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Max Payne 3 is a bad game [very long rant]


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Protip: if you don't want to deal with recovery frames don't dive headfirst into a fucking wall

Except it isn't just recovery frames from diving headfirst into a wall. It's shoot-dodging in general. The shoot-dodge onto the ground will put you into prone/laid back position and keep you there until you get up, which has the same recovery frames as "diving headfirst into a fucking wall" that the OP demonstrates.

I'm up to chapter 12 currently (and I'm thinking
Perro or whatever the fuck his name is "DAMN MAX, THAT WAS NO FUN" dude is really going to be the final boss instead of the family he hired me to protect. TWIST! MAX NEVER KNEW THEY WERE SLINGING COCAINE.
BECAUSE HE'S A*filter filter*N ALCHOLIC *drink FILTER FILTER* AND PILL *filter filter "PILL!"* HOUND! Guys, did you know that? We have to hammer this over your head!)

Anyway, I've been using the shitty cover mechanic since shoot-dodge puts you on the ground with Max not attempting to get into cover while prone by crawling, instead he'll slowly get his ass up while getting shot five ways from Sunday. "BUT YOU'RE JUST USING IT WRONG!" Okay, maybe, but why in Max Payne 1-2 can I shoot dodge and go from cover to cover to cover to cover and not get shot up from six different angles because bullet time continues as Max gets up to return to normal to prepare to shoot-dodge next but here my shoot-dodge finishes as soon as Max lays on the ground and bullet time ends? You might as well shoot-dodge from going down the stairs only and go into bullet time while utilizing cover like Rockstar apparently wants you to do.

Also shoot dodge can be used for "free bullet-time" if you want to abuse that and don't get shot-up BTW, Spring--

MormaPope said:
For example, the slow mo dive doesn't require bulletime juice but it'll take away from the meter if you have any.

--Right. Good to see I realized this and the "pros" have it.

Enter slow mo as you leave cover and take out as many people as you can, once the meter is close to being diminished, dive, finish off the people you couldn't get before. If you can't, finish them off while you lay on the ground.

Or stay in cover, enter bullet-time when enemies pop-up, shoot them, and exit bulletime as you're re-entering cover from aimed mode to reload (since reloading will eat your bullet-time) like I've been doing. I've been playing it as a stop-and-pop shooter since that's what Rockstar apparently wants me to do since 1) wracking up bullet-time seems hit and miss (headshots give a little, but other kills don't?) and 2) bullet-time doesn't last long enough nor allows me to chain it for a consistent "dances with bullets" like MP1-2 did. MP1-2 made me feel like a god entering and exiting bullet-time at will, shooting enemies while having a lot of bullet-time left if needed while any kills would add to the gauge to where I could be a consistent state of bullet-time per shoot-out with time left over if I managed the triggers well. Here I'm constantly out of bullet-time.

Spring-Loaded said:
It's not a game for the Counter-Strike or Quake player where you're movement is effortless and while crazy, your shootouts are clean, calculated events.

Maybe this is why I'm so disappointed outside of the atrocious character characterzation and story (do we really need three flashbacks for Max's reason leaving New Jersey/New York? His reason for leaving is terrible, BTW. It wouldn't be bad if
Max had a gun on him in the first place and had to shoot-out/kill the kid with Perro after the woman was knocked out instead of snapping and just shooting the kid in cold-blood
). I can see the shooting is solid, but I just don't feel like John Woo's "hardboiled" here. Compared to MP1-2.


I just loaded up Max Payne 3 again thanks to this thread, and apparently I unlocked the "Max Payne Advanced" costume for Max for completing the game on Old School difficulty.

Man, he looks great!


I wonder if those are actual GBA assets.


Except it isn't just recovery frames from diving headfirst into a wall. It's shoot-dodging in general. The shoot-dodge onto the ground will put you into prone/laid back position and keep you there until you get up, which has the same recovery frames as "diving headfirst into a fucking wall" that the OP demonstrates.

Read the rest of my post.

As for the rest of your post I don't really have the patience to dissect that word for word, but I'll just say this: you're playing the game like a chump. I mean in the same sentence you complain about the game not giving you enough bullet time then go on to cry because it only gives it to you for headshots

wtf dude

EVERY KILL should be a head shot. Every. Last. One of them. If you're aiming for the chest then you're doing nothing but wasting ammo and precious bullet time you should be accumulating for scoring headshots.

