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MasterChef (US) - Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, Lex Luthor, and lots of crying.


slept with Malkin
Of course he's going to lose.

Christine won the second she cooked her first good dish and when people found out she was blind. She is infinitely more marketable.

pretty much this, Josh is going to get steamrolled. Too much money to be made on Christine's success in this competition.


Kills Photobucket
First season that I'd be happy if either won. They're both excellent. In this case it really is all about the most marketable, sorry Josh.
Agree she is more marketable but i don't see how Becky could have won that. Her frog legs weren't really all that praised, simple salad and shitty potatoes. Would have been retarded for Christine to lose with just being a little creamy.

It's crazy they way they edit Josh. He's super behind and everything is about to crash and BOOM, fucking everything is picture perfect.


YEAHH CHRISTINE! :D Kind of wish it were Becky vs. Christine though. Still kind of bummed that they pulled a lamer version of Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen.


Wow was rooting for becky all this time but I simply couldn't get behind the dish that got her the boot; Josh's on the other hand was a pleasant surprise! Happy for him.


I like josh and all but it Joe seems really biased when it comes to him and he always doubts/hates on christine. I am happy josh is in the final two but it will be bullshit if he wins. Its obvious they didnt let stacy compete with him and picked ryan instead so he would get an easy way back in the competition and the whole bringing someone back twist is bullshit all in itself.

Just too blatant even for a fox reality show.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Couldnt get past the first 20 minutes. I understand all reality tv is fake but this goes above and beyond. Looks and feels 100% manufactured in the worst possible way.


not a medical professional
The moment Becky started doing something 'too' complicated for the mystery box, I knew she was out.

The whole point is that they're home chefs, no one in their right mind would attempt the dish Becky was making at home... no matter how good her dish was meant to be, she was going to lose based on the difficulty alone.

It shows, because she even fucked it up and had to make a soup.


The only think I dislike about the show is how there will this hard challenge, like make a soufflé, and one contestant will state how he/she has never made one, but will then nail it and maybe even win the challenge. It's bullshit. Apparently they teach the contestants how to cook certain things but I think it's stupid how the show gives the illusion that they get no assistance.
The moment Becky started doing something 'too' complicated for the mystery box, I knew she was out.

The whole point is that they're home chefs, no one in their right mind would attempt the dish Becky was making at home... no matter how good her dish was meant to be, she was going to lose based on the difficulty alone.

It shows, because she even fucked it up and had to make a soup.

That was for her fish entree that she botched because of her poor technique. Had nothing to do with the frog legs and I think it is because of that meal that she lost to be honest. Sounded like the judges liked her frog legs more than Christine's overall dish. The moment the judges realized how she butchered the fish, I think they made their mind.


They thought her frog legs were good, but they didn't really praise it as much as the chicken. Even Josh pointed that out to Christine.


Minor headsup incase anyone missed it: The Finale will be next Monday. I'll try to post something Sundayish or earlier Monday as a further reminder. (Or someone else is free to beat me to it!)
The only think I dislike about the show is how there will this hard challenge, like make a soufflé, and one contestant will state how he/she has never made one, but will then nail it and maybe even win the challenge. It's bullshit. Apparently they teach the contestants how to cook certain things but I think it's stupid how the show gives the illusion that they get no assistance.
One of the first season contestants had a blog that documented all the classes they go through.

Basically, they are taught everything they may face on the show and are allowed study time for recipes. They just don't know when it's coming, if it does. And they obviously have harder circumstances to do so.

I wouldn't mind if they got rid of some of the challenges, especially a lot of the group ones, to show that stuff. I'd rather see them trying to learn to do souffle's, some failing, and then the poor students have to pressure test something.


I knew at the beginning of the season that Michael Chen wasn't going to make it far as soon as I read on his personal blog that he had just made his first souffle ever. That seems to be something that will always come up at one point or another.


I realize that Josh is less likable than before, but.... THAT DISH.

That Dish was amazing. Josh's dish was more sophisticated than either Beckys or Christine and it looked like a signature dish in a Michelin star restaurant.


Neo Member
I realize that Josh is less likable than before, but.... THAT DISH.

That Dish was amazing. Josh's dish was more sophisticated than either Beckys or Christine and it looked like a signature dish in a Michelin star restaurant.
Both of Josh's dishes looked amazing


Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. It's too damn cool that the final 2 are the 2 people I rooted the most for this season. I can watch the final and not even be mad at the outcome. Nice.

I want Christine to win a slight bit more cause she's just so fair, awesome, and cute at the same damn time. At the same time, I'm fully prepared to buy Josh's cookbook just so I can try to make that damn lamb dish. I don't really care for lamb and I want to try that dish.

Can't wait for the final. :D

Oh yeah, good riddance Becky. I will say though she deserves a job at restaurant way more than anybody on Hell's Kitchen.
Becky is the very definition of "perky, confident" marketable so I'm actually surprised she isn't facing off against Christine in the finale, that would have been an epically marketable match but I guess it makes it obvious they just want Christine to win since blind woman cooking amazing food obviously = more book sales. Josh can totally win but they'll look for any excuse they can to give Christine the edge (not that she isn't awesome). Anyways, I'm glad Becky's gone. She's a good cook but she's just the typical/boring Food TV type, she got too sloppy and full of herself (in her reaction she was truly shocked, you could totally tell she thought she was destined to be in the finale) and she'll have no problem landing on her feet (especially since Gordon told her she can work in any of his restaurants in any country she chooses). So yeah, happy with Josh vs Christine match because I like them both a lot, just wish it wasn't so obvious who is favored by the judges and producers (don't forget the "decisions are made with input from the producers" disclaimer at the end of every episode). Fun show but it's the WWF of cooking competitions.


So yeah, happy with Josh vs Christine match because I like them both a lot, just wish it wasn't so obvious who is favored by the judges and producers (don't forget the "decisions are made with input from the producers" disclaimer at the end of every episode). Fun show but it's the WWF of cooking competitions.

I get that and it probably comes it to play when it's a really close call, but like it was mentioned early I think Becky just didn't have it in this last episode and pretty much fucked herself, from fucking up that fish entree to creating those soggy potatoes.
Finally caught up. Glad to see Christine in the final. Josh's dishes were amazing. He definitely earned it.

As much as I've disliked Becky throughout the season, I felt bad for her in the end. She definitlely has an amazing passion for food. A job offer from Gordon is hardly a terrible consolation prize.


love on your sleeve
Too bad she can't



Also, if you guys want some great Ramsay after this is over, check out Gordon Behind Bars, only four episodes but might be the best thing he's done since UK Kitchen Nightmares.

I wouldn't even mind a bastardized US version.


Also, if you guys want some great Ramsay after this is over, check out Gordon Behind Bars, only four episodes but might be the best thing he's done since UK Kitchen Nightmares.

I wouldn't even mind a bastardized US version.
What's it about? Renovating prisons ala KN/HH?


He goes into a prison in the UK and recruits prisoners to try and create a business where they make stuff and he sells it, so they "give back" to pay for the costs of housing them.

He runs into all the prison restrictions, and the problems the prisoners have, etc.
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