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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator

U K Narayan said:
I know, right? That looked so lame. You have to admit the Galaxy Map in the earlier demonstrations looked far better than the one we have now, though.

the Galaxy map did look better and much more smooth, but I also thought that the conversations seemed more indepth in the old version (grabbing team mate and telling him to STFU or pulling out your gun), and while minor the idea that in the old build Shepard would have his shoulder against the wall instead of his back looked better.

And thinking about it more, I want the Mako and planets to be fleshed out a lot more if there was a sequel. Like, what I am expecting at very least would be gravity being different on each planet and general improved controls, but if they actually let you go on populated planets, that would be awesome. The game restricted you way too much in which planets you can go on, almsot every single one was the same with a different template, I wanted them to be really different.

I mean, there seems to be only a handful of different looking buildings in the game, the only difference between them all are the fact that they have different boxes lined up.

Also, do any of the planets have uncharted cool structures to find?
I found what looked like a prothean pyramid one of planets randomly, it was awesome when I saw that, but that was the only one.


Linkzg said:
the Galaxy map did look better and much more smooth, but I also thought that the conversations seemed more indepth in the old version (grabbing team mate and telling him to STFU or pulling out your gun), and while minor the idea that in the old build Shepard would have his shoulder against the wall instead of his back looked better.

And thinking about it more, I want the Mako and planets to be fleshed out a lot more if there was a sequel. Like, what I am expecting at very least would be gravity being different on each planet and general improved controls, but if they actually let you go on populated planets, that would be awesome. The game restricted you way too much in which planets you can go on, almsot every single one was the same with a different template, I wanted them to be really different.

I mean, there seems to be only a handful of different looking buildings in the game, the only difference between them all are the fact that they have different boxes lined up.

Also, do any of the planets have uncharted cool structures to find?
I found what looked like a prothean pyramid one of planets randomly, it was awesome when I saw that, but that was the only one.

Lets not forget that there is limitations to what can be done...and I'm not just speaking on space allowed. The more distinct planets/buildings, the more distinction that the artist/coders need to make when putting the game together.

I personally would like them to drop the idea of having like 20-30 side quest planets, and instead would like to have maybe 2 or 3 ones that are just as big as those found in the main story, even then, I would have to question whether Bioware has the money/resources to accomplish this.


Zzoram said:
Mass Effect has to at least win RPG of the year. I mean, it barely has competition, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Enchanted Arms, Super Paper Mario and Pokemon are not better games.
The Witcher and Pokémon are pretty decent competitors I'd say. But I doubt either even comes close to this yeah.

Darkman M

segarr said:
Lets not forget that there is limitations to what can be done...and I'm not just speaking on space allowed. The more distinct planets/buildings, the more distinction that the artist/coders need to make when putting the game together.

I personally would like them to drop the idea of having like 20-30 side quest planets, and instead would like to have maybe 2 or 3 ones that are just as big as those found in the main story, even then, I would have to question whether Bioware has the money/resources to accomplish this.

Well they have EA backing them now, i don't understand why MS didn't go after bioware i hope EA doesn't ruin this game, i think they were just laying the blueprint down with this one it has potential to do much bigger things.

Darkman M

Kabouter said:
The Witcher and Pokémon are pretty decent competitors I'd say. But I doubt either even comes close to this yeah.

Persona 3 is the only competitor in my mind\, yet they are totally different.
segarr said:
Lets not forget that there is limitations to what can be done...and I'm not just speaking on space allowed.
When I was playing through the game, I was thinking about disk space a lot. I often wondered that, if Microsoft adopted a higher storage medium, BioWare would have more "freedom" to do things. Wasn't it estimated that Mass Effect nearly filled up the space of its medium?

Kabouter said:
The Witcher and Pokémon are pretty decent competitors I'd say. But I doubt either even comes close to this yeah.
In regard to Mass Effect being Game of the Year, I would say it comes pretty close. I'm sure, to many, ME is or will be their GOTY. For me, there are too many things holding the game back for it to achieve such status.

Halo 3 is my GOTY, but, take that as you will. I loved Halo 1 and loathed Halo 2. But Halo 3 is everything I ever wanted out of the series.


U K Narayan said:
When I was playing through the game, I was thinking about disk space a lot. I often wondered that, if Microsoft adopted a higher storage medium, BioWare would have more "freedom" to do things. Wasn't it estimated that Mass Effect nearly filled up the space of its medium?

I haven't heard anything about how much space this game takes up.

Like I said though, I wasn't just (Or even mostly) talking about disk space.....somebody has to draw/code this stuff.
U K Narayan said:
When I was playing through the game, I was thinking about disk space a lot. I often wondered that, if Microsoft adopted a higher storage medium, BioWare would have more "freedom" to do things. Wasn't it estimated that Mass Effect nearly filled up the space of its medium?

it would be really sad if disk space was part of the reason why all the planets/buildings looked the same, it clearly isnt a technical problem.


