Sec which is in completely the wrong direction.

The bonus disk mentions that the C-Sec Academy was originally meant to have some kind of training facility which got cut at some point (with traces left in-game purely via an oblique reference in Anderson's dialogue after you become a Spectre), and i think that the room that became traffic control was originally going to be linked to that, and the massive empty box of a room it overlooks, which that elevator most likely links to, was probably originally going to be where the training took place.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Captain Glanton said:
A "cop out" is when you admit guilt in exchange for leniency, e.g., a perp "cops a plea" on Law & Order. I'm not clear how that applies to the Saren fight.

That's not right. You're referring to on very specific usage of "cop out" when it has other broader meanings.


Can anyone tell me what font they use for the writing in this game? Specifically the style used on the side of the Normandy or when they show the names of planets on the galaxy screen.


How many tries did it take you guys to take done matriarch benezia?

If the answer is less than 6, I really am bad at this game and need help


KarishBHR said:
How many tries did it take you guys to take done matriarch benezia?

If the answer is less than 6, I really am bad at this game and need help

1 but most people seem to have trouble.

Ignore Benezia. Stick to cover and work your way around the catwalks of the room, taking out of the groups of enemies.

Once you get to the second bit, try to stun Benezia/kill her really quickly and then run for cover.


On my first run-through, Noveria was the last planet I visited, so I was already a decent level and was prepared to handle her. On my second run-through, I beat her handedly with little to no trouble at all. The best thing to do is just try to keep away from her attacks and take out the Asari c0mmandosThe Geth won't give you much trouble, but the c0mmandos will give you fits if you leave them around.

EDIT: Why is c0mmando blocked?
JdFoX187 said:
On my first run-through, Noveria was the last planet I visited, so I was already a decent level and was prepared to handle her. On my second run-through, I beat her handedly with little to no trouble at all. The best thing to do is just try to keep away from her attacks and take out the Asari c0mmandosThe Geth won't give you much trouble, but the c0mmandos will give you fits if you leave them around.

EDIT: Why is c0mmando blocked?

um one of the games with that name in it and some company that we dont like on gaf, also raiders and some such might be involved.

Anyways back to the game, i am surprised at the number of people that are having trouble with this game. Undoubtedly the scaling of the difficulty is flawed but i would think everyone would try and grind a couple of levels before tackling the main storyline.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Benezia was easy once you realize that her first form is effectively invincible.
Her underlings, on the other hand, are not. :)


Will drop pants for Sony.
Mejilan said:
Benezia was easy once you realize that her first form is effectively invincible.
Her underlings, on the other hand, are not. :)


And does anyone find that the Colossus X armor very hard to find? I bought a turian light and medium one, then c-sec guy sold me the medium human one and i just bought a Krogan one from that cheat on normandy. It took so many tries going from one port (noveria) to another (the citidal), now i cannot see to find the Human light and heavy colossus X armor. sigh...


KarishBHR said:
How many tries did it take you guys to take done matriarch benezia?

If the answer is less than 6, I really am bad at this game and need help


I really don't find the combat in this game all that challenging, only annoying at times. I'm really not a big fan of the whole overheating gun thing being used in lieu of a reload system, they should have just done the whole "bigger clip" and gun mod thing. I know some people love the combat in this game but personally I'm probably one of those who don't get it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
What's funny is that by the time I was 75% done with the game, my shotgun would effectively never overheat (unless I fell prey to an enemy biotic skill, of course).

I could literally hold the trigger down and just keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting, with total impunity.


arhra said:
From interpreting some of the stuff on the CE bonus disk (in combination with some stuff in-game), i think that the traffic control room wasn't originally meant to be traffic control - not least because the Avina outside the Citadel Tower mentions how Citadel Control is in the Tower... not in C-Sec which is in completely the wrong direction.

