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Max Payne 3 |OT| Funny as hell, we couldn't decide on a sub-title


Personally, THIS is my favorite song in the soundtrack. The icy cold 80s synths are just so depressing, and fit the ambiance of the level very well.


By the way what was up with those distortion effects during cutscenes? Goddamn annoying.

I had the same problem until I realized the enemies were wearing body armor. Go for headshots.

Seems inspired by Tony Scott and Man on Fire. I think it works well actually I like it


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Personally, THIS is my favorite song in the soundtrack. The icy cold 80s synths are just so depressing, and fit the ambiance of the level very well.
I'm inclined to agree. Right when you gain control at the start of the chapter and the first note hits, I was like, "fuck, shit is getting REAL".


End game spoilers:

I dunno. I think the game really does cheapen out, so to speak.
The whole game Max does nothing but talk about this inescapable downward spiral he's caught in, how he's on a suicide mission, how he can't win...and then, in the end, he does. My favorite moment in the game is when Police Dude and Evil Brazilian escape in Chapter 13 and we just see pure frustration from Max. It fits his character. It makes sense. Then it is kinda all undone in the next chapter.

It's a video game, so I get it. But Rockstar just refuses to give us the
ending we deserve. After all,
who gives a shit that some rich fucks got killed? Did you care about Fabiana? I didn't. I cared about Max and he, I think, didn't get what he wanted-- to die.

Just beat it, and yeah I definitely agree with your main point here. At the same time I think it's less about really cheapening out than just the basic reality of
it being a video game franchise that has to continue, and Max is the star attraction. I think Rockstar would have definitely killed him off - and they've shown in the past that they don't necessarily have a problem doing that at all - but Max Payne has to keep going, basically, and you can't kill this particular protagonist without killing the franchise as a whole.

I agree it would have fit the story much better and
ended up quite poignant, but in the end I understand why they didn't do it.

I loved Max's character in this game; this is probably my favorite protagonist to come out of this generation, and he's vastly more interesting than in Remedy's games (though I think a modern Remedy Max Payne game would spruce up the characterization a lot more than before). It isn't too often that we get a protagonist who is genuinely remorseful for his actions. Loved his commentary throughout the game as well; it was both darkly amusing and gave us great insight into his character and how he felt about all the shit that was happening.

I also really enjoyed the sort of
double twist with Passos. Throughout the game you think "well this guy is clearly gonna betray Max or he's up to something otherwise fucked up, and at first it's revealed that something similar was the case, but then it twists again to reveal that he actually really isn't that bad a guy at all and was an unwitting participant in the grand scheme much like Max, and ends up helping Max again towards the end.

Loved the music as well, as has been pointed out many times by others. Rockstar never fails to disappoint there.


Wow is the MP bad. The bursts are awful (especially the one that makes your entire team enemies), it's horribly unbalanced, it gives new players no shot against anyone who has better guns (levels 30 above have a huge advantage), and the spawns are awful sometimes.

SP was one of my favourite stories in a long time but the MP is just not much fun at all. Awful.


This is my favourite exchange in the game:

"Yeah yeah but how we gonna know who wacked him?"

"I got hollow points."

"Look, we all got hollow points"

"Look, we split the bounty, nice and even. Alright? Alright, fair."

"Do I look like a fucking socialist to you? It ain't gonna work."

"We'll work it out together. Okay? Look, cuz, how long we been doing this?"

"I'm not giving no handouts."

"I'm not asking for a handout."

Or something to that effect. And then one of them
gets shot in the head, and they casually say, just look, just look, and send goons after Passos.
Heh, so awesome.


I love the NY Minute and Score Attack modes in this game so much, and the contrasting strategy required between the two: Running and gunning headshots and melee as much as possible with no time to stop for anything versus picking shots carefully and chaining them while trying to never miss. Frustration and addiction going hand in hand.

Made it to number 1 on Xbox for the first favela stage, Chapter VII, with 97645 points. C'mon competition!


What are you guys K/D ratio on multiplayer?

