I think Seth Rollins has gone farther in the past 8 months than anyone really could have imagined Tyler Black going. His team has defeated Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Ryback, Kane, Undertaker, Big Show. He defeated Sheamus and Orton at WM. The first WM for any of his teammates.
Hell, by the sounds of that (and given how the modern WWE works), the fact that pretty much anyone was able to accomplish those feats in such a short amount of time is a damn miracle in itself.
Hrmm, since NXT is the only weekly WWE show that's really good I thought we spoiler tagged results for it.
I demand to have that picture of Bo Dallas where someone put a censor mosaic over his pelvis done up to make it look like he's wearing nothing but the NXT belt.
The goal here is to provide a home for self-sustaining ongoing megathreads in Off-Topic Community rather than locking them outright (where appropriate).
By moving most of the ongoing megathreads, Off-Topic can focus more on new, temporary discussions and feel fresher and more relevant with every F5, instead of stagnating and knowing what you're going to see ahead of time. Where bonds have formed in subcommunities, they can continue in Off-Topic Community discussion. We encourage members to use the subscription function with Community threads that interest them for easier participation; Gaming Community and Off Topic Community are not intended for general thread list F5ing, as opposed to the two main forums.
This is not a punishment. Off-Topic Community subcommunity members are encouraged to post temporary discussion threads for the general forum population in the main Off-Topic area, for example for a specific sporting event or political debate or album release. However, keep in mind that insular, cliquey, exclusionary behavior won't be tolerated.
Additionally, remember that original material is good, and links from other news and content websites are good too. Don't be hostile toward new threads in Off-Topic, as that's part of the reason for the stagnation currently being experienced. Relax and have fun.
Why do I feel targeted here?Don't be hostile toward new threads in Off-Topic, as that's part of the reason for the stagnation currently being experienced. Relax and have fun.
So many of the new arrivals seem to feel that Community is where groups go to die or just wither away without ever gaining new members.
A buddy of mine who lost his house in the tornados Monday apologized to me because my King of trios 2012 was in it. I let him know I can let that one slide.
DAmn its getting crowded in here,. now it really is a ghetto
So Bo beat Big E who beat Alberto who was the former champ.
So Bo can win the World Heavyweight title whenever he feels like it.
So Bo beat Big E who beat Alberto who was the former champ.
So Bo can win the World Heavyweight title whenever he feels like it.
Why stop there? Bertie once beat Punk for the WWE Title.
And Punk once beat Cena, who beat The Rock
Who beat Stone Cold
Who beat Vincent Kennedy McMahon
Who beat an indie up and comer, what was his name, oh yeah, it was God.
Build an altar and slaughter upon it your finest fattened calf. It creates a pleasing scent for the Bo.
Considering how the match ended, and the massive heel reactions he got I can't see this NOT happening.No way. Bo better be gearing up for a monster heel turn or something.
We did. We also did the same when he came out to face Keegan and after the match.Someone on twitter said this happened. I hope its true:
One person on Twitter says that the audience all turned their backs (literally) when Bo won the title to show their displeasure with the result
For anyone interested, he's a spoiler report I did for the taping:You got a link for that? I can't find results anywhere.
More like X PAC of NWORollins is the Marty Jannetty of The Shield.
We did. We also did the same when he came out to face Keegan and after the match.
For anyone interested, he's a spoiler report I did for the taping:
There were a good number of people (even a couple in the front row) that got up and turned away from the ring when Bo won, and also every subsequent time he came out for the rest of the night.That'd be fucking hilarious if the whole crowd asked for a refund after Bo won.