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May Wrasslin' |OT2| Where the Big Boys Play

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Weirder things have happened. For instance, some people actually think AJ Lee is attractive.


I am astoundingly confused as to why there are

A: Two hardcams
B: Cameras opposite each other and clearly in each other's viewpoint

I'm done nitpicking wheeee



I am astoundingly confused as to why there are

A: Two hardcams
B: Cameras opposite each other and clearly in each other's viewpoint

I'm done nitpicking wheeee

I'm sure somewhere there's someone arguing that it's done on purpose to tie into the overarching storyline, the payoff will come sometime in 2017.


NXT is so terrible. Nothing on it makes any sense. Why would Bo Dallas care about losing a loser leaves town match when losing it means he gets to leave this bingo hall and go to WWE? This shitty show is like WWE's version of Thursday Thunder.

Why would Bo care about being kicked off of the show that he was the longest reigning champ on? Is this a real question?


Why would Bo care about being kicked off of the show that he was the longest reigning champ on? Is this a real question?

That's like being the best player in the NBA D-League and being upset when you're forced to go to the real NBA and play in front of more than just the same 50 locals who show up every game.

Alternatively, it's like being upset about having to leave TNA to go to WWE.


I can't make these matches of the year lists like y'all. While I can remember "I know I enjoyed this while I watched", I barely remember the matches themselves.

I guess I should have a notepad file open so I can update lists on the fly. My brain alone can't do it.


Holy fuck, the chikara game is a horrible recreation of a beatemup in the same manner that a Quack match is a horrible recreation of lucha mat wrestling


I honestly believe Mike Quackenbush suffers from some form of megalomania.

Listen to his Colt interview for more proof of this, or to be inspired. He knows how to get people fired up and is a really passionate dude. Can't fault him for either quality. If anything, call him out on his "chain" wrestling.


Listen to his Colt interview for more proof of this, or to be inspired. He knows how to get people fired up and is a really passionate dude. Can't fault him for either quality. If anything, call him out on his "chain" wrestling.

We can do both!


I still really admire the guy for putting so much of himself into something, even if he's made decisions that don't always make financial sense. He's implied he'd rather do something he loves and have 100 other people really love it than sell out and have thousands like it.


That's like being the best player in the NBA D-League and being upset when you're forced to go to the real NBA and play in front of more than just the same 50 locals who show up every game.

Alternatively, it's like being upset about having to leave TNA to go to WWE.

Sentimentality. He likes it there because it was his home/he was the champ there for a long time and he's being forced to leave it. Or:

Humiliation. He's leaving not because he's ready to (though he may be) or he wants to (though he may), but because he lost to a competitor whom he considers beneath himself while the NXT crowd booed him on his way out, which finally broke his delusion and he reacted. Or:

Tantrum. Bo Dallas is a sore loser and wants to lash out at the crowd so they feel as bad as he does and "You all stink!" is the best he can come up with. He doesn't care about NXT, he cares about winning not being a loser.

Three fairly evident possibilities. Don't know why anyone would complain about this of all things. All it does is add a bit of depth to a character that lacked it for a long time. And it satisfyingly pays off a heel's long-term character arc. We should be encouraging more writing like that from the WWE.
From the Observer

According to one source, there was said to be strong interest from at least one sports channel in signing WWE before the company announced their new deal with NBCUniversal last week.

As the story goes, when the channel heard what WWE wanted in return, they immediately lost interest. It’s being said that WWE greatly overplayed their hand in negotiations from the word “go,” resulting in a lack of legitimate bids from other networks.

The perception within the television industry is that WWE is basically cheap programming that will help a station with ratings.

I'm still not sure why WWE is perceived as cheap programming. When you pull in the numbers they do week after week so consistently, that argument doesn't really hold up.


So not worth it
From the Observer

I'm still not sure why WWE is perceived as cheap programming. When you pull in the numbers they do week after week so consistently, that argument doesn't really hold up.

Because the majority of WWE viewers are low income/low education households and not very intersting to advertisers.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Because the majority of WWE viewers are low income/low education households and not very intersting to advertisers.

Counterpoint: NASCAR got a much better deal with practically identical demographics. The stigma is not entirely justified and they've done a good job cleaning up the product since then...but advertisers still don't care.
The AJ Lee/Paige feud is going to be haaaawt once AJ comes back and Paige gets past Alisha Fox.

It'll be even better because AJ will feel fresh again after taking the time off. If anything could get the crowd into a women's feud a la Trish/Lita, it'll be AJ and Paige.


Watching clash of the Champions and they announce a match where three cages are stacked on top of each other. Have they really done that? The tower of doom?
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