No, it says "fuck you scotland". We were told all the way through the referendum "don't leave the UK, change the UK". Scotland elects the party it wants at Westminster democratically which have a whole lot in common with the Labour party and could deliver a progressive agenda. Him saying he'd rather have the Tories in than deal with Scotland's electoral choice is a great big fuck you to everything said during the referendum.
You are responding emotionally rather than looking at the politics of it though. Sorry for that sounding rude. You're not the person he's talking to here, to be honest - he's not getting your vote anyway. If labour are to retain any seats they need to get some of those people who have voted labour for their entire lives back, and he can't do that by legitimising the SNP.
As I said - post election, of course they will work together in some way, even if only a queens speech agreement so Ed is prime minister. But right now it's suicide to say that, both in Scotland and England for him.
Also, on a side note - NO major party will ever talk about deals and working with other parties in a minority government before the election. It absolutely will not happen, full stop, ever. Right up until the polls closing you only ever talk of winning outright - saying otherwise depresses your vote nationwide. This is one of the basic rules of politics, and isn't just labour in Westminster - you won't find a party anywhere in the west that starts talking about potential coalitions and party alliances *before* the votes have been counted.