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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator

sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

:lol Unexpected comments from you.
sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

How did you get that Member status again?


sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

Game not on PS3 = Sprocket not allowed to enjoy it.


joelseph said:
Is there a way to have a quest NPC needed for an assignment marked on the map to make them easier to find?

another problem i have. i kind of wish the journal system was more like Oblivion where you pick the quest you want active and get some sort of marker...


I like how he waited until the new page to post. "Good work, Agent!"

ANYWAY, as far as quest markers go, if you look at the map under the start menu you'll see that all quest locations are marked with an orange exclamation point. You can also add a flag to a location so you know which direction you to need to go without looking at the map again. It's not perfect, as it shows all available missions, but it's something.


TheWolf said:
another problem i have. i kind of wish the journal system was more like Oblivion where you pick the quest you want active and get some sort of marker...
Bioshock also did this amazingly well. If you ever felt lost, pop the help arrow and you're golden.


mysticstylez said:
Excellent contribution, I love how you explain your gripes.

Anyone who plays the game will instantly see each gripe. I am a huge bioware fan. One of the few who bought NWN2 :p still have JE and KOTOR for xbox.

I almost cried about 5 hours into the game. HUGE disappointment.

but if you want me to explain I will start with the graphics.

NOISE FILTER!? WTF? why would I want the game to look like i was playing on a RF connection?

Frame rate chugs no matter what. no matter where.

constant pausing to load.

textures that take 5 secs to load in correctly. :/

beyond technical . the game is blocky with some awful textures thrown here and there.

gameplay. ok so I just aim somewhere toward the enemy and I hit him?

I have to pause the game to use biotics?

enemies that are far away that I cant see because of the noise filter are killing me?

run in a crowded room and get totally raped by the enemy because frame rate drop to 3 fps.

ahh I hope this game does a complete 180 in the next 2 hours of play.
TheWolf said:
another problem i have. i kind of wish the journal system was more like Oblivion where you pick the quest you want active and get some sort of marker...

They do give you every bit of info you need to get where you're going, however. They also tell you why, which is nice.


Okay, so maybe someone can help me understand. I've got Kaiden, who supposedly can do decryption, but I can't figure out how to make him unlock a door. What do I have to do? Also, can I change who's leading the party for easier access to their skills?

After finishing Assassin's Creed without knowing about all the cool maps, I thought I'd ask before I got too deep into ME.

sprocket said:
Anyone who plays the game will instantly see each gripe.

Um, I've played this game and you appear to be a delusional person with vision and mental problems, but that's just my opinion, you know. Subjective and all that.


Tobor said:
Game not on PS3 = Sprocket not allowed to enjoy it.

Actually I enjoyed Halo 3 quite a but and defended it for a few pages in a thread a while back.

Just because you like a system doesn't mean you have to like every game on it.

I thought lair sucked complete ass. Is that better? :lol


sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

Copy and pasting of Sony Defense Force reviews is plagiarism, you know! At least credit them for their hard work.


sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

What! WTF ARE YOU SAYI...wait, oh it´s you. doesn´t matter then.

you = god awful
your explanations of the flaws of the game = god awful
your 360 hate = makes me want to kill someone (you)


itxaka said:
What! WTF ARE YOU SAYI...wait, oh it´s you. doesn´t matter then.

you = god awful
your explanations of the flaws of the game = god awful
your 360 hate = makes me want to kill someone (you)

what other 360 game have I hated? I would like to know.


sprocket said:
Actually I enjoyed Halo 3 quite a but and defended it for a few pages in a thread a while back.

Just because you like a system doesn't mean you have to like every game on it.

I thought lair sucked complete ass. Is that better? :lol

Fair enough. I'm enjoying Mass Effect more than Halo 3, but I'm not a huge multiplayer guy.

As for your other complaints, they just aren't bothering me. The package as a whole is worth far more than a few warts.