Mine is a disappointing 0.69. I started like this on GoW3 then turned it around nicely, don't know if that'll be the case here.


What are you guys K/D ratio on multiplayer?

Mine is a disappointing 0.69. I started like this on GoW3 then turned it around nicely, don't know if that'll be the case here.


I never win wagers =/


By far one of the most stylish games around. Not that I expect anything but from Rockstar. It's beautiful, the movement and combat feels good, and the story and cutscenes were fantastic. But god, I never expected to be so freaking tired of the game about halfway in. It pained me to play it through to the end (especially the last two missions which went on forever).

The room after room of baddies really wore me down and far too many scenarios seemed to discourage shootdodging. If they do another I'd like some more varied combat scenarios with a focus on being dynamic and being able to use shootdodge and acrobatics in interesting ways. It should keep you moving and fighting in a stylish way. And, of course, more cinematic pacing within the gameplay, with some slight exploration/slower sections.
I beat the game yesterday and enjoyed it overall. I found the game to be more fun while using pistols. Finally getting used to the controls, the game just felt awesome getting headshots from afar with my pistol. Really loved the whole style and flow of the game and the music was really good. Will probably start a new game on harder difficulty later this week.

Played a few round of multiplayer, both soft-aim and free mode, and soft-aim is no fun at all. No challenger whatsoever. Was just getting kills like it was nothing. Free mode is definitely more challenging and fun. I found myself getting into rhythm quite early on and even managed to come back from some pretty big leads. I'm liking it more than I thought I would actually.


Ok seriously what the fuck. I've spend half the game shooting through a thousand goons
trying to save Fabriana just for Max to walk into a room like a dumbass and have her get shot in the head. Now I have to start this shit over again with the sister and douche bag I've already rescued? I think I'm finished.

Yea that was a particularly shitty sequence.


Finished this a few days ago. The game never really clicked with me although I did somewhat enjoy it. Didn't care about any of the characters by the end though. I also thought they over did it with the visual effects, yes we get it, Max is fucked up, we don't need a visual cue every fucking second.

They also fucked up with the background loading, I wanted to play through again on a harder difficulty but I can't be fucked being forced to watch every single cutscene again, not to say that the cutscenes are bad, just that I should be able to skip them on subsequent playthroughs.

I'm glad I bought it but at the end of the day I don't see what everyone else sees.

Also, soundtrack was awesome.

I'm pretty sure you CAN skip cutscenes once it's done loading. Just keep mashing the buttons.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
What are you guys K/D ratio on multiplayer?

Mine is a disappointing 0.69. I started like this on GoW3 then turned it around nicely, don't know if that'll be the case here.

Started out pretty bad, around 0.50 but slowly working my way up now. Hopefully I should be around 1.00 by the end of the week.

I hate dual wielding.
Both. Although I do think dual Uzis/MAC-10 are too accurate, those guns are more like a spray'n'pray when using one in each hand.

Isn't the whole schtick that everything's meant to be super-accurate? I'm not knocking this at all; just more or less pointing out that the game hardly take's Max diving whichever-ways and bullet-spread into account.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
So I booted the game up tonight and there was an 11 MB patch.

Anyone know what it's for?
I don't think they ever released patch notes, they just stated "various bug fixes". I do know that it didn't fix the screwed up sniper aiming when using inverted controls. I should probably just wait until they take care of that (hopefully soon) before trying to get the Passos achievement. :(

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Isn't the whole schtick that everything's meant to be super-accurate? I'm not knocking this at all; just more or less pointing out that the game hardly take's Max diving whichever-ways and bullet-spread into account.

