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May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

You used two different accounts to access the WWE Network and the WWE is desperate?


You see people drag guys into position all the time.

Naomi dropped her way too far and rushed the move. Bliss had to roll like a ton of times in very little time just to get close.

Your standard is weird because it's kinda arbitrary. Even in correction you've dismissed my examples as old (when did Flair last win a world title with a figure 4 again? Also Miz uses it as a signature and doesn't win with it ever.) Raven was winning matches with the DDT basically until he retired which was not that long ago.

Also Del Rio does a cross armbreaker, not the same move

John Morrison does a split legged corkscrew it's not even the same move.

But if we include variations: Ambrose does a double arm DDT as did Drew MacIntyre before him and Dude Love before him so really a DDT is comparable to that soooo...

In the end my point is there's nothing wrong with some old school finishers mixed in.

I already acknowledged that the figure four's credibility has waned thanks to the Miz. Moves evolve over time. Kind of how the DDT has evolved from a finisher to a regular move used by half the roster. A finisher should be a unique. Something you can't see on the current active roster unless that person is doing it. There's nothing arbitrary about that.

She didn't have to roll "a ton of times". You can even see Naomi look back to see if Alexa was getting into position, which she was starting to before the camera cuts away. She managed half of one roll and ended up sideways when Naomi hit, which is why she got injured.

soooooo........ Alexa should at least do a unique variation of a DDT as a finisher instead of just a regular one is my point. No one else was doing Drew's or Dean's finisher while they were using it. Alexa is using a move that is currently being used as a regular move by the Miz and John Cena and Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens and Sheamus and Enzo Amore, etc. etc. It's akin to a hip toss or a body slam these days. To compare it to a crossface or an fujiwara armbar is just silly.

I will not rest until a team brings back the Power-Plex!


Now this is an example of an old school finisher that would actually make sense to bring back as half of the roster is not currently using this move during their matches. Why the Uso's aren't doing this right now is beyond me.


So it's so stupid you'll create infinite email accounts to keep watching it....
I'm kidding...

I was subbed for three years in a row but just recently cancelled because of the bullying situation, the 2nd account is the one my brother used for a while, which I did use for just a few weeks too.
I'll be real I lost complete interest in this conversation when you went all Jerry Lawler over Bliss' body building picture.

It completely negated any credibility you had in terms of talking about the Women's Revolution.

Also going back to the very start you could have simply stated you didn't like the DDT instead of accusing anyone who did of being delusional....


I'll be real I lost complete interest in this conversation when you went all Jerry Lawler over Bliss' body building picture.

It completely negated any credibility you had in terms of talking about the Women's Revolution.

Also going back to the very start you could have simply stated you didn't like the DDT instead of accusing anyone who did of being delusional....

Come up with any excuse you want not to argue the facts. More than happy to conclude the discussion.


Meltzer's take on the ratings:

Raw numbers hit a shocking low last night, even coming the day after the Payback PPV.

The three hour show averaged 2.86 million viewers, setting a new 20-year low for the show on a non-holiday and non-football time frame. The number barely beat what a lot of the SmackDown shows had been doing prior to WrestleMania. It was a five percent decline from last week's 3.00 million viewers. Traditionally the Raw after a Raw-brand PPV should show an increase.

Worse, not coming off a PPV and with next week's show being taped, another number in this vicinity is possible. There will only be one NBA game next Monday, Warriors vs. Jazz, so the first hour of Raw will go unopposed and that may help a little.

The culprit was the NBA playoffs, as the first half of Raw went against a Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Toronto Raptors game that did 3.58 million viewers, and the second half of Raw went against a San Antonio Spurs vs. Houston Rockets game that did 4.43 million viewers.

Raw numbers are likely to be low as long as there is playoff competition. However, with the decline of Fox News ratings in the wake of Bill O'Reilly being gone, Raw beat everything else on cable last night.
Meltzer's take on the ratings:

The WWE just really needs to spice things up. They have just been turning the wheels for so long.

I had booked Kenny omega to come in and be Brian Pillman 2.0, and elevate everyone. That will never happen. and we are stuck with such mediocrity ( not in talent, just in creativity. )
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