I mean, I doubt many people wanted the rails privatised, but it still happened. The PPP for the underground? Still happened.
I imagine even fewer wanted Royal Mail privatised, but it still happened. It's all about making sure the thing you want to privatise is starved of enough money for long enough that when you bring up the idea of mass privatisation and all the supposed benefits it will bring, people jump on it without realising the long terms ramifications of such an action.
NHS is way more important to people to not be privatised. I don't believe you can compare them.
If the do it the outrage will be huge and I doubt anyone will vote for them again. There manifested said they were investing more money in it. I know its easy to just say "thats full of lies" but guess what. You can say that about all parties. People eventually learn that all you can really do is read the manifestoes and vote based on what one achieves what you want for your country. Avoid the media circus bullshit on TV as much as possible and see what happens.
The hate I'm this thread is quite out of hand at times. Many of us voted Tory because we believe they have a good economic plan for the long term. We arnt thinking short term. There are bullahit policies in there (right to buy, bedroom tax) but I'm not going to vote labour instead when I trust them even less.
But apparently we all hate poor and disabled people.
Its just an endless cycle and those younger voters here will eventually see this.
New part gets in power
Other side claim its an outrage
Party doesn't fulfill all its promises
Win next election as well
Papers point out parties lies
Repeat till new party get in
Go back to step one.
They all lie
Some one is always worse off
Its never black and white.