Also I don't understand why "shootdodge is a finishing move, using it inappropriately and the game is (rightfully) going to punish you for it", is hard for you to comprehend. Don't like eating bullets due to recovery frames? Don't shoot dodge into 10 enemies! Think: "can I kill every enemy before i hit the ground?" If no, don't shoot-dodge unless you can pick up the rest from prone aiming. Which reminds me: prone aiming! Use it! It's there for a reason, and it's extremely effective. Also, if you're having trouble picking off enemies off the fly remember the this most effective tip to help you through Max Payne 3 shootouts:


Seriously. Just stop, pop into cover, and scan the area. The game is very very good at letting you chose when to start a firefight, so take advantage of that! Look for choke points in the enemy patterns, wait for enemies to show themselves, etc. Cover is not for gears of war style stay behind and pop out every once in a while bs, it's for pre-fight preparations. However, once the enemy spots you (it's always obvious when they do) get the fuck out of cover. The game will routinely make your life a living hell for staying in there. The game routinely forces you out of cover via enemies become much more aggressive once they discover you in cover (they flank and flank hard), and nearly every cover point in the game being destructible.

And again: you don't even have to the above, really. If you're good enough at the game you can roll through every fight like a bad ass and never even touch cover. The game gives you all the tools necessary to survive. Don't blame the game because you're not a good enough shot to routinely score headshots, dude *shrugs*


The first game was a bad game and I can only imagine how terrible the third one is with Rockstar, the Kings of Klunk, developing an action game. *shudders*

Props to the OP for such a thorough critique of a game though.


I got tired pretty quickly in this thread of people telling me to "stop sucking less" and telling me I'm diving into the wrong places, though. And then offering me the optimal way to play the game. Which is eerily similar to how game developers want you to play cinematic games in only that one specific way. No thanks.

Well, what did you expect? If people strongly agree with you, they're going to say so, and if people strongly disagree with you, they're either going to be dicks about it, or try to convince you the game is good. The latter being quite cool, since they took the time to formulate complex and candid answers, generally devoid of sarcasm.
You obviously didn't want to play Max Payne 3 the way Rockstar had envisionned it. So be it, and I understand your frustration. But you can't really blame people for trying to explain how to play the game so that it gets great.


Great points OP. Agree with mostly everything.

Max Payne 3 is a terrible Max Payne game and a mediocre shooter. I played the two first games for the first time a couple of months before MP3 and I liked both way more. Max Payne 2 is easily the best.

And again: you don't even have to the above, really. If you're good enough at the game you can roll through every fight like a bad ass and never even touch cover. The game gives you all the tools necessary to survive. Don't blame the game because you're not a good enough shot to routinely score headshots, dude *shrugs*

You mean if you already played through the game at least once to memorize surroundings and enemy patterns right? Even then it would hardly be ideal. It's easy to claim anyone that don't do it sucks as a player, but the reality is that the game is simply not designed that way. It's not meant to be played that way and it certainly shows.


Messofanego said:
I got tired pretty quickly in this thread of people telling me to "stop sucking less" and telling me I'm diving into the wrong places, though. And then offering me the optimal way to play the game. Which is eerily similar to how game developers want you to play cinematic games in only that one specific way. No thanks.
Sorry Messo, you're a polite, articulate and eloquent poster, and I usually thoroughly agree with what you have to say. But this is nonsense.

It's like complaining that a racing game punishes you for taking illegal shortcuts. "it wants me to play it in a specific way. No thanks."

It's not that it wants you to play in a specific way, it's just, that's how you play, or you fail. If you dive into walls that are clearly visible, 3ft away from you, you will probably die. But that isn't the devs being pedantic, it's just, you know, logic.
GTA IV is the worst shooting game of the generation. I've honestly never experienced worse shooting mechanics. This is a game where you take cover behind a wall, pull the left trigger to have your character move his head slightly, and then pull the right trigger to stand up, take aim and then shoot. The character fires his gun a full second after you pull the trigger on your controller. You have to hold the trigger down through the standing up animation, too, because if you just tap it like you would in every other game ever you'll just send the character into a convulsion of the first three frames of his standing up animation over and over. Oh, and if you were crouching behind cover, you aiming reticle will move upwards as your character stands up, so you'll constantly shoot over people's heads. You can forego the cover system and just keep your gun drawn and inch around corners, but keep in mind you'll do it all at walking speed because you have to hold a button to jog, and also you can't shoulder-switch, and the camera will swim around if you move too close to a wall while aiming.