Piper Az

Here's my early impression (2 hours):

General Graphics: clean-look, gorgenous details, not so colorful but still awesome - it's more MGS4-like bland, but the character models are top-notch

Framerate: not bad. definitely not solid 30 FPS, I would say it runs like a PC game where your setup is between recommended and required

Texture poping: it's there, but it's not as bad as Halo 2

Besides all that, I'm loving the story, conversations, and the battle! The only gripe is the weapon upgrades - it's so pain in the ass...


sprocket said:
what other 360 game have I hated? I would like to know.

common man, just a quick look to your history post show how biased are you. Just a 5 minute look, no more.

Your opinions of the game are:

1: filter bad. And a lot of complaints that come from the filter AND YOU CAN DISABLE IT

2: Technical issues. You saw any videos of the game? if you love bioware that much you know that they not deliver on the technical aspect (at least on console), but fulfill the other aspects of a game. You know it beforehand looking at any of the videos. And 3 fps? GTFO

3: Some idiot thing that you never explained

pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

They pulled a game with an universe filled with backstory, ties, plots, subplots, lots of info (fuck, you even have the gravity field of every fucking planet in the fucking galaxy) and you say that the story is generic while you praise the story of Uncharted...


itxaka said:
common man, just a quick look to your history post show how biased are you. Just a 5 minute look, no more.


Point them out. Really I want to know. Where have I said " 360 suxorz! " or ragged on 360 game after 360 game? Show me.

What is it because I loved Uncharted? That makes me biased? :/

I want proof.


Ok, I was able to get through a fair bit of the sidequests you receive during your first visit to the Citadel on my first session with it. I didn't think the texture pop in would bother me much but it kind of is. It seems like almost every dialog scene starts off in low res. Though I am only a little bit in I don't get the qualms about the sidequests being shitty. Most of the ones I have done have just been standard dialog fairs but I found them to be engaging due to the great dialog that these scenes tend to have. I haven't done much combat since I am only in the second area of the game but I don't mind it so far. I have ran into pathfinding issues where I was stuck and unable to move and my other party members have gotten stuck but a quick save/load fixes that issue. I am playing as an infiltrator and using the sniper rifle almost exclusively, the pistol is decent but it just can't seem to beat the rifle right now. Another little nitpick in the game is that I can't seem to unequip weapons that I don't want to use. For my character I only want her using pistols and sniper rifles. I find the fact that she is carrying guns on her back that I will never use looks kinda retarded.
5 hours in and i started over, the side profile of my female shepard was pissing me off and I knew I wouldnt be able to enjoy the game If i couldnt get over it:lol

oh well I hadnt even boarded the normandy yet


Big-E said:
I have ran into pathfinding issues where I was stuck and unable to move and my other party members have gotten stuck but a quick save/load fixes that issue.
Yeah, I've had a placement stuck bug and an animation stuck bug, both requiring reloads. Animation bug was worse because my buttons stopped working and I couldn't save.

Never played such a polished, yet unpolished, game before.
sprocket said:
Where is that option! I looked through the options for a longtime last night and did not see it. :(
In the game it's called Film Grain, you goof.

Anyway, here's my thoughts of the game so far (3 hrs in):

+Character creation. My "Lucy" Shepard is totally sexy and badass.
+Dialogue system
+Sound FX

-Framerate/texture pop-ins
-Length (apparently)
itxaka said:
common man, just a quick look to your history post show how biased are you. Just a 5 minute look, no more.

Why you calling him a common man? Kind of demeaning, that...

itxaka said:
They pulled a game with an universe filled with backstory, ties, plots, subplots, lots of info (fuck, you even have the gravity field of every fucking planet in the fucking galaxy) and you say that the story is generic while you praise the story of Uncharted...

The backstory and the depth of the universe IS impressive, but I have to agree with him. The story IS generic. The story IS filled with all sorts of sci-fi cliches that were already overdone by the time the mid 80s hit. And you know what? The developers will be the first to admit that. The game is meant to be similar to certain old sci-fi movies that we all remember. You can make a list of pros and cons of this (one pro being that it makes things feel a little more "familiar" when you're in an unfamiliar universe) but one of the obvious cons is that, yes, it does come across as generic. Especially if you are very versed in all those films. Especially if you listen to reviewers and random message board commentators constantly praising the game's SUPER ORIGINAL story. It's not.

It's generic.

I still like it though, so far.


TheWolf said:
btw, the game doesn't use the 360 cache feature, so i don't know why all you dudes are clearing it...
Yea I tried that in hopes of it making my game run as smoothly as some of you claim it runs but no, it still chugs along often, all you have to do is run.....spin the camera and then suddenly it your character starts to skip around for a few seconds and then it gets smooth again until you move the camera again.....this is a problem seeing as I need to move the camera around often. I've tried on on three different systems with the same results and without saying anything both my brother and one of my friends said the same thing, "wow look at that framerate." which is sarcasm for damn this runs choppy as hell.

I still love this game though, good thing the story and gameplay have me hooked.
Synless said:
Yea I tried that in hopes of it making my game run as smoothly as some of you claim it runs but no, it still chugs along often, all you have to do is run.....spin the camera and then suddenly it your character starts to skip around for a few seconds and then it gets smooth again until you move the camera again.....this is a problem seeing as I need to move the camera around often. I've tried on on three different systems with the same results and without saying anything both my brother and one of my friends said the same thing, "wow look at that framerate." which is sarcasm for damn this runs choppy as hell.

I don't see it that much, even with my 360's DVD drive crapping out, it's not bad for me.


mysticstylez said:
I hate being a compassionate person in real life, most of the convos I try to be bad, and when I am I feel like a dick.

Haha! Same here. I find it hard to choose the "asshole option" in conversations. But now that I'm a
it's a little easier. "Listen man, don't make me shoot you in the face and have the Council clear it up and make it look like an accident because I am who I am. Just get the fuck outta my way." :D


mysticstylez said:
I don't see it that much, even with my 360's DVD drive crapping out, it's not bad for me.
No, I think I might have made it sound worse then it I meant to when talking about the camera spin part, I just notice for like a second the character seems to skip it's not that bad, but there are other times depending how many people are on screen when it is very apparent.


sprocket said:
Anyone who plays the game will instantly see each gripe. I am a huge bioware fan. One of the few who bought NWN2 :p still have JE and KOTOR for xbox.

I almost cried about 5 hours into the game. HUGE disappointment.

but if you want me to explain I will start with the graphics.

NOISE FILTER!? WTF? why would I want the game to look like i was playing on a RF connection?

Frame rate chugs no matter what. no matter where.

constant pausing to load.

textures that take 5 secs to load in correctly. :/

beyond technical . the game is blocky with some awful textures thrown here and there.

gameplay. ok so I just aim somewhere toward the enemy and I hit him?

I have to pause the game to use biotics?

enemies that are far away that I cant see because of the noise filter are killing me?

run in a crowded room and get totally raped by the enemy because frame rate drop to 3 fps.

ahh I hope this game does a complete 180 in the next 2 hours of play.

Are you playing on an SDTV? Just curious.

I looked at your post history and although you're obviously a Sony fan, there's nothing wrong with that and your history seemed quite reasonable.

I'm not sure why you're not liking Mass Effect though :)

As people said, the film grain filter can be turned off easily. I don't think the frame rate drops to 3 fps ever, but I also think you're trying to play the game like a shooter instead of tactically using your biotic powers like the game was intended. If you're not, give it a try. The gameplay usually consists of walking into a room full of enemies and tactically trying to disable a few using biotics like Stun or tech skills like .. whatever that tech skill is that disables synthetics. Then lifting a few enemies into the air and blasting them apart with your weapons. Perhaps you don't enjoy that - I do :)


joelseph said:
Is there a way to have a quest NPC needed for an assignment marked on the map to make them easier to find?

Yes, you can do it yourself. On your map screen you move your cursor and press A to set your own marker, which will then show up as an arrow on your mini-map no matter how far away from the marker you are. It seemed a little confusing to navigate a sprawling place like the Citadel at first, but it's really pretty easy once you start using markers.
Falagard said:
Are you playing on an SDTV? Just curious.

I looked at your post history and although you're obviously a Sony fan, there's nothing wrong with that and your history seemed quite reasonable.

