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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


Bahahahahahaha. She's so salty.

Shin Johnpv said:
I hope Jennifer doesn't go home. Fuck Christian and his cocky attitude, fucker needs to be knocked down a peg. It seems to me watching a lot of these cooking shows, chefs in general are some of the most arrogant, cocky asses.

I would usually agree, but Christian can actually back up his talk.
Heysoos said:
I would usually agree, but Christian can actually back up his talk.

That just makes even worse, fucker needs to learn some humility. It'll make him a better chef in the long run. He's so arrogant he can't even see his fuck ups. Like the never stir caramel thing. He refused to admit to fucking that up, even after Chef Ramsay backed up what Jennifer said during the competition.


Meh. It looks like this is it for Christian. Well the show is about to lose a lot of it's charm for me if he does.



I think I watched last week's episode where
Joe tosses that one chick's dish in the trash and seems to take it as a personal affront.
My god this show is just reaching for drama and it is unbearable to watch. I guess this is the only way for a show like this to attract viewers in North America.

I hope the Australian version never goes down this road.

Edit: Some of those dishes looked delicious though.


Kills Photobucket
Really don't mind Christian's attitude some times. Like last week when he celebrated after nailing the pork cheeks. It's when he's flat out rude to his competition, and since they called him out on it, I think he's improved.

However, I'll admit shock at Christian's comment to Chef about the caramel sauce being just a simple "The kids won't care". Big shock to see him not show pride in his work there, as it's something he's really been big about. I would say that both of them went a little too far in their trash talking tonight.

Edit: MC product placement continues to be funny.


That ending was bullshit to me, I am glad that they didn't kick anyone off because no one was bad, but come on if it was the red team that lost someone would have went home. It just came off like they didn't want anyone on the blue going home yet either because they thought they were better cooks than the ones on the red or they just couldn't let christian go home and lose the drama.

If it was between Christian/tracy and both did about the same tracy would have went home because she brings no drama. I call bullshit on this one they used the get out of jail free card on Christian and I don't even dislike the guy like many others.


I actually had the ending spoiled by my Tivo. I was checking to make sure something else was being recorded and I noticed the title of Tuesday night's episode (
Top 8 Compete Again
). The descriptions usually don't give anything away but they weren't so careful about the title.


Pkaz01 said:
That ending was bullshit to me, I am glad that they didn't kick anyone off because no one was bad, but come on if it was the red team that lost someone would have went home.

I don't have a stake in any of the contestants, but I agree with this statement. The red team outperformed the blue, but blue got a pass. Of course, I'm one of those "Don't monkey with the rules, dammit!!" people.
I never minded Christian's attitude. I'm rooting for him to win. I know it will be hard as hell but he can back up his shit, but one slip up and he is gone. I find it funny though that the other ladies are stooping down to his level, lol. Real classy shit all-round. Actually Adrien seemed pretty classy with his comments.

And when it comes to a show with Gordon Ramsay on it, there are no rules. On Hell's Kitchen he eliminates whoever he wants when he wants regardless of any "rules" they set up themselves, lol.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Saadster said:
Edit: I hate ben star for some reason, he's so annoying.

I hate him too, I run into a lot of guys / girls like him on campus, its just something about his personality that's ridiculously annoying, he's very animated and dramatic in a distracting way.


Neo Member
I wonder if this means 2 people will go home tonight? That is the way it usually happens with these reality shows when no one goes home one week.


boblobla said:
I wonder if this means 2 people will go home tonight? That is the way it usually happens with these reality shows when no one goes home one week.

The title of next Monday's episode contains a spoiler.


I'm really rooting for Derrick. I was afraid he would be gone last night. I think that the end will come down to Tracey and Christian though
chris121580 said:
I'm really rooting for Derrick. I was afraid he would be gone last night. I think that the end will come down to Tracey and Christian though
Derrick and Jennifer are my top two. I can't stand Christian's attitude and no, just because you are good at something doesn't forgive you for being an asshole. Reminds me of a few kids I knew in high school who thought they were hot shit.


Can't wait for tonight's episode. They are still doing back to back Ramsay nights right?


Derrick and Jennifer are my top two. I can't stand Christian's attitude and no, just because you are good at something doesn't forgive you for being an asshole. Reminds me of a few kids I knew in high school who thought they were hot shit.


Can't wait for tonight's episode. They are still doing back to back Ramsay nights right?
I can't stand Christian's attitude either but you can't deny that he's a phenomenal cook


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Christian is a giant dick and an asshole, but I hate Jennifer more, I hate her attitude and the way she talks. I'm hoping Adrian / Suzy pulls out the win, Adrian for talent and Suzy cause shes so damn cute


Kills Photobucket
Red_Man said:
Christian is a giant dick and an asshole, but I hate Jennifer more, I hate her attitude and the way she talks. I'm hoping Adrian / Suzy pulls out the win, Adrian for talent and Suzy cause shes so damn cute

Yeah, Cristian backs up his talk, and like I said before, outside of him just flat out disrespecting other contestants, I don't mind when he does a little trash talking. Jennifer's little dance when it looked like he was going to go... Screw her.


Neo Member
Suzy makes me want to punch babies. All she does is smile and nod at EVERYTHING. Then acts shocked when she isn't the best. Ugh.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
DrForester said:
Yeah, Cristian backs up his talk, and like I said before, outside of him just flat out disrespecting other contestants, I don't mind when he does a little trash talking. Jennifer's little dance when it looked like he was going to go... Screw her.

Yea pretty much, hard to hate on Christians antics when he backs it up almost every time, even opting to go head to head with Jennifer because he lost as team captain, no guts no glory. She just acts like a prissy bitch, and if she hates his attitude that much just ignore him, calling him a punk and all that crap isn't going to change his mind.


Kills Photobucket
As for a prediction, I do think they are setting up for Jennifer vs. Christian finale, with Jennifer winning it and beating "The Bully"


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
It's unfortunate, but I can easily see them making that happen, and I'll rage hard if Jennifer wins.
aaaaaaaaaand there's our ad. Fatman seems to do nothing on the show but the ads at this point.

and why are these idiots using the shortrib with that other kickass meat?
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