So, in other words, I didn't have a whole lot of hope when it was announced that Rockstar was making the followup to my one of my favourite shooters ever. I was stunned to find that MP3's gunplay is actually superb. It's totally different to the old Max Paynes, and the Euphoria physics mean shootdodging is totally worthless outside of very specific contexts, but I love it all the same. It's the only game I can think of where you can take a pistol with ten bullets in it and effortlessly kill your next ten enemies - I got to the point where I was snapping bullet time on and off for just long enough to put a bullet exactly between a dude's eyes as I ran past. It's all so gloriously precise, and such a fantastic change from just carrying around an assault rifle all the time. One enemy, one bullet, every time.

But I agree with just about everything else in the OP. You just never get into a groove because the game will never let you play for more than a few minutes at a time without another cutscene. I actually found myself getting confused in levels because I never got to navigate more than a couple of rooms before the game reached in and put me somewhere else. That bit where you snipe in the soccer stadium is absolutely unreal: the game locks you into the scope view, drags your camera around to point out enemies, then lets you shoot three or four guys before taking control away again. You just have to keep wiggling the mouse to know when you're allowed to play again. The story's alright for the genre, but it has none of what made Max Payne special in the first place (other than McAffrey's great performance), and we're now 0 for 3 on fun final bosses in the Max Payne series.


Playing Max Payne 3 made me appreciate the comic pages from the old games. A good example is when Max and the kids are going to the club in the beginning of the game. There's a few things being conveyed.

1: Max and the kids are going to the party by helicopter. The kids are already partying and Max doesn't like it.
2: They land and Max immediately retreats the bar which is then attacked. (Max throws himself threw a glass window and onto the dance floor. Ya, know he's old now.)

In Max Payne 3 this is a ten minute cutscene. In the former games this could have been maybe 3-4 comic frames spanning ~30-50 seconds.

The comic strips also added some nice surreal touches and kept it vague if it was actually what Max was seeing. The broken camera effect in Max 3 felt tacked on. As it's a rockstar game it's of course filmed like a hollywood movie. But the effect is that of maybe a documentary? I dunno. Why would you choose a broken camera to shoot the Max Payne/Jerry Bruckheimer summer blockbuster?
Basically this thread is "Max Payne 3 sucks because there are little things for me to nitpick about". Also, as someone who's never seen "Man on Fire", I could care a less how much it "rips it off".
i loved it because of the gunplay. reminiscent of the original FEAR with how cool a single room encounter can be. Several times i just want to reload a checkpoint and see if i can finish it again with less ammo and not getting hit at all! :D Max's euphoria limitations were a blessing and a curse with that.
All MP3 needed to do to be one of my favourites shooters is:
ditch the heavies, haaaaate those enemies they're not fun in these kind of games, its like uncharted
skippable cutscenes

aaand that would be it


Protip: if you don't want to deal with recovery frames don't dive headfirst into a fucking wall

I don't see how the game punishing you for choosing to shoot-dodge at an inappropriate time = wonky gameplay. Also, yes, on my first run of the game I only used cover in two situations: the two sniper sections. Every other fight in the game I was playing it like a Max Payne game, which you know, is par for the course considering his name is on the front of the box.

Also, why in the hell are you standing up in the middle of a firefight anyways?! Bullet time, kill the enemies you can't pick up with a shootdodge, shootdodge, kill as many enemies as possible, then STAY ON THE GROUND and kill whoever is left using the ground aiming.

I have no idea why people insist on getting up when the aiming from the ground is the best tactical option 10/10 times as you aren't dealing with the 3 second recovery frames.

And if you don't want to deal with recovery frames nor finish from the floor then don't shootdodge. The move is a finisher used to clear rooms, it's not useful for spamming it all the time as you're going to end up in shitty situations.

I can agree with the sentiment that the cutscenes not being skip-able (at least on the PC, I have no idea how the technical restraints work on the consoles) is terrible. I've beaten the game 3 times and would have probably never stopped playing it if the cutscenes hadn't drove me insane after two failed NYM runs.

Lol same here man! This game is the shit and aside from some nagging issues it's a pretty great sequel considering most sequels to old franchises these days are pretty bad.


Basically this thread is "Max Payne 3 sucks because there are little things for me to nitpick about". Also, as someone who's never seen "Man on Fire", I could care a less how much it "rips it off".