I understand what you're saying but I am not talking about the diving mechanics and slow-mo. When you're hit from halfway across the map with dual MACs and die, well, I dunno but on my end it registers as me being a bullet sponge even though there is no assistance from anyone else.
Man, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but ever since I installed the new patch that was released on xbox live, SP has been buggy as shit. Four complete freeze-ups during cut scenes, and two instances of maps not loading properly. I played through the entire game without a single hiccup before, and now this patch is fucking everything up! ffffffuuuu!


i dont get why the mp is a wasteland (at least on PSN)

i dont think there is a region restriction, so why is there only 5,000 people active - are the playlist counts wrong?

would be a shame to see this mp become deserted because it can be really fun


Has anyone noticed the effects of "Urban Camo"? And is it always on if i have it equipped?

The effects are that players are less likely to spot you cause of the name that will go above your head will disappear I think. I always have it on :).
i dont get why the mp is a wasteland (at least on PSN)

i dont think there is a region restriction, so why is there only 5,000 people active - are the playlist counts wrong?

would be a shame to see this mp become deserted because it can be really fun

It's not really all that popular on 360 either. There is more people than that, but it's definitely not as much as I thought there would be. Considering how GTA4 and RDR were both very popular.


It's not really all that popular on 360 either. There is more people than that, but it's definitely not as much as I thought there would be. Considering how GTA4 and RDR were both very popular.

Well i keep getting kicked out during games on psn which is fucking annoying.


Just finished the campaign, really enjoyed it mainly because the shooting is so satisfying.

Probably one of my favourite action games this gen. Will also buy on PC.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You know, everybody keeps saying how amazing the soundtrack is and to be completely honest I haven't noticed the music at all while playing yet. Granted I'm only up to
the chapter where you're in the graveyard
but there haven't been any stand out moments where I really took note of the music.
It's not as if there are many actual memorable songs in the traditional sense, rather, they created an incredibly immersive soundscape. A lot of the music is borderline ambient in nature and it just works so well with the world they created.
It's not as if there are many actual memorable songs in the traditional sense, rather, they created an incredibly immersive soundscape. A lot of the music is borderline ambient in nature and it just works so well with the world they created.

That's why I love it so much. The music complements the game you are playing, getting more intense or relaxed depending on the situation you are in as a player. My favourite soundscapes use these techniques, from Amon Tobin's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory to Rockstar's previous title Red Dead Redemption. I have one of the sound rips from Red Dead which is about 9 hours long, just because of these techniques they are pulling.

I wish more devs would implement dynamic soundtracks.


I was worried about the shooting going in, but they nailed it for the most part. The only exception was the laser-sighted weapons, which felt way less accurate than the normal ones.

I loved how Max kept track of his inventory through cutscenes. After seeing him set down the AK to do something else, then remember to pick it up again, you start to wonder why every game can't do that.


Is the Rockstar Pass discounted for early adopters? As in, I can buy it for 2400 points now, but if I wait too long they'll up the price to 2800 points?

That's how it should be IMO. I loved that, as an early adopter, I got the LA Noire pass for 800 points. Today it's 960 points. Epic really fucked early adopters of the Gears 3 season pass. There was no point in getting it because by Christmas they had a sale on the individual pieces of DLC and the season pass itself.
Playing on normal. Finding the game very difficult. I don't know to approach the combat. I try to take cover and shoot. I die. I try to jump everywhere and shoot. I die. :(

Any tips?
Finished this yesterday. Gameplay was great but I couldn't get into the story at all. I was having trouble understanding Max's motivation to keep going. I was hoping there would be some kind of personal connection that was driving him like in the first 2 games.

I'm hoping to hear good things about the PC version. I want to try score attack and MP but swapping disc's and limitations of a controller are turning me off. If it's good I'll double dip


Playing on normal. Finding the game very difficult. I don't know to approach the combat. I try to take cover and shoot. I die. I try to jump everywhere and shoot. I die. :(

Any tips?

Activate bullet time -> Shoot people in the face -> Run out of bullet time -> Shootdodge to safety -> Take cover to regain bullet time

Repeat. :p


finished the single player...i didnt like it that much. the gameplay mechanics were pretty bad imo, the cover system was a joke and the gunplay was 'meh'. i wanted to like it because its clear so much effort has gone into this game it is just so detailed its unreal. as far as gameplay though i just didnt like it that much
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