Weirder things have happened. For instance, some people actually think AJ Lee is attractive.
I am astoundingly confused as to why there are
A: Two hardcams
B: Cameras opposite each other and clearly in each other's viewpoint
INDIESI'm done nitpicking wheeee
NXT is so terrible. Nothing on it makes any sense. Why would Bo Dallas care about losing a loser leaves town match when losing it means he gets to leave this bingo hall and go to WWE? This shitty show is like WWE's version of Thursday Thunder.
Why would Bo care about being kicked off of the show that he was the longest reigning champ on? Is this a real question?
How nice of him to save the overly rehearsed speech for the fans instead!
Dragonzord said:Quackenbush roleplaying that he's Paul Heyman at ONS or something?
That was my only AJ gif
I honestly believe Mike Quackenbush suffers from some form of megalomania.
Listen to his Colt interview for more proof of this, or to be inspired. He knows how to get people fired up and is a really passionate dude. Can't fault him for either quality. If anything, call him out on his "chain" wrestling.
That's like being the best player in the NBA D-League and being upset when you're forced to go to the real NBA and play in front of more than just the same 50 locals who show up every game.
Alternatively, it's like being upset about having to leave TNA to go to WWE.
And when he was actually leaving, you could hear the real wrasslin fans going "thank you bo! Thank you bo! Thank you bo!"
"Thank you AJ Lee For Finally Leaving Because You Suck" just doesn't chant that well.
Home from the beach. How was the Chikara show?
And when he was actually leaving, you could hear the real wrasslin fans going "thank you bo! Thank you bo! Thank you bo!"
According to one source, there was said to be strong interest from at least one sports channel in signing WWE before the company announced their new deal with NBCUniversal last week.
As the story goes, when the channel heard what WWE wanted in return, they immediately lost interest. Its being said that WWE greatly overplayed their hand in negotiations from the word go, resulting in a lack of legitimate bids from other networks.
The perception within the television industry is that WWE is basically cheap programming that will help a station with ratings.
The AJ Lee/Paige feud is going to be haaaawt once AJ comes back and Paige gets past Alisha Fox.
From the Observer
I'm still not sure why WWE is perceived as cheap programming. When you pull in the numbers they do week after week so consistently, that argument doesn't really hold up.
From the Observer
I'm still not sure why WWE is perceived as cheap programming. When you pull in the numbers they do week after week so consistently, that argument doesn't really hold up.
Because the majority of WWE viewers are low income/low education households and not very intersting to advertisers.
Because the majority of WWE viewers are low income/low education households and not very intersting to advertisers.
The AJ Lee/Paige feud is going to be haaaawt once AJ comes back and Paige gets past Alisha Fox.
Fox did something AJ couldn't do
She broke boundaries.
Fox couldn't lace up AJ's Chuck Taylors!
RIP Kobald, 1912-2014