No lie this raw been kind of good. To think I was going to skip this for Sleeping Dogs.
It's like poetry
No lie this raw been kind of good. To think I was going to skip this for Sleeping Dogs.
Pork bun make you happy man
I'm not a whole man without a pork bun brother.
You can thank Kane, the show's gotten better in recent weeks since he got a bigger role.
You can thank Kane, the show's gotten better in recent weeks since he got a bigger role.
The IWC? Is that still a thing? All wrestling fans are on the Internet now. Tweeting away during RAW so multiple things become the #1 worldwide trend while it airs.
Cena was never really in danger of losing though. Especially when he decides to go from 30% full power to 50% full power and AA Sami for CENAWINSLOL
ImprovementsIt also helps that there is absolutely no role for The Big Show.
Well at least Bryan is a spokesman for 5 hour energy drink and it seems they are not going to strip him of the title right now.
Sheamus' eye bruised from last week?
You need to calm downI use it as a term af derision when people are being stupid to describe people who don't know shit about wrestling booking but complain about everything reflexively without even thinking. This was a prime example.
None of this shit you guys are spewing makes the booking bad. The booking was perfect.
-They timed his introduction in front of a hot crowd who knew him and loved him.
-They brought out THE living Canadian legend to put him over.
-They debuted him against the biggest star in the company for the last decade.
-They gave them time, in a competitive match and let him get his cool highspots in.
-They even let him kick out of John Cena's finisher.
-The story was he was clearly a hot young star, but also clearly the underdog from the outset. That's basically the whole fucking story of Sammy Zayn, so they booked to his greatest character strength. Then, to make it worse, he got hurt in the second move in the match. So, that gives him and his fans a built-in excuse for losing. "Oh, if he hadn't got hurt right away, he might've won" sorta thing.
You can't blame the fucking booking for John Cena's SELLING. I know you aren't dumb. Stop acting dumb.
And maybe Cena went home a little quick so Zayn could have that moment in the ring after the match, which was pretty damn important, and was better with the time. If they had gone "TO THE BACK!" (actually to a commercial) immediately after the match, that would've been TNA-level shit, and would've killed the perceived importance of the moment.
Sheamus' eye bruised from last week?
So only 5 mins for main event?
You need to calm down
Agreed.he ain't wrong though
So only 5 mins for main event?
But he shouldn't be telling people they don't understand wrestling at all and calling them idiots just because he doesn't agree. That's called being a cock.he ain't wrong though
Kevin Owens @FightOwensFight · 9m 9 minutes ago
All these @WWENXT dorks tweeting how proud they are of Sami Zayn should have their Twitter accounts suspended.
I use it as a term of derision when people are being stupid--to describe people who don't know shit about wrestling booking but complain about everything reflexively without even thinking. This was a prime example.
None of this shit you guys are spewing makes the booking bad. The booking was perfect.
-They timed his introduction in front of a hot crowd who knew him and loved him.
-They brought out THE living Canadian legend to put him over.
-They debuted him against the biggest star in the company for the last decade.
-They gave them time, in a competitive match and let him get his cool highspots in.
-They even let him kick out of John Cena's finisher.
-The story was he was clearly a hot young star, but also clearly the underdog from the outset. That's basically the whole fucking story of Sammy Zayn, so they booked to his greatest character strength. Then, to make it worse, he got hurt in the second move in the match. So, that gives him and his fans a built-in excuse for losing. "Oh, if he hadn't got hurt right away, he might've won" sorta thing.
You can't blame the fucking booking for John Cena's SELLING. I know you aren't dumb. Stop acting dumb.
And maybe Cena went home a little quick so Zayn could have that moment in the ring after the match, which was pretty damn important, and was better with the time. If they had gone "TO THE BACK!" (actually to a commercial) immediately after the match, that would've been TNA-level shit, and would've killed the perceived importance of the moment.
You need to calm down
But he shouldn't be telling people they don't understand wrestling at all and calling them idiots just because he doesn't agree. That's called being a cock.
But he shouldn't be telling people they don't understand wrestling at all and calling them idiots just because he doesn't agree. That's called being a cock.
Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't give you the right to come across as a snobby dick about it. There are ways to express opinions politely.When people say that booking was bad, they don't know anything about wrestling. That's called being honest.
I just came in right before the Zayn match, have they mentioned anything regarding Daniel Bryan?
I just came in right before the Zayn match, have they mentioned anything regarding Daniel Bryan?
I just came in right before the Zayn match, have they mentioned anything regarding Daniel Bryan?