People Boo Paul Roma?Every time you boo Roma, a Roma fan spitefully buys a t-shirt.
People Boo Paul Roma?Every time you boo Roma, a Roma fan spitefully buys a t-shirt.
Omega vs. Elgin for the IC title is really good, plus check out the Elimination match main events from the Korakuen shows. If you have time, the various tag matches between KUSHIDA/Shibata vs. Liger/Nagata are pretty fun.
You can skip Tanahashi vs. Fale.
Humor is overdone. I can probably name 2-5 characters that have similar dialogue or jokes from different TV shows. Lois Griffin's dad is one of them...
I booed during Power and Glory matches but those jeers were predominantly reserved for Slick and Hercules.People Boo Paul Roma?
Yeah, he handled them expertly. Shame the rest of the segment bombed.Speaking of Vince, what a masterful job of handling the CM Punk chants last night.
I booed during Power and Glory matches
It's why we're in the worst era. You'll never again see a crowd hot for anything like they were for Goldberg/Hogan, but you'll also never again see a crowd not want to get themselves over at the cost of everything else. So the talent are trapped in this limbo hell where nothing they do matters, in kayfabe or reality
Like the card at ER will be the same as Payback, but the IC and Zayn/Owens matches will be combined and the League of Nations will get on the card with a triple-threat to fight each other.
Dean will be on the preshow selling shirts and plugging the Network
It won't have Ambrose vs Y2J.
Camp WWE is good for Vince.
How could anyone ever think Vince isn't playful?It definitely showed a more playful side to him.
Real talk, Camp WWE has me hopeful that one day, in the distant future, we might see a network exclusive R Rated wrestling product.
I have to laugh that Corbin had to do the job for Ziggler in his first PPV.
Even Tyler Breeze beat Ziggler in his first PPV.
Five to ten years maybe.
And it features WWE wrestlers portrayed as 8-year-olds.Camp WWE is that first crack in the PG armor that shows you they're willing to do something in an R Rated territory.
And it features WWE wrestlers portrayed as 8-year-olds.
Somehow this seems a little backwards to me... or at least it would except we live in a universe where 8-year-olds routinely play Call of Duty while their fathers play Pokemon.
And it features WWE wrestlers portrayed as 8-year-olds.
Somehow this seems a little backwards to me... or at least it would except we live in a universe where 8-year-olds routinely play Call of Duty while their fathers play Pokemon.
How could anyone ever think Vince isn't playful?
Dude's life philosophy is how awesome it is to push unsuspecting people into pools and laugh at them.
"I trolled you. Teehee." Dude lives and breathes playful... albeit prioritizing his own amusement above all others.
Real talk, Camp WWE has me hopeful that one day, in the distant future, we might see a network exclusive R Rated wrestling product.
That's my point. The only WWE product featuring material unsuitable for children features wrestlers portrayed as actual children. It's ironic.Have you watch the show? Because Kid-Austin cusses a lot.
That's my point. The only WWE product featuring material unsuitable for children features wrestlers portrayed as actual children. It's ironic.
Is this the Groundhog Day thread all of a sudden? Because it feels like the Groundhog Day thread.Real talk, Camp WWE has me hopeful that one day, in the distant future, we might see a network exclusive R Rated wrestling product.
Cleverly ironic?
I rewound when I heard that 'motherfucker' line.
Real talk, Camp WWE has me hopeful that one day, in the distant future, we might see an OT2 again.
Goodnight Everybody.
It will be like :
Crowd "HOW YA DOIN!!!" " HOW YA DOIN!!"
Enzo will be all like "I'm ok , how YOU doin" or something and the crowd would go nuts
We were not fortunate enough to be blessed with Davey Richards's retirement.
To celebrate:
I hate to hit and run when I'm not nearly current on this thread, but real talk, Camp WWE has me hopeful that one day, in the distant future, we might see a network exclusive R Rated wrestling product.
I have no idea why that would be a thing anyone would want.
Like does this theoretical R-rating wrestling product have in it? Kevin Owens telling Sami Zayn to go fuck himself? Ambrose uses the chainsaw? Gratuitous nudity?
"I'm not done talking, asshole!"Somebody on commentary muttering "Jesus Fucking Christ" anytime Roman picks up a mic.
There's Menome!
Hey, Menome! I hear that game you like sucks!
(Got 'im.)