Not Wario
The Mako controls exactly like a slower Warthog with a jump ability. Have those of you complaining about it never played a single Halo?


finished the game in just under 20 hours. I loved it but I really wish there were more space ports or cities. Jumping between barren planets gets a bit boring. The combat system and storyline were awesome. Great work by bioware


TheWolf said:
Ash looks like a total badass in Colossus Heavy Armor.
Do you have to buy this armor or what?

I'm on my third play through and level 50+ (exploring the entire galaxy this time)

And the Mako needed a boost button. It is stupidly slow.


no, you can find it in drops, although the dude in your ship will sell it when you're a high level. i'm decking my whole crew out in Colossus/Predator armor and Spectre weapons for the second run through.


TheWolf said:
no, you can find it in drops, although the dude in your ship will sell it when you're a high level. i'm decking my whole crew out in Colossus/Predator armor and Spectre weapons for the second run through.
Ive got Spectre Lvl 10 Weapons for everyone. And if he sells it, looks like ill be buying. (Maxed my Money and "Gel" amounts) :lol


i think you might need some or most licenses too. best thing to do is travel to a cluster/system, then travel back to the Citadel and dock. go down to the armory and make a save before you talk with the guy, then keep reloading until you get some stock that you want.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Darkman M said:
Persona 3 is the only competitor in my mind\, yet they are totally different.

People seem to forget about Persona 3 when they mention Game of The Year, even RPG of the year. Mass Effect is great but I'd still put it as close second behind Persona 3.

There need to be two categories though. One especially for JRPGs...
Couple of questions:

(1) I have no decryption skills, and have started to come across some lockers or whatnot that I'm not able to open, even if I have someone in my party with decryption skills. How do I get that person to open it, or are there skills still too low?

(2) If I'm a Vanguard, anyone have an opinion on which two teammates are the best?


Just finished it. Did every sidequest and explored every planet in just over 30 hours. Ending was good and satisfying. Will play another go around I think but this time I will go as a renegade soldier being the biggest ass I can be.
Can't wait to see when I allow the council to die. Also I am assuming that was a Reaper ship that leaves what looks like Ilos.


I'm done. Clocked in just under 30 hours.

Absolutely amazing game. Simply amazing. I loved every minute of it. Yes there are some minor issues, but they didn't take away from my experience at all. In my opinion, its the best story in a video game ever. Hands down. The way its told, the voice acting, facial expressions, etc. is unmatched to any game yet. And the holy crap at the ending. Awesome stuff.

I'm gonna play it as a Renegade on my second playthrough. Can't wait.
MaizeRage25 said:
Couple of questions:

(1) I have no decryption skills, and have started to come across some lockers or whatnot that I'm not able to open, even if I have someone in my party with decryption skills. How do I get that person to open it, or are there skills still too low?

(2) If I'm a Vanguard, anyone have an opinion on which two teammates are the best?

I played as Vanguard and I used Wrex (combat and biotics) and Garrus (combat and tech).

I just liked the characters most mainly because of the talks they would have on the many elevator rides.


dsunit1 said:
I like how the Mako controls actually.
The Mako is the most hilarious vehicle ever. It's suppose to be a giant multi-ton terrain vehicle and it flies around like a RC car. :lol

I love flipping off a rock and splattering a bunch of moon scavengers.
Its a shame i can only have the meaningful personal conversations with my crew only on the normandy. I hate taking that fucking elevator to reach some of them, even if it is only 10 seconds long.

Question. If im playing as a dude, can i hit it up with both Ash and Liara on the same playthrough or do they know you shaged the other? :p


How in the sweet jesus are the elevators bugging you guys.

They even give you new audio snippets of news or your party most of the time.
Odrion said:
How in the sweet jesus are the elevators bugging you guys.

They even give you new audio snippets of news or your party most of the time.

I would have prefered a load screen if it meant it was a shorter wait. It would be awesome if you could managed your stats or equipment while u waited. But all you can do is move the camera. That sucks.
One of the things I really like about ME is the cancel button during conversations. It's really good for speeding through long scenes and since the default dialog option always moves the story along it's great for jumping straight to the action.

Started a New Game + with my Soldier on Hardcore and it's a blast. Feels quite like a straight up shooter since I don't have to do a bunch of inventory swapping and whatnot. Of course I wouldn't put it up there with say...Gears of War or Rainbow 6 Vegas but it is really competent at what it does and all of the weapon/squad options gives it a nice amount of depth to work with.

Holy crap though. Nothing worse than getting bum-rushed by a Krogan warrior.

