problem solved

This hotel looks promising. Will have to wait a while before we can book a room though.
It is a bit further from the stadiums though, might need a cab....but it's still French Quarter.
Edit: about a 15 minute walk to the stadium.
Looks like lots of places are not even booking rooms that far in advance yet.
Rollins is way better on the mic than Jeff but I wouldn't say he's wonderful by any means.
I watched some of his work prior to this shield thing and his mic work is better Randy Orton who is a main event guy right now. The Shield is great stuff even though they don't really have a story line. Once the WWE gives them a story line these guys will great. The problem is that you don't have strong groups like you had in the late 90's. And these guys aren't allowed to go wild. And they aren't allowed to wrestle to the best of their abilities either.
Big birthday love to my cousin WWE's Roman Reigns.
Future WWE Champion.
Proud of you uso. Stay humble and hungry. #FaaSamoa
Rollins is way better on the mic than Jeff
He powerbombed your ass last time you met in the ring Rock!
"Nobody remembers that."
The other usos are not humble nor hungry
I was gonna start my first post with "I'm gonna assume you never watched WCW when Goldberg was in his prime and only saw his WWE stuff" but decided that we be unfair.
Goldberg was a beast and along with the way they build him up he was unique and impressive.
Sometimes I wonder if you guys believe you're own hype with Bo Dallas.
I worry about you guys.
Sometimes I wonder if you guys believe you're own hype with Bo Dallas.
I worry about you guys.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Universal called to say FAST 6's record breaking box office success doesn't happen without The "Samoan Thor".
Thank U! We ALL did it.
Including my bicep baby oil.
Also, want to rewatch Contact.
Zemeckis' Contact?
DO EET! Magical sci-fi wonder all up in that movie.
eat it Vin LOSER!
Dude I was there. Talked to your friend with the sign too!Yeah, overall it was pretty fun. My friend got to meet Paige and get her to sign this sign he made for her earlier in the week:
I also got to meet and talk with Hero for a bit.
Oh and Bayley's new gimmick is so weird. She acts all innocently happy go lucky. She comes out awkwardly smiling.
Before the match her team did a group huddle, so she then went to try and do one with the other team as well, but was stopped by Emma and Charlotte. Also during the match I likened her interactions with her team to the little sister who is giddy to be hanging out with her big sister and her friends and keeps trying to impress them.
Watching one of the Stone Cold docs...
WWE pitched him three names: Otto von Ruthless. Ice Dagger. Fang McFrost.
:lol :lol that's on some Big McLargehuge shit
WWE suggested names for Mankind:
Lone Wolf
Odd Man
False Face
Igor Van Gogh
Gore Van Gogh
Dude I was there. Talked to your friend with the sign too!
Nice. Me and you may have chatted as well then, since me and him sat together.
Guys, im genuinely excited to hear Final Countdown in a non-ironic or wrestling related manner!
We talked to him on the way out. We did the Bo-ring and no mo Bo chants.Nice. Me and you may have chatted as well then, since me and him sat together.
Beef, get out.
WWE suggested names for Mankind:
Lone Wolf
Odd Man
False Face
Igor Van Gogh
Gore Van Gogh