I don't think the game's larger design problems can be classified as nitpicks. Also, the problem isn't that MP3 borrows so much of Man On Fire's style and plot, but that it does such an awful job of it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And again: you don't even have to the above, really. If you're good enough at the game you can roll through every fight like a bad ass and never even touch cover. The game gives you all the tools necessary to survive. Don't blame the game because you're not a good enough shot to routinely score headshots, dude *shrugs*

Sure, "good enough" to go through the boat in bullet-time while racking up headshots that may or may not give bullet-time (BTW, I am going for headshots 99% of the time. The 1% of the time is long-range shots from cover like the boat) due to the way Rockstar wants to punish players for going for balls-to-wall bullet-time ballets instead of stop-and-popping (too bad since them not giving me bullet-time for using bullet-time has caused me to stop-and-pop)

Like the... third or so deck, you exit the main area (where they're busting walls) out to the UFC or whatever force on the docks. Bullet time, run down the hall--OH WAIT YOU HAVE 25% BULLETTIME, you can't run down the hallway while racking up headshots that may or maynot give you bullet-time! *pops into cover*

I can see they wanted you to be a bad-ass there, but given you're fighting 10 enemies in a row with them having pin-point accuracy with 25% bullet-time to where I can take five enemies down while moving toward the end of the long hallway only for bullet-time to not be granted since I may get 1-3 in the chest while strafing down the hallway, is stupid. It isn't bad-ass.

And to go back to the cover bit: If they don't want me to use cover, why the hell would they add sniper sections that FORCE me to use cover? And double-so force me to flank instead of busting a door open and going up to the sniper and beating the shit out of them? (Graveyard with Perro or Pesso or whatever his name is) I failed that section once or twice since I was rushing the main door (you know the door enemies are coming out of) while saying "fuck waiting for the AI to draw cover fire" make it up there and... door locked.

Nope, Rockstar wants you to go to the gravestone to the left of that door and snipe the dude. Can't do it my way with no grenades given to Max nor can you just shoot the windows of that balcony out and fire on him from cover anyway.

Also I don't understand why "shootdodge is a finishing move, using it inappropriately and the game is (rightfully) going to punish you for it", is hard for you to comprehend. Don't like eating bullets due to recovery frames? Don't shoot dodge into 10 enemies!

It's not the finishing move bit. It's the "dodge" bit. If they want it to be a finisher, they might as well call it "shoot and showey move." I get a grenade thrown at me? I dive over cover (which may sometimes catch me and throw me back on the ground: hello top area of the stadium when I wanted to dive over the cover and fall the three feet or so to the next bit before the stairs!), am next to cover. But Max is laying prone. Okay, shit, get up. *SHOT SHOT SHOT* Shit, get into cover *SHOT SHOT SHOT DEAD*. Why bother with that?

News Bot

Too many cut-scenes, too much cinematic flair, too much goofy "bleeding" effect which is named more for its ability to fuck my eyeballs into mush than anything else.

Otherwise fantastic game.
I hated it at first but eventually learned to enjoy it. The problem was I was trying to play it like how the old Max Payne games looked like they were played ie I could run around and shoot dodge left and right. Doing that in this game gets you killed super fast for multiple reasons. Once I stopped trying to play it like the game I thought it should be, I began to enjoy and appreciate it.

That said, I think it would be more fun if it played more like the old games (which I admit to having limited experience with). If you had more room to shoot dodge (without flying in to a wall or furniture), and were durable enough to run out of cover for more than 3 seconds, I think the game would b a more enjoyable experience for everyone.


I loved it. My favorite 3rd person shooter this gen. The gunplay was just so satisfying. If this is the type of combat we're going to see in GTA V minus the bullet time I'm really excited.
Max Payne 3 is a great game when viewed on its own merits. It does not match up to the greatness of the previous 2 games in the series unfortunately.

It's obvious how much of the blockbuster R* influence that permeates the GTA games has seeped into MP3, cutscene after nauseating unskippable custscene permeates the game and breaks the flow of the action; compare that with the previous 2 games that Remedy made and R* only published, they just felt different.


Great thread.

Totally with you, especially on the HURRY UP, BRO.

I'm getting to check out Max' apartment for the first time in a decade, with a huge smile on my face. It looks great, holy shit! Just taking it all in at my own pace. The Max Payne games were really special and this is such a treat to get another chance to--- HURRY UP MAN GO GO GO GO YELLING FAKE SENSE OF URGENCY GO GO GO GO


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I thought it was great for the first like, hour. Then I kept doing the same shit over and over again.

Not too fun


Story and atmosphere-wise, this was an atrocious Max Payne game. I was worried that the franchise would be Rockstarred and I was right to be worried. I agree with the OP almost entirely.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Guess you didn't play a lot of games this generation, if you consider this to be the biggest disappointment.