Also I noticed I missed a ton of quests in my last playthrough, most of which are the kind where if you go past a certain point you can't do them anymore.
Take Noveria for example. Instead of doing all of the quests for the labs I just broke in through that one door and went straight to the Matriarch, pissing off every guard/scientist along the way.


Chili Con Carnage!
MaizeRage25 said:
Couple of questions:

(1) I have no decryption skills, and have started to come across some lockers or whatnot that I'm not able to open, even if I have someone in my party with decryption skills. How do I get that person to open it, or are there skills still too low?

Its the latter, locks are evaluated against the best decryption ability in your party, you just need to level your tech guys decryption a bit.


Can I get the biotic/tech achievements by letting my squad do it, or does it have to be Sheperd?

what bearing do the choices in the end game have (save Council, pick human Council member, etc)? Is it just the ending scene you see?


Chittagong said:
I'm still on the fence on whether grab my Mass Effect LE or not - and not only because my 360 RRoD'd.

What worries me is that I didn't really get into KOTOR. To me the pace picked up too slowly. There was tons and tons to learn, with so many different menus and options that I didn't really feel like getting in control. Also, the game world seemed empty and repetitive, with big circular corridors with repeating rooms. Plus, too much dialog text to read through. So, I gave up on KOTOR after around 5 hours.

Still, Mass Effect looks appealing. I love the art style, the setting, characters and creation.

What should I do?

chittagong mass effect is way better than kotor.
I say you go&get it


widgetraf said:
Can I get the biotic/tech achievements by letting my squad do it, or does it have to be Sheperd?

It needs to be Shepard.

what bearing do the choices in the end game have (save Council, pick human Council member, etc)? Is it just the ending scene you see?

Just the ending scene and the conversations/choices you make as part of it.
I hope the events/choices made in this game carry through into the sequel, though.


widgetraf said:
Ok, second question.

How the hell do you complete the Citadel: The Fan quest? Mine just grayed out when I reached the end game. :(
everytime you go to the citadel and meet this guy, he will ask for some things each time. its up to you when you're going to say no. I bitchslapped him when he asked me to enlist him as a spectre. he cried and left running
p3tran said:
everytime you go to the citadel and meet this guy, he will ask for some things each time. its up to you when you're going to say no. I bitchslapped him when he asked me to enlist him as a spectre. he cried and left running

"But you're a hero! Heroes aren't supposed to do that! Wahhhhhhhhhh

What a great scene.
p3tran said:
everytime you go to the citadel and meet this guy, he will ask for some things each time. its up to you when you're going to say no. I bitchslapped him when he asked me to enlist him as a spectre. he cried and left running

yeah, that was the worst freaking side quest there was.
I was expecting him to blackmail me or steal my identity because he got my autograph and picture, but totally random and unrelated to the other two things, he just asked to be a spectre...I wish I could have broken his knee caps atleast.


Linkzg said:
yeah, that was the worst freaking side quest there was.
I was expecting him to blackmail me or steal my identity because he got my autograph and picture, but totally random and unrelated to the other two things, he just asked to be a spectre...I wish I could have broken his knee caps atleast.

Oh man, I missed out!

Last question,

How many monkeys do I need to run over to get the Renegade achievement? :lol


Being a complete tool in these games is always so hard for me. It was like that in KotOR as well. I hate being the jerk :(
DrBo42 said:
Being a complete tool in these games is always so hard for me. It was like that in KotOR as well. I hate being the jerk :(

yeah, I was only given a tiny bit of evil/red/darkside/whatever while my good/jedi/whatever side was full.

plus being bad in this type of game never really makes you feel bad, it just makes you seem like a prick.
Pissing off the Alien Council is so much fun.

Council: "Do you really think genocide is an acceptable solution to every little problem?

Shepard: "Whoops ::disconnect::

Major spoilers

Not to mention the fact that I basically had them all killed so humanity could take over ruling the galaxy. Sue-wheat!


Ok just finished the game in 36 hours.. Holy cow! One word describes this game for me.


It's not perfect of course, there are a few things I hope they fix in Mass effect 2. Most of it is technical glitches. Overall though the combination of story , characters, sound and graphics makes this the best game I have ever played. I think with Mass Effect you get out of it as much as you put in. I really took my time and fully immersed myself in the universe that Bioware created. I got the completionist achievment and did about 95% of the side quests.

At the end I loved the
little smirk on sheppard's face, kinda like holy shit look at what we did and we survived
. So fucking awsome.. definately my GOTY.

Mark D

So... anyone else get that Yaroslav Tartakovsky in the hot labs is an homage to Solaris/Tarkovsky?

Character even looks like Donatas Banionis. Goddamn, I love Bioware for that.


Sex scene question (for the achievement, I swear):
If I'm about to head to Ilos, have I missed the opportunity to make Shepard get down?

On that note, fuck Ashley. What a fickle, confusing bitch she is.
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