The bonus disk mentions that the C-Sec Academy was originally meant to have some kind of training facility which got cut at some point (with traces left in-game purely via an oblique reference in Anderson's dialogue after you become a Spectre), and i think that the room that became traffic control was originally going to be linked to that, and the massive empty box of a room it overlooks, which that elevator most likely links to, was probably originally going to be where the training took place.

I wish I could justify paying a likely £15 premium to trade up to the special edition... So much stuff I want to see.


I just beat Benezia after like 12 tries. Each time I would die for a dumb different reason.

Anyway, I think Im going to do some side missions before I get back to the main quest.

Heres a question though:

When I level up, do the members NOT in my squad also get XP, or do I just have three guys now who are well leveled and the rest are basically useless?
KarishBHR said:
When I level up, do the members NOT in my squad also get XP, or do I just have three guys now who are well leveled and the rest are basically useless?

There is one pool of XP. All team mates have exactly the same XP, whether you use them or not.

I'm not sure yet if I like this system. On the one hand it avoids all problems with team mates that you have not used for some time being in an unusable state (because of a much lower level), on the other hand there's no incentive at all to use all team mates. Looking at the ally achievements, Mass Effect seems to favor an approach of sticking to a single team anyway.
BrokenSymmetry said:
There is one pool of XP. All team mates have exactly the same XP, whether you use them or not.

I'm not sure yet if I like this system. On the one hand it avoids all problems with team mates that you have not used for some time being in an unusable state (because of a much lower level), on the other hand there's no incentive at all to use all team mates. Looking at the ally achievements, Mass Effect seems to favor an approach of sticking to a single team anyway.

Until you can trade party members instantly on combat worlds, this is probably the best method.


Kadey said:
Anyone got any tips to get the biotic skills achievements easier?

Use your powers? Once you get an achievement for one, try to stop using it until you get the others? It's not difficult to get all the achievements for your class as long as you actually use all your powers consistently.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Wow they didn't build that ending up like I thought they would. It snuck up on me. I beat the game to fast. I only played on normal but beat it in 14 hours. I had heard people saying it took them 50 hours so I figured I had at least 10 more hours to go. I figured I was a slow gamer, but apparently not as much as I thought.

All the sudden things are going well and then Bam you can tell you're in the ending sequences.

End of the day, Holy fuck shit, amazing game! I loved it.

I say 10/10 and story/single player GOTY, after beating every one of the other games on the top 10 games list.

And banging Ashley was oh how satisfying.
Well I have just finished the game last night, and now I'm off to collect achievements. I understand that I can reply my character with the same stats right? Does that mean that my attempted achievements carry over? Meaning, if I used Barrier 50 times, when I restart the game and use it does that make it 51 times?


Is it just me or is there no good armor for Tali in this game? The best armor I got for her is like 19 dmg protection, 119 shields and 23 tech/biotic resistance. The merchants don't seem to sell Quarian armor that's worth a damn.

All my other characters have elite armor, but I can't find shit for her. I'm on my second play through too so most random loot I get is of the IX and X variety.
Took me two tries to beat
. Didn't take me to long to figure it out. It probably helped that I was a level 30 or so Vanguard though. Hid behind some boxes, used Barrier for defense and used my biotics to counter any ********* that got close to me. Shotgun easily took care of anything in my sight.
I beat it with about 32 hours on the clock, and loved every minute of it. Yes, there were some flaws, mostly technical and graphical (which are largely of the non-game breaking type), but some gameplay mechanics and with the repetitive sidequests. These are things that can and should be addressed in the two following games.

I didn't mind the short length, especially since I thought about it like this:

They have three games they want to make, so the story is obviously gonna be spread thin in each installment, respective of the whole. Plus, if we want to get to the next one, they can't still be developing this one to fit in more story! Besides, there is enough reason to play this game multiple times, and how many time can you say this for ANY RPG?