Either that or you are exaggerating for effect. Neither of which are particularly impressive.
disappointing != worst
Guess you didn't play a lot of games this generation, if you consider this to be the biggest disappointment.

Either that or you are exaggerating for effect. Neither of which are particularly impressive.
It has more to do with how much I loved Max Payne 1 & 2, and how excited I was for more Max Payne. Then Max Payne 3 wasn't much like 1 & 2, hence the letdown. It isn't the worst game this gen, but I do think it was the biggest disappointment for me.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I am in the opinion that shootdodge in this game is largely useless, and more times than not would leave Max in a much more vulnerable position against his enemies.

Bullet time however, is still incredibly useful. Instead of using it from cover to cover however, it is generally much more effective to use it as you go rambo running all around the place headshotting everybody.


Max Payne 3's repetitiveness is the main problem. Story and Max as a character weren't good either, so I agree with you OP on the most part.

Bullet time and physics are still amazing though.


Max Payne 1 and 2 had this excellent atmosphere that they weren't able to reproduce in 3. Which was pretty much the most disappointing to me.
I am in the opinion that shootdodge in this game is largely useless, and more times than not would leave Max in a much more vulnerable position against his enemies.

Bullet time however, is still incredibly useful. Instead of using it from cover to cover however, it is generally much more effective to use it as you go rambo running all around the place headshotting everybody.
Agreed. Pre-release, I was super excited to shoot dodge left and right but all that ever did was get me killed unless I was diving from cover to cover. Bullet time was essential though.
just finished this last night.. really disappointing game

outside of a couple sequences i felt this had none of the charm of the first 2 games

the dialogue was so awful and the story was so dull

so many scenes of people dancing that was animated really horribly


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And finished. Story kinda putters out right as it starts to get good (human organ trafficking and Max being the fall guy)

OP is BANG-ON about the end-boss fight, but to be fair: that same shit happens in Max Payne 2. HOWEVER, you aren't penalized for moving around the boss area of MP2 compared to here where you are. :/ Might as well continue to play the game as a stop and pop shooter at that point and stay near the ammo bag, blind-fire all the enemies, bullet time to kill the grenade when it shows up (TWICE) and then you have to do the QTE cutscene/bullet-time scene to finish that bit to go onto the ending.

New York Minute though, sweet lord that could be good if 1) you were able to save (compared to New York Minute Hardcore that should be what New York Minute is currently, would be less frustrating that way) and 2) cutscenes were skippable. Having the minute time limit kinda brought some good to the game with having to rush and rush and rush. BUT: failing the stupid sniper sections (since my dot seems to come and go now with that 1.07 PS3 update for the dead [can't find any games] MP portion that seems no1curr'd about) and having to redo the whole level is bullshit and kills that portion for me. Hence, if there was a save/check-point system (penalize you with time if you have more than a minute) for that New York Minute would be less frustrating.

But yeah, extremely disappointing game that forces you to play like it's a stop and pop shooter 9/10 of the time and the story is DISMAL for the character of Max and just because.
The use of the Euphoria technology in this was a mistake I think. Yes, it makes things animate very realistically. When someone flies through the air you can create some amazingly convincing rag doll effects and the body contortion effects are benchmark material. The problem is that you don't necessarily want that when you are in a Max Payne game, which traditionally relies on flying through the air in nearly every gunfight. In MP3, I lost track of the amount of times when Max would crash into something and got "knocked out", or took a while to get back up just for the sake of realism, turning me into a bullet sponge in the process. Even seeing him twist and contort to adapt to a change in direction became annoying in a similar way to other R* games like GTA4 and RDR because it was so labored. In a series that relies on split-second decision making, the slow and realistic approach just did not work in its favour, and that's why I ended up just cover shooting for 90% of the time. The game lost a lot of the series flair as a result.
But yeah, extremely disappointing game that forces you to play like it's a stop and pop shooter 9/10 of the time and the story is DISMAL for the character of Max and just because.

Nope. Even during that last part, I only shoot-dodged back and forth. It's annoying, but you at least get to shoot people/blow up the boss at the end. I cannot in good conscience accept the notion that running around in a circle dodging a constant stream of bombs/molotovs in Max Payne 2 is any better.

