It's not like they increased national debt, or owt.
The guy who vowed to eat his hat if the exit poll turned out to be correct, knife and fork at the ready pal!.
Move up North guys! Scotland welcomes you.
Move up North guys! Scotland welcomes you.
The guy who vowed to eat his hat if the exit poll turned out to be correct, knife and fork at the ready pal!.
They were far from accurate though? Unless he meant the order of the parties?
The spare room subsidy (newsflash, it's not a tax it's a reduction of benefits) just needs rethinking a bit.
Only start cutting the benefit when a suitable alternative is available and someone refuses to move without good reason (ie storage of medical equipment or a resident with a registered disability, etc).
People shouldn't be allowed to keep their 3 or 4 bedroom council houses once the kids leave home and there's only 1 or 2 people left living there.
It does astonish me how wrong polls were beforehand. Again.
No matter how much they correct for it, the UK always seems to have a larger 'shy Tory' vote than any predicted.
The pollsters at Survation must be kicking themselves. Their final day poll had the tories at 37% and labour just over 30%, but they didn't release because it was out of step with all the other pollsters so they thought it must be wrong...
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
They were far from accurate though? Unless he meant the order of the parties?
Not the first time I've voted. Lost last time too. Voted differently each time (both times hoping to keep the Tories out of power).
Hoped that five years of Tory ineptitude might have had some vague impact on the electorate. Never expected the effect to be that it would make them hand the Tories a majority and carte blanche to mishandle it even worse.
This is my point: as a left wing voter in 2015, I have no party. Nobody represents my views (except, perhaps, the Greens). My only hope going into elections now is that I can keep the Tories out of power so that they're not able to destroy the things that I hold dear about this country. Now I don't even have that hope left, and nor do any of my left leaning friends.
The Tories have won the battle of British politics so thoroughly that as a left wing person my only option in elections is to fight a rearguard action in the hopes of keeping them out of power. The right's hegemony over British politics has now lasted as long as the left's did after WW2, and it's only set to continue. I see no end to this situation in my lifetime.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
I expect Yvette Cooper, Sadiq Khan, Andy Burnham, Chukka Umuna and Dan Jarvis to be the main contestants.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
Move up North guys! Scotland welcomes you.
.only if you have the stomach for dewy eyed saltire waving exceptionalism.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
Sorry if this has already been asked but does anyone know who the frontrunners for Labour leadership are? If it's a bunch of white, middle-aged, dark haired men I may cry.
Chuka Umunna![]()
It does astonish me how wrong polls were beforehand. Again.
No matter how much they correct for it, the UK always seems to have a larger 'shy Tory' vote than any predicted.
I'm honestly debating with myself how feasible it is for me to move. I have no sanctuary as a lefty down here.
I don't know how well that'd work, he does terribly on question time
If you strongly identify as left wing, then this won't help you feel any better - but I don't think the Tories or right wing politics have won anything 'forever'. Both Conservatives and Labour have moved massively to the centre to try and widen their appeal. That has the secondary effect of isolating those with core left/right wing beliefs. One of the political balancing acts they need to try and do, and often fail at.
Not Andy Burnham, he's terrible.
The Libdem voters who deserted them in this election really should feel ashamed. They didn't sell out, they didn't stab anyone in the back, they turned a third place vote into real influence in government decisions while giving a voice to a wider pool of opinion and getting approximately 75% of their manifesto through. This was the entirely correct democratic thing to do, and their supporters have deserted them for it because they didn't get absolutely everything they wanted, the fickle selfish bastards. Funny how you can apply that selfish label to things so easily.
If you strongly identify as left wing, then this won't help you feel any better - but I don't think the Tories or right wing politics have won anything 'forever'. Both Conservatives and Labour have moved massively to the centre to try and widen their appeal. That has the secondary effect of isolating those with core left/right wing beliefs. One of the political balancing acts they need to try and do, and often fail at.
He's the favourite according to the Guardian, but I agree.
What do you guys have against Europe?![]()
I'm honestly debating with myself how feasible it is for me to move. I have no sanctuary as a lefty down here.
But don't believe scare tactics about the Scottish on a whole. While there are nationalist idiots in every country who create hate based divides, living here all my life I'd happily say the majority of us are a decent friendly bunch who'll get on with everyone. Especially if you're for progressive politics, good ideas and taking care of the vulernable.
Honestly, the biggest sticking point seems to be immigration. Apparently many people are happy to do away with improved trade connections, better human and consumer rights and everything else, because of it.
This is because any attempt to engage some elements of left wing support in conversation instantly degrades into racist/selfish/etc type abuse. So we've learned not to bother talking, there's nothing more futile than reasoning with a shouty aggressive person..
Which is silly. Immigration is a very important matter to consider and talk about, but some of the nonsense said about it during this election is shocking.
it's this kind of flatulence inhalation that i was talking about.
Two big contenders are Yvette cooper and Chuka Umunna. So no.
But I really hope it isn't Chuka. He's so underwhelming and unremarkable. Yvette Cooper is great imo if her heart's in it.
Is it?
Immigrants have always been an easy target for electioneering. Short memories I guess.
It is so much easier to make arguments against immigration because you can point to specific local examples. The way our brain works makes that more persuasive than thinking of the macro/national benefits of immigration to a nation.
Thanks guys.
Umunna always seems like he's on the verge of breaking down. Cooper would be great though.
Thanks guys.
Umunna always seems like he's on the verge of breaking down. Cooper would be great though.
Nothing is worse than a Labour woman. They are all unnatural, shrill, bossy, economic illiterates that are hell bent on disrupting the natural order of the world, from the position of the sexes to the organization of the family.
Question from an American: Why are UK pollsters so lousy?
I bet Balls would love that. One minute he's about to be chancellor of the exchequer, the next he's lost his job, become a cheerleader for his wife and a stay-at-home-dad.