I actually beat it a month ago, at the end of November, but on the 30th I RROD'ed. I sort of blamed this game, since there was no problems till I went through it. I'm actually kinda nervous to play it again, as I started over with my first Shephard as well as a new female.


vumpler said:
Wow they didn't build that ending up like I thought they would. It snuck up on me. I beat the game to fast. I only played on normal but beat it in 14 hours. I had heard people saying it took them 50 hours so I figured I had at least 10 more hours to go. I figured I was a slow gamer, but apparently not as much as I thought.

I was a little bit over 50 hrs when I finished my first playthrough. Did you just do the main missions or did you do quests as well? I took a long time because I made sure all the side missions were done, visited every planet and identified all of materials I could. I think I hit lvl 50 really early because of it(not to mention hitting being maxed out at 10 mil too with nothing left to buy). That took forever but I actually enjoyed it(minus those planets with mountains everywhere, those were a pain to drive through).

Did anybody do the entire beach level without the mako? It's like a whole different experience. Has anyone tried just running in the mako section in illos? can it be done?


neojubei said:

And does anyone find that the Colossus X armor very hard to find? I bought a turian light and medium one, then c-sec guy sold me the medium human one and i just bought a Krogan one from that cheat on normandy. It took so many tries going from one port (noveria) to another (the citidal), now i cannot see to find the Human light and heavy colossus X armor. sigh...

Use the save and reload option on all the vendors that sale human armor until they sale you the armor you want. If their inventory does not change after a reload, you will need to complete another step in the main quest.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Mashing said:
Is it just me or is there no good armor for Tali in this game? The best armor I got for her is like 19 dmg protection, 119 shields and 23 tech/biotic resistance. The merchants don't seem to sell Quarian armor that's worth a damn.

All my other characters have elite armor, but I can't find shit for her. I'm on my second play through too so most random loot I get is of the IX and X variety.

I had fuck all armor for her for the entire game, then in that final Citadel sequence (while grounded), the hanar merchant in the Financial District sold me a pretty damn good kit for her. I don't remember the exact stats, and I don't feel like booting the game up to check, but it was something to the effect of 40/250/30, IIRC, almost 2x as good as what I had on her at the time. But yeah, odds seem to be very stacked against her. I rarely found any quarian loot, and it was even rarer when a store stocked decent armor for her.

Captain Glanton said:
Sorry. ".com" sources don't count for shit in anything.

Bullshit. That isn't a wiki. I looked it up in Merriam Webster, and my usage still stands. Get over yourself.


Will drop pants for Sony.
knitoe said:
Use the save and reload option on all the vendors that sale human armor until they sale you the armor you want. If their inventory does not change after a reload, you will need to complete another step in the main quest.

Okay Thanks:D


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Lol I was saving all my money because I figured there was still a lot left to go. Ended the game with 1.5mil.. That pisses me off though. I never even got good medium armor for myself as a vanguard. The best armor I found was light armer with 120 shield :lol

I kinda wanna replay it, but then again not really. The story was awesome though, damn. This game will stay with me for years. I can't wait for a sequel. Has there been official word?


vumpler said:
Lol I was saving all my money because I figured there was still a lot left to go. Ended the game with 1.5mil.. That pisses me off though. I never even got good medium armor for myself as a vanguard. The best armor I found was light armer with 120 shield :lol

I kinda wanna replay it, but then again not really. The story was awesome though, damn. This game will stay with me for years. I can't wait for a sequel. Has there been official word?

It was announced as a trilogy from the beginning.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Tobor said:
It was announced as a trilogy from the beginning.
Oh sweet :D My understanding of mass effect begins with my going home for Christmas break and my brother and a friend telling me to try it out at his place. I started there and never looked back.

Glad to hear its going to be a trilogy. They set the bar high for the next one. I can't wait. :D


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
n00b question: every time I try to map biotic lift to a button, it doesn't work. Am I missing something here?

Anyway up to
the fight before having to escape the mines from using the excavation laser to that Tirara (or Liara, whatever her name is) out of stasis. I'm glad you can leave side missions partially unfinished and go back to them. I was having a bitch of a time on the third area of the rogue VI mission on the moon until I got better shotguns and armor. Already did Feros and Noveria so I'll be heading back to Citadel after this.