The use of the Euphoria technology in this was a mistake I think. Yes, it makes things animate very realistically. When someone flies through the air you can create some amazingly convincing rag doll effects and the body contortion effects are benchmark material. The problem is that you don't necessarily want that when you are in a Max Payne game, which traditionally relies on flying through the air in nearly every gunfight. In MP3, I lost track of the amount of times when Max would crash into something and got "knocked out", or took a while to get back up just for the sake of realism, turning me into a bullet sponge in the process. Even seeing him twist and contort to adapt to a change in direction became annoying in a similar way to other R* games like GTA4 and RDR because it was so labored. In a series that relies on split-second decision making, the slow and realistic approach just did not work in its favour, and that's why I ended up just cover shooting for 90% of the time. The game lost a lot of the series flair as a result.

I did, actually. like I said in my post (#401), the physics affect everyone, enemies included. You can always aim and shoot, even while standing up or bouncing off of the environment. You're not gliding weightlessly through the levels and that makes it appealing for me.

Far, far too many people are making the physics out to be inherently bad.
I think a distinction needs to be made between people who played this on Easy or Normal and people who played this game on Hard. I thought it'd be a more interesting and intense experience on a higher difficulty, but I was wrong. It seems that most people who liked the game played it on normal and never had to deal with certain mechanical issues and had a better time absorbing the plot.

Still, one of the biggest disappointments of the year for me, if only because so many people spent so much time designing environments that are completely meaningless.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nope. Even during that last part, I only shoot-dodged back and forth. It's annoying, but you at least get to shoot people/blow up the boss at the end. I cannot in good conscience accept the notion that running around in a circle dodging a constant stream of bombs/molotovs in Max Payne 2 is any better.

It's not. But it doesn't penalize you for moving. And sure, you can dodge with those three carts, but move out of that area? "NO MOVING! *FAIL!*"


And given the game is long hallways and shoot-dodge is useless (unless going New York Minute, sweet Jesus that's when it actually became somewhat good and headshotting fools while in that mode while still moving forward was good) for the most part with it eating bullet time and making you a bullet sponge in general, no: The game does want you to play it as a stop-and-pop shooter with the hallways. Shit, even the tram-ride in the last chapter wants you to do it (or maybe it's because the damn thing is basically a funnel for enemies to be headshotted makes me think that)
It's not. But it doesn't penalize you for moving. And sure, you can dodge with those three carts, but move out of that area? "NO MOVING! *FAIL!*"


And given the game is long hallways and shoot-dodge is useless (unless going New York Minute, sweet Jesus that's when it actually became somewhat good and headshotting fools while in that mode while still moving forward was good) for the most part with it eating bullet time and making you a bullet sponge in general, no: The game does want you to play it as a stop-and-pop shooter with the hallways. Shit, even the tram-ride in the last chapter wants you to do it (or maybe it's because the damn thing is basically a funnel for enemies to be headshotted makes me think that)

Where are you getting this from?? Was there a design documentary that said this? Did all the people in this thread who had fun running out into the open, mixing up their strategies play this wrong?

You played it like a cover shooter when it does not have to be. Why are you stating the above like it's fact? You said shoot-dodge becomes useful during NYM but it's the same damn game. What do you even mean by that?

And I've beaten every mode except for NYM Hardcore for anyone curious.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Where are you getting this from?? Was there a design documentary that said this? Did all the people in this thread who had fun running out into the open, mixing up their strategies play this wrong?

You played it like a cover shooter when it does not have to be.

Except the majority of the game is spent in hallways/stairs. The rooms are either littered with cover (that makes shoot-dodge useless in normal mode and practical in New York Minute since it gives you free-bullet time and since you're rushing due to the time limit the enemies won't flood the room).

Shit, I've seen enemies spawn in the "monster closest" OP is talking about and then walk right into the middle of the room to let me shoot them from cover. Why move?


No they don't, and even if they do blind-fire on the person trying to flank you. They go right back into the middle of the room to let you stop-and-pop. There's no need to "mix up" your actions. None. And given the game has 5-7 sections that they want you to utilize cover and stop-and-pop... yeah, I'm going to say the game is more stop-and-pop than the other/your style-of-play/old Max Payne.

In fact let me clarify: New York Minute/Shoot-dodge becomes essential because the game is pushing you to rush. Whereas the game DOESN'T push you to rush and lets the enemies spread out (or spawns them faster than you can get there compared to New York Minute) to where shoot-dodge is pointless and going to get you killed in non-NYM.
Thank you OP, now i know why Rockstar games this gen have had terrible feeling controls. Now i know what to look out for with GTA 5, if they use this engine again for the main character no buy. Its sad because i loved rockstar last gen but they have fallen so far imo.
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