Anyone who plays the game will instantly see each gripe. I am a huge bioware fan. One of the few who bought NWN2
still have JE and KOTOR for xbox.
I almost cried about 5 hours into the game. HUGE disappointment.
but if you want me to explain I will start with the graphics.
NOISE FILTER!? WTF? why would I want the game to look like i was playing on a RF connection?
Frame rate chugs no matter what. no matter where.
constant pausing to load.
textures that take 5 secs to load in correctly. :/
beyond technical . the game is blocky with some awful textures thrown here and there.
gameplay. ok so I just aim somewhere toward the enemy and I hit him?
I have to pause the game to use biotics?
enemies that are far away that I cant see because of the noise filter are killing me?
run in a crowded room and get totally raped by the enemy because frame rate drop to 3 fps.
ahh I hope this game does a complete 180 in the next 2 hours of play.