Also, is there anyway to get zooming ability on the weapons you are not trained on? The aiming for the assault rifles is really bad compared to the pistols and shotguns, of course that is probably due to being a Vanguard. Great game so far, although the inventory system is kind of weird. I wish you could trust trade stuff out instead of having to convert new items to omni-gel if you don't have room.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'd stick to weapons your trained in. Your mastery of weapons (and weapons-biotic enhancements) have a dramatic effect on your overall damage output. Using weapons you're untrained with is akin to stabbing yourself in the foot with your sword. To be avoided.

As for mapping a biotic as a shortcut, you can only have 1 ability mapped, as far as I can tell, and it maps to the RB. Just tap it, instead of holding it to pull up the biotic wheel.
Mashing said:
Is it just me or is there no good armor for Tali in this game? The best armor I got for her is like 19 dmg protection, 119 shields and 23 tech/biotic resistance. The merchants don't seem to sell Quarian armor that's worth a damn.

All my other characters have elite armor, but I can't find shit for her. I'm on my second play through too so most random loot I get is of the IX and X variety.
Quarian armor *is* rare, but a properly leveled Tali (plus a few Shield Boost upgrades in a dual-slot armor) has some of the best shield levels of any character in the game. Tali is a must in my squad.

cool_dude_2049 said:
Well I have just finished the game last night, and now I'm off to collect achievements. I understand that I can reply my character with the same stats right? Does that mean that my attempted achievements carry over? Meaning, if I used Barrier 50 times, when I restart the game and use it does that make it 51 times?
I'd like to know the answer to this myself...


cool_dude_2049 said:
Well I have just finished the game last night, and now I'm off to collect achievements. I understand that I can reply my character with the same stats right? Does that mean that my attempted achievements carry over? Meaning, if I used Barrier 50 times, when I restart the game and use it does that make it 51 times?
Yes. I started over with my soldier from my first playthrough, killed a couple of enemies with the pistol and got the achievement.

Mooreberg said:
n00b question: every time I try to map biotic lift to a button, it doesn't work. Am I missing something here?
Mapping in this game means you just have to tap RB to use that skill. You can't map them to individual buttons.


Mashing said:
Is it just me or is there no good armor for Tali in this game? The best armor I got for her is like 19 dmg protection, 119 shields and 23 tech/biotic resistance. The merchants don't seem to sell Quarian armor that's worth a damn.

All my other characters have elite armor, but I can't find shit for her. I'm on my second play through too so most random loot I get is of the IX and X variety.
Tali was actually the first character i got Colussus armor for (VIII i think, IIRC). Which was a fucking godsend, as up to that point she'd been stuck in her starting armour (and was a regular party member for me; luckily her insane shields courtesy of her talents made her shitty armour less of an issue).

cool_dude_2049 said:
Meaning, if I used Barrier 50 times, when I restart the game and use it does that make it 51 times?
The ability/weapon mastery/expert achievements track total uses across your profile, so all your characters count, and you can even reload a section over and over while spamming your abilities to get them, if you really want to.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Mejilan said:
I'd stick to weapons your trained in. Your mastery of weapons (and weapons-biotic enhancements) have a dramatic effect on your overall damage output. Using weapons you're untrained with is akin to stabbing yourself in the foot with your sword. To be avoided.

As for mapping a biotic as a shortcut, you can only have 1 ability mapped, as far as I can tell, and it maps to the RB. Just tap it, instead of holding it to pull up the biotic wheel.

Alright thanks for the info. And yeah I'm going to stick to the trained weapons from now on.


Mrs. Harvey
I remember getting the Colossus VIII for Tali in Noveria from the hanar.

Tech/Biotic Protection-34

Far better than anything she ever got. I mean, she was dying more than Liara before getting it despite having better combat prowess.
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