I'm not sure why you're not liking Mass Effect though :)

As people said, the film grain filter can be turned off easily. I don't think the frame rate drops to 3 fps ever, but I also think you're trying to play the game like a shooter instead of tactically using your biotic powers like the game was intended. If you're not, give it a try. The gameplay usually consists of walking into a room full of enemies and tactically trying to disable a few using biotics like Stun or tech skills like .. whatever that tech skill is that disables synthetics. Then lifting a few enemies into the air and blasting them apart with your weapons. Perhaps you don't enjoy that - I do :)

According to Bioware the game was built so that you can play it both ways. It was one of the selling points.


I'm stunned that they're not using the cache. I mean, for real? With texture pop-in being as prevalent as it is, that just seems like the most boneheaded technical design decision.

Amazing. I knew that Bioware was on the lower echelon of programming skillz, but that is just hilarious.


Synless said:
No, I think I might have made it sound worse then it I meant to when talking about the camera spin part, I just notice for like a second the character seems to skip it's not that bad, but there are other times depending how many people are on screen when it is very apparent.

Right, exactly. For all the talk of the choppy FR and tearing, it's almost exclusively confined to when you're in large outdoor areas. Spin the camera when you're outside in an open area of the huge Citadel, it'll chop and tear good. Do the same thing inside and nothing happens, it looks fine.

There's no doubt those problems exist, but it really only effects such a small amount of what you actually do in the game.
Only had time to play through the prolouge last night, but I'm enjoying it so far. It's very KOTOR-ish so far, which isn't bad per se, but walking around the Citadel feels very familiar. I'm sort of torn between being a nice guy or a jerk. Again, it's the issue of the nice answers making you seem like a total rube and the mean answers making you seem like a bratty 6 year old. I think I'll probably end up going the aggressive route. My Shepard is a mean space lesbian!


sprocket said:
Ugh how did this game get 9s again?

graphics = god awful
frame rate = awful
shooting = god awful
noise filter = makes me want to kill someone
pacing = very slow
controls = almost bearable
most planets = barren and dull
story = generic

Are we playing the same game?

I just got my copy today and I'm loving it. The graphics (apart from the annoying popups and texture load-ins) are simply amazing. The music, presentation and story are all equally worthy of scores of 9. They've really filled out the backstory and made a really compelling universe. Bioware on on fire. I thought it didn't get any better than kotor but apparently it does.

The combat system took a little while to get used to. Till I switched to the shotty and upgrade a bit I was having trouble killing things and avoiding being killed myself. I love the system now that I've gotten used to it.

One of the best games I've played in a long time and one of the best RPGs ever.


Kabuki Waq said:
According to Bioware the game was built so that you can play it both ways. It was one of the selling points.

Bioware said a lot of things about the game. In their early demos they showed tactical individual placement of team members. They also showed that you could interrupt conversions by choosing a reply before the person had finished talking, like that scene where you grab the alien bartender and pull out your weapon and threaten him.

I'm sure you can try to play the game as a shooter, but it's not a shooter and that's obvious. There are some confrontations, like
the fight against the Matriarch
where you'd just get smoked repeatedly unless you paused the game and played tactically.


Draft said:
I'm stunned that they're not using the cache. I mean, for real? With texture pop-in being as prevalent as it is, that just seems like the most boneheaded technical design decision.

Amazing. I knew that Bioware was on the lower echelon of programming skillz, but that is just hilarious.

Really? I better go return the game then, perhaps I accidentally bought some other amazing sci-fi game that technically achieves more than most others games do.


How do I use the D-Pad more effectively? My guys don't seem to "fall back and take cover" when I press down. I always have to look behind me, press up to direct them there, then press down to hold their position.


Falagard said:
Really? I better go return the game then, perhaps I accidentally bought some other amazing sci-fi game that technically achieves more than most others games do.
Save the sarcasm, fan beast. Bioware has made 3 console titles. Each one has had serious frame rate issues. I can't remember if KOTOR and JE had texture pop-in. I don't think they did. So if anything Bioware's getting